I N S P I R A T I O N : Treasure Planet, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Guardians of the Galaxy.

Eight outcasts were forced to form an alliance — A CREW. They were given a spaceship [ THE FIREFLY ] and their orders are to complete missions given to them by the High Council. Some missions were piece of cake such as stealing an artifact or locating an item or a person. Other missions were a bit more tricky, such as finding a secret organization or capturing a criminal. Normally, they completed the missions without too much trouble, but their last mission had gone terribly wrong. One of their crew members — Rumi — had gone missing in a search for a key that a dangerous man — Tarkan Demhir — possessed.
Now, the other seven are searching for her, putting their next mission on hold which is starting to piss off the impatient members of the High Council. But the crew refuses to give up until they've found her, whether she's dead or alive. However, they can only postpone their current mission for so long, and who is going to face the High Council's punishment if they still haven't completed their mission by the end of the month?
Eventually, they'll get to know each other. They will become A FAMILY, and they will have each other's backs.
Now, the other seven are searching for her, putting their next mission on hold which is starting to piss off the impatient members of the High Council. But the crew refuses to give up until they've found her, whether she's dead or alive. However, they can only postpone their current mission for so long, and who is going to face the High Council's punishment if they still haven't completed their mission by the end of the month?
Eventually, they'll get to know each other. They will become A FAMILY, and they will have each other's backs.

As for this season, we will play the members of the crew. EIGHT CREW MEMBERS. Preferably four females and four males, so the balance will be 50/50 once we find Rumi. Feel free to write which gender you'd be comfortable playing, whether it's one or both, when you express your interest down below!
Each member of the crew is an outcast. Their backstory is entirely up to you. So is their personality. But they all need to have some sort of SKILL SET or POWER that makes them valuable — an asset — to the crew, but also to the High Council. They also need to be somewhat humanoid. And they need to be either female or male. Whether or not they grew up on Creon or originate from another planet is up to you, but they need to have ended up on Creon at some point. We can go deeper into character-building once we have all the players.
You must be willing to include/play other characters as the roleplay progresses, such as merchants, hunters, waitresses, criminals, High Council members, space pirates, etc! We will focus mostly on developing the crew members, but in order to find Nebula, they must ask around and visit places. It would be nice if everyone could help out and make sure this will be a fun and memorable roleplay for all parties involved. Should you not be comfortable playing multiple characters, don't worry, it won't be for long! Should you be willing to take on a side character from the get-go, let me know! That way we can use that character in future seasons and scenes!

➤ Post length : Minimum 2 paragraphs per post, past / present tense. Third person only.
➤ Face claims : Realistic artwork.
➤ Characters : One crew member and as many side characters as you want (NPCs don't count)
➤ Smut : Fade to black in public threads. Keep the smut to PMs. Don't let it create too much drama within the crew. Focus on other things.
➤ God modding : Not allowed. You control your own character(s) and that's it. (NPCs don't count)
➤ Plotting : Highly encouraged. Include everyone, but do not force things.
➤ Visuals : Feel free to add images to your posts, but keep them SFW, please.
➤ Activity : At least once a week unless something else is agreed.
If you are interested, please post below ♡

@Khira - female crew member
@sky. - male crew member (+ female crew member)
@Zavaya - female crew member
@Kosmik_Khaos - female crew member
@Lilly Lou - male crew member
@Fool - male crew member
@Devils Temptation - male crew member
4 f / 4 m crew members
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