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Fx Male A Blue Request Thread - Slice of Life


Jul 29, 2023
Hi there,

I'm Steph and I live in Wales. I've been writing and roleplaying most of my adult life. I work full time but I will try to send posts/replies at least three times a week. Life happens (as does a mental health dip) so if time goes on, drop me a message to see what's going on.

I'm looking for detailed roleplay partners to play male characters opposite my female character. I only enjoy slice of life roleplays but with a slight forbidden edge, just a situation where the characters hide their feelings/relationship. I do enjoy a slow burn where we can explore the tension but I also like to get to the smut. I enjoy a healthy 50/50 split between smut and plot. I enjoy the smut but I also like detailed characters with arcs and backstories and I like to have a plot. And please ensure your posts contain good spelling/grammar. I'm sorry, bad spelling is a pet peeve of mine and I find it difficult to ignore. The occasional typo is fine, I know they happen.

I only write in third person, past tense. The length obviously varies depending on context. If I am establishing a new scene, I will include as much detail as is necessary. However, if it's a scene with a lot of dialogue, the posts will be shorter as long as there is some narrative/thoughts alongside the speech. I don't expect my partner to describe wallpaper in detail just to hit a word count.

I like to share short character sheets beforehand, just character names, face claims, ages, occupations, that kind of thing. I know we usually explore the characters in the roleplay itself but I like a starting point.

My preferred pairing is one with age gaps (even just a couple of years) and I play the younger character. I usually play early twenties but I don't play characters under 21. No exceptions.

No bribery/blackmail/infidelity plots. No exceptions.

I do have a list of celebrity face claims for your character and my character. They're ones I've used for a while now and I'm comfortable using them so I would like to use face claims from that list if possible. For reference, I've put them in a google doc that can be found here.

Now for the fun part: Pairings/Plots

I particularly like characters with instant and intense chemistry/attraction.

Currently Craving: I really am craving a Brother's Best Friend plot. But I think I'd like it where MC doesn't know YC is friends with her brother. Perhaps you're friends through work or university and we haven't met yet? We start dating and there's some kind of event where we figure out you're friends with my brother? I don't mean where MC invites YC to meet her family. Perhaps her brother hosts a dinner at his house and invites YC as his friend and that's where we figure out you know each other?

1. This one is a bit vague so stay with me, though it is one I'm excited to play. Our characters meet on a dating app or perhaps a meet cute in a bar or something. They have instant chemistry and they're super attracted to each other. They have a whirlwind romance. They do everything together, even go on weekend getaways. They probably aren't introducing each other to friends and family yet but they're super into each other. And then they realise who each other really is and it's a complicated situation. What I mean is: perhaps YC is MC's teacher or MC's dad is YC's boss. Something along those lines. So, this plot could work with several of my suggested pairings. I think this plot could also work if our characters met on vacation and when they return to the 'real world', they figure out who the other is?

2. Both of our characters are famous, perhaps actors, and they're filming a tv show/movie together where their characters are in a relationship. The producers suggest YC and MC pretend to be dating to kind of boost ratings and gossip about the show. I think this would work best if our characters started off disliking each other. (Think along the lines of the movie 'The Proposal').

3. MC and YC meet at a mutual friend's birthday party. They hit it off right away, love/lust at first sight. They spend night together and plan to go on a date the following week. MC starts a new job and during the orientation, she's introduced to the owner/CEO: YC.

4. YC and MC meet at university and hit it off. They start a relationship and it's very passionate and intense. Their friends are jealous and they eventually elope and get married though they keep it just between themselves. They don't tell anybody. Before they graduate, they break up but they don't get divorced. A few years later, mutual friends from college are getting married (YC is the best man and MC is the maid of honour) and they reunite and realise their feelings never fully went away.

5. YC and MC meet and have an instant connection. The attraction and feelings we have for each other are intense and passionate. However, before we can meet each other's families, MC's mother arranges a dinner to introduce MC to her new boyfriend who is YC's father. They don't tell their parents that they've been dating and agree to break up. However, it proves difficult to stay away from each other. The wedding is coming up and emotions are running high.

YC is MC's brother's best friend (I'm channeling Monica and Chandler from Friends)
Coworkers (For this, I'm thinking something along the lines of Jake/Amy from Brooklyn Nine Nine)
Best Friends
Step siblings - However, I would be rather picky on how we laid out the plot. I think I would really only enjoy this if our characters were kind of already dating but before they can introduce each other to their parents, the parents announce their own relationship so our characters already have a history and connection.

I have an F list for reference.

Can't wait to hear from you!
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