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Fx Male Looking for Monsters and My Hero Academia


Sep 10, 2020
Hello, hello!
  • My name's Ryuki and I'm in my mid-30s. Been RPing about 20 years now. (Ugh, wow. That's a lot.)
  • I live in the CST timezone and tend to RP randomly through the day.
  • When I'm manically into RPing, I can shoot off multiple posts a day.
  • When I'm not manically into RPing, I might need a bit more time between posts, but it'll only be 1-2 days.
  • I'd prefer to play a female character, but you can convince me to play a male.

What I Do
What I Want
What I Don't Want
3rd Person Past Tense RPer
3-5+ Paragraphs - about 300+ word count
PM Only
Often replies daily
Preferring M/NB x F​
Willing to do M x M, but it depends on my mood.
Willing to Double/Multi
Will not use faceclaims or pic references​
Unless I drew it myself.
Ditch-Friendly / Ghost-Friendly
Open to poly relationships in RP
Plays voluptuous, chubby, thick, etc women​
Willing to play some male canons for fandom RPs.
Emotional struggles/arcs
Sexual tension
Monsters / Aliens / Non-Humans

Antagonistic dynamics
Plot > Smut
A bit of planning before we jump in
3-5+ Paragraphs​
Give me something to work with.
Characters aged 24 and up.​
I will likely play late 20s and up.
Partners who able to post once daily to every few days.​
I'll reply after long delays, since I know shit happens,
but if posts are habitually 5+ days apart, I lose interest.
Sorry. >_<
No intense feelings of love after a sex, either.
Developing feelings = Wonderful
Suddenly in love just because the character got some = No
Threads or Discord
Characters under 24
F*ta / C*ntboys​
I will happily play as or against a trans woman or trans man or a
non-binary person, if you'd like, but I'm not interested in
fetishistic portrayals.
High School Settings
1 Man x Many Lovers
Vomit / Scat / Vore​

Non-Verbal Characters​
Not a complete no, just a hard sell.
It's very hard to get this trait right in an RP.

Some super basic ideas for us to build on:
I tend to have basic plot ideas for most of these.
Feel free to pick and choose.
⭐️ = current interest/craving

  • non-human x human ⭐⭐
  • boss x employee
  • (fictional) celeb x non-celeb
  • college professor x college student
  • superhero x villain
  • superhero x superhero
  • villain x reporter
  • gods (usually in modern day)
  • arranged marriage ⭐
  • stranded on an island ⭐
  • stranded on a planet ⭐
(modern, medieval, or a mix of time periods)​
  • anthro/beastman x human ⭐
    • canines are fave
    • interested in gnolls or hyenas
    • maybe raccoons or tanukis
  • conqueror x conquered
  • dragon x human
  • orc x human ⭐
  • troll x human
  • demon x human
  • knight x royalty ⭐
    • maybe something about an opposing kingdom’s knight?
  • knight x peasant ⭐
  • lord x maid
  • fairy tale inspired
    • Red Riding Hood
    • Beauty and the Beast
  • pirate x captive
  • captor x captive
  • monster dad x human

Science Fiction:
  • lab subject/robot/android x scientist/worker/etc ⭐
  • robot/android x human ⭐
  • space outlaw x bounty hunter
  • alien x human ⭐
  • post-apocalyptic
    • aliens, zombies, whatever

Pirate Captain x Hostage
YC is a pirate captain that kidnaps MC on her wedding day. YC could hold her for ransom or offer her a place on his ship, just because. Can be seafaring or outer space.

MC could want to willingly stay with the crew or be held against her will for a time.

Just a general adventure set-up. Running away from mercenaries her family paid to hunt her down. Finding buried treasure. Whatever other misadventures a (space)pirate genre can get up to. lol​

Priest x Succubus
(one of the few I'll play a non-human; very selective)

YC gets targeted by MC, a succubus, for whatever reason. I imagine she’ll flirt and be seductive, push his buttons, but her aim is to break his resolve.

YC would have some holy sway. Why he doesn’t entirely banish/exorcise MC from his life is another question.​

Orc x Human (1)
MC is kidnapped by YC during a raid. Turns out, YC has a kid (or two?) at home that he needs MC to care for them.

YC could "reward" MC with sex or heavy petting, despite MC's protests, because of orc culture (like sex is a high-tier reward for a well done job or something.)

Or we can make it more tame and just have our characters grow fond of each other slowly. Maybe some casual sex thrown in when they get comfortable with each other.​

Orc x Human
YC is the leader of an army that has overtaken MC's country. YC plans to impregnate MC to solidify the hold of their reign over MC's country, but YC wants MC to be a willing participant because (reasons we can figure out.)

MC will plot to run away or maybe save her country from YC, while YC is trying to woo/seduce/whatever you want to call it.​

Celebrity!Incubus x Human
YC is an actor or musician of some sort; someone with fans they can suck energy from. (Not always kill them.) MC could be a low-key fan, someone who doesn't like the celebrity, a writer (if YC is a movie star,) a personal assistant, etc.​

Relaxation Technician (Android or Human x Spaceship Captain/Spaceship Crew)

Relaxation Techs are necessary for long-form space exploration! They specialize in massage, relaxing music, and more! The more mostly including the release of sexual tension and frustration in the crew.

Could just be specific for the Captain, a particular member, or the entire Crew.

Relaxation Techs could be a high-ticket item, risking abduction or kidnapping at stations or by space pirates.

4.0 GPA (Professor x College Student)

The college student is mid-20s to early-30s. Maybe she was late into the college scene, maybe she's gone back to school for a different degree. She's doing pretty well in the class, but she's not getting that 4.0 GPA she wants.

One day, she approaches the professor with a proposition: she offers sex in exchange for extra credit.

From here, it can be flirtatious teasing and sneaking around while engaging in more sex.

Or suggest a scenario.

Heck, send me a starter right off the bat. If I'm interested, I'll reply OOC to clarify anything or immediately reply.
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