- Joined
- Dec 24, 2019
Hello all! I hope anyone and everyone reading this is having a good day in our crazy reality. Below you can find a little about me, my writing style, and how I approach writing. Feel free to peruse, and if you think we'd be a good match, let me know!
Kink Wise:
TV Plots
X-Men 97
Star Trek
The Quick & Dirty Comic Book List
In an effort to figure out all the different comic book pairings I'm interested in playing, I created a Master List. This list is seperated into a few sections and has a Marvel and a Dc area.
This list has no plots. This is just a massive directory of pairings and people I'm interested in playing.
Dc Comics
Marvel Comics
Misc Comic Books
DnD Corner
Multiple Character Fandom Plots
Here you can find a collection of plots that have a bigger premise to them. Plots that involve playing multiple fandom characters and are high story ideas. Even with big plots (and multiple characters), I still am primarily a romance writer, and these characters will still be hooking up between the action and adventure.
Also this is all still Canon/Canon
Disney Corner
Anime/Cartoon Related
Moving into the cartoon side of things….
Video Games
You can call me T! I go by he/him pronouns. I prefer Discord (Or Here) as the platform we write on, and my availability is at least once a week and more. I'm always open to communicating with my partners and letting them reply when possible. I typically aim for 200-300 words in a reply. I usually don't go lower than two hundred. Unless it's more of a back of forth dialogue type thing. Details are super important to me from my partner, so I do my best to give them myself. I tend to give more if I'm getting more if that makes sense.
I run my replies through Grammarly before I post them (including these request posts!), so at the very least, I hope my post is grammatically correct (*chuckle*). I write in the third person/past tense style. What I look for regarding my partner is someone that gets invested in a story, likes putting details in, and is open to the idea of adult themes and content enhancing a story and romance and not being a detriment to the work. I enjoy writing erotica and feel it enhances the narrative.
I'm looking for someone who feels the same way. In return, I put a lot into my stories and ideas to make them as thrilling and engaging as possible.I can't stress that enough. I'm looking for partners interested in crafting a long-term story, world-building, and don't shy away from the adult aspects.
I put a lot of work into my writing, and this is both a hobby and a passion for me. Even if I primarily do fandom writing, these characters are significant to me. If you're the type to ghost more often than not, please think twice about messaging me and wasting my time.
I run my replies through Grammarly before I post them (including these request posts!), so at the very least, I hope my post is grammatically correct (*chuckle*). I write in the third person/past tense style. What I look for regarding my partner is someone that gets invested in a story, likes putting details in, and is open to the idea of adult themes and content enhancing a story and romance and not being a detriment to the work. I enjoy writing erotica and feel it enhances the narrative.
I'm looking for someone who feels the same way. In return, I put a lot into my stories and ideas to make them as thrilling and engaging as possible.I can't stress that enough. I'm looking for partners interested in crafting a long-term story, world-building, and don't shy away from the adult aspects.
I put a lot of work into my writing, and this is both a hobby and a passion for me. Even if I primarily do fandom writing, these characters are significant to me. If you're the type to ghost more often than not, please think twice about messaging me and wasting my time.
Kink Wise:
In an effort to bullet point this, I'm going to include the things I must have at the top, things I'm interested in, and things that are a no. Its worth saying that this might change as my taste or current mood changes. So if you see something in the bullet point and you want to know more, scroll down and you'll find an accompanying explanation behind it.
So, as of 9/19:
Romance: At this time, I'm a little burned out on Dub-Con and Non-Con. I'm a little more okay with dub-con, but I'm really here to write romance stories and that's where my heart is. I love the sweetness accompanied by the kinky stuff. I love to play guys who are utterly adoring of their girl. To that end, I'm not really interested in multiple lover stories either. My guys are very much "One Girl/One Focus" and won't even bat an eye at anyone else who walks by. There might be "some" exceptions to that down the line (I have had some great two males one female stories) but for the most part this dance will be one on one.
Picture Refs:
Dominant Alpha Males: They like to be in control. Sometimes I even play with elements of them being able to give mate marks, glands, and the like. I think it's fun when they go into ruts and have to have their women. Typically I'm "Daddy" minded though my guys could also be "Sir", or just "Dom". It all depends on what my partner is into. Even if Dominance isn't at play, my guys can still be expected to like to be in charge. Unless the story calls for something else. If you like hunky guys who are self assured in the world then I'm your guy.
Picture Refs:
Clothing Details: I'm fine with pictures somewhat but I prefer to have a picture painted. Seeing it is nice but its so much better to have it described. To hear something like "The blue dress accented her breasts and showed off her long legs" VS "She wore a blue dress". I love visual treats! I love knowing how something fits on your girl and the like. I'm here to be mentally turned on and I try and provide the same. For example:
"He wore a bespoke black suit that showed off his broad shoulders and hinted at the biceps underneath. He smiled at her and the corners of his plump and kissable lips twisted up. He brought his large hands up, adjusting his silver cufflinks as he approached her with swagger."
Clothing help sell foreplay in my opinion.
Note: There are so many different styles of clothing out there that fit all sorts of types and themes. That's why there are no pic references for this one.
Lingerie & Thongs: I love lingerie on a woman. Its hotter to me for the two of them to fuck with clothing on and or lingerie. Above all else, thongs are a big love of mine. Yes I know that's specific but its a request all the same and I try to accommodate and compromise with those willing to make that their ladies go to panty of choice. We all have our kinks eh?
Pic References:
Obsession: I love playing characters who are obsessed with one another! Even if that obsession goes into dark avenues and places. Characters blowing up each others phones, jealousy over nothing, flirting with the edges of taboo just because it's so much fucking fun and they can't get enough of each other. The king that would burn the whole world down just to get the women he wants and the woman who would ask him to just because it turns her on. Give me your most depraved and obsessive characters.
Pic Reference:
Possessiveness: Like I said before, my guys are very one women minded. So, possessiveness comes with it. Again this can be normal levels or as dark as you want it to be. My guys tend to get very possesive during sex and will use verbaige like "You're mine." and "No one else can have you.". They often "fuck" to ruin their love interests. I like possessiveness in their love interests as well. Again taken to whatever extreme you want.
Pic Reference:
Public Sex: The Level of this is really based on comfort level slash what my partner is okay with. However, most of my guys enjoy some form of public sex. Even if it's just risque fun in an alleyway or doing it in a car. Of course, I'm also not against the more extreme ideas of public sex or even having an audience...
Pic Reference:
Monsters: Heck yeah! I love to play monstrous characters. Either a person who can change into a beast or a monster character. My taste still runs toward romantic as before, but who doesn't love a pretty little elf girl entering an alliance that leads to hot and steamy fun between said elf princess and a beast kind. I'm okay with playing "most" kind of monsters but again be aware that romance is still a must. It has to make sense that these people can have a real relationship.
Inhuman/unnatural cocks: Honestly, I try to add this whenever possible. Knotted cocks, Bulbous cocks, uncut cocks, ect ect. I usually play very well-endowed men (there's nothing more fun than writing about a thick droopy cock), but bonus points if that cock isn't a normal cock.
High Sex Drive: I don't do a whole plot-to-smut ratio. To me, sex is a fun part of the story and does enhance it. I've mentioned above that I'm not really into slow burns, non-con, and dub-con. I do want to say that I will do Slow Burn. It's just not my preferred. Blame it on all those TV shows we grew up with where it would take four seasons just for someone to get together, and then you'd only have one season of the hot, warm stuff! For the right story, I could be convinced to do Slow Burn, BUT almost all of my guys enjoy sex and have a high sex drive. I don't think this prevents us from having a very good and compelling story, and I'm confident in my own writing and ability to give you a good story. I have in the past called several of my characters "Male Sluts" though they're a one-woman male slut, you may find yourself paired with a guy who freely admits and enjoys sex.
Mating: It probably comes to the surprise of no one that I enjoy: biological needs to mate and imprint themes. I've talked up above about dark obsessions and unhealthy love. I genuinely enjoy playing characters who are fated/destined to imprint. Men who only have one girl who is their perfect fit, and when they find them, it's like a spark of fire across their souls. Usually there's some form of mate marks involved, and as per what I stated above, there is also a biological need to have sex on top of it.
"Forward" Women: Ladies, I love flirting (with your character), I love giving fuck me eyes across the room, I love complimenting her, and I love dirty innuendo's. You know what I also love? Getting that kind of stuff back! And I feel that's something I don't get a lot or enough. So, I will love you forever if you play a character who doesn't mind giving as good as she gets. Who one minute is getting fuck me eyes and the next is giving them back. Who tells me exactly where I can stick my characters dick and how much she would love it. I know how much you guys like to be chased by men but we guys like a little chasing our selves.
So, as of 9/19:
Must Haves- Green Means Go
1. Clothing descriptions (What your character is wearing)
2. Lingerie ( "Some" kind of thong wear is a must)
3. Alpha Males (Dominant or otherwise)
4. Romance!
5. Public Sex
Interested In
1. Obsession (Moved to Must Haves)
2. Possessiveness (Moved To Must Haves)
3. Monsters
4. Different Cocks
5. Dominance
6. Pregnancy
7. Rough and dirty sex
8. "Forward" Women
9. High Sex Drive
10. Mating
No's- Red Light, Red Light!
1. Non-Con
2. The usual No's (Toilet stuff mostly)
The Must Haves Explained In Greater Detail:
1. Clothing descriptions (What your character is wearing)
2. Lingerie ( "Some" kind of thong wear is a must)
3. Alpha Males (Dominant or otherwise)
4. Romance!
5. Public Sex
Interested In
1. Obsession (Moved to Must Haves)
2. Possessiveness (Moved To Must Haves)
3. Monsters
4. Different Cocks
5. Dominance
6. Pregnancy
7. Rough and dirty sex
8. "Forward" Women
9. High Sex Drive
10. Mating
No's- Red Light, Red Light!
1. Non-Con
2. The usual No's (Toilet stuff mostly)
The Must Haves Explained In Greater Detail:
Romance: At this time, I'm a little burned out on Dub-Con and Non-Con. I'm a little more okay with dub-con, but I'm really here to write romance stories and that's where my heart is. I love the sweetness accompanied by the kinky stuff. I love to play guys who are utterly adoring of their girl. To that end, I'm not really interested in multiple lover stories either. My guys are very much "One Girl/One Focus" and won't even bat an eye at anyone else who walks by. There might be "some" exceptions to that down the line (I have had some great two males one female stories) but for the most part this dance will be one on one.
Picture Refs:
Dominant Alpha Males: They like to be in control. Sometimes I even play with elements of them being able to give mate marks, glands, and the like. I think it's fun when they go into ruts and have to have their women. Typically I'm "Daddy" minded though my guys could also be "Sir", or just "Dom". It all depends on what my partner is into. Even if Dominance isn't at play, my guys can still be expected to like to be in charge. Unless the story calls for something else. If you like hunky guys who are self assured in the world then I'm your guy.
Picture Refs:
Clothing Details: I'm fine with pictures somewhat but I prefer to have a picture painted. Seeing it is nice but its so much better to have it described. To hear something like "The blue dress accented her breasts and showed off her long legs" VS "She wore a blue dress". I love visual treats! I love knowing how something fits on your girl and the like. I'm here to be mentally turned on and I try and provide the same. For example:
"He wore a bespoke black suit that showed off his broad shoulders and hinted at the biceps underneath. He smiled at her and the corners of his plump and kissable lips twisted up. He brought his large hands up, adjusting his silver cufflinks as he approached her with swagger."
Clothing help sell foreplay in my opinion.
Note: There are so many different styles of clothing out there that fit all sorts of types and themes. That's why there are no pic references for this one.
Lingerie & Thongs: I love lingerie on a woman. Its hotter to me for the two of them to fuck with clothing on and or lingerie. Above all else, thongs are a big love of mine. Yes I know that's specific but its a request all the same and I try to accommodate and compromise with those willing to make that their ladies go to panty of choice. We all have our kinks eh?
Pic References:
Obsession: I love playing characters who are obsessed with one another! Even if that obsession goes into dark avenues and places. Characters blowing up each others phones, jealousy over nothing, flirting with the edges of taboo just because it's so much fucking fun and they can't get enough of each other. The king that would burn the whole world down just to get the women he wants and the woman who would ask him to just because it turns her on. Give me your most depraved and obsessive characters.
Pic Reference:
Possessiveness: Like I said before, my guys are very one women minded. So, possessiveness comes with it. Again this can be normal levels or as dark as you want it to be. My guys tend to get very possesive during sex and will use verbaige like "You're mine." and "No one else can have you.". They often "fuck" to ruin their love interests. I like possessiveness in their love interests as well. Again taken to whatever extreme you want.
Pic Reference:
Public Sex: The Level of this is really based on comfort level slash what my partner is okay with. However, most of my guys enjoy some form of public sex. Even if it's just risque fun in an alleyway or doing it in a car. Of course, I'm also not against the more extreme ideas of public sex or even having an audience...
Pic Reference:
The Interested In Explained In Greater Detail:
Monsters: Heck yeah! I love to play monstrous characters. Either a person who can change into a beast or a monster character. My taste still runs toward romantic as before, but who doesn't love a pretty little elf girl entering an alliance that leads to hot and steamy fun between said elf princess and a beast kind. I'm okay with playing "most" kind of monsters but again be aware that romance is still a must. It has to make sense that these people can have a real relationship.
Inhuman/unnatural cocks: Honestly, I try to add this whenever possible. Knotted cocks, Bulbous cocks, uncut cocks, ect ect. I usually play very well-endowed men (there's nothing more fun than writing about a thick droopy cock), but bonus points if that cock isn't a normal cock.
High Sex Drive: I don't do a whole plot-to-smut ratio. To me, sex is a fun part of the story and does enhance it. I've mentioned above that I'm not really into slow burns, non-con, and dub-con. I do want to say that I will do Slow Burn. It's just not my preferred. Blame it on all those TV shows we grew up with where it would take four seasons just for someone to get together, and then you'd only have one season of the hot, warm stuff! For the right story, I could be convinced to do Slow Burn, BUT almost all of my guys enjoy sex and have a high sex drive. I don't think this prevents us from having a very good and compelling story, and I'm confident in my own writing and ability to give you a good story. I have in the past called several of my characters "Male Sluts" though they're a one-woman male slut, you may find yourself paired with a guy who freely admits and enjoys sex.
Mating: It probably comes to the surprise of no one that I enjoy: biological needs to mate and imprint themes. I've talked up above about dark obsessions and unhealthy love. I genuinely enjoy playing characters who are fated/destined to imprint. Men who only have one girl who is their perfect fit, and when they find them, it's like a spark of fire across their souls. Usually there's some form of mate marks involved, and as per what I stated above, there is also a biological need to have sex on top of it.
"Forward" Women: Ladies, I love flirting (with your character), I love giving fuck me eyes across the room, I love complimenting her, and I love dirty innuendo's. You know what I also love? Getting that kind of stuff back! And I feel that's something I don't get a lot or enough. So, I will love you forever if you play a character who doesn't mind giving as good as she gets. Who one minute is getting fuck me eyes and the next is giving them back. Who tells me exactly where I can stick my characters dick and how much she would love it. I know how much you guys like to be chased by men but we guys like a little chasing our selves.
A Quick Note about Fandom Stuff
I'm not interested in Canon/OC right now. My list is for Canon/Canon. Let me know if any of these couples interest you and my requirements haven't scared you away! One thing I will say, however, is that you don't have to play the character perfectly from the comics or anything like that. As long as you know enough about the surface to give me your version of them, I'm down. What does your understanding of Lois Lane look like? Selina Kyle? Starfire? Ect ect. Come at me with your ideas!
I also want to state clearly that why I'm more minded to play Heroes (I've noticed that Heroine and Villains are a big drive for many people) doesn't mean they won't be kinky. I get the fun and appeal of being tied up and ruined by the story's villain, BUT my heroes are more than capable of having that sort of fun. Everyone male on my request thread (Even a hero as heroic as Superman) is a dominant, kinky, and romantic partner.
I also have a collection of Original Plots you can find here in my other request thread!
I'm not interested in Canon/OC right now. My list is for Canon/Canon. Let me know if any of these couples interest you and my requirements haven't scared you away! One thing I will say, however, is that you don't have to play the character perfectly from the comics or anything like that. As long as you know enough about the surface to give me your version of them, I'm down. What does your understanding of Lois Lane look like? Selina Kyle? Starfire? Ect ect. Come at me with your ideas!
I also want to state clearly that why I'm more minded to play Heroes (I've noticed that Heroine and Villains are a big drive for many people) doesn't mean they won't be kinky. I get the fun and appeal of being tied up and ruined by the story's villain, BUT my heroes are more than capable of having that sort of fun. Everyone male on my request thread (Even a hero as heroic as Superman) is a dominant, kinky, and romantic partner.
I also have a collection of Original Plots you can find here in my other request thread!
TV Plots
X-Men 97
NOTE: This contains spoilers for X-Men 97's latest episode. I know this is super early, but if you've seen the episode (or don't care about spoilers), look down below!
So! I'm interested in a What If Scenario that came to mind while watching this week's episode. Specifically, I would like to do a scenario where Scott chooses Madelyn Pryor and either leaves with her or stays in the mansion.
I like the idea that Scott, having had a life with this woman and having shared a child with her, chooses her instead of Jean. Meanwhile, Jean, who was brought back thanks to Logan admitting his true feelings for her and having her go into his mind to SEE how much he loves her, chooses to be with Logan.
In addition, I'd like to explore Rogue and Remy's relationship. I'd like to see them get together and maybe have Beast invent a smaller version of the inhibitor collar. I also think the two of them could have some…... fun playing around with her power limitations.
So! The pairings are:
Logan/Jean Gray
Scott/ Madelyn Pryor
And then if interested (or wanting to include more characters), we can figure out people for Beast and maybe even Morph!
So! I'm interested in a What If Scenario that came to mind while watching this week's episode. Specifically, I would like to do a scenario where Scott chooses Madelyn Pryor and either leaves with her or stays in the mansion.
I like the idea that Scott, having had a life with this woman and having shared a child with her, chooses her instead of Jean. Meanwhile, Jean, who was brought back thanks to Logan admitting his true feelings for her and having her go into his mind to SEE how much he loves her, chooses to be with Logan.
In addition, I'd like to explore Rogue and Remy's relationship. I'd like to see them get together and maybe have Beast invent a smaller version of the inhibitor collar. I also think the two of them could have some…... fun playing around with her power limitations.
So! The pairings are:
Logan/Jean Gray
Scott/ Madelyn Pryor
And then if interested (or wanting to include more characters), we can figure out people for Beast and maybe even Morph!
Star Trek
Plot 1: I am looking to do something in the Star Trek Online Era. I find that era of Trek Fascinating. I'm by no means a "Huge" Star Trek Online nerd and haven't even moved that deep into the story. So you also don't have to have a lot of knowledge on it.
I will be playing a Star Fleet Captain who intensly believes in the mission of Star Trek. At this point in the Trek universe, there's more and more of a push for the Federation and Star Fleet to engage in combat and a potential for war. My Star Fleet Captain hates all of that, so when he finds himself operating a smaller patrol ship instead of a science research craft he pitches a fit.
If you don't know Star Trek Online, one of the aspects of it is that you start in a small ship and work your way up. I'm looking to emulate that. So, we'll be in a Miranda and then move up through the ship classes. We'll be following the storyline from that game but again you don't have to know it. What I'm looking for is someone to play his second in command and love interest.
Plot 2: Trek and Fantasy combine in this one. Be warned that this would involve playing multiple characters as well. The idea is that a distress signal comes in from the far reaches of space. A wormhole has opened up and the signal is coming from within that wormhole. The signal implies that people need help on the other side and other vague omnious words.
Star Fleet sends MC Captain and his newly minted explorer ship through to the other side. When they arrive they find a massive space station called "The Ark". The Ark reveals that some intense cosmic event is happening that's going to kill everything in this qaundrant of the galaxy. The AI in the Ark wants their help saving all the races in this galaxy.
Now this edges into Prime Directive territory so MC Captain refuses. The ARK senses this is going to happen and shuts the wormhole, trapping them in an unknown galaxy. They can't simply warp out because of how far away they are. The Ark then makes them a deal that he'll open a wormhole on the other side of this galaxy but they have to help him save all intelligent life in this galaxy. The MC accepts (he was torn anyways) and they go about convincing the inhabitants of this galaxy to take to the stars and help those that don't have space capability.
And did I mention the inhabitants of this galaxy are fantasy esque people? Dragons in spaaaaaaace. If this interests you let me know!
I will be playing a Star Fleet Captain who intensly believes in the mission of Star Trek. At this point in the Trek universe, there's more and more of a push for the Federation and Star Fleet to engage in combat and a potential for war. My Star Fleet Captain hates all of that, so when he finds himself operating a smaller patrol ship instead of a science research craft he pitches a fit.
If you don't know Star Trek Online, one of the aspects of it is that you start in a small ship and work your way up. I'm looking to emulate that. So, we'll be in a Miranda and then move up through the ship classes. We'll be following the storyline from that game but again you don't have to know it. What I'm looking for is someone to play his second in command and love interest.
Plot 2: Trek and Fantasy combine in this one. Be warned that this would involve playing multiple characters as well. The idea is that a distress signal comes in from the far reaches of space. A wormhole has opened up and the signal is coming from within that wormhole. The signal implies that people need help on the other side and other vague omnious words.
Star Fleet sends MC Captain and his newly minted explorer ship through to the other side. When they arrive they find a massive space station called "The Ark". The Ark reveals that some intense cosmic event is happening that's going to kill everything in this qaundrant of the galaxy. The AI in the Ark wants their help saving all the races in this galaxy.
Now this edges into Prime Directive territory so MC Captain refuses. The ARK senses this is going to happen and shuts the wormhole, trapping them in an unknown galaxy. They can't simply warp out because of how far away they are. The Ark then makes them a deal that he'll open a wormhole on the other side of this galaxy but they have to help him save all intelligent life in this galaxy. The MC accepts (he was torn anyways) and they go about convincing the inhabitants of this galaxy to take to the stars and help those that don't have space capability.
And did I mention the inhabitants of this galaxy are fantasy esque people? Dragons in spaaaaaaace. If this interests you let me know!
I'm looking for someone to help me capture the fire and chemistry those two had in the show. It can either be set after the show, or we do our own AU and start at the beginning with their romance. I think I would prefer to start at the begining as we can capture that heat and chemistry from the offset but I am open to whatever my partner wants to do!
I'm looking for someone to help me capture the fire and chemistry those two had in the show. It can either be set after the show, or we do our own AU and start at the beginning with their romance. I think I would prefer to start at the begining as we can capture that heat and chemistry from the offset but I am open to whatever my partner wants to do!
Sansa/Tyrion Or Willas
I love Game of Thrones and it drives me mad how things ended with it. I'm mostly looking to do a "rewrite" of the last season. With Dany and Jon being together and Sansa finding someone in either Willas or Tyrion. This would be a happy ending type story where Dany and Jon end up ruling together, though how we get there remained to be seen!
Sansa/Tyrion Or Willas
I love Game of Thrones and it drives me mad how things ended with it. I'm mostly looking to do a "rewrite" of the last season. With Dany and Jon being together and Sansa finding someone in either Willas or Tyrion. This would be a happy ending type story where Dany and Jon end up ruling together, though how we get there remained to be seen!
The Quick & Dirty Comic Book List
In an effort to figure out all the different comic book pairings I'm interested in playing, I created a Master List. This list is seperated into a few sections and has a Marvel and a Dc area.
This list has no plots. This is just a massive directory of pairings and people I'm interested in playing.
Popular Pairings
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyle (Cat Woman)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Koriand’r (Starfire)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Olliver Queen (Green Arrow)/Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
Siggy/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Steve Trevor/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Barry Allen (the Flash)/Iris West
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)/Mera Of Xebel
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl)/Carter (Hawkman)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)/Rachel Roth (Raven)
Joker/Harley Quinn
Lesser Known
Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen (Cheshire)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Roy Harper/Donna Troy (Wonder Girl/Troia)
Wally West (Kid Flash/The Flash)/Artemis Crock
Scott Free (Mr. Miracle)/Big Barda
Tim Drake (Robin/Red Robin)/Stephanie Brown (Batgirl/Spoiler)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)/Traci Thirteen
Wild Cards
Jon Kent (Superboy/Superman)/Mary Marvel (Shazam)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Harley Quinn
Waylon (Killer Croc)/June (Enchantress)
Kate Kane (Bat Woman)/Renee Montoya (The Question)
Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern)/Soranik Natu (Green Lantern)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)/Hippolyta
David Cain/Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva)
Teth-Adam (Black Atom)/Isis
Rex (Metamorpho)/Sapphire Stagg
Tatsu Yamashiro(Katana)/Jefferson
Question/Helena Wayne Or Bertinelli (Huntress)
Adam Strange/Alanna
Emiko (Red Arrow)/Damian Wayne-Al Ghul (Robin)
Doctor Freeze/Nora
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate)/Inza
Kara Kent-Danvers (Supergirl)/Querl Dox (Braniac Five)
Billy Bastion (Shazam)/Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom)/Bette Souci (Plastique)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/ Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) [Incest]
Hank Hall (Hawk)/Dawn Granger (Dove)
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/ Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
John Stewart (Green Lantern)/Mari Jiwe McCabe (Vixen)
Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)/Tora Olafsdotter (Ice)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Maxima
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Artemis (Amazon)
Cisco Ramone (Vibe)/Cynthia (Gypsy)
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Alec Holland (Swamp Thing)
Fem Lex Luthor/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark (Super Woman)/Lex Luthor
Fem Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark Kent (Superwoman)/Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)/Fem Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)
Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)/ Fem Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
Open Pairings (No Specific Person)
Vic Stone (Cyborg)/Open
John Henry Irons (Steel)/Open
Nubia (Wonder Woman)/Open
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/Open
Komand’r (Blackfire)/Open
Kara Danvers (Power Girl)/Open
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Open
M’Gann M’orzz (Miss Martian)/Open
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)/Open
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot)/Open
Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang)/Open
J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter)/Open
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Open
Jim Gordon (Batman)/Open
Beatriz da Costa (Fire)/Open
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/Open
Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)/Open
Eel O'Brian (Plastic Man)/Open
Natasha Irons (Steel 2)/Open
Ruby Sokov (Red Lantern)/Open
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)/Open
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyle (Cat Woman)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Koriand’r (Starfire)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Olliver Queen (Green Arrow)/Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
Siggy/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Steve Trevor/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Barry Allen (the Flash)/Iris West
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)/Mera Of Xebel
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl)/Carter (Hawkman)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)/Rachel Roth (Raven)
Joker/Harley Quinn
Lesser Known
Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen (Cheshire)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Roy Harper/Donna Troy (Wonder Girl/Troia)
Wally West (Kid Flash/The Flash)/Artemis Crock
Scott Free (Mr. Miracle)/Big Barda
Tim Drake (Robin/Red Robin)/Stephanie Brown (Batgirl/Spoiler)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)/Traci Thirteen
Wild Cards
Jon Kent (Superboy/Superman)/Mary Marvel (Shazam)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Harley Quinn
Waylon (Killer Croc)/June (Enchantress)
Kate Kane (Bat Woman)/Renee Montoya (The Question)
Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern)/Soranik Natu (Green Lantern)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)/Hippolyta
David Cain/Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva)
Teth-Adam (Black Atom)/Isis
Rex (Metamorpho)/Sapphire Stagg
Tatsu Yamashiro(Katana)/Jefferson
Question/Helena Wayne Or Bertinelli (Huntress)
Adam Strange/Alanna
Emiko (Red Arrow)/Damian Wayne-Al Ghul (Robin)
Doctor Freeze/Nora
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate)/Inza
Kara Kent-Danvers (Supergirl)/Querl Dox (Braniac Five)
Billy Bastion (Shazam)/Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom)/Bette Souci (Plastique)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/ Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) [Incest]
Hank Hall (Hawk)/Dawn Granger (Dove)
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/ Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
John Stewart (Green Lantern)/Mari Jiwe McCabe (Vixen)
Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)/Tora Olafsdotter (Ice)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Maxima
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Artemis (Amazon)
Cisco Ramone (Vibe)/Cynthia (Gypsy)
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Alec Holland (Swamp Thing)
Fem Lex Luthor/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark (Super Woman)/Lex Luthor
Fem Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark Kent (Superwoman)/Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)/Fem Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)
Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)/ Fem Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
Open Pairings (No Specific Person)
Vic Stone (Cyborg)/Open
John Henry Irons (Steel)/Open
Nubia (Wonder Woman)/Open
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/Open
Komand’r (Blackfire)/Open
Kara Danvers (Power Girl)/Open
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Open
M’Gann M’orzz (Miss Martian)/Open
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)/Open
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot)/Open
Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang)/Open
J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter)/Open
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Open
Jim Gordon (Batman)/Open
Beatriz da Costa (Fire)/Open
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/Open
Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)/Open
Eel O'Brian (Plastic Man)/Open
Natasha Irons (Steel 2)/Open
Ruby Sokov (Red Lantern)/Open
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)/Open
Popular Pairings
Reed Richards (Mr.Fantastic)/Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane Watson (Spinerett)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
Logan Howlett (The Wolverine)/Ororo Monroe (Storm)
Thor Odinson (Thor)/Brunhilde (Valkyrie)
Hank Pym (Ant Man)/Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)
Scott Lang (Ant Man 2)/Hope Van Dyne (Wasp 2)
Vision/Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Remy LeBeau (Gambit)/Anna Marie (Rogue)
Luke Cage (Power Man)/Jessica Jones
Scott Summers (Cyclops)/Jean Gray (Marvel Girl)
Peter Quill (Star Lord)/Kitty Pryde (Shadow Cat)
Doctor Stephen Strange/Clea
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)/Elektra
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)/Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Sharon Carter
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)/Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird)
Lesser Known
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak) /Tandy Bowen (Dagger)
Danny Rand (Iron Fist)/Misty Knight
Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)/Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
Hank McCoy (Beast)/Abigail Brand
Madelyne Pryor (Goblin Queen)/Alex Summer (Havok)
Marc Spector (Moon Knight/ Greer Grant Nelson (Tigra)
Nico Robin (Sister Grim)/Megan Gwynn (Pixie
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Fem Tony (Iron Woman)
Fem Steve (Captain America)/Male Tony (Iron Man)
Wild Cards
Otto Octavius (Superior Spider-Man)/Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
X-23/ Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)
Nick Fury/Maria Hill
Miles Morales (Spider-Man)/Cindy Moon (Silk)
Jennifer Walters (She Hulk) /Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
America Chavez/Ramone Watts (Alloy)
Cassie Lang (Stature)/Nathanial Richards (Iron Lad)
Open Pairings (No Specific Person)
Jennifer Walters (She Hulk)/Open
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)/Open
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)/Open
Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)/Open
Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)/Open (Female Pairings)
Tommy Maximoff (Speed)/Open (Female Pairings)
Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider)/Open
Reed Richards (Mr.Fantastic)/Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane Watson (Spinerett)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
Logan Howlett (The Wolverine)/Ororo Monroe (Storm)
Thor Odinson (Thor)/Brunhilde (Valkyrie)
Hank Pym (Ant Man)/Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)
Scott Lang (Ant Man 2)/Hope Van Dyne (Wasp 2)
Vision/Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Remy LeBeau (Gambit)/Anna Marie (Rogue)
Luke Cage (Power Man)/Jessica Jones
Scott Summers (Cyclops)/Jean Gray (Marvel Girl)
Peter Quill (Star Lord)/Kitty Pryde (Shadow Cat)
Doctor Stephen Strange/Clea
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)/Elektra
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)/Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Sharon Carter
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)/Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird)
Lesser Known
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak) /Tandy Bowen (Dagger)
Danny Rand (Iron Fist)/Misty Knight
Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)/Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
Hank McCoy (Beast)/Abigail Brand
Madelyne Pryor (Goblin Queen)/Alex Summer (Havok)
Marc Spector (Moon Knight/ Greer Grant Nelson (Tigra)
Nico Robin (Sister Grim)/Megan Gwynn (Pixie
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Fem Tony (Iron Woman)
Fem Steve (Captain America)/Male Tony (Iron Man)
Wild Cards
Otto Octavius (Superior Spider-Man)/Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
X-23/ Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)
Nick Fury/Maria Hill
Miles Morales (Spider-Man)/Cindy Moon (Silk)
Jennifer Walters (She Hulk) /Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
America Chavez/Ramone Watts (Alloy)
Cassie Lang (Stature)/Nathanial Richards (Iron Lad)
Open Pairings (No Specific Person)
Jennifer Walters (She Hulk)/Open
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)/Open
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)/Open
Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)/Open
Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)/Open (Female Pairings)
Tommy Maximoff (Speed)/Open (Female Pairings)
Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider)/Open
Dc Comics
This is a big one for me and comes with some caveats. I am greatly interested in doing something with Joker and Harley. Preferably something that starts with them at Arkham and then moves to them being Joker and Harley Quinn together. My take on the Joker will still be evil in a lot of ways but there will be added emphasis on his "madness" and manic personality. He also will be UTTERLY devoted to Harley while still having an unhealthy obsession with Batman. Some of the kinks in this one might lean darker than my usual. However, at the heart of it it will be a love story. Joker will be absolutely and totally in love with Harley Quinn.
This is a big one for me and comes with some caveats. I am greatly interested in doing something with Joker and Harley. Preferably something that starts with them at Arkham and then moves to them being Joker and Harley Quinn together. My take on the Joker will still be evil in a lot of ways but there will be added emphasis on his "madness" and manic personality. He also will be UTTERLY devoted to Harley while still having an unhealthy obsession with Batman. Some of the kinks in this one might lean darker than my usual. However, at the heart of it it will be a love story. Joker will be absolutely and totally in love with Harley Quinn.
Sofia Gigante/Roman Sionis
This idea takes place within the Penguin/The Batman universe. I am looking for someone to play Sophia Falcone. I'm absolutely in love with the character. What I want to do involves her being in Arkham. I would love for her to meet Roman Sionis, A.K.A Black Mask during her time in Arkham. He would have been imprisoned in Arkham by his own father due to his obsession with masks and his violent tendencies. However, unlike Sophia, his father's claims will be truthful.
I see this as a romance between the two, with Roman and Sophia navigating those years under the corrupt thumb of a mental institution together. Please note that this story leans more on the darker side. How far it goes is something we can discuss. The actual pairing (IE, Sophia and Roman) will be a romance.
This idea takes place within the Penguin/The Batman universe. I am looking for someone to play Sophia Falcone. I'm absolutely in love with the character. What I want to do involves her being in Arkham. I would love for her to meet Roman Sionis, A.K.A Black Mask during her time in Arkham. He would have been imprisoned in Arkham by his own father due to his obsession with masks and his violent tendencies. However, unlike Sophia, his father's claims will be truthful.
I see this as a romance between the two, with Roman and Sophia navigating those years under the corrupt thumb of a mental institution together. Please note that this story leans more on the darker side. How far it goes is something we can discuss. The actual pairing (IE, Sophia and Roman) will be a romance.
The daughter of Vandal Savage and one of Apokalips own. The two of them have a very cute relationship in the comics and there's a lot of fun to have with their Bonnie and Clyde style criminal antics. I'm down with something involving the two of them already together or just getting together. I'd be more interested in being Scandal than Knockout but I could go either way.
The daughter of Vandal Savage and one of Apokalips own. The two of them have a very cute relationship in the comics and there's a lot of fun to have with their Bonnie and Clyde style criminal antics. I'm down with something involving the two of them already together or just getting together. I'd be more interested in being Scandal than Knockout but I could go either way.
Idea 1: Oliver & Dinah meet through crime fighting antics. They hit it off instantly and tumble into bed together. After that, events in the city and the rise of a new supervillain have them teaming up while also navigating their newfound relationship.
Idea 2: Oliver & Dinah meet in the Justice League. Dinah needs his help with something (A lot like the cartoon episode) and they hit it off. They split their time between Star City and the League stuff while navigating their new relationship.
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Face Claim For Oliver Queen
Idea 1: Oliver & Dinah meet through crime fighting antics. They hit it off instantly and tumble into bed together. After that, events in the city and the rise of a new supervillain have them teaming up while also navigating their newfound relationship.
Idea 2: Oliver & Dinah meet in the Justice League. Dinah needs his help with something (A lot like the cartoon episode) and they hit it off. They split their time between Star City and the League stuff while navigating their new relationship.
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Face Claim For Oliver Queen
Idea 1: Billy and Courtney end up in the same college. They have a chance meeting in the library or something and instantly hit it off (NOTE: For this, I’d like Number Eight on my Interested In). They hit it off and the vibes and chemistry are there. At this point neither of them know the other is a superhero. They then meet in costume and there are similar vibes. How long will this go on before they find out about the other? This can go a number of ways (also fine with them finding out right away) and is aimed to be more a light hearted College SOL with superheroes attached.
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Face Claim For Young Adult Billy Bastion
Idea 1: Billy and Courtney end up in the same college. They have a chance meeting in the library or something and instantly hit it off (NOTE: For this, I’d like Number Eight on my Interested In). They hit it off and the vibes and chemistry are there. At this point neither of them know the other is a superhero. They then meet in costume and there are similar vibes. How long will this go on before they find out about the other? This can go a number of ways (also fine with them finding out right away) and is aimed to be more a light hearted College SOL with superheroes attached.
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Face Claim For Young Adult Billy Bastion
Idea 1: So this idea of Sig and Diana does start with a little pre-comic book lore. Basically, all you need to know is that for a period of time Diana was trapped in Valhalla and that’s where she met Siggy and fell in love with him. After she left but he promised to come and find her. Eventually (maybe a year after this) he manages to convince Odin to give him a boon and let him come back to Earth as the “Wonder Man” representing Norse Mythology. He of course beelines right to Diana so they can be together.
The things they investigate and fight together would be of a more magical nature. I also don’t think their gods forbid them from seeing each other or anything. I’m also interested in seeing SOL stuff. I like the idea of Siggy’s fun loving nature helping Diana embrace the modern world more. I like the idea of them wearing couple T-Shirts, Doing Photo Booth stuff, and other cute stuff. He gives her a reason to live basically.
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Face Claim for Siggy
Idea 1: So this idea of Sig and Diana does start with a little pre-comic book lore. Basically, all you need to know is that for a period of time Diana was trapped in Valhalla and that’s where she met Siggy and fell in love with him. After she left but he promised to come and find her. Eventually (maybe a year after this) he manages to convince Odin to give him a boon and let him come back to Earth as the “Wonder Man” representing Norse Mythology. He of course beelines right to Diana so they can be together.
The things they investigate and fight together would be of a more magical nature. I also don’t think their gods forbid them from seeing each other or anything. I’m also interested in seeing SOL stuff. I like the idea of Siggy’s fun loving nature helping Diana embrace the modern world more. I like the idea of them wearing couple T-Shirts, Doing Photo Booth stuff, and other cute stuff. He gives her a reason to live basically.
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Face Claim for Siggy
Idea 1: Pure classic Bat & Cat. Three years into his career and people don’t know if he’s real or not. Selina is doing her Selina thing and pilfering ill gotten gains. They cross path and the game of cat and mouse begins! One thing for this, I would like it if it also extended to their personal life. IE I think Selina and Bruce should be interacting as Selina and Bruce and getting further entangled with each other. Dual life’s mean dual romance.
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Idea 2: Something later in their career. Bruce has gotten hurt and it’s reevaluated his life or perhaps Selina has? Either way things have changed for one of them and they go to the other wanting to see if they’re interested in not so much settling down but working together. A true partnership.
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Idea 3: A Noir take on Bat & Cat. Selina Kyle is a movie star by day and a Cat Burglar by night. Bruce Wayne is trying to open Pandesa Studios in Gotham City and fighting crime as Batman during the night. He decides he wants to have Selina as his leading stars and invited her back to her old home. The two meet and there are instant sparks. They have to contend with that heat, their vigilante lives, and the delicious potential for something real.
Update: I'm kind of feeling the idea of doing something Lovecraftian or mystical with this idea. Something with the Court of Owls and mysterious rituals and stuff within Gotham City. So, expect that to be part of the story.
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My Face Claim For Bruce
Idea 4: I would like to do some kind of whirlwind romance between Bruce and Selina. I'm thinking that they meet, something happens to reveal their identities, and then because they have a connection (the chemistry between them is intense) and they're the only two that understand each other, they get engaged. There's also the idea she's doing this to get at him or to steal something (or even hired by Falcone) so that's something to think about as well.
Idea 1: Pure classic Bat & Cat. Three years into his career and people don’t know if he’s real or not. Selina is doing her Selina thing and pilfering ill gotten gains. They cross path and the game of cat and mouse begins! One thing for this, I would like it if it also extended to their personal life. IE I think Selina and Bruce should be interacting as Selina and Bruce and getting further entangled with each other. Dual life’s mean dual romance.
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Idea 2: Something later in their career. Bruce has gotten hurt and it’s reevaluated his life or perhaps Selina has? Either way things have changed for one of them and they go to the other wanting to see if they’re interested in not so much settling down but working together. A true partnership.
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Idea 3: A Noir take on Bat & Cat. Selina Kyle is a movie star by day and a Cat Burglar by night. Bruce Wayne is trying to open Pandesa Studios in Gotham City and fighting crime as Batman during the night. He decides he wants to have Selina as his leading stars and invited her back to her old home. The two meet and there are instant sparks. They have to contend with that heat, their vigilante lives, and the delicious potential for something real.
Update: I'm kind of feeling the idea of doing something Lovecraftian or mystical with this idea. Something with the Court of Owls and mysterious rituals and stuff within Gotham City. So, expect that to be part of the story.
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My Face Claim For Bruce
Idea 4: I would like to do some kind of whirlwind romance between Bruce and Selina. I'm thinking that they meet, something happens to reveal their identities, and then because they have a connection (the chemistry between them is intense) and they're the only two that understand each other, they get engaged. There's also the idea she's doing this to get at him or to steal something (or even hired by Falcone) so that's something to think about as well.
Idea 1: My Adventure of Superman showed a really good idea of what a beginning Superman story might be. So, we can either do something like that with that theme and vibe (IE Anime Esque) or we can do something with a more classic feel. If I’m being honest, doing something modern but with a vibe of the 50’s would be a ton of fun. Clark and Lois in their first adventure at the Daily Planet!
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My Face Claim For Clark
Idea 1: My Adventure of Superman showed a really good idea of what a beginning Superman story might be. So, we can either do something like that with that theme and vibe (IE Anime Esque) or we can do something with a more classic feel. If I’m being honest, doing something modern but with a vibe of the 50’s would be a ton of fun. Clark and Lois in their first adventure at the Daily Planet!
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My Face Claim For Clark
Barda/Mr. Miracle
Idea 1: The two of them have been through enough. They escaped together. I’m not looking to break them up or anything. These are two people who have been through a lot and I want to do something where they’re settling on Earth and starting a life together. Superhero fun and then cute life stuff.
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My Face Claim For Scott
Idea 1: The two of them have been through enough. They escaped together. I’m not looking to break them up or anything. These are two people who have been through a lot and I want to do something where they’re settling on Earth and starting a life together. Superhero fun and then cute life stuff.
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My Face Claim For Scott
Idea 1: I’m very particular about Bruce and Harley. That being said, if you know about the White Knight Series and want to do something based on that version of Harley and Bruce please let me know! I love that series so much.
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Idea 2: In an Alt World, Bruce Wayne was caught two years into his campaign as Batman. Harley Quinn a criminal profiler was the one who caught him. They were also dating at the time so it was a hard thing for her to do. Especially as she really loved him. A couple of later, she’s working at the FBI and Bruce is in Arkham Asylum. When an imposter shows up and starts killing as Batman (Bruce still didn’t kill) Harley is called back to Gotham and thus back into Bruce’s orbit.
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Idea 1: I’m very particular about Bruce and Harley. That being said, if you know about the White Knight Series and want to do something based on that version of Harley and Bruce please let me know! I love that series so much.
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Idea 2: In an Alt World, Bruce Wayne was caught two years into his campaign as Batman. Harley Quinn a criminal profiler was the one who caught him. They were also dating at the time so it was a hard thing for her to do. Especially as she really loved him. A couple of later, she’s working at the FBI and Bruce is in Arkham Asylum. When an imposter shows up and starts killing as Batman (Bruce still didn’t kill) Harley is called back to Gotham and thus back into Bruce’s orbit.
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NOTE: Please be aware for Kori ideas I am looking for someone who is going to be okay with doing Number Eight of my interested in IE “Forward” Women
Idea 1: Kori had to leave Earth because of things going on back home. She and Dick were dating at the time but they semi broke things off (It can never really be over between those two) since she had to leave. A year later, Kori comes back to Earth because it wasn’t worth being without him. When she comes back, Dick is Batman after Bruce went missing. He also has Damian as his Robin. The two of them will have to navigate their relationship and Dick being Batman.
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Idea 2: Kori’s in Florida living her best life as a supermodel and somewhat superheroine. She misses Dick though and extends an invitation he can’t refuse. Dick comes out to see her and the two refind their love for each other in Florida. With lots of fun sexy times in resorts and public places!
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My Face Claim For Dick
Idea 1: Bruce Wayne is missing. Due to that, Nightwing has taken over as Batman. With Damian as his Robin, he’s trying to live up to his father’s mantle while making it his own. During this time, Starfire comes back from Tamaran. Why she was on Tamaran is up to YC. She and Nightwing have a past history together. For reasons to be decided between us, she returns to Nightwing and things progress from there. I’m looking for something of a SoL Romance with light superheroics intermixed. For instance, there could be some Titans business they have to take care of. Another option is that Starfire had their daughter Nightstar when they were apart.
Idea 2. A more adult take on Starfire and Nightwing's first meeting. In this universe, Nightwing has already stopped being Robin and is in Bludhaven getting himself set up as its new hero. One night while out on patrol, Starfire crash lands in the city. She is being pursued by the men her sister sold her to. Nightwing arrives to help. One idea I had for this one is that he goes up to the alien spaceship to “claim” her and the Earth as his.
Idea 3. This one takes a page out of Titans Casual (Artwork by Gabriele Picolo). Nightwing is down in a Miami-esque city. He’s running around as a vigilante before he starts college. He has a house on the beach he’s rented. He runs into Starfire one night while at a club. A whirlwind romance kicks up between the two of them as they have fun and superhero in the city.
NOTE: Please be aware for Kori ideas I am looking for someone who is going to be okay with doing Number Eight of my interested in IE “Forward” Women
Idea 1: Kori had to leave Earth because of things going on back home. She and Dick were dating at the time but they semi broke things off (It can never really be over between those two) since she had to leave. A year later, Kori comes back to Earth because it wasn’t worth being without him. When she comes back, Dick is Batman after Bruce went missing. He also has Damian as his Robin. The two of them will have to navigate their relationship and Dick being Batman.
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Idea 2: Kori’s in Florida living her best life as a supermodel and somewhat superheroine. She misses Dick though and extends an invitation he can’t refuse. Dick comes out to see her and the two refind their love for each other in Florida. With lots of fun sexy times in resorts and public places!
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My Face Claim For Dick
Idea 1: Bruce Wayne is missing. Due to that, Nightwing has taken over as Batman. With Damian as his Robin, he’s trying to live up to his father’s mantle while making it his own. During this time, Starfire comes back from Tamaran. Why she was on Tamaran is up to YC. She and Nightwing have a past history together. For reasons to be decided between us, she returns to Nightwing and things progress from there. I’m looking for something of a SoL Romance with light superheroics intermixed. For instance, there could be some Titans business they have to take care of. Another option is that Starfire had their daughter Nightstar when they were apart.
Idea 2. A more adult take on Starfire and Nightwing's first meeting. In this universe, Nightwing has already stopped being Robin and is in Bludhaven getting himself set up as its new hero. One night while out on patrol, Starfire crash lands in the city. She is being pursued by the men her sister sold her to. Nightwing arrives to help. One idea I had for this one is that he goes up to the alien spaceship to “claim” her and the Earth as his.
Idea 3. This one takes a page out of Titans Casual (Artwork by Gabriele Picolo). Nightwing is down in a Miami-esque city. He’s running around as a vigilante before he starts college. He has a house on the beach he’s rented. He runs into Starfire one night while at a club. A whirlwind romance kicks up between the two of them as they have fun and superhero in the city.
Idea 1: Barbara has recently gotten her legs back and is trying to recover. Dick comes to her and steals her away from the hospital that she was recovering in with an offer to take her off to a private place where he can help her get her body and legs back up to snuff. They go to an island resort and refall in love (or at least reconnect) while doing practice fighting, being a sexy gym couple, and maybe stopping a crime or two.
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Idea 2: Classic (of age) Robin and Batgirl. I still really like the idea of them facing Two-Face or Doctor Freeze. Bruce can know about Batgirl or not know. Perhaps Barbara convinced Dick to run with her in secrecy? That’s an option as well!
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Note: Same Face Claim For Dick
Idea 1: Barbara has recently gotten her legs back and is trying to recover. Dick comes to her and steals her away from the hospital that she was recovering in with an offer to take her off to a private place where he can help her get her body and legs back up to snuff. They go to an island resort and refall in love (or at least reconnect) while doing practice fighting, being a sexy gym couple, and maybe stopping a crime or two.
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Idea 2: Classic (of age) Robin and Batgirl. I still really like the idea of them facing Two-Face or Doctor Freeze. Bruce can know about Batgirl or not know. Perhaps Barbara convinced Dick to run with her in secrecy? That’s an option as well!
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Note: Same Face Claim For Dick
Note: This one will have kinky ideas like sexual stuff charging her ring, sexual heat from her ring, and the like.
Idea 1: We all know Hal Jordan can be a bit of a cocky ass. However, there’s something about him that make women tumble into bed with him anyways. Is Carol just the next notch on his bed post? The boss’s daughter? Or does she have something in her that causes Hal to fall hopelessly in love with her for the first time? (She does)
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Idea 2: Hal is stranded in deep space after a big battle. With his ring mostly depleted, He has enough to send out a distress beacon of love and desperation that only one person can answer. When Carol comes to him his ring is drained and his battery gone and so he has to rely on her. They can’t get back to Earth or Lantern territory easy so they’re forced to rely on each other, fall back in love, and maybe overthrow the big bad of the region of space they’re in.
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My Face Claim For Hal
Note: This one will have kinky ideas like sexual stuff charging her ring, sexual heat from her ring, and the like.
Idea 1: We all know Hal Jordan can be a bit of a cocky ass. However, there’s something about him that make women tumble into bed with him anyways. Is Carol just the next notch on his bed post? The boss’s daughter? Or does she have something in her that causes Hal to fall hopelessly in love with her for the first time? (She does)
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Idea 2: Hal is stranded in deep space after a big battle. With his ring mostly depleted, He has enough to send out a distress beacon of love and desperation that only one person can answer. When Carol comes to him his ring is drained and his battery gone and so he has to rely on her. They can’t get back to Earth or Lantern territory easy so they’re forced to rely on each other, fall back in love, and maybe overthrow the big bad of the region of space they’re in.
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My Face Claim For Hal
Idea 1: The Titans are moving on. It’s been a good run but Dick and Kori are married, Cyborg wants to move in with his girlfriend, and the other various members are all doing their own thing. Having danced around their feelings for years, Garfield decides its time to ask Raven if she’ll go on an adventure with him. They get together and end up in New Orleans. Where all sorts of spooky dark magic is waiting for Raven.
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Idea 2: Raven and Garfield meet with no Titan involvement. Even though they’re opposites they have an instant chemistry and can’t help being together. They do SOL stuff but they both have powers which means helping with crime in the local area. Perhaps the Titans even form at one point? This is more of a freeform idea.
Picture Ref
Face Claim For Gar
Idea 1: The Titans are moving on. It’s been a good run but Dick and Kori are married, Cyborg wants to move in with his girlfriend, and the other various members are all doing their own thing. Having danced around their feelings for years, Garfield decides its time to ask Raven if she’ll go on an adventure with him. They get together and end up in New Orleans. Where all sorts of spooky dark magic is waiting for Raven.
Picture Ref
Idea 2: Raven and Garfield meet with no Titan involvement. Even though they’re opposites they have an instant chemistry and can’t help being together. They do SOL stuff but they both have powers which means helping with crime in the local area. Perhaps the Titans even form at one point? This is more of a freeform idea.
Picture Ref
Face Claim For Gar
Idea 1: They’ve both been through a lot together. Roy with his addiction and his daughter, and Donna with the loss of her own family. They rely on each other and deeper emotions have arisen because of it. Titans Tower is no place to keep a secret but they don’t want to. Lian needs a mother and Donna is who Roy wants to fulfill that role. He asks her to mary him and they have a cute SOL (with adventures) in Titans Tower.
Picture Ref
Face claim For Roy
Idea 1: They’ve both been through a lot together. Roy with his addiction and his daughter, and Donna with the loss of her own family. They rely on each other and deeper emotions have arisen because of it. Titans Tower is no place to keep a secret but they don’t want to. Lian needs a mother and Donna is who Roy wants to fulfill that role. He asks her to mary him and they have a cute SOL (with adventures) in Titans Tower.
Picture Ref
Face claim For Roy
Mary Marvel/???
Mary Marvel is a character I don't have anyone set in stone for but am very interested in. So, if you have an idea for her let me know! She's someone I would entertain a villain with maybe Black Adam? As long as it has a story to it and isn't just him corrupting her for the sake of fun.
Mary Marvel is a character I don't have anyone set in stone for but am very interested in. So, if you have an idea for her let me know! She's someone I would entertain a villain with maybe Black Adam? As long as it has a story to it and isn't just him corrupting her for the sake of fun.
Marvel Comics
X-23/Kaine Parker
The Scarlet Spider and The Wolverine! I think these two would be a blast to pair together. I like the idea of this having a fair bit of action and romance. I'm thinking that Kraven the Hunter and maybe his daughter are the bad guys. Some kind of second great hunt or something? Since Kaine and Laura aren't specifically New York tied it can also take place in multiple areas (Like Madripoor for instance).
The Scarlet Spider and The Wolverine! I think these two would be a blast to pair together. I like the idea of this having a fair bit of action and romance. I'm thinking that Kraven the Hunter and maybe his daughter are the bad guys. Some kind of second great hunt or something? Since Kaine and Laura aren't specifically New York tied it can also take place in multiple areas (Like Madripoor for instance).
Doctor Strange/Clea
We can either do our own take on the start of their relationship OR we can do something where the two of them are already together and investigating some magical something or another. In the comics recently, they've learned of a sect of SHIELD called WAND I kind of think it would be fun to explore Doctor Strange's feelings towards SHIELD having a magical division and what he might do about that. With Clea helping him navigate this sudden reveal.
We can either do our own take on the start of their relationship OR we can do something where the two of them are already together and investigating some magical something or another. In the comics recently, they've learned of a sect of SHIELD called WAND I kind of think it would be fun to explore Doctor Strange's feelings towards SHIELD having a magical division and what he might do about that. With Clea helping him navigate this sudden reveal.
Miles Morales/Cindy Moon
So the recent Spider-Man PS5 game teased the idea of Cindy and Miles working together. As a fan of interracial, the idea of a strong black male and a cute little Korean-American girl getting together sounds hot AF and cute. I wouldn't want to do something specifically focsed on that game but I'm into the idea of finding out some super heroics involving the two of them.
So the recent Spider-Man PS5 game teased the idea of Cindy and Miles working together. As a fan of interracial, the idea of a strong black male and a cute little Korean-American girl getting together sounds hot AF and cute. I wouldn't want to do something specifically focsed on that game but I'm into the idea of finding out some super heroics involving the two of them.
Venom (Eddie Or Flash)/Open
I'm interested in playing Venom but am not sure which version of Venom I want to play or who to pair him with. So, if you have a canon character you're interested in pairing with Venom then let me know! I can play either Eddie or Flash. Eddie in his Lethal Protector phase and Flash in his Agent Venom phase.
I'm interested in playing Venom but am not sure which version of Venom I want to play or who to pair him with. So, if you have a canon character you're interested in pairing with Venom then let me know! I can play either Eddie or Flash. Eddie in his Lethal Protector phase and Flash in his Agent Venom phase.
This could be based on the Netflix series or not! Even if it isn't, Charlie Cox will probably be my face claim. I'm a huge fan of him as Daredevil. We can do Elektra coming back from the dead Or have their very first meeting. I'd even be okay with her coming back into his life and proposing an arranged marriage and leading the Chaste or the Hand.
Face Claim For Matt
This could be based on the Netflix series or not! Even if it isn't, Charlie Cox will probably be my face claim. I'm a huge fan of him as Daredevil. We can do Elektra coming back from the dead Or have their very first meeting. I'd even be okay with her coming back into his life and proposing an arranged marriage and leading the Chaste or the Hand.
Face Claim For Matt
Peter Parker/ Mary Jane
They are my all-time favorite comic book couple! I'm not into the recent MCU portrayal of MJ, so if you want to do something with Peter and Mj, It would have to be closer to the original source material. However, I'm open again to all sorts of different scenarios.
Here are just a few!
Scenario 1. The two of them are living next door together and we do this as a High School (age appropriate to the site) thing. Mary Jane also finds out about Peter semi early.
Scenario 2. I love the idea of doing something with Peter Parker and Mary Jane already being married. Not just married but a young adult couple. We're talking fresh out of High School or College and trying to make it work. A really cute struggling in New York Couple romance thing with Super Heroics attached!
Scenario 3. Another idea is that Peter and Mary Jane fall out of touch for a while, she makes it as a big time actress or model, and through shenanigans, Peter is assigned as her photographer as something. The feelings come roaring back and shenanigans ensue!
Scenario 4. Inspired by the new Ultimate Comics, I'd like to do something where Peter Parker and Mary Jane are married with children. They're in their early or mid thirties and have a teenage daughter and probably a few other kids. Peter Parker doesn't have his powers. However, one day, the Parkers take their teen daughter to a science event. This science event is the event that gives Peter his powers in the comics. Except this time, the Spider bites each of the Parkers! Or Potentially there are three spiders and each of them gets a bite. Either way, all three of them get powers and become a family crime fighting team!
Scenario 5. This story involves a Mary Jane who lost her Peter. He does the usual heroic sacrifice/superheroics. Perhaps a specific villain kills him like Green Goblin or Kraven. Either way, he's dead, and she's alive and lost to her anger and grief.
During this time, she gets the venom suit. How she gets it is something we can figure out together. I lean towards the idea of seeking her out because of their mutual grief and loss over Peter. Whatever the case, it bonds to her and grants her venom powers. With her grief and anger amplified, she goes to hunt down Peter's enemies.
The story can either occur with her still hunting them or after it's all said and done. At some point, a different Peter Parker comes into her universe. Despite what Mary Jane has done, the two clash and a romance ensues.
Also for all of these, I am MORE than happy to give Mary Jane Spider Powers! I'd love that as a matter of fact!
Face Claim For Peter Parker
They are my all-time favorite comic book couple! I'm not into the recent MCU portrayal of MJ, so if you want to do something with Peter and Mj, It would have to be closer to the original source material. However, I'm open again to all sorts of different scenarios.
Here are just a few!
Scenario 1. The two of them are living next door together and we do this as a High School (age appropriate to the site) thing. Mary Jane also finds out about Peter semi early.
Scenario 2. I love the idea of doing something with Peter Parker and Mary Jane already being married. Not just married but a young adult couple. We're talking fresh out of High School or College and trying to make it work. A really cute struggling in New York Couple romance thing with Super Heroics attached!
Scenario 3. Another idea is that Peter and Mary Jane fall out of touch for a while, she makes it as a big time actress or model, and through shenanigans, Peter is assigned as her photographer as something. The feelings come roaring back and shenanigans ensue!
Scenario 4. Inspired by the new Ultimate Comics, I'd like to do something where Peter Parker and Mary Jane are married with children. They're in their early or mid thirties and have a teenage daughter and probably a few other kids. Peter Parker doesn't have his powers. However, one day, the Parkers take their teen daughter to a science event. This science event is the event that gives Peter his powers in the comics. Except this time, the Spider bites each of the Parkers! Or Potentially there are three spiders and each of them gets a bite. Either way, all three of them get powers and become a family crime fighting team!
Scenario 5. This story involves a Mary Jane who lost her Peter. He does the usual heroic sacrifice/superheroics. Perhaps a specific villain kills him like Green Goblin or Kraven. Either way, he's dead, and she's alive and lost to her anger and grief.
During this time, she gets the venom suit. How she gets it is something we can figure out together. I lean towards the idea of seeking her out because of their mutual grief and loss over Peter. Whatever the case, it bonds to her and grants her venom powers. With her grief and anger amplified, she goes to hunt down Peter's enemies.
The story can either occur with her still hunting them or after it's all said and done. At some point, a different Peter Parker comes into her universe. Despite what Mary Jane has done, the two clash and a romance ensues.
Also for all of these, I am MORE than happy to give Mary Jane Spider Powers! I'd love that as a matter of fact!
Face Claim For Peter Parker
Peter Parker/ Felicia
Our story begins with Peter Parker. Peter’s been having a rough time lately. His recent lab job went kaput after a supervillain tore it up, Mayor Jameson has been making his superhero work a living hell, and he recently broke up with Mary Jane Watson over his continued absence in their relationship. Our webhead is down on his luck once more and trying to persevere by fighting the good fight.
Enter his old flame the Black Cat! Felicia has recently returned from parts unknown (To be decided by my partner) and needs her spiders help! Forces conspire to put our two “heroes” back together as they untangle whatever forces are after Felicia.
Originally, our darling Cat didn’t want to be with her Spider beyond the mask. However, things have changed. As the dust settles on their latest adventure Felicia reveals her interest in the Spider and the Man. Thus begins a new chapter in their life where Spider-Man and Black Cat give something new a try….
Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy!
I’m looking for a mix of romance. Adventure, and SoL fun! I’m looking for a Felicia who is interested in dating Peter Parker and being Spider-Man’s partner. While Peter will start off down on his luck, the plan is to move him beyond that as the story progresses.
If interested let me know!
Our story begins with Peter Parker. Peter’s been having a rough time lately. His recent lab job went kaput after a supervillain tore it up, Mayor Jameson has been making his superhero work a living hell, and he recently broke up with Mary Jane Watson over his continued absence in their relationship. Our webhead is down on his luck once more and trying to persevere by fighting the good fight.
Enter his old flame the Black Cat! Felicia has recently returned from parts unknown (To be decided by my partner) and needs her spiders help! Forces conspire to put our two “heroes” back together as they untangle whatever forces are after Felicia.
Originally, our darling Cat didn’t want to be with her Spider beyond the mask. However, things have changed. As the dust settles on their latest adventure Felicia reveals her interest in the Spider and the Man. Thus begins a new chapter in their life where Spider-Man and Black Cat give something new a try….
Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy!
I’m looking for a mix of romance. Adventure, and SoL fun! I’m looking for a Felicia who is interested in dating Peter Parker and being Spider-Man’s partner. While Peter will start off down on his luck, the plan is to move him beyond that as the story progresses.
If interested let me know!
Otto Octavius (Superior)/Felicia
There's nothing more fun than the arrogant, prideful nerd meeting his match in the femme fatale who won't take his bullshit. That's what I'd like to see for Otto Octavius and Felicia Hardy. Otto would be in his Superior Role (IE Cloned Body of Peter with some modifications). They could start as antagonists to each other before things get more heated and exciting.
Face claim For Otto Octavius
There's nothing more fun than the arrogant, prideful nerd meeting his match in the femme fatale who won't take his bullshit. That's what I'd like to see for Otto Octavius and Felicia Hardy. Otto would be in his Superior Role (IE Cloned Body of Peter with some modifications). They could start as antagonists to each other before things get more heated and exciting.
Face claim For Otto Octavius
They are my favorite X-Men Couple! This can either be set Pre X-Men or Current X-Men. Logan and Ro can be teachers at Xavier's or perhaps on their own. I think having them be teachers would be a ton of fun! Helping train the new generation while settling into a SOL on their own. If we can throw in the occasional adventure all the better!
Face Claim For Logan
They are my favorite X-Men Couple! This can either be set Pre X-Men or Current X-Men. Logan and Ro can be teachers at Xavier's or perhaps on their own. I think having them be teachers would be a ton of fun! Helping train the new generation while settling into a SOL on their own. If we can throw in the occasional adventure all the better!
Face Claim For Logan
She-Hulk! While I have her listed as a potential with Daredevil, I'm also interested in finding a good person for her. I know she's with a person named Jack Of Hearts in the comics right now, and that could be fun (he absorbs radiation). But much like Laura, I'm Interested in whom you might throw out as potentials.
She-Hulk! While I have her listed as a potential with Daredevil, I'm also interested in finding a good person for her. I know she's with a person named Jack Of Hearts in the comics right now, and that could be fun (he absorbs radiation). But much like Laura, I'm Interested in whom you might throw out as potentials.
Cloak and Dagger is another couple I've been long interested in but have never had the chance to do. I like the idea of light and dark intertwining (in both their powers and bodies) regarding Cloak and Dagger. I think their origin story (runaways kidnapped off the street and experimented on) would be fun to play out, especially in a place like New York City.
Face Claim For Cloak
Cloak and Dagger is another couple I've been long interested in but have never had the chance to do. I like the idea of light and dark intertwining (in both their powers and bodies) regarding Cloak and Dagger. I think their origin story (runaways kidnapped off the street and experimented on) would be fun to play out, especially in a place like New York City.
Face Claim For Cloak
I liked their back-and-forth in She-Hulk Attorney at Law! Having a long-distance back-and-forth superhero relationship could be fun to play out. Until one of them finally takes the plunge and moves where the other one is!
Note: Same Face Claim For Matt
I liked their back-and-forth in She-Hulk Attorney at Law! Having a long-distance back-and-forth superhero relationship could be fun to play out. Until one of them finally takes the plunge and moves where the other one is!
Note: Same Face Claim For Matt
Frank Castle's been through a lot of stuff over the years. After waging a one-man war on the mob to avenge his dead wife and children, the mission is "over". What was once rage has now been replaced with sadness and an unshakable truth.
Killing them didn't make him feel any better.
Frank Castle is alone; most of the superhero community hates him because of his brutal ways, and they don't associate with him. He's short on friends, and all his enemies are six feet in the ground. Frank decides it's time to retire and fakes his death.
He moves out to a western town. It could have a ranch or something similar. Either way, as he settles with these people, he catches a woman's interest within the town. This OC can be whomever you want—daughter of the Ranch, Single Mother of the Ranch, someone in town, ect ect.
She should be able to understand and not even mind Frank's Violent ways. Because later in the story, I would like something to happen that brings back the old Punisher. Some sort of attack or something.
Face Claim For Frank
Frank Castle's been through a lot of stuff over the years. After waging a one-man war on the mob to avenge his dead wife and children, the mission is "over". What was once rage has now been replaced with sadness and an unshakable truth.
Killing them didn't make him feel any better.
Frank Castle is alone; most of the superhero community hates him because of his brutal ways, and they don't associate with him. He's short on friends, and all his enemies are six feet in the ground. Frank decides it's time to retire and fakes his death.
He moves out to a western town. It could have a ranch or something similar. Either way, as he settles with these people, he catches a woman's interest within the town. This OC can be whomever you want—daughter of the Ranch, Single Mother of the Ranch, someone in town, ect ect.
She should be able to understand and not even mind Frank's Violent ways. Because later in the story, I would like something to happen that brings back the old Punisher. Some sort of attack or something.
Face Claim For Frank
Misc Comic Books
Invincible/Atom Eve
I'm a big fan of the TV Show and the Comic book. We could do something set in the TV World or the comics at any point during their relationship. Depending on what my partner is into. Personally, I like the idea of the two of them being young, in love, and trying to make it work in a modern superhero world and trying to make money and move out of one's parent's home and things like that.
I'm a big fan of the TV Show and the Comic book. We could do something set in the TV World or the comics at any point during their relationship. Depending on what my partner is into. Personally, I like the idea of the two of them being young, in love, and trying to make it work in a modern superhero world and trying to make money and move out of one's parent's home and things like that.
For this one. I'm specifically looking to do something where Omni-Man comes back to Earth to make amends with Debbie. This can be based off of their reunion and adventures in the comics or we can figure something else out with it.
For this one. I'm specifically looking to do something where Omni-Man comes back to Earth to make amends with Debbie. This can be based off of their reunion and adventures in the comics or we can figure something else out with it.
When it comes to the Invincible Universe, I’m interested in Canon x Canon plots. There are a few pairings I greatly enjoy! When it comes to plot, I’m mostly looking to follow the canons of the show and or the comic. I’m caught up on the show and have read the comic several times over. However, you don’t have to have comic book knowledge or anything like that!
So, if you’re interested in superhero SoL and some (kinky) romance, check out the following pairings below!
Rex/Rachel (Shrinking Rae)
Allen/OC Viltrumite?
If interested let me know!
So, if you’re interested in superhero SoL and some (kinky) romance, check out the following pairings below!
Rex/Rachel (Shrinking Rae)
Allen/OC Viltrumite?
If interested let me know!
DnD Corner
Hello all! Today, I am seeking someone interested in DnD-style fantasy plots and pairings. Essentially, I am in the mood for some SoL/Adventure style RP's in fantasy settings. I love playing multiple characters and pairings and would adore it if we could create our own adventuring group that sets out in the world together. I'm also a big fan of world-building and plotting, so if you're also down for that kind of stuff, let me know!
Now, that's not to say you have to play multiple characters. If that's not your style but you're still interested, by all means, reach out!
While I'm primarily interested in playing human adventurers to female "monsters". I'm also down to play some monster men myself! Below, you'll find what species I'm interested in playing against and some character ideas of my own!
Elf Girls (Highly interested, especially if they have sensitive ears)
Centaur Girls
Fox Girls
Bunny Girls
Orc Girls
Faries (Sensitive Ears and Wings)
Species I'm interested in playing
Leonin Paladin
Tabaxi Ranger
Tiefling Warlock/Bard
Warforged Barbarian
Orc Druid
As for the plot, I think it's an even mix of SoL and adventure. Our two people (or group) find themselves grouping up for the first time to go adventuring together. They get themselves a guild house (again as a group or just together) and spend their days going on adventures and doing cute SoL stuff. The world itself could be modern fantasy, fantasy, or even something like steampunk (or fantasy apocalyptic?). I'm pretty open! If this interests you let me know.
Now, that's not to say you have to play multiple characters. If that's not your style but you're still interested, by all means, reach out!
While I'm primarily interested in playing human adventurers to female "monsters". I'm also down to play some monster men myself! Below, you'll find what species I'm interested in playing against and some character ideas of my own!
Elf Girls (Highly interested, especially if they have sensitive ears)
Centaur Girls
Fox Girls
Bunny Girls
Orc Girls
Faries (Sensitive Ears and Wings)
Species I'm interested in playing
Leonin Paladin
Tabaxi Ranger
Tiefling Warlock/Bard
Warforged Barbarian
Orc Druid
As for the plot, I think it's an even mix of SoL and adventure. Our two people (or group) find themselves grouping up for the first time to go adventuring together. They get themselves a guild house (again as a group or just together) and spend their days going on adventures and doing cute SoL stuff. The world itself could be modern fantasy, fantasy, or even something like steampunk (or fantasy apocalyptic?). I'm pretty open! If this interests you let me know.
Multiple Character Fandom Plots
Here you can find a collection of plots that have a bigger premise to them. Plots that involve playing multiple fandom characters and are high story ideas. Even with big plots (and multiple characters), I still am primarily a romance writer, and these characters will still be hooking up between the action and adventure.
Also this is all still Canon/Canon
What Are We? Some Kind Of.......
I'm looking to do a Suicide Squad story. I love Task Force X and exploring the seedier more violent side of the DCU. I'm looking for someone interested in figuring out a version of the team with me and running through an adventure together. Here are some people I know for sure I want on the team.
Enchantress/Killer Croc
Captain Boomerang/???
I'm looking to do a Suicide Squad story. I love Task Force X and exploring the seedier more violent side of the DCU. I'm looking for someone interested in figuring out a version of the team with me and running through an adventure together. Here are some people I know for sure I want on the team.
Enchantress/Killer Croc
Captain Boomerang/???
Rebel League (Or, not your Daddies Justice League):
This plot revolves around the concept of a Justice League that is rough around the edges. They're still heroes, and they still fight the good fight for Earth but are rougher around the edges, violent, and willing to say beat the absolute crud out of Darksied just to make sure he doesn't come back. Imagine a tatted-up Justice League that the public is wary of, but they don't give a f%@$ because they're going to protect people regardless.
This plot revolves around the concept of a Justice League that is rough around the edges. They're still heroes, and they still fight the good fight for Earth but are rougher around the edges, violent, and willing to say beat the absolute crud out of Darksied just to make sure he doesn't come back. Imagine a tatted-up Justice League that the public is wary of, but they don't give a f%@$ because they're going to protect people regardless.
Marvel/Dc Universe Of Our Own:
I'm all for (and a fan) of comic book world-building. There's nothing more fun than trying to figure out a comic book world and figuring out what changes, pairings, and characters we want. So! Let me know if anyone wants to figure it out or make a "Marvel or DC Universe of our own"! Please note that the pairings I've listed above will probably not change as far as requests go.
I'm all for (and a fan) of comic book world-building. There's nothing more fun than trying to figure out a comic book world and figuring out what changes, pairings, and characters we want. So! Let me know if anyone wants to figure it out or make a "Marvel or DC Universe of our own"! Please note that the pairings I've listed above will probably not change as far as requests go.
The Arrival
This is a DC idea. Featuring a world where there were superheros but they were like Batman and Green Arrow. A world of vigilante's without powers who fought hte good fight and protected people. Now as they get older and their sidekicks start to come into their own, people like Superman and others with actual powers start coming out of the wood work. How will the powered new heroes react to the old veterans without powers. How will the two groups get along? Ect ect
This is a DC idea. Featuring a world where there were superheros but they were like Batman and Green Arrow. A world of vigilante's without powers who fought hte good fight and protected people. Now as they get older and their sidekicks start to come into their own, people like Superman and others with actual powers start coming out of the wood work. How will the powered new heroes react to the old veterans without powers. How will the two groups get along? Ect ect
Disney Corner
I would like to do something with Bob and Helen (From the Incredibles). I'm thinking something along the lines of their initial meetings OR an adventure set before the kids. I'm also okay with doing something set in between the events of Incredibles 1 or 2 or even after Incredibles 2. I'm pretty open to the two of them as I think they're a really strong couple in any setting.
I would like to do something with Bob and Helen (From the Incredibles). I'm thinking something along the lines of their initial meetings OR an adventure set before the kids. I'm also okay with doing something set in between the events of Incredibles 1 or 2 or even after Incredibles 2. I'm pretty open to the two of them as I think they're a really strong couple in any setting.
I love the idea of the space man and the cowgirl falling in love. Obviously this wouldn't be them in toy form. What I'm thinking is that Buzz lands on her planet (or in the past and they cross paths. The other idea as well is that this is some kind of "Disney Universe" (Ala Kingdom Hearts) and the two run into each other. I could also be down for something actiony and adventure with them fighting some sort of threat.
I love the idea of the space man and the cowgirl falling in love. Obviously this wouldn't be them in toy form. What I'm thinking is that Buzz lands on her planet (or in the past and they cross paths. The other idea as well is that this is some kind of "Disney Universe" (Ala Kingdom Hearts) and the two run into each other. I could also be down for something actiony and adventure with them fighting some sort of threat.
SoL between two fandom characters! Set in the west with Woody being the Sherrif and BoPeep herding her sheep. A cute wholesome romance starts up between the two of them.
SoL between two fandom characters! Set in the west with Woody being the Sherrif and BoPeep herding her sheep. A cute wholesome romance starts up between the two of them.
Shego and Ron! I've always been interested in this pairing. I'd love to do something involving the two. Maybe this is a plot to break up Team Possible and she catches feelings? Maybe Kim does something to piss Ron off and push him into Shego's arms? Perhaps there is some kind of merging between Ron and Zorpox (his evil alter ego) and the two of them become a Bonnie and Clyde style couple! I'm open!
Shego and Ron! I've always been interested in this pairing. I'd love to do something involving the two. Maybe this is a plot to break up Team Possible and she catches feelings? Maybe Kim does something to piss Ron off and push him into Shego's arms? Perhaps there is some kind of merging between Ron and Zorpox (his evil alter ego) and the two of them become a Bonnie and Clyde style couple! I'm open!
Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde
I'd like to play with some social stigma on this one. In Zooptopia interspecies romances are slightly taboo. No one has ever seen one between a predator and prey. I'd like to see them having to face that while also navigating their new relationship. This would be primarily SoL with police adventures as well.
I'd like to play with some social stigma on this one. In Zooptopia interspecies romances are slightly taboo. No one has ever seen one between a predator and prey. I'd like to see them having to face that while also navigating their new relationship. This would be primarily SoL with police adventures as well.
Anime/Cartoon Related
Powerpuff Girls/Rowdyruff Boys
This would be a college aged story involving the Powerpuff girls and the Rowdyruff boys. I'd like to play with ideas like mating and imprinting. After all they were made in the same fashion and I think ti would make sense if they were genetically tied together. This could be a straight SoL or also intermixed with superheroics. The Rowdyruff Boys (now young adults) aren't goin to stop being "hoodlums" necessarily and I think that'll be interesting to see.
This would be a college aged story involving the Powerpuff girls and the Rowdyruff boys. I'd like to play with ideas like mating and imprinting. After all they were made in the same fashion and I think ti would make sense if they were genetically tied together. This could be a straight SoL or also intermixed with superheroics. The Rowdyruff Boys (now young adults) aren't goin to stop being "hoodlums" necessarily and I think that'll be interesting to see.
Catherine Bloom/???
I am interested in playing against Catherine Bloom from Gundam. I don't have a specific person for her and I'm still new to the series. However, I'd be into hearing any pairing ideas OR coming up with an OC for her.
I am interested in playing against Catherine Bloom from Gundam. I don't have a specific person for her and I'm still new to the series. However, I'd be into hearing any pairing ideas OR coming up with an OC for her.
I'm only a few episodes into Gundam but I already love Noine and Zechs and their relationship. I would love to do something involving the two of them. No set concept on this one and bear in mind that I'm still very early in the show.
I'm only a few episodes into Gundam but I already love Noine and Zechs and their relationship. I would love to do something involving the two of them. No set concept on this one and bear in mind that I'm still very early in the show.
Same as the other two. I'm very new to the series and them. However, I love their push and pull. I would love to do something based off of them!
Same as the other two. I'm very new to the series and them. However, I love their push and pull. I would love to do something based off of them!
A somewhat AU idea but I'd like to do something where Hinata and Naruto have more interaction in those early (age appropriate) years. I like the idea of taking the Naruto movie concept where they go on a mission together and during that mission Naruto finally stops being an idiot and realizes that Hinata loves him. He also realizes he feels the same way about her. This would just happen earlier in their life. I'm open to ideas on this one and figuring it out with someone.
A somewhat AU idea but I'd like to do something where Hinata and Naruto have more interaction in those early (age appropriate) years. I like the idea of taking the Naruto movie concept where they go on a mission together and during that mission Naruto finally stops being an idiot and realizes that Hinata loves him. He also realizes he feels the same way about her. This would just happen earlier in their life. I'm open to ideas on this one and figuring it out with someone.
When it comes to spy fam, I'm of two minds for it. One is that we just do the canon story with adult content and them actually being together or we do an AU. If we do the canon story I'd love to start it with them agreeing to be wed and then them also deciding that means that they can enjoy each other and share a bed during that time. IE i'm not looking to do something of a slow burn with them. I'd like them coming together in this "ruse" with a level of attraction and desire for one another.
That goes into my AU idea to. My AU idea is that they both know the other is a spy and assassin. Because they work for the same goverment. In this AU idea they know of each other and have had run in with each other before. Past missions where they've teamed up. During those tea ups they've been very into each other and the chemistry has been there. So much so that they've left each other gifts, flirted, and even gotten close to tumbling in bed together before things forced them apart.
So when the government gives him his mission and says he needs a wife, Loid requests her. She's estatic because she gets the man she's wanted and we go from there.
When it comes to spy fam, I'm of two minds for it. One is that we just do the canon story with adult content and them actually being together or we do an AU. If we do the canon story I'd love to start it with them agreeing to be wed and then them also deciding that means that they can enjoy each other and share a bed during that time. IE i'm not looking to do something of a slow burn with them. I'd like them coming together in this "ruse" with a level of attraction and desire for one another.
That goes into my AU idea to. My AU idea is that they both know the other is a spy and assassin. Because they work for the same goverment. In this AU idea they know of each other and have had run in with each other before. Past missions where they've teamed up. During those tea ups they've been very into each other and the chemistry has been there. So much so that they've left each other gifts, flirted, and even gotten close to tumbling in bed together before things forced them apart.
So when the government gives him his mission and says he needs a wife, Loid requests her. She's estatic because she gets the man she's wanted and we go from there.
I'm a big fan of Bulma and Vegeta! I love their relationship and back and forth. I would love to do something set at the beginning of their relationship. I also have an overall idea based on the recent and popular fan animation that came out earlier this year (or last year). That one would also involve Goku/Chi Chi and Krilling/18 (I will include it down below)
I'm a big fan of Bulma and Vegeta! I love their relationship and back and forth. I would love to do something set at the beginning of their relationship. I also have an overall idea based on the recent and popular fan animation that came out earlier this year (or last year). That one would also involve Goku/Chi Chi and Krilling/18 (I will include it down below)
I've been wanting to play Goku for a long time. I have some ideas on how to play him that I want to test out. Ways to make his intelligence and how views on how he perceives the world. This would be a little bit of canon Goku and some stuff I've come up with. So please be aware of that.
I've been wanting to play Goku for a long time. I have some ideas on how to play him that I want to test out. Ways to make his intelligence and how views on how he perceives the world. This would be a little bit of canon Goku and some stuff I've come up with. So please be aware of that.
They are my favorite couple! Seriously, I love love love them. It's hard to find someone to do them with tho! Not everyone loves my short bald sex god (love me some Krillin). So if you are interested, let me know. Just be aware that there are some things I'm not changing about him (his height), and I'm looking for them to be as close to canon as possible.
They are my favorite couple! Seriously, I love love love them. It's hard to find someone to do them with tho! Not everyone loves my short bald sex god (love me some Krillin). So if you are interested, let me know. Just be aware that there are some things I'm not changing about him (his height), and I'm looking for them to be as close to canon as possible.
Now if you want to do the multiple POV one! I'd really be interested in doing something with that fan animation that came out a while back. The one where Goku's head is on fire, and he's more monkey-like. They hinted at deeper lore (like Goku being tapped into a primal power) and stuff I'm interested in.
So basically, I want to do this idea where after that, Goku has to go with Vegeta to refine his primal power. It turns out other people can have the primal power too, and they take after an animal archetype IE. Chi Chi could have, like… a bunny primal power. One idea I had was that Krillin has a Turtle Primal Power. Vegeta works out a deal with Bulma to have what remains of the Saiyan Race (there are more than normal) come to Earth and colonize a deserted island she bought.
Oh! And Vegeta asks for her hand in marriage and wants to make her the Queen of Saiyans.
So basically, I want to do this idea where after that, Goku has to go with Vegeta to refine his primal power. It turns out other people can have the primal power too, and they take after an animal archetype IE. Chi Chi could have, like… a bunny primal power. One idea I had was that Krillin has a Turtle Primal Power. Vegeta works out a deal with Bulma to have what remains of the Saiyan Race (there are more than normal) come to Earth and colonize a deserted island she bought.
Oh! And Vegeta asks for her hand in marriage and wants to make her the Queen of Saiyans.
During the years everyone goes off training on their own (or close to the end) I think it would be fun to do an AU where Nami and Ace are together and get quite serious. I don't have anything much aside from that so let me know if you have ideas!
During the years everyone goes off training on their own (or close to the end) I think it would be fun to do an AU where Nami and Ace are together and get quite serious. I don't have anything much aside from that so let me know if you have ideas!
Boa Hancock/Luffy
I should clarify that while I do try and make Luffy the fun loving free spirited pirate that he is in the anime, I don't play him as an idiot. Nor do I play him as a unaware of women type. This would be a story about Luffy reciprocating Boa's feelings and wanting her to be his pirate Queen. Which means this would be a dominant Luffy who has half a mind to use his stretchy powers to tie Boa up and have his way with her (Con of course).
I should clarify that while I do try and make Luffy the fun loving free spirited pirate that he is in the anime, I don't play him as an idiot. Nor do I play him as a unaware of women type. This would be a story about Luffy reciprocating Boa's feelings and wanting her to be his pirate Queen. Which means this would be a dominant Luffy who has half a mind to use his stretchy powers to tie Boa up and have his way with her (Con of course).
Roronoa Zoro/Tashigi
Who doesn't love enemies becoming lovers? For this one, I could either see Tashigi and Zoro meeting in secret for a time and growing closer and closer together, or we skip that part and have a series of circumstances lead to Tashigi joining the Straw Hats. We'd have to work out some kind of happy ending as I don't want to play a story where they're doomed to fail or anything like that. So, please keep that in mind.
Who doesn't love enemies becoming lovers? For this one, I could either see Tashigi and Zoro meeting in secret for a time and growing closer and closer together, or we skip that part and have a series of circumstances lead to Tashigi joining the Straw Hats. We'd have to work out some kind of happy ending as I don't want to play a story where they're doomed to fail or anything like that. So, please keep that in mind.
Sanji/Nico Robin
Nothing to hardcore for this one. Just Sanji realizing he's being dumb by crushing on Nami so hard and also realizing how great he and Nico are together. This one has the cutest SOL vibes to it.
Nothing to hardcore for this one. Just Sanji realizing he's being dumb by crushing on Nami so hard and also realizing how great he and Nico are together. This one has the cutest SOL vibes to it.
Ikki Kurogane/Stella Vermillion
If anyone knows of Ikki & Stella and would be willing to pick up where Chivalry Of A Failed Knight ended (or redo it) then please let me know! I love this anime so much and hate that it ended unfinished. I know it's a longshot because most people have never even heard of it but I'm putting it on here because I'd absolutely die if I could find someone who has seen it and would want to do something based off of it.
If anyone knows of Ikki & Stella and would be willing to pick up where Chivalry Of A Failed Knight ended (or redo it) then please let me know! I love this anime so much and hate that it ended unfinished. I know it's a longshot because most people have never even heard of it but I'm putting it on here because I'd absolutely die if I could find someone who has seen it and would want to do something based off of it.
I'd love to do something with Kirito and Asuna either all grown up and living an SOL life together (married young please). Or I'd like to do a thing where they're still in the original Sword Art Online and have as well grown up quite a bit and still aren't out.
I'd love to do something with Kirito and Asuna either all grown up and living an SOL life together (married young please). Or I'd like to do a thing where they're still in the original Sword Art Online and have as well grown up quite a bit and still aren't out.
Moving into the cartoon side of things….
Sym-Bionic Titan is a new interest of mine. I'm very interested in doing something with Octus and Kimmy. The concept of their relationship and how it plays out is fascinating to me and something I would love to explore. I also think the two other main leads are interesting and would be willing to hear ideas on them.
Sym-Bionic Titan is a new interest of mine. I'm very interested in doing something with Octus and Kimmy. The concept of their relationship and how it plays out is fascinating to me and something I would love to explore. I also think the two other main leads are interesting and would be willing to hear ideas on them.
Video Games
Persona 5!
Please note, in all the scenarios below, I am looking to write more or less the games or at least something set after the games. Ideally, we're taking these pairings and doing multiple characters. Then doing an adult spin on the events of their games. I'm not against the idea of doing something set after their games either but ideally if we do go that route something is pulling them back into the world of Persona's and shadows.
Persona 3
Makoto Yuki/Mitsuru Kirijo (The one I'm most interested in)
Junpei Lori/Yukari Takeba
Akihiko Sanada/ Fuuka Yamagishi
Shinjiro Aragaki/Aigis
Persona 4
Yu Narukami with either Yukiko Amagi or Rise Kujikawa
Yosuke Hanamura/Chie Satonaka
Kanji Tatsumi/ Yukiko Amagi
Persona 5
Ren Amamiya can be paired with the following: Ann, Makoto, Haru, or Sumire
Please note, in all the scenarios below, I am looking to write more or less the games or at least something set after the games. Ideally, we're taking these pairings and doing multiple characters. Then doing an adult spin on the events of their games. I'm not against the idea of doing something set after their games either but ideally if we do go that route something is pulling them back into the world of Persona's and shadows.
Persona 3
Makoto Yuki/Mitsuru Kirijo (The one I'm most interested in)
Junpei Lori/Yukari Takeba
Akihiko Sanada/ Fuuka Yamagishi
Shinjiro Aragaki/Aigis
Persona 4
Yu Narukami with either Yukiko Amagi or Rise Kujikawa
Yosuke Hanamura/Chie Satonaka
Kanji Tatsumi/ Yukiko Amagi
Persona 5
Ren Amamiya can be paired with the following: Ann, Makoto, Haru, or Sumire
Melinoe/Anyone (Potentially)
I've been playing a ton of Hades Two Lately! And I utterly adore Melinoe! I think she's such a fascinating character. I would absolute adore playing against her in something. I'm tentatively open to who we pair her with. Preferably I'd like to play male. I could either play one of her allies, one of the gods, or even an OC! The skies the limit! This would be a romantic adventure of sorts taking place during the game. Ideally he'd be an ally helping her bring death to Chronos.
I've been playing a ton of Hades Two Lately! And I utterly adore Melinoe! I think she's such a fascinating character. I would absolute adore playing against her in something. I'm tentatively open to who we pair her with. Preferably I'd like to play male. I could either play one of her allies, one of the gods, or even an OC! The skies the limit! This would be a romantic adventure of sorts taking place during the game. Ideally he'd be an ally helping her bring death to Chronos.
From sworn enemies, to reluctant allies, to friends, to lovers. Kratos and Freya have been through a lot together and face an uncertain future together full of hope. From the recent Valhalla DLC, we know what Freya and Kratos are doing with themselves. Our story would start with Kratos accepting the position of God Of War and working with Freya. The close relationship and working together would lead to them finally admitting their feelings for each other and getting into a relationship.
From sworn enemies, to reluctant allies, to friends, to lovers. Kratos and Freya have been through a lot together and face an uncertain future together full of hope. From the recent Valhalla DLC, we know what Freya and Kratos are doing with themselves. Our story would start with Kratos accepting the position of God Of War and working with Freya. The close relationship and working together would lead to them finally admitting their feelings for each other and getting into a relationship.
While I'm not a deep lore person on the Warhammer universe. I would like to do something with a Sister Of Battle. I have no idea what exactly (no bad end scenarios please) and so I am open to figuring it out with a partner.
Juno & Starkiller- After the events of The Force Unleashed 2, the man who isn't sure if he's a clone of Galen and Juno must find their place in the galaxy. What sort of involvement are they going to have with the Rebel Alliance? What are they going to do with the capture Darth Vader? What potential help can Galen be to Luke Skywalker? This will be an AU story that breaks from the canon. If you want to include more characters all the better!
Juno & Starkiller- After the events of The Force Unleashed 2, the man who isn't sure if he's a clone of Galen and Juno must find their place in the galaxy. What sort of involvement are they going to have with the Rebel Alliance? What are they going to do with the capture Darth Vader? What potential help can Galen be to Luke Skywalker? This will be an AU story that breaks from the canon. If you want to include more characters all the better!
Like a lot of people, I've been playing a ton of Baldurs Gate 3! I really love the story, world, and the D&D elements of the game. I like all of the men within Baldur's Gate 3 and am also more than willing to play OCs.
This is the rare time when I'd be willing to accept OCs for Canons. I'm also okay with doubling. IE, if you want Gale and want to pair your OC with him, then I'd be willing to do that in exchange for pairing my OC with Karlach or Shadow Heart. I'd prefer to find someone willing to play multiple characters. Who would be interested in "gathering our party," so to speak! This world is so massive that it would be boring just to play one pairing. So keep that in mind.
Karlach- One thing that interests me about Karlach is the whole burning to hot no touching that at first. I think I would like to play around with that. The two of them having mutual masturbation sessions because they can't touch each other.
This is the rare time when I'd be willing to accept OCs for Canons. I'm also okay with doubling. IE, if you want Gale and want to pair your OC with him, then I'd be willing to do that in exchange for pairing my OC with Karlach or Shadow Heart. I'd prefer to find someone willing to play multiple characters. Who would be interested in "gathering our party," so to speak! This world is so massive that it would be boring just to play one pairing. So keep that in mind.
Karlach- One thing that interests me about Karlach is the whole burning to hot no touching that at first. I think I would like to play around with that. The two of them having mutual masturbation sessions because they can't touch each other.
We've had a great run of RP games lately! Starfield's surprised me in several ways, and an idea has sprung into my head for that world that I'd love to find someone who likes the world and wants to play in it.
I'm looking to play as Joe, a man from Neon who was once a part of a gang. Because of that, he has people after him from his past. He joined the Argos Mining group in an attempt to hide from his past. Then, of course, things kicked off with him and Constellation.
Recently (as in when the story starts), the Crimson Dawn shot down the Frontier when he was heading to Akila. I'm looking for an OC to play some type of girl on Akila (Farmer, Ranger, Mechanic, or something else) who is involved with him after he crash lands. My thought is he joins the Freestar Rangers as part of this new life he's seeking.
I'm looking to play as Joe, a man from Neon who was once a part of a gang. Because of that, he has people after him from his past. He joined the Argos Mining group in an attempt to hide from his past. Then, of course, things kicked off with him and Constellation.
Recently (as in when the story starts), the Crimson Dawn shot down the Frontier when he was heading to Akila. I'm looking for an OC to play some type of girl on Akila (Farmer, Ranger, Mechanic, or something else) who is involved with him after he crash lands. My thought is he joins the Freestar Rangers as part of this new life he's seeking.
Jill and Clive are an amazing couple. I love them in Final Fantasy 16 and would love to do something involving the two of them. Either an AU tale or our own spin on the events of the game. I'd also be interested in pairing Joshua with someone or perhaps even doubling and playing one of the bad guys from the game.
Idea 1: Panam and V! I love that relationship and would love to play it through with the two of them being more together. This would start at first meetings and progress from there.
Idea 2: River and Fem V! If you like River and have a Fem V idea let me know! I'd love to hear it.
Oc X Oc: I'm also down for OC stuff! Two V's. No V's. Nothing to do with Cyberpunks main story. Ect ect. Let me know if you're looking for something specific!
Hello Chooms! Lately, Night City has been beckoning me back. I love the setting and themes of Night City and Cyberpunk. I think it’s such a fun place to play in and write stories in! So, I’m looking for a lovely partner interested in falling in love in Night City.
Ideally, I’m looking for someone at least somewhat comfortable with action scenes. My goal isn’t to go action-heavy, but in Night City, firefights and actions are sort of a given. Ideally, we’d both be two “punks” doing jobs and being a kick-butt team. Your specialist and who you are in Night City are entirely up to you. I have a few ideas for MC that you can see below.
Romance is a big part of the story. Night City is a place where you have to watch your back constantly. I’m looking for someone who is interested in watching each other’s back and working together. I prefer someone interested in a whirlwind romance or even two characters already together. I’m not interested in “slow burns”.
If you’re interested, look down below for MC ideas. Let me know which one interests you in your message. Happy hunting and living “on the edge” Chooms!
MC Idea 1. An Ex Law-Enforcement who is now acting as a “sheriff” to a Megablock
MC Idea 2. A boxer trying to afford his mods and working as an enforcer to pay for them
MC Idea 3. A nomad who has recently moved to Night City and trying to break into the racer scene
MC Idea 4. A Valentino still involved in the gang
MC Idea 5. A Haitian Creole Voodoo Boy living in Pacifica
Idea 2: River and Fem V! If you like River and have a Fem V idea let me know! I'd love to hear it.
Oc X Oc: I'm also down for OC stuff! Two V's. No V's. Nothing to do with Cyberpunks main story. Ect ect. Let me know if you're looking for something specific!
Hello Chooms! Lately, Night City has been beckoning me back. I love the setting and themes of Night City and Cyberpunk. I think it’s such a fun place to play in and write stories in! So, I’m looking for a lovely partner interested in falling in love in Night City.
Ideally, I’m looking for someone at least somewhat comfortable with action scenes. My goal isn’t to go action-heavy, but in Night City, firefights and actions are sort of a given. Ideally, we’d both be two “punks” doing jobs and being a kick-butt team. Your specialist and who you are in Night City are entirely up to you. I have a few ideas for MC that you can see below.
Romance is a big part of the story. Night City is a place where you have to watch your back constantly. I’m looking for someone who is interested in watching each other’s back and working together. I prefer someone interested in a whirlwind romance or even two characters already together. I’m not interested in “slow burns”.
If you’re interested, look down below for MC ideas. Let me know which one interests you in your message. Happy hunting and living “on the edge” Chooms!
MC Idea 1. An Ex Law-Enforcement who is now acting as a “sheriff” to a Megablock
MC Idea 2. A boxer trying to afford his mods and working as an enforcer to pay for them
MC Idea 3. A nomad who has recently moved to Night City and trying to break into the racer scene
MC Idea 4. A Valentino still involved in the gang
MC Idea 5. A Haitian Creole Voodoo Boy living in Pacifica
The Big Pokemon Request Area!
Note: While I'm not against Poke and human relations. I'm not currently looking for that and so none of these ideas will have that in them
Where were you when the world ended?
Fifteen years ago, the Legendary Pokemon all activated at once. Some sort of pulse or signal went out and they grew in size before moving through the world. While they didn't attack humans, the balance was thoroughly skewed and many people died as regular Pokemon went crazy and the Legendaries terraformed the world with their powers.
Fast forward fifteen years, and humans live in underground bunkers. The Poke Professors are trying to figure out how to fix things and calm the Legendaries down. Of course, in order to do this, they need data. So, trainers are now researchers and scavengers that could out and get things the bunkers need. We would be playing two of those researchers/scavengers.
Sword & Shield Idea
I really love the Galar region. I love their whole approach to battling and the British Flare. I have the following idea for this region.
My MC would be the son of a previous champion. His father was in the minor leagues as a gym leader. His father has recently been fighting cancer which has spurred the young adult man to finally do the Gym Challenge. His goal is to become champion like his father was when he was a young adult. His fathers pokemon of choice was a Galarian Pontya and then later Rapidash and the family actually has a farm slash ranch for the adorable little horses. He and his Pontya area ready to take on the Gym Challenge and find love along the way!
Red & Sabrina
Nothin specific to this one. I really like the Pokemon Adventures Manga and it would take inspiration from that. Evil Gym Leaders (Not Sabrina) and good Gym Leaders fighting and Team Rocket shenanigans. Of course, everyone would be aged up for this to the apropriate standards for BMR.
"Realistic" Pokemon
This one can be set in any region potentially. What I'm looking to do is brainstorm and work on more realistic pokemon world. So young adults going on their pokemon journey, the idea that these journeys are a profession, a more detailed idea of what being a Pokemon Researcher is. Different things like that. This would involve us brainstorming heavily and figuring out what "our" pokemon world looks like.
Jesse/James I think it would be cute AF to do something with Jesse and James. Either something based off the picture with them retired and having a family, or something fun with them doing missions for Team Rocket. I don't even mind the idea of them being capable and not bumbling and being criminals. Skies sort of the limit!
Also worth noting there are A LOT of pokemon babes out there. So if you're interested in playing a specific canon girl and want to play them with any of these ideas let me know!
Note: While I'm not against Poke and human relations. I'm not currently looking for that and so none of these ideas will have that in them
Where were you when the world ended?
Fifteen years ago, the Legendary Pokemon all activated at once. Some sort of pulse or signal went out and they grew in size before moving through the world. While they didn't attack humans, the balance was thoroughly skewed and many people died as regular Pokemon went crazy and the Legendaries terraformed the world with their powers.
Fast forward fifteen years, and humans live in underground bunkers. The Poke Professors are trying to figure out how to fix things and calm the Legendaries down. Of course, in order to do this, they need data. So, trainers are now researchers and scavengers that could out and get things the bunkers need. We would be playing two of those researchers/scavengers.
Sword & Shield Idea
I really love the Galar region. I love their whole approach to battling and the British Flare. I have the following idea for this region.
My MC would be the son of a previous champion. His father was in the minor leagues as a gym leader. His father has recently been fighting cancer which has spurred the young adult man to finally do the Gym Challenge. His goal is to become champion like his father was when he was a young adult. His fathers pokemon of choice was a Galarian Pontya and then later Rapidash and the family actually has a farm slash ranch for the adorable little horses. He and his Pontya area ready to take on the Gym Challenge and find love along the way!
Red & Sabrina
Nothin specific to this one. I really like the Pokemon Adventures Manga and it would take inspiration from that. Evil Gym Leaders (Not Sabrina) and good Gym Leaders fighting and Team Rocket shenanigans. Of course, everyone would be aged up for this to the apropriate standards for BMR.
"Realistic" Pokemon
This one can be set in any region potentially. What I'm looking to do is brainstorm and work on more realistic pokemon world. So young adults going on their pokemon journey, the idea that these journeys are a profession, a more detailed idea of what being a Pokemon Researcher is. Different things like that. This would involve us brainstorming heavily and figuring out what "our" pokemon world looks like.
Jesse/James I think it would be cute AF to do something with Jesse and James. Either something based off the picture with them retired and having a family, or something fun with them doing missions for Team Rocket. I don't even mind the idea of them being capable and not bumbling and being criminals. Skies sort of the limit!
Also worth noting there are A LOT of pokemon babes out there. So if you're interested in playing a specific canon girl and want to play them with any of these ideas let me know!
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