Hello there lovely stranger, and thank you for taking the time to read my interest check here.
'A little about myself before I get into the meat and potatoes of things. I've been writing and roleplaying for well over twenty years now, and have been erotic roleplaying for six years. I have a taste for playing as males, futanari, a male-female couple or even monsters against females or traps. My kinks include romance, vanilla, lesbians, rough sex, aftercare (a kiss or a lick after some rough stuff is always fun), exhibition / outdoor sex, voyeurism (especially when my partner is masturbating), virgins, incest, threesomes/moresomes, harems, fandoms, impregnation and breeding. If one of these kinks isn't to your liking, do let me know. I have few hard limitations, aside from the underaged, pain, bathroom kinks, tattoos, feeding, vore and cuckoldry. Otherwise, if you wish me to scratch a particular itch, feel free to ask.'
That message may look familiar to some of you. Over the years, I have preferred contacting people via PM to advertising my own desires. During that time I have contacted hundreds of users and played in dozens of games, some of which still resonate with me to this day. Most of my partners over the years I have found either through browsing interest checks, or through recommendations from friends. Through this, I have met many fun and interesting people, and have a circle of two dozen partners I regularly play with. But I never posted an interest check here before. That has partially been due to how many writing partners I have. With so many partners, I am regularly kept busy, and there is always a new face or a new idea to intrigue me. But the other reason has been shyness. Its one thing to greet a stranger with your credentials. Its another to announce to hundreds of them 'I want my OC to put my favorite character into a mating press until she cannot live without his love.'
But over the years, there have been a few ideas which have slipped through the cracks. Roleplays which fell apart after months of play, or an idea lost in the shuffle of other thoughts. This, led me to posting this here. This isn't an interest check to play in general, but for a handful of very specific ideas. I doubt I will play any of these. But if there is even a small chance I find a kindred soul who looks at this and thinks 'Huh, that's kind of hot', it will be worth the effort. Old dreams, half-remembered, wait for new life here.
Be warned. Links may be NSFW.
Old Friends
The two had kept in loose contact over the years, ever since those happy days when they grew up in a quiet neighborhood. But she had to move away eventually. He could still remember crying about losing his only friend. That had been ten years ago. And she looked incredible. Enough to make his girlfriend jealous, definitely, though sex was far from his mind. She had suggested going to an old beach spot they knew as kids. A picnic was packed, and the two were soon on there way. There was only one small problem...it was now a nude beach. What erotic adventures await?
The small plane had been on its way to Tokyo. Carrying a handful of students, either hoping to study abroad in Japan or coming home for the holidays. The storm had come upon it unexpectedly, but the pilot safely put the plane down into the ocean. Not far from a deserted island. With trees, a river and a smoldering volcano, it could have been a paradise if we had not been alone. Now its just us. Can we survive in this strange land? Will rescue ever come?
We never found out its name. Though what it was, we weren't sure. One of us thought it was a massive amusement park. Another thought it was some kind of underground vault to survive in style. Though the space itself was simple enough to figure out. A massive space, extending for miles at least far underground. This wasn't a sterile bunker or military base though. Tile floors ran everywhere, filled with pool water and lined by sandy beaches and apartments built into the walls. A road ran up an artificial hill, leading to suburban houses. Relaxing music played from hidden speakers. But not a soul was to be found. Little did we know, we would be stuck here...
Happy Birthday!
The two of us had always taken care of each other. Our parents were much too busy to focus on raising us. Those 200k salaries don't earn themselves. So, we raised each other. With some help from our maid, of course. It was a strange sort of family. But for twins, it was good enough. That is, until we reached middle school. Someone like me would drag her down, so my sister cast me off. We went from each other's shadow, to complete strangers who slept in the same house. I am not sure what made her change her mind this birthday. Maybe it was graduation, and the promise of me leaving forever. Maybe it was guilt she had for years. Maybe she just wanted to rub her sexy friends in my face. Either way, our birthday was going to turn out, to be very unexpected.
Snowed In
Furiously, she masturbated her pussy. Moaning into the pillow as she thought about what she had been planning. It had been a few months since their mother had left them, hopefully for the last time. They had hoped the chance would help their father heal, but since she left he had just been depressed. To help him recover, Victoria, Mavis and their sisters had talked him into going out into the mountains to a rental cabin. He had been reluctant at first. But he never was able to resist his little girls. Everything had gone smoothly. Days spent outside, skiing and having snowball fights. Until the second day, when a surprise blizzard had crept over the mountains. Trapping the girls inside with their father. It had been boring inside, but there was nowhere else to go. So Victoria, shy nervous pervert that she was, had a plan. She was going to seduce her father.
Name: Mavis Black & Thomas Hatter
Age: 19 & 18
Bio: Hello! I heard about this app from my girlfriends on the cheer team. Its my boyfriend's birthday in a couple weeks (he's the cute nerd underneath yours truly). I'm his first girlfriend, and I've always kind of been into girls, so I thought I would surprise him with another girl (or more
). I think I've a hot body, and my Thomas is cute~ (He has a fat cock too if you're into that. I know I am.
Help me give my blushing boyfriend the best birthday ever!
The two had kept in loose contact over the years, ever since those happy days when they grew up in a quiet neighborhood. But she had to move away eventually. He could still remember crying about losing his only friend. That had been ten years ago. And she looked incredible. Enough to make his girlfriend jealous, definitely, though sex was far from his mind. She had suggested going to an old beach spot they knew as kids. A picnic was packed, and the two were soon on there way. There was only one small problem...it was now a nude beach. What erotic adventures await?
The small plane had been on its way to Tokyo. Carrying a handful of students, either hoping to study abroad in Japan or coming home for the holidays. The storm had come upon it unexpectedly, but the pilot safely put the plane down into the ocean. Not far from a deserted island. With trees, a river and a smoldering volcano, it could have been a paradise if we had not been alone. Now its just us. Can we survive in this strange land? Will rescue ever come?
We never found out its name. Though what it was, we weren't sure. One of us thought it was a massive amusement park. Another thought it was some kind of underground vault to survive in style. Though the space itself was simple enough to figure out. A massive space, extending for miles at least far underground. This wasn't a sterile bunker or military base though. Tile floors ran everywhere, filled with pool water and lined by sandy beaches and apartments built into the walls. A road ran up an artificial hill, leading to suburban houses. Relaxing music played from hidden speakers. But not a soul was to be found. Little did we know, we would be stuck here...
Happy Birthday!
The two of us had always taken care of each other. Our parents were much too busy to focus on raising us. Those 200k salaries don't earn themselves. So, we raised each other. With some help from our maid, of course. It was a strange sort of family. But for twins, it was good enough. That is, until we reached middle school. Someone like me would drag her down, so my sister cast me off. We went from each other's shadow, to complete strangers who slept in the same house. I am not sure what made her change her mind this birthday. Maybe it was graduation, and the promise of me leaving forever. Maybe it was guilt she had for years. Maybe she just wanted to rub her sexy friends in my face. Either way, our birthday was going to turn out, to be very unexpected.
Snowed In
Furiously, she masturbated her pussy. Moaning into the pillow as she thought about what she had been planning. It had been a few months since their mother had left them, hopefully for the last time. They had hoped the chance would help their father heal, but since she left he had just been depressed. To help him recover, Victoria, Mavis and their sisters had talked him into going out into the mountains to a rental cabin. He had been reluctant at first. But he never was able to resist his little girls. Everything had gone smoothly. Days spent outside, skiing and having snowball fights. Until the second day, when a surprise blizzard had crept over the mountains. Trapping the girls inside with their father. It had been boring inside, but there was nowhere else to go. So Victoria, shy nervous pervert that she was, had a plan. She was going to seduce her father.
Name: Mavis Black & Thomas Hatter
Age: 19 & 18
Bio: Hello! I heard about this app from my girlfriends on the cheer team. Its my boyfriend's birthday in a couple weeks (he's the cute nerd underneath yours truly). I'm his first girlfriend, and I've always kind of been into girls, so I thought I would surprise him with another girl (or more

For House di Canossa!
It is the 1064 Ad Domino. All of Europe lies anxious. The good emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Conrad the Pious, has been dead for ten years. Yet no heir has been declared. In Rome, an uneasy peace lies between the Vatican and the Empire. Pagans rage in the Baltic, and in the Holy Lands, rumors of mistreatment of Christian pilgrims by the Seljuk Turks begins to spread...
One of the few bright spots in this time was in Tuscany. Here, the young noblewoman Matilda di Canossa reigns. Here the land is peaceful, trade is eagerly exchanged, and the faith is respected above the distant whims of German kings. Yet as she blossoms into adulthood, suitors journey far and wide to court the favor of the beloved Duchess...
In the 1930s, the grip of the British on the rubber trade was near absolute. Colonies in Africa and India were able to produce rubber at a higher rate than its traditional origin in Brazil. It seemed the Crown's dominance was secure. That is, until Henry Ford came up with an idea. An entirely self sufficient city, modeled on the ideal American small town. Dropped right in the heart of Brazil. Between the land's verdant natural resources and American know-how, it would surely create a prosperous town.
That had been the hope at least.
The town was quickly fraught with issues. Predators crept from the jungle, attacking workers. The oppressive heat kept production low at all times. And the lines of rubber trees made them easy prey for parasites. Not that the company saw these things. All they saw was production quotas growing low. The workers were blamed. After all, most Americans worked for eight hours straight, while the locals wanted to sleep through the hottest part of the day. They needed a new overseer to keep an eye on...things. To enforce a sense of discipline, and make demands on the workers. That was where he came in.
GI! GI! Give me some Chocolate!
The most devastating war in human history was finally at an end. Across Europe, nations wearily attempted to rebuild. After years of terror and war, the work of engineers were desperately needed. Towns and bridges needed restoration, and minefields or fortifications had to be torn away. Such demanding work meant that GIs specialized in engineering wandered the continent from job to job. Settling into Germany for a time, before moving to Great Britain, and from there, France. With his ready access to luxuries and high pay, any American engineer was a tempting prospect. In an era where food was rationed, all you had to do for some cigarettes or chocolate was to spread your legs.
It is the 1064 Ad Domino. All of Europe lies anxious. The good emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Conrad the Pious, has been dead for ten years. Yet no heir has been declared. In Rome, an uneasy peace lies between the Vatican and the Empire. Pagans rage in the Baltic, and in the Holy Lands, rumors of mistreatment of Christian pilgrims by the Seljuk Turks begins to spread...
One of the few bright spots in this time was in Tuscany. Here, the young noblewoman Matilda di Canossa reigns. Here the land is peaceful, trade is eagerly exchanged, and the faith is respected above the distant whims of German kings. Yet as she blossoms into adulthood, suitors journey far and wide to court the favor of the beloved Duchess...
In the 1930s, the grip of the British on the rubber trade was near absolute. Colonies in Africa and India were able to produce rubber at a higher rate than its traditional origin in Brazil. It seemed the Crown's dominance was secure. That is, until Henry Ford came up with an idea. An entirely self sufficient city, modeled on the ideal American small town. Dropped right in the heart of Brazil. Between the land's verdant natural resources and American know-how, it would surely create a prosperous town.
That had been the hope at least.
The town was quickly fraught with issues. Predators crept from the jungle, attacking workers. The oppressive heat kept production low at all times. And the lines of rubber trees made them easy prey for parasites. Not that the company saw these things. All they saw was production quotas growing low. The workers were blamed. After all, most Americans worked for eight hours straight, while the locals wanted to sleep through the hottest part of the day. They needed a new overseer to keep an eye on...things. To enforce a sense of discipline, and make demands on the workers. That was where he came in.
GI! GI! Give me some Chocolate!
The most devastating war in human history was finally at an end. Across Europe, nations wearily attempted to rebuild. After years of terror and war, the work of engineers were desperately needed. Towns and bridges needed restoration, and minefields or fortifications had to be torn away. Such demanding work meant that GIs specialized in engineering wandered the continent from job to job. Settling into Germany for a time, before moving to Great Britain, and from there, France. With his ready access to luxuries and high pay, any American engineer was a tempting prospect. In an era where food was rationed, all you had to do for some cigarettes or chocolate was to spread your legs.
A final note before we begin. Some characters contained within are canonically lolis, or are often portrayed as lolis. Any and all characters within will be played as 18+. I may at times share art here. All art chosen lacks the 'loli' tag, and will be SFW.
Was that as painful for you to read as it was for me to write? That said, I am more than happy to discuss original interpretations of these ideas. I love crafting interesting narratives, creating relaxing romances and worldbuilding unique settings. Expect to go in-depth with our world and story.
That is all for now. I hope to hear from you soon.
A final note before we begin. Some characters contained within are canonically lolis, or are often portrayed as lolis. Any and all characters within will be played as 18+. I may at times share art here. All art chosen lacks the 'loli' tag, and will be SFW.
Of Wolf and Tree
Of all the children of King Aragorn II and Queen Arwen, their third daughter was the fairest. The youngest of their four children, she had much of the ethereal qualities possessed by her great grandmother. She excelled in courtly life, and though more unruly than her sisters, she was well known for her skill in her studies. Which made the decision to wed her to a Dunlander all the stranger. The fearsome warrior Wulfstan was as much a feared warrior as his grandfather Wulf, and lived as no less a barbarian. Though touting himself 'the King of the Dunlanders', their cities of tents encircled by palisades were of little match to Gondor's stone cities, or Lothlorien's great trees. The day the princess left for Dunland, all of Minas Tirith emerged, gathering silently as though for a funeral. Not knowing what future awaited their princess in savage Dunland.
Of all the children of King Aragorn II and Queen Arwen, their third daughter was the fairest. The youngest of their four children, she had much of the ethereal qualities possessed by her great grandmother. She excelled in courtly life, and though more unruly than her sisters, she was well known for her skill in her studies. Which made the decision to wed her to a Dunlander all the stranger. The fearsome warrior Wulfstan was as much a feared warrior as his grandfather Wulf, and lived as no less a barbarian. Though touting himself 'the King of the Dunlanders', their cities of tents encircled by palisades were of little match to Gondor's stone cities, or Lothlorien's great trees. The day the princess left for Dunland, all of Minas Tirith emerged, gathering silently as though for a funeral. Not knowing what future awaited their princess in savage Dunland.
Putting the Pieces Together
The evening was calm as the older man wandered down the decrepit street. It had been a nice neighborhood once, long ago. But the wars of conquest raged by the insidious Doctor Wily had taken its toll on the street. Half the homes here had been gutted in the war. The country promised aid, but there had been such devastation, they only had time to patch the damage, and move on to the next warzone.
He sighed as he turned towards the dump, wondering how his wife was at home. It had been twenty years since the field of robotics had been banned. After the horrors of the Wily Wars however, most of the public's interest in robots had passed. Those who hadn't found building them was now a lot harder, with far fewer factories. Most were now built by hand...
He stopped as he felt something crunch underfoot. His eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the face that stared lifelessly back at him. Little did he suspect, what he had just found.
The evening was calm as the older man wandered down the decrepit street. It had been a nice neighborhood once, long ago. But the wars of conquest raged by the insidious Doctor Wily had taken its toll on the street. Half the homes here had been gutted in the war. The country promised aid, but there had been such devastation, they only had time to patch the damage, and move on to the next warzone.
He sighed as he turned towards the dump, wondering how his wife was at home. It had been twenty years since the field of robotics had been banned. After the horrors of the Wily Wars however, most of the public's interest in robots had passed. Those who hadn't found building them was now a lot harder, with far fewer factories. Most were now built by hand...
He stopped as he felt something crunch underfoot. His eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the face that stared lifelessly back at him. Little did he suspect, what he had just found.
Devil and Delinquent
Humans occasionally made interesting distractions. Though it was seldom the ones you expected. Many a businessman or politician had bored Yukari Yakumo to tears. But the human before her, suspended as though asleep, had always made good entertainment. With a devil-may-care attitude and self-carried reassurance, the teen certainly had the dashing rogue archetype down. It was only a shame his home life was so rough. Though that only made him more tempting an option. Not as a sexual conquest, though he had his moments. No, he was much more useful as a pawn.
The Scarlet Devil was placid for now. Content to live in her mansion with her sister and servants. But a demon of that strength was always a menace for the realm Yukari called home. But she knew the Devil's weakness. Novelty preyed on a mind as old and reserved as hers. And Yukari was fairly sure he would be enough of a distraction for Remilia to take her mind off her latest plot...
"Rise and shine, Percy...your time has come..."
His first sensation was the gentle touch of mists along his cheek. The chill damp in the air pulling him from his inner thoughts and into the waking world. HIs green eyes opened. His body rising sluggishly. Joints popped like a fresh round of kernels on the stove. Slowly, Perceval Greene stood up. One hand rising to run along his greased hair, as though to confirm the sound of his joints were not from him sleeping into his old age. The high school delinquent was not exactly used to waking up in strange places. But normally, he could at least recognize where he was. The last thing he remembered, he was playing pool in the back of a bar in Blue Moon. Then...
His temple gave a sharp warning throb. Enough to make him let out a grumble as his hands patted at his biker jacket. Wherever he was, it wasn't all bad. He still had his comb, cigarettes, guitar, switchblade and .32. Even his bike was still here. Though he still had to work out where he was.
The mist seemed to thin, as though in response to his thought. Letting him catch the barest outline of a tower and red brick walls on the horizon. It didn't look like anything back home. But it made a landmark at least. Maybe someone there knew the way back home. Crouching to the side, he gripped the handlebars of his motorcycle. Raising it before giving the fuselage a reassuring pat.
"Good enough for me, girl. Let's find our way back home."
Remember...If you Make a Promise...
With a groan, Hiro sat up in bed. Massaging his forehead as he did. It was not often he drank, but last night had been a special occasion. His life's work, 'A History of Gensokyo', had finally been published. A concise retelling of the world's known history, and a discussion on its dangers, he had hoped the book would do well. Not to make him rich, but to help the humans, fairies and friendly Youkai who dwelled in this land. That had earned a well-earned drink at Mystia's Izakaya. But...one bottle shouldn't produce a headache this bad...
No...he didn't. Not to excess...he had met someone...Someone he couldn't remember. They had talked and laughed. But everything about the someone was like a white void in his mind...
Beside him, a voice softly cooed from beneath his covers. Turning his head, he could see a stranger lying beside him. Eyes closed in sleep, yet very clearly not a human. For a moment, he felt a pang run through him, his mind thumbing through the various threats of the land and which might be behind it. It was only then, he noticed the note scrawled on his hand. One written in his own handwriting.
'Her name is Koi...'
Humans occasionally made interesting distractions. Though it was seldom the ones you expected. Many a businessman or politician had bored Yukari Yakumo to tears. But the human before her, suspended as though asleep, had always made good entertainment. With a devil-may-care attitude and self-carried reassurance, the teen certainly had the dashing rogue archetype down. It was only a shame his home life was so rough. Though that only made him more tempting an option. Not as a sexual conquest, though he had his moments. No, he was much more useful as a pawn.
The Scarlet Devil was placid for now. Content to live in her mansion with her sister and servants. But a demon of that strength was always a menace for the realm Yukari called home. But she knew the Devil's weakness. Novelty preyed on a mind as old and reserved as hers. And Yukari was fairly sure he would be enough of a distraction for Remilia to take her mind off her latest plot...
"Rise and shine, Percy...your time has come..."
His first sensation was the gentle touch of mists along his cheek. The chill damp in the air pulling him from his inner thoughts and into the waking world. HIs green eyes opened. His body rising sluggishly. Joints popped like a fresh round of kernels on the stove. Slowly, Perceval Greene stood up. One hand rising to run along his greased hair, as though to confirm the sound of his joints were not from him sleeping into his old age. The high school delinquent was not exactly used to waking up in strange places. But normally, he could at least recognize where he was. The last thing he remembered, he was playing pool in the back of a bar in Blue Moon. Then...
His temple gave a sharp warning throb. Enough to make him let out a grumble as his hands patted at his biker jacket. Wherever he was, it wasn't all bad. He still had his comb, cigarettes, guitar, switchblade and .32. Even his bike was still here. Though he still had to work out where he was.
The mist seemed to thin, as though in response to his thought. Letting him catch the barest outline of a tower and red brick walls on the horizon. It didn't look like anything back home. But it made a landmark at least. Maybe someone there knew the way back home. Crouching to the side, he gripped the handlebars of his motorcycle. Raising it before giving the fuselage a reassuring pat.
"Good enough for me, girl. Let's find our way back home."
Remember...If you Make a Promise...
With a groan, Hiro sat up in bed. Massaging his forehead as he did. It was not often he drank, but last night had been a special occasion. His life's work, 'A History of Gensokyo', had finally been published. A concise retelling of the world's known history, and a discussion on its dangers, he had hoped the book would do well. Not to make him rich, but to help the humans, fairies and friendly Youkai who dwelled in this land. That had earned a well-earned drink at Mystia's Izakaya. But...one bottle shouldn't produce a headache this bad...
No...he didn't. Not to excess...he had met someone...Someone he couldn't remember. They had talked and laughed. But everything about the someone was like a white void in his mind...
Beside him, a voice softly cooed from beneath his covers. Turning his head, he could see a stranger lying beside him. Eyes closed in sleep, yet very clearly not a human. For a moment, he felt a pang run through him, his mind thumbing through the various threats of the land and which might be behind it. It was only then, he noticed the note scrawled on his hand. One written in his own handwriting.
'Her name is Koi...'
Was that as painful for you to read as it was for me to write? That said, I am more than happy to discuss original interpretations of these ideas. I love crafting interesting narratives, creating relaxing romances and worldbuilding unique settings. Expect to go in-depth with our world and story.
That is all for now. I hope to hear from you soon.