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Fx Male Specific Craving for ToTK Zelda x Ganondorf [PMs Only]

Princess Zelda

Aug 20, 2020
Hi there!

I'm assuming because you clicked on that title, you're at least mildly interested in the pairing. Good news is I have plenty of cravings with them, as well as varying plot ideas, so hopefully we can come to a fun, smutty story with the lovely Princess Zelda and the Demon King, Ganondorf. At some point, I will be referring to minor spoilers for Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which I will make sure to hide, but I have not beaten the game and beg for no major spoilers. This RP doesn't even have to take place in that canon, but I would like to stick with the general designs for them both.

A few rules and regulations before I get into the thick of it:
  • Be literate, be a competent writer, and actively try not to make grammar or spelling mistakes. I don't care if they happen in general - I make them too - but if you show a complete disregard for general rules, I know for a fact we aren't going to match well whatsoever.
  • Be patience. I am an adult, with responsibilities, ADHD, and an emotionally exhausting job (I work with teenagers). It may take me a while to reply, but I try to as often as possible. I promise I will be equally patient with you. In that vein, I am ghosting friendly. I've done this hobby for over sixteen years - I have no need to waste my energy being upset over the loss of a good partner, even though it might suck at the start.
  • Be easy-going. Don't stress over your post-length. I average 4 to 5 paragraphs, though that number is totally fluid and matches the situation our characters are in, more than trying to fill any sort of quota. I can tell you if it dips below two, I am more likely to lose interest in general. But, over all, quality over quantity.
  • No first person and/or present tense. It's just not my jam. I don't write well with it or in it, nor do I like reading it.
  • Lastly, to be frank - If you reply to this RT with just a couple of sentences, I'm not going to respond to you. I have found that there's a positive correlation between shitty writers and a lack of effort in how they initially reach out. Same goes for if you clearly didn't read what I am looking for and are just asking for your own cravings.

Onto one of the most important parts, my kinks! I don't have an F-List, but I will list out my favorites and my limits, and if you have any questions about particular kinks, please don't be afraid to ask! I'm into plenty more than I'm not, if you catch my drift~
  • Domination
  • BDSM
  • Lactation
  • Squirting
  • Aftercare
  • Degradation
  • Praise (I know that's contradictory of the previous, but they can be used in different scenes to the same effect ;D)
  • Cock and ball worship
  • Mild humiliation
  • Fingering
  • Aphrodisiacs or lustful drunkenness
  • Starting with dub-con
  • 60/40 ration of smut to story, if not higher
  • Harems
  • Incest
  • Scat
  • Gore
  • Vore
  • Inflation
  • Abuse
  • [I reserve the right to add more if I think of them or they come up]
Now for the cravings and plot bunnies I have to offer! [As well as plenty of inspriring NSFW fanart]

Wrong Timezone
The same events with Link and Zelda take place as the start of the game. They go down to find where the Gloom is coming from, they awaken the Demon King, and Zelda touches a secret stone and is sent back in time to the first years of Hyrule. This plot would take place in the past, but instead of meeting her ancient ancestors and coming to figure out the events about to transpire, she instead lands in Gerudo Town, practically at the feet of the power-hungry Gerudo King, Ganondorf. Shocked and initially concerned about this sudden appearance of a Hylian within his walls, he comes to believe she is a gift from one of the goddesses, and declares they are to wed before Zelda can even come to terms with what is happening.
This twist up leads to a few fun ideas that can be mixed and matched:
  • Zelda resigns to marrying him because she is reeling from what's just happened to her and figures it would be safer to agree (NSFW) with this strange man until she can make plans for her next step, instead of making an enemy out of her only source of safety (NSFW). Zelda in Gerudo attire (NSFW) is definitely a kink for me, so that would definitely happen. So would her having to huddle to him for warmth on those chilly nights ;D
  • Zelda comes to the realization of her time travel and even the identity of Ganondorf, so she decides the best way to change the course of history would be to keep him from his plans for absolute power. She doesn't know of Rauru and Sonia, so she is unaware of the overall picture, and is alone in her quest. She starts to develop feelings for him and anxiety wavers with reason, as she debates on telling him her true identity and her experience of the future evil he causes.
  • Per Gerudo tradition, Zelda must beat various women of the village in many feats of strength and strategy. At first, she's too weak and inexperienced, physically at least. So, Ganondorf steps in with an offer to train her. This could easily lean into him developing feelings for her hard and fast, and trying to subtly influence the rush to wed her.
  • Ganondorf both respects Zelda's strength and intelligent, and wants to dominate it very early on in their relationship. He could drug her to loosen her up, or he could take what he wants. This would be set-up as dub-con, but I'm willing for non-con as a start, so long as it ends in consent.
  • We could implement rules and traditions and cultural practices of the Gerudo that make Zelda blush. Not just the nearly-transparent, minimalist outfits, but acts like walking around nude when its particularly hot, as well as a general embrace for nudity over all (which Ganondorf can practice all he wants, if you're interested)

Let's Break the Cycle

This is a more generalized setting/canon for them to get together. Based off of this lovely comic, A Tale of Two Rulers by FigmentForms (SFW), Ganondorf and Zelda exist at a time where Link does not. This could be because he's not yet old enough and hasn't appeared in this cycle of the Triforce, or he could actually be she, and she would be Zelda's adopted daughter. Whatever way we agree upon, Zelda approaches this iteration of Ganondorf with a proposal. For once, let them try and break the vicious cycle they had found themselves entwined with, by seeking an alliance and eventual joining of their two kingdoms. The both of them are reluctant, but too stubborn to let the other be the bigger person, and so they both commit to engagement, with the agreement that if they could stomach a year together, they would get married. They would spend split time in Hyrule and Gerudo Town, as well as travel around to the other kingdoms, to try and mend their relationship with Ganondorf as well, to allow for lots of variety in our scenes and locations. Also to note, in this plot, Ganondorf remembers most of his past lives and actions and Zelda remembers fragments, but is aware of the history of Hyrule and fills in her gaps of knowledge with that.
Mix and Match ideas:
  • Zelda has adopted the newest reincarnation of Link in an effort to keep her protected from Ganondorf, before he can seek him out and destroy her. So, Zelda's a single mom, which adds a layer of depth to their relationships. I wouldn't mind playing the kid when needed, but she could fade into the background if we wanted to do so.
  • Lots of open space to do a good amount of story scenes, with dialogue between other characters such as Impa or Rito, Zora, and Goron rulers and peoples, as well as character building between our main two.
  • He secretly has had feeling for Zelda for a long time (NSFW) and he refuses to squander this opportunity to get close to her (at least long enough to bed her). This could be infatuation that is coupled with his natural drive for more power or something more romantic, hidden under a mask of arrogance and brutishness to keep her at arms-length.
  • We lean into the tropes of their characteristics. Zelda will be intelligent, witty, and stubborn, along with romantically inexperienced (NSFW) and actually quite anxious. Ganondorf will be dashing, strong, and a competent, well-respected leader, as well as lustful and arrogant, often too forward or blunt, in spite of himself, not to mention possessive (NSFW).
Barebones, cliche, but Fun as Hell nonetheless
Ganondorf kidnaps Zelda (NSFW). Any mix-match of their character designs, storylines or settings, whatever. Just pure and simple, Ganondorf enslaves Zelda and we have plenty of kinky, smutty fun (NSFW). The only thing I need is for there to be a gurantee of romance and love (NSFW). I don't want him to be a brutal monster who wants to break her completely, just out of spite. I want him to desire her and respect her, but also degrade her (NSFW) and have her however he pleases. This would be 80-90% smut, unless you'd like to propose more ideas, which I would love to hear!

If you've made it this far, the Goddess gives her blessings. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks~
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