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Mx Female Seeking smut of the oversized variety

Oct 25, 2009
Important Note: I know my username looks edgy as fuck, but I only just learned how to change it because I am blind as a fucking bat. Just shorten it to SF and forget the full version, it's pretty non-indicative these days anyway. I'll change it as soon as I come up with something I'm happy with, so kinda traded one problem for another. :LOL:

Also thank god these templates exist now (this one thanks to CobaltBlue). Means my request threads won't look half-assed anymore. :p

About Me...
Been on the site off-and-on for ages, been away for a fair while and decided to come back as of this thread.

Aussie bloke, spending too much of his time on various games and TV shows (not so much on books but that's more because of the first two - I am so far behind on the Dresden Files...). I'd like to think that my roleplaying skills have improved in my time away from the site, mainly thanks to playing Pathfinder games on other forums, but writer's block has a tendency to loom at the worst moments.

As you'll see when you get to the kinks and plot ideas; I'm not really here for realistic scenarios, mainly just sexy fantastical fun.

Not sure what else to add here but I'll edit stuff in later as it occurs to me.

Preferred RP Locations:✘ Discord✔ PMs✔ Threads

My Avg. Post Frequency: every 2 days (though I aim for every day)My Writing Style: 1st person (can do 3rd)
My Avg. Post Length: I'll try for at least one paragraph, but there's a reason I mentioned writer's block beforeMy Time Zone: AEST (GMT+10)
OOC Wanted and Expected?: Yes!Preferred Plot to Smut Ratio: 70% Smut, 30% Plot (roughly)

Writing Partner Expectations:

Honestly not a lot, but there are two requirements so far. This is another section I'll probably just add to as I think of it.
  • If you want to end the RP, just tell me rather than disappearing on me. If something's not working, tell me what that is and we'll work around it.
  • Just be able to write decent prose. Doesn't have to be great but I had one many years ago where it felt like her posts were doing a scene transition mid-sentence and it was really jarring.

My Cravings, Kinks, and Limits:
Kinks I Crave!
Kinks I Like
My Limits
Hyper sizes - Not overall body just body parts; oversized breasts, cocks, etc.Ageplay - Sticking within site rules of course, with my upper limit for age on either side being mid-30s.Non-Con: Only No I'm listing here, you can see the rest on my F-List but they're pretty typical. Listing this one visibly here because I've had some ask for this in the past when my older threads only listed it on F-List. Enough that I feel like it needs a listing here just to save us all some time.
Growth - Our characters don't have to start disproportionately endowed, after allMagic/Superscience: You probably guessed this one from the growth entry to the left, but it's also for the sake of clean-up - my characters are gonna be rather... voluminous, and I'm not always interested in turning a bedroom into a cumbath.
Cum Inflation - Got a few details to this, you can find them in the F-List (main reason this is a custom kink on there)
Stomach Bulging - Given the sizes I'm wanting to work with, it's gonna show
Multiple Orgasms - On both sides; no reason it should end after just one round.
Light Marathon Sex - Not to the usual extreme you see this trope mentioned in, but stopping only for sleep during a long weekend sexcapade is something I'm up for, provided timeskips are used.
If you want to see more, you can find my F-List here.

My Genres and Themes:
Writing Genres I Love
Themes I Enjoy
ModernCasual relationships
Sci-fiRelaxes and lighthearted
FantasyOccasional delves into technobabble/magibabble :p
Urban Fantasy

For these pairings, YC is the character on the left, MC is on the right in bold.

Original Stories:

* * Adventurer vs New Mage Associate
* * Genie vs Master (I'm open to playing either side)
* * Neighbour vs Neighbour
Human vs Alien

Plot Ideas:

Note: Currently only interested in the more unusual versions of this at the moment; multi-partner, growth, multi-cocked or some combination thereof.

Something of a classic neighbours plot; hot weather and simmering lust boil over. A sex-hungry lady meets a sex-hungry bloke, both overequipped in their respective departments. Whether this happens as a poolside meeting in the backyard, or one of us getting locked outside in the rain, it quickly leads to an ongoing sexual tryst as two insatiable forces meet.

Particular Varieties:
These can be combined as desired, don't look at them as being mutually-exclusive.
  • Teenage Desire: One or both of our characters are underage (still within site guidelines of course). With the parents of one or both away on holiday, the presented opportunity is leapt on with gusto.
  • Growing Desire: At least one of us starts at more realistic sizes and, whether through one's magic or other factors, gradually grow into truly excessive sizes. A version of this that's come to mind recently is one where the growth happens after each orgasm. Exactly how much growth each time and whether it's just one or both of our characters is something we can hash out before starting.
  • Desire of the Many: Your bisexual character already has a few girlfriends who are happy to share and she decides to have them join in on our characters - either right away or some time later (not as interested in multiple males for this, more because I have difficulty running multiple characters in one sex scene - though if you want multiple guys on one lady, one of my other plots worked around this snag of mine).
  • Double-Barrelled Desire: Either by default or through other means, my character has two cocks. Mind you; if the extra one's permanent this might limit positions that make sense for one-on-one scenes so this one's probably best paired with Desire of the Many.
Here's a little writing sample for one possible way this plot can go. Not necessarily a start but still early in proceedings.
Suppose I should be glad that my neighbour had some spare clothes that, somewhat, fit me. Left over from her ex-boyfriend, apparently. Either way this whole evening had been an object lesson in making sure you always have a way to get back into your house if you lock yourself out, especially when your parents are off on holiday so you're there on your own.

I have to admit; there was a benefit to these clothes not fitting, especially the sweatpants. I normally wore looser pants to hide my ridiculous endowment anyway so these being looser still helped to hide the good foot-and-a-bit of soft cock. At least in normal circumstances; I was expecting this to only be temporary given who was currently with. I'd seen my neighbour through her window on more than a few occasions either on her own or with at least one amorous girlfriend. I still wasn't sure if she'd caught me watching or not but I'd gotten more than a few such "shows" and it would be hard to put those memories out of my mind entirely. I just had to hope she wouldn't be put off if she noticed the bloody python in my trousers decide to wake up. And if that happened she'd see pretty quick that, despite how huge I was normally, I was also a grower. I'd already torn other pants open from that in the past by accident (and once on purpose just to be sure I could) and I wasn't holding my breath about these surviving any better.

It'll be fine, I thought to myself, you've kept yourself in check whenever you have to head out in public, it'll be the same here. Just get your extremely-hot neighbour talking about something to keep yourself distracted and avoid thinking about the fact you've seen her in a multi-hour lesbian threesome on more than one occa- aaaand crap. Further evidence that I should really be careful when psyching myself up or calming myself down. I quickly shifted gear, started mentally running through some of the game mechanics for Traveller as though I were planning out an explanation video and the beast quickly calmed. With that disaster narrowly averted, I headed back downstairs.

So of course she'd taken the time I spent drying off from the rain and getting changed to get changed herself into something that was really showing off her body. I wasn't sure if she was trying to draw my eye or not but, well, seemed this night was about to get a lot harder. And thinking of that terrible pun actually helped me keep things under control so groan-worthy wordplay has a use after all.

A young man finds a curious program in an email, one that allows him to alter the physical appearance of anyone within a 100 metre radius of the computer. Getting inspired, he invites an ex-girlfriend turned friend-with-benefits over to experiment.

This was inspired by the Master PC series, but I wasn't comfortable with mental manipulations so this is purely physical.

Particular Varieties: Not as many here since this is already a pretty open-ended one. Mainly I'm willing to run this with my character being female who uses the program to make herself a futa. Another possibility would be replacing the computer program with a magical book. Either a full spellbook or something that functions a bit like the Death Note only, y'know, not lethal.

Here's a little writing sample for one possible way this plot can go. Not necessarily a start but still early in proceedings.
This can't be real, I thought to myself as I looked over the program, despite the evidence to the contrary. Said evidence being the fact that I'd been able to give myself a respectable bit of muscle tone. Not an absurd amount, probably about three-quarters of Chris Hemsworth give or take (not that I should be using actors as a unit of measure - Christian Bale's way too inconsistent on that for a start). The only thing that rivalled my surprise at a computer program that was somehow able to change my actual physical body was the fact that it had come with better documentation than I'd seen for just about any piece of software I'd ever used. Quick explanations, useful tutorials, but easy ways to find more detailed explanations for any feature. Half of which wasn't even needed because the UI was so well designed - like it took the best bits of every character creation system in video games and expanded on it with user convenience being their top priority throughout.

A thought occurred to me. Checking the dropdown menu for the target, I could see it list the Millers next door. I didn't click on either - both of them were well into their 70s and I didn't have any desire to look at high-res digital recreations of their naked bodies. Nor did I want to actually go changing anything on them without their consent and no way was I just gonna go tell them about this program. My other neighbours were also on the list and more names appeared for a moment as I heard a car drive past outside. The documentation said it had a hundred metre range from the active device and that was more than far enough to reach across the street. But it confirmed that anyone I did want to change just had to be in the area.

Going back to the body alterations section I decided I'd held off on doing what every bloke would want to do with this thing long enough. Opening the collapse for the genitals, I could see sliders for adjusting length and girth of the penis, likewise for the balls, even options for adjusting ejaculate quantity and refractory rate. Making a few tweaks, I opened my trouser and hit apply.

A pleasant warmth filled my crotch as my normally-average cock began to swell and lengthen. The sensation was arousing as well and I could feel blood flowing into my steadily-growing shaft, enough that I couldn't resist wrapping a hand around the lengthening tool and slowly stroking it as it expanded. The same feeling was running through my balls as they too swelled and expanded and I couldn't help sighing at the sensations.

It took only a matter of seconds but in the end I found myself stroking a solid foot-and-a-half of cock - more than twice the original length and probably a lot more for those who can be bothered to do volume calculations. My balls, likewise, were now each the size of an apple and I could feel seed churning within me. I wasn't sure if I'd regret upping that but I'd cross that bridge when I reached it. Getting ideas, I reached for my phone to call a friend of mine - a girl I knew would be eager to experiment with this thing. But then I felt my cock jump in my hand and decided I should head to the bathroom and make sure that the cum volume change had taken.

At a second hand shop, a young woman finds an interesting-looking ring. Upon returning home and cleaning it, she discovers it was the home of a djinn who gladly proves his power and explains the classic three-wishes arrangement. He does, however, encourage her to take her time deciding on what wishes to request and has no intention of twisting the wishes unless she deserves it* and even provides certain boons without them counting as wishes.

What he does not mention until it becomes relevant, however, is that while she cannot simply wish for more wishes, there is another way for her to gain more. By having sex with him, he can use the lust and emotions involved to fuel further wishes.

While the djinn manifests a material body, he is not limited to such like a human - he may alter the body in any way he wishes, of any sex, and even manifest in multiple bodies at once**.

*Twisting wishes to punish a self-centred master feels incredibly trite and overdone to me, so I'd ask that if you want to use this plot, that your character not be the sort who would deserve this and we just go with the wishes being granted more-or-less as requested, with the djinn just fine-tuning the details to make things smoother for everyone involved.

**Yes; this is the plot I was alluding to back in the Lustful Summer entry about multiple males in a scene - I'd have an easier time roleplaying the one djinn using multiple bodies than multiple separate characters. Obviously if you want to play a bisexual woman for this plot it opens up many more options.

Particular Varieties: Rather than me playing the djinn and you the human woman that acquires his ring, you play the djinn and I play the human man who acquires her ring.

Here's a little writing sample for one possible way this plot can go. Not necessarily a start but still early in proceedings.
"Well that whole three-wishes thing does have an actual basis," I explained now that my new master had accepted that she wasn't hallucinating, though I was wondering if I should've made my current form quite so shredded as her eyes kept drifting across my bare chest as I talked. If nothing else it was making it hard to resist the urge to start bouncing my pecs like Terry Crews... whoever that was. The flow of cultural information every time I was bound to a new master was always disorienting and never came in a smooth and logical fashion, like getting an update on society from someone with really bad ADHD and nothing to manage it.

"The wishes we grant are fuelled by a pool of energy. Think of it like mana in a video game - dear god this cultural update's throwing me - every wish costs a certain amount of energy from that reservoir, the bigger the wish the more energy it takes, and it's not uncommon for us to keep about three wishes worth of energy in the tank. Not always though, some of my... siblings, for lack of a better term, have come out of their relics with almost no energy stored and need time before they can grant anything but the simplest wish. Not the case for me at the moment, though, I've got enough for at least two really big wishes but most people don't make wishes that potent so it's gonna be more like three or four for you."

I decided to hold off on explaining the details of how it regained, just letting her think it was a passive regeneration. Mostly because explaining that resolved wishes actually refund a bit from the recipient's fulfilled desire would throw off my estimate and I wanted her to make the most of those wishes, but also because I'd had negative reactions to the other way of regaining energy. Not everyone is cool with the idea of recharging their djinn through sex and I'm particularly picky when it comes to such partners - it's made me something of a prude by djinn standards - but this girl wasn't unattractive and I could sense a respectable libido inside her so I'd tailored my form to be possibly more appealing. Part of me was hoping that she would be both cool with the idea and get ideas when I tell her I could manifest multiple bodies at once. And that she was bisexual to open up more opportunities. But worry about that later; for now, she knew what I was and that I had a decent reserve of wishes to grant. Let her get a couple out of her system and then see if she's open to getting more.

It wasn't a bus or anything fatal, but some sort of dimensional mishap lands a guy in a world right out of a fantasy setting. Albeit one with more relaxed views on sex. That the transfer somehow got him a new body didn't hurt either. Now if he could only figure out how to properly use the magic that somehow came with the new body. And if he'd stop getting dizzy as the knowledge of that magic kept trying to impose itself.

I should point out that this isn't meant to be a fully sex-casual setting. More "mild casual", I guess, it's not the place where you'll see people going at it in the streets. It's more people don't put the same weight on physical relationships as in our world. People like my character, known as Changelings for the physical changes, aren't unknown but they aren't exactly frequent. It's unheard of to get more than one in a single century so a lot of what's known publicly is more rumour and supposition unless talking to an actual expert (though they themselves are mostly working off of old records). About the only consistent thing with Changelings was a strangely enhanced sexual stamina and typically oversized sexual characteristics. Exactly why was a mystery for the ages.

Biggest variations here are the details of my character's new body - build, age, etc. Fair warning; if you go for something that could be described as a "twink" or "muscle twink" I will be making jokes about Breath of the Wild's version of Link. I've watched Overly Sarcastic Productions' streams of that game and its sequel so the jokes they've been making about how frequently Link loses his pants is burned into my brain.

Here's a little writing sample for one possible way this plot can go. Not necessarily a start but still early in proceedings and is just one possibility.
Whatever had happened to me had deposited me in a cave. Why it had dropped me in a pool of water I almost drowned in was a question for another day, but was leaving me pretty pissed off on its own. I'd somehow lost all my clothing in the process, barring a pair of boxers, but a set of rather fantasy-looking clothing had been left near the pool like someone had been expecting me. Weirdly; they fit perfectly.

The loss of clothing was also how I'd found out that my body had been greatly modified. With nothing for a proper frame of reference I couldn't tell if my height had changed, but I'd certainly lost weight and built up some decent muscle tone. What was weird was that the boxers I'd been left with were... somewhat more full than they would've been before. Exactly why my cock was now big enough to reach almost to my knees when soft I hadn't a clue. Certainly wasn't complaining but walking with that was going to take some adjustment.

"Wonder if these bracers say anything about it?" I wondered aloud, looking at the rune-covered arm guards. They were polished steel but lines of small and delicate writing in a language I didn't recognise were scrawled across their surface. I idly ran my fingers over the runes it hit. I was hit with a wave of dizziness and staggered until I was leaning against a stalagmite, but even that wasn't enough stability and I was quickly sitting at its base. Some of the runes flashed in my mind's eye and I could feel like I knew what they were but just couldn't remember. A combination came to my mind and I felt like if I just willed it those runes would do something to reality.

As the vertigo passed, I hauled myself back to my feet. "Runes on reality? Suppose it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to me today." Picking a point on the wall, I focused on the runes I'd been shown and, with an effort of will I somehow already knew how to do, forced them onto reality.

The wall I'd been focusing on shattered in a blast of kinetic force that I think even C4 would've had trouble replicating, the stone shattering and caving inward. Realising that I probably should've done this when there wasn't god-knows how many tonnes of rock and stone over my head, I decided to employ the age-old plan of "leg it". Thankfully I wasn't that far inside the cave and the exit was only a couple corners away. Also the rumbling stopped pretty quick so I calmed down once I realised I hadn't accidentally triggered a cave-in. A calm that was rather shattered as I heard what could only be footsteps from the part of the cave I'd just vacated. Very heavy footsteps.

With worryingly-jerky motions, something stepped around the corner towards me. It was vaguely humanoid but far larger and broader than any human had a right to be, and as it got closer to the light I realised it was some sort of machine. Pitted and dented metal covered its body and rather fresh-looking rocks and rubble were caught in some of its joints and such, making me realise I'd probably just opened up whatever hole it had been sealed in. It spoke in some language I didn't recognise, but I did recognise the halting, juddery delivery that put me in mind of malfunctioning robots and AI all across different stories from home.

"I really hope this is just a 'broken drone' situation and not a 'SHODAN' one," I said to myself. I was outside the cave and, not wanting this thing to get near me, I decided now was the time to see if I could actually cause a cave-in with my new ability. Focusing on the ceiling of the cave, I projected the runes in my mind once more, but larger and with greater force. Whatever I'd done to the wall before paled in comparison to this blast, as several cubic metres of stone suddenly shattered into dust and the cave lost anything resembling structural integrity. The ceiling - or what was left of it - gave way like an arch deprived of its centre and the whole thing collapsed in on itself, burying the construct in more rubble than I'd accidentally freed it from before. Of course I hadn't considered what would happen to the ground above the collapsing cave.

I think fleeing that landslide was the fastest I'd ever run in my life, even accounting for my new body being a hell of a lot fitter than my real one.

A chance encounter with alien tech results in two (or more) people undergoing what was supposed to be a process to uplift creatures to sapience, but instead is augmenting them in rather more... interesting ways.

This is another pretty open one and what causes it need not be an actual physical device. The idea was inspired by something late in a published campaign for Traveller called Mysteries of the Ancients. I won't say more on that version of it for spoilers but it could be a device, an energy emission, a mural designed to trigger it through some psionic process, etc. It could be just my character gets affected by it but then he can impart its effects onto others, or if both our characters are exposed and undergo the changes independently. Either way; it's not the intended version of the process and our characters are getting a version that was heavily altered by whatever damage the tech encountered when falling to Earth. For instance; the psionic mural example it could've just been warped by re-entry and impact to vastly change the intended meaning (not that anyone can tell as it was heavily abstract by human standards before being damaged).

The full extent of the changes we can work out before starting but my initial idea (and the one I'll base the writing example on) is that the changes start slow. My character notices his cock is a little bigger than it was a few days ago and his body becoming more toned, your character notices that she's gained a cup size or two over the same period. They both feel a bit healthier and stronger, maybe a slightly higher libido and some related minor enhancements but the changes aren't spectacular at this point. Although both find themselves actively lusting after the other and eventually something tips them over the edge into a wild fucking session that triggers the next stage of the process.

How far that process goes we'll work out, I have my own upper limits on the size and this plot could lead to kinks that I'm not a fan of but I also don't want to push anyone else out of their comfort zone. Perhaps they both experience further growth every time they have sex, or it's just on a time delay and further growth spurts and other abilities will just manifest seemingly-randomly as time goes on. One ability I do want them to manifest at some point is the ability to reverse their growth, not fully more like just "putting it away" when it's not needed - beachball-sized tits and equally-colossal cocks may sound great but they would get in the way somewhat and this plot is about becoming (at least on the sexual front) something beyond human, and that impression does take kind of a whack when the female lead's getting stuck in doorways by her boobs every five minutes. That and I'm a fan of the process of growth itself, not simply having the raw size, so being able to controllably shrink down or expand back to full is a way to keep that without either achieving sizes well beyond my preference or constantly rotating protagonists every so often.

One possibility that might be fun is if our character's progress along this altered uplift process is controlled by the other player - ie; you decide what changes happen to my character when and I decide the same for your character.

As with the other plots, here's a writing example for the general tone of the plot. As always; consider this just one example of how it could go rather than the only form of it I'm interested in playing.
Now I was really annoyed. We'd stumbled across something that was quite clearly not of this earth, but we'd had absolutely zero luck in finding the sink hole we'd fallen into. Even how we got out was a mystery as whatever dizzy spell it had caused left us unconscious, only to wake up a little ways off the trail. What annoyed me now was that even trying to track my phone's GPS history was getting nowhere as it had apparently cut out just ten minutes before we fell in and came on about twenty minutes after we woke up. As far as the phone and all the other software saw it, I had switched the GPS off for all that time. Ironically I tended to leave it switched off most of the time anyway as a precaution and because I never used it, but turned it on then specifically so I'd be able to find my way out of the wilderness if I got separated somehow. Now I was just staring at the first actual GPS data from my phone in god-knows how long and the one part of it I was interested in was just a gaping blank spot.

"Not gonna work anything else out like this," I said with a sigh, getting up to go make myself some coffee. I didn't have work today and I'd stupidly been awake all night trying to find anything that could help me locate the sinkhole or any stories of unusual goings on around the nature park, getting nowhere, and now it was long enough after sunrise that it'd be better for me to just stay awake all day and then crash tonight, lest I screw up my sleep cycle even worse. Weird thing was; I didn't actually feel that tired.

Sure; the call of sleep was there, but it wasn't oppressive. And with how long I'd been sitting at my computer trying to work all this out I should've felt a lot stiffer and sorer than I was. Instead; I actually felt pretty good. Although I must've had something wrong with my head the last time I did my washing; I was sure this shirt was a bit looser the other day and I was starting to feel a bit more constricted than normal downstairs. "Heh, maybe being around that wreck's actually good for me," I joked to the empty kitchen, "one more reason to try and find it then. Fat bloody chance at the rate I'm going, though."

While I was waiting for the jug to boil, I looked out the window to my neighbour's place. She'd been there with me and also been exposed, but it seems she hadn't screwed up her sleep cycle. My kitchen window actually gave me a half-decent view into her backyard. Not enough for me to go perving were she so inclined to give me anything to see, but it was how I knew she tended to go for an early morning swim in her pool and today was no change to that routine. Although... it was hard to tell between the distance and the angle and whatnot, but I could swear her swimsuit was fuller up-top than normal. Or had that much bounce to it. No sooner had these thoughts entered my head that I felt my cock begin to stir, though that feels like an understatement as I went from zero to painfully-erect in moments and I was already fantasising of bending my neighbour over her porch table and taking her right then and there. This surprised me as I hadn't really thought about her that way - sure, she was a friend and I'd be mad to call her unattractive, but I'd never really felt the call to do anything like that with her until now. Either way, the mental images weren't going away and neither was the surprise boner, even after she'd dropped into the pool and out of my view entirely.

"Well, shit," I muttered to myself just as the jug finished boiling. "Ah well, I was needing a shower anyway so may as well kill two birds with one stone."

Plot details go here.
Writing example for plot tone goes here.

Anything Else...
Nothing in particular leaps to mind here (yeah; I know I've been saying that sentiment a lot, shows how long its been since I've written one of these), but I'm sure I'll think of something startlingly obvious the next time I head into town and then forget about it by the time I can edit this.
Last edited:
Bumping. Also thought I had to adjust some stuff with that new Rule 4 change but it seems I'd never stated ages in the plot ideas, just referencing the site's rules. So less work for me.

... this just means I'm gonna get a notice next month that I missed a single mention buried in the writing samples, doesn't it? :p
Bumping with a new plot idea - "Sexually Uplifting", wherein one (or more) people end up exposed to damaged alien technology and begin a more sexually-warped version of a process originally meant to enhance a species beyond mere animals.
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