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Yaoi/Hetero. Plot.

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Jan 11, 2009
I got one plotttt.

The captain of a salvage vessel/freighter/tanker stops at a
mining colony to reload [on supplies?] A stowaway sneaks on board, why exactly? Maybe he's avoiding the law or something? He's found after a while and seeing how far they are from any inhabited planet, he's stuck on the ship, with many people on the ship tempted to kill him or worse. He get's nasty comments in the halls, but overall he doesn't seem bothered. In fact, he has a thing for the Captain. But after a few days one of their best shooters is killed, and ironically, he's quite a sharp shot, so he sticks with them, and they find a need for him as much as he finds a need for them?

[ps. I am a girl. I'm just craving yaoi.]
Re: Slutty boy. Yaoi. Interesting plot.

That's not much of a plot!

You lied to me!

Re: Slutty boy. Yaoi. Interesting plot.

We would develop the plot together!


It is just a starting idea.
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