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favorite random fact?🤔

There is 48 million kangaroo in Australia and 3 423 042 people living in Uruguay, so if the kangaroos decided to invade Uruguay, each human living there would have to fight about 14 kangaroos
Oh this thread makes my heart happy. 😆

Manatees have a neverending supply of molars! They grow in the back and as the others wear down and fall out, the ones in the back just scooch to the front.
There is 48 million kangaroo in Australia and 3 423 042 people living in Uruguay, so if the kangaroos decided to invade Uruguay, each human living there would have to fight about 14 kangaroos
This is why most Australians are rather bemused when non-Australians cry about us killing/eating our national animal: they don't realise that the critters would reach plague proportions if we didn't have an occasional culling.
Two for one:

Bulls are partially colorblind and cannot see red.

There is an island called ""Just Room Enough,"" where there's just enough room for a tree and a house.
The river Medway in Kent, England is know to the locals as the river Mudway due to its colour.
Cats have a special organ called the vomeronasal organ, or Jacobson's organ, located on the roof of their mouth.
This helps them "taste" scents, which is why they sometimes open their mouth after sniffing something interesting - like your feet. 😂
The world witnessed the first recorded car accident in 1891. It involved two steam-powered cars which collided with each other in Ohio
Based on two sample points in the same environment dark blue cars genreate more condensation on them than silver cars.
The Pyramids were created while Mammoths were still alive.
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Every February 14th, the village of Romeo, Michigan the town of Juliette, Georgia off special dual-city postmarks in a nod to Shakespeare's iconic work Romeo and Juliet
Pilates was invented to keep internalized soldiers fit on confined space. It turned a "women's sport" because Joseph Pilates rented rooms in NY Balley school and so most customers of his studio were female dancers.
One bad apple does, in fact, spoil the bunch. The old saying is rooted in truth: apples release ethylene when they ripen, and an overripe apple will cause the others near it to ripen rapidly, too
All of the chainmail seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was hand-crafted by two people, Christopher Smith and Carl Payne. The duo spent two years crafting the suits and, in the process, linked around five million rings composed of a collective ten kilometers of wire.
Mammalian ear bones (the auditory ossicles) are actually the old shrunken jaw bones from when mammals branched off from reptiles (well, diapsids which include reptiles and avians). Mammals developed a completely different set of bones for chewing!
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