Closed The Legends of the Darkness: Tears of the Orgasm

Closed - no longer seeking


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
Punny title aside (though only semi-jokey, as I hope you will soon come to see), I hope you enjoy the below repository of very human ideas, by images generated by Bing Chat AI. (I know AI is supposed to be this big terrible thing that destroys us all but, look...I have a full-time job, am moving to a new apartment in July after my divorce finalizes, and have an increasingly active social life. I'm also crafting the ending of one novel while starting another. Image research would take an exceedingly long time otherwise.)

I have a lot of RPs going on at any one time, and so if you do choose to roleplay with me, I do expect you to be a literate, multi-paragraph partner with a deep understanding of your 18+ (non-negotiable, no "700-year-old teenagers" or "15 in spirit" crap) character's actions, reactions, and motivations. I am very flexible on kinks aside from anything involving bodily fluids other than spit and cum. I prefer to focus on story ideas and have sex be a natural outgrowth of character chemistry. However, I do not expect you to contribute equally to the worldbuilding unless you genuinely want to (but will consider any worldbuilding ideas you may have regardless of your level of commitment!)

This is the level of worldbuilding I usually do...

...but I think it's more fun to relay legends, don't you? Games of telephons, oral histories, the memories of even the sharpest griots all fade That then makes my partner the focusing lens to decipher what in this, with these little intro bits just being about. But be avatar is not a lie. I like to use writing to explore the darkness that lives inside of us all, and casts shadows on the background of our lives...

All these story ideas will include war, brutal fist/gun/other weapon fights with as accurate of tactics as I can possibly muster, drug use (especially during sex), and possibly violence of- other kinds. (All consensual, though. The most I can probably stomach is dub-con.) How much we show and tell is up to us, of course, as I never like to make any partners uncomfortable, but sometimes there is truth in pain, art in suffering, and so a lighthearted smut play this will not be. Even if we end up going for long stretches of powerful sex, I will always want

With that, huddle by the Primordial Campfire and hum this chord of the Theme of Inspiration with me as I create these possible shadow plays on the walls of your mind...then choose one (feel free to PM me or contact me via Discord at CasualVelociraptor#4004, but I would prefer threads or PMs for roleplaying; but I would strongly suggest you be a supporter of BMR if you RP via PMs so you can edit past messages as needed) and we can descend the depths of character building, which is always the most important part.

Without further ado, let us begin.


Same World Next Dimension by Juche


100 to 600 years after the end of the world, due to any number of things from climate change exacerbated by unusual weather patterns to tit-for-tat nuclear war with Russia (or was it China? Who can remember anymore?), there are two distinct kinds of humanity now. The first are the Dwellers in the Tower, said to possibly be the last of what used to be a whole race of giants who built up to the sky and reached the very stars. Perhaps some of them managed to flee for other worlds even, but if they ascended to godhood, not a one has heard the prayers of those still trapped on the wounded Earth.


The Tower's sky is said to house angels who live in the lap of luxury, for either their greed or their intelligence and skill with what remains of Old World technology or both knows no bounds. Whether they merely use tools that are beyond imagining for most ordinary people or suffuse their very bodies with augmentations and nanobots, and whether they have engineered their bodies to be practically immortal or simply back-up their minds to a great, collective AI hive nobody from outside can say for certain. Either way, all technology and true wealth is siphoned up to The Lens, the most heavily guarded of the many spires at the top of this oppressive Tower. Perhaps it was the ultimate score?


Meanwhile, those who sit atop the Tower Council toss their table scraps and gnawed-on bones to the Metro Network below, full of people who might live next to a spider's web of super-trains that collects resources from the Great Forest (the other half of this world). Maybe they had mutants below as well, who maybe half-remember lives from before the end as ghouls, or perhaps got recently mutated by a techno-virus and can half-do the things they used to.


Its inhabitants might prefer to escape to metaverses for some semblance of connection, get themselves infused with all sorts of tech, live on the trains themselves Snowpiercer-style, or just lose themselves in drugs and sex to keep having a reason to wake up each morning- by their atomic watches, since they haven't ever seen the Sun, except in virtual camera feeds that they pay 15 CityNotes an hour to see.


Meanwhile, the Great Forest surrounding the entire city provides it with the resources it needs to survive. Maybe the forest is completely abandoned, utterly radioactive, filled with mutants, and only interacted with via the sky or the trains that connect to mines spread far and wide...


Or maybe it's filled with people who found as much harmony with nature, and only ever interact with the Tower when it demands taxes....


With a stark reminder of its imposing might in the horizon everywhere in the Great Forest, even putting the mightiest trees to shame.



But maybe at the edge of the city, there are such contrasts that can happen, that people can see and enjoy from up above and down below, while perhaps two muses wonder what the other is like across an insurmountable wall.


And maybe an unlikely hero [YC most likely -Ed.] is called upon to fight to preserve what's left...


And then, infiltrating the Tower from within, and finding more nuance there than they ever expected...


Help chart humanity's way through its Second Dark Age.


Once upon a time, in the future or past, near or far, in a faraway (fictional? American? Who knows?) area, there were the economically powerful Fraternal Cities. So called because, while they both were founded in the 1900s, their styles soon diverged. This doesn't necessarily mean that one is more economically powerful than the other, or that only the rich or only the poor live in one or the other. Though knowing human history that is a bitter pattern people often repeat, this legend might not mention that. Just that they specialize in different things, and for the purposes of this tale, that is enough.

[And yes, for those of you who are fans of Batman and Superman, I love both characters and want to explore these sorts of archetypes in more detail, and the 30s noir atmosphere and 50s retrofuturism that inspired both Gotham and Metropolis with our own spin. I tend to find direct fandom RPing difficult due to pre-conceived expectations. -Ed.]

First Twin, whatever its name may be called, is bright, hopeful, and ever skyward bound.


Perhaps they just have the slightly exaggerated society and technology of a city from the 1950s United States of our own world...


Or are truly alien by anyone's standards, with utterly dick-measuring levels of building height.


Speaking of which, though, we have to talk about the man [just as an example, as I don't mind whatever gender you choose for this character -Ed.] guarding it as its officially-appointed Protector for things the local police department either is incapable of handling or has not been trusted to handle. The shining beacon of First Twin's progress, he might come from wealth or have earned it, but either way most legends of him agree he is not of the working class at present. While all of the legends speak of him being bulletproof or otherwise being very mortal [highly specific weaknesses are dull, and while I don't mind a nice, easy read being able to punch his way out of almost anything is also boring -Ed.], they all also align with the idea he is a very powerful person indeed. Does that make him compassionate or selfish? HIgh-minded or overly ambitious, incapable of ever being shown the error of his ways?

Nobody can even agree on what he looks like, because he doesn't usually stick around long and is very camera-shy, though there are some rumors floating around out there and none of them say he is white (at least entirely, as there are rumors about his possible mixed heritage).



Meanwhile, the picture is clearer on the other side of the river despite the night being darker and stormier over there in the City of a Thousand Cathedrals. The Protector of Second Twin is Owlena [my character. Okay, last editor's note for a while, I swear! -Ed.].


She is quite a bit younger than he, more introspective, more philosophical (for that tends to happen for ex-Catholics who hold onto trauma like her) but tends to keep her ear to the ground a bit more than First Twin's likely very brash, possibly even more aloof Protector. After all, she doesn't come from much and had to build nearly everything she had, from her costume to her gadgets to her fearsome reputation as an almost unsurpassed one-on-one fighter and strategist, with her own two hands and her wits. Maybe she doesn't have any family, or maybe in this version of the Legend they renounced for some heinous reason...sources conflict. Either way, she mostly keeps to herself, and mostly concerns herself with her own city.

That's the Accord, after all. A treaty between all vigilantes carving up the world by city between them which the world's government forced them all to sign to tightly regulate the rise of private heroism, because no one with this much power can be fully trusted despite the adoration of the people, and certainly not several of them congregated in one territory.

And what a mighty city Second Twin is. No one knows what possessed the Founders to build the city this way, in a way that compels tourists from all over the world to visit its esoteric shops and scenic riverfront views despite the high crime rates at night. Maybe there were dark forces under the city that commanded them to, or perhaps they had a tremendously specific belief system surrounding architecture and layout. Either way, the bounty of Gothic architecture provides great, if dated, maybe even eldritch/Faustian prosperity to most people. Even the rich aren't as showy as those Nouveau Rich in First Twin, or perhaps not captains of a booming town, and people don't have cars, or lawns, or 2.5 kids. But they are provided an efficient public transportation system- trains, ziplines, airships, and more- and there's enough tax revenue coming in to provide for other public benefits such as generous retirement, daycare, and universal healthcare...

OIG.6cyl7ZV_cOXJBDMOrTUd well as free lightning rods for all the strikes (sometimes rumored by the more superstitious among the populace, which both awes and terrifies, just as its young parkour runner does.


And then, one night, the Great Owl of Second Twin decided to take to the skies and hunt in First Twin.


Nobody quite agrees on why Owlena chose to meddle across the river and thereby break the Accord. Maybe First Twin's muscle-bound Protector carelessly punched someone hard enough to destroy a cathedral. Maybe he decided to show off by stealing a case out from under her, thinking a woman couldn't possibly be as capable as he. Maybe he failed to control a nemesis and Owlena had to kill someone for the first time because said rival gave her no choice (or perhaps just leave the villain on bedrest for a while). Maybe he was just a prick to a random vendor when visiting in costume (which is allowed) because he knew no one over in First Twin would believe any accusations against him. Maybe he sexually harassed her, or a friend, or maybe it was just a date that went horribly wrong. Maybe it was just a complete misunderstanding, or a frame job, whatever transpired.

But whatever the reasoning, Owlena has determined that she must bring vengeance down upon his dense head. Improbably because she has no superpowers whatsoever, she leaves him broken, bruised, beaten in combat for the first time ever, and then spits by his head as she returns to her turf, spreading her reputation even further.

Does she get in over her head with an unusually high number of supervillains because of this, now that First Twin's Protector has been humbled? Does he have any remorse for the mistakes he made, or does he fight harder to reclaim his position at the top, maybe even on top of her? And when he does get to that point, is it because they realize that they're both more equal than they realized or even knew they themselves could be in intelligence, in kindness, in ruthlessness, in humanity? Or because he's beaten her this time, and now they're even and, having established themselves as both alphas, fight each other to a draw in the bedroom? Or because they've worked together to defeat the villains, maybe the forces that arrayed them against each other and each framed the other, maybe even the idea of the Accord itself?

Whatever happens, the dark underbelly of this world will have its say. But even the murkiest night is penetrated by brilliant flashes of lightning.


Emily Hart (born May 5th, 1914) was once a little girl who lost her mother before she ever knew her, but still grew up with the most supportive father a girl could ever ask for. James Hart was a professor, Egyptologist and archaeologist at the University of Ipswich, and young Emily traveled from Egypt (her favorite place in the world) to Nepal to China before she ever thought of any limitations society might place on her as a woman, or of love or marriage. Her gifted intellect, her skill with a camera, and her father's advocacy for her helped her graduate with honors with a BS in history from Bantshire College at 19, an MS in archaeology at 22 from Christminster University, and then a PhD in Middle Eastern and North African studies at 24 from her father's alma mater, with a very successful thesis to her name. Unfortunately, just as she was about to celebrate her crowning achievement, her father vanished in the Amazon Rainforest looking for the lost city of El Dorado. As she was about to quit and retreat into wealthy solitude, however, the Sultan of Hawar asked her to dig up the remains of a 12th century city made of gold, marble and salt that vanished. Then he recommended one of his best employees to be her bodyguard…

At least, that's one version of the story that might have happened. Nobody is even sure if Hawar is real. The other, most crucial piece of this tale we know much less about, as her trusty companion, of whom Dr. Hart the younger thought and wrote often and called "My greatest aide" who "protects me not only with his body" [and again, just to clarify, this character can be any gender. -Ed.] "but his smile, with his wit, with his gentle reminders to me to get to sleep when I am admittedly absorbed in my research." Whether that's because he/she/they were very private, because they didn't keep a journal, because they did keep journals, perhaps detailing all the fantastic sex they had, or because several of both their writings were destroyed later, or some other reason, the description of this Companion leaves much to the imagination.

Perhaps this person wasn't entirely human, but djinn, demon, or some other manner of supernatural creature. Did he tempt her to the dark side with his body? Did she become the first human to see past his glamour? Was he, perhaps, the Avatar of Prophecy destined to bring balance to the world upon the eruption of the Second World War, a war which very nearly destroyed civilization? Or was he supposed to be a secondary Avatar and his father didn't want that for his child, so against the better judgment of his own mother he picked up and moved his family to the isle in hopes of staving off the prophecy for his son? Or is there no fate in this world, and it's just a chance encounter while giving a lecture in America about the need for Western museums to return stolen artifacts, and a long discussion about exploration and discovery over diner food that inspires Dr. Hart to hire this person from obscurity to accompany them on research all over the world?

And what will they find on their journey, after perhaps fighting off the Nazis or the KGB?

Semitic temples of some kind dating well before the time of Christ that were driven underground by Islamic expansionism?

A South American temple where Dr. Hart, Sr. crashed that the companion finds through local contacts, at the top of a mountain with a bunch of traps to keep conquistadors out?

A Vietnamese temple during the Vietnam War, which Dr. Hart desperately wishes to help preserve with the help of a local companion?

Maybe even Hart Manor, in the Hart family since the 1400s, impeccably maintained by a generously paid house staff that basically lives there and treats the place like it's their home with their Lord and his young daughter gone so much of the year, and the site of much lovemaking?

There's a reason the historical record is silent on the sex that lots of famous figures had- that stuff is sometimes, often times, none of anyone else's beeswax. But perhaps something like an accurate retelling of the pioneering and stereotype-breaking journeys of Dr. Emily Hart can be constructed with further research.
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