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Fx Male Hell Here- Dark & Depraved Catwoman RP Request Thread (NSFW)


Apr 12, 2016

Hey there people! Welcome to my second request thread, as well as the thread dedicated to my favorite character to roleplay: Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. Now to make a long story short I am looking for kink filled but story driven RPs where I play Selina Kyle opposite of your character, who will end up knocking her down a peg or two, ultimately ending with the uppity woman submitting to him or worse. For those who are interested in the prospect, please feel free to keep reading on and then let me know what you are thinking; if it doesn't seem like your kind of story, well I wish you the best of luck, refer you to look at my other request thread and see if it has been bumped lately, and to otherwise have a nice life.

Because this character is a bit of an obsession for me, I have a lot to say about her and RPs involving her; so, to help sort out my request here, I have broken this thread up into four sections. ONE-Details, both canon and a few of my own creation, about this take on Catwoman's backstory and traits. TWO- We cover story elements and kinks I want to play around with and why, as well as some options I willing to incorporate into Selina in terms of her appearance, including what she looks like under the mask, not to mention the costume itself. THREE- Covers characters, both from DC & beyond that I am looking forward into either tempting down a dark path or I want to punish me for being overconfident. FOUR- Finally, we get to some premade plots and stories, either ready to use out of the gate or for you, my potential partner, to use a jumping off point for your own suggestions. So, let's get the ball rolling.​


Now, to clarify, so please pay attention here if you decide to gloss over everything else: The Selina Kyle I would like to portray is not the same take as you might know from her standard as a master thief, ala the Arkham series or even her portrayal in most of the comics. Now, as you might have read from the above link (see 'Catwoman'), my favorite take on the feline fatale is from Tim Burton's Batman Returns, who, while not above stealing, is more of an anarchist and domestic terrorist obsessed with her own vengeance. So, for those not familiar with the film let me give you a run down on this take of Selina I am hoping to play. And please keep in mind these are broad strokes, and certain details, such as Selina's age, appearance, ethnicity, abilities and such are open to discussion, as what I find most compelling about this take of Catwoman is honestly the pathos inherent in the drama that is her life; I find her motives and actions fantastical yet relatable, compelling yet tragically flawed, and I am just a sucker for playing someone who is so toxic that they are a hazard to themselves.​

  • Her father dying when she was very young, Selina Kyle was raised by her overbearing mother who took every opportunity to hammer in qualities that she deemed appropriate for a 'lady' to possess. Specifically, she coached her daughter so that well into her high school education she was demure and pushover. Her mother did this with good intentions, her own experiences teaching her that to get ahead in life as a woman a girl had to live up to expectations men had of a proper woman; i.e., keeping opinions to oneself, avoid intimidating men, keeping your nose out of trouble. Selina would go on to despise this philosophy but still fall back on it through her formative years. To her peers she was soft spoken and spineless and many of them walked all over her, in particular a group of burnouts. Even then, after each spiteful remark, cruel prank, and unwanted catcall Selina could feel the rage in her threaten to bubble up. Yet she never lashed out, instead bottling up her frustrations and cursing out the various assholes in her life under her breath. She did have one other outlet during this time: gymnastics, which she excelled at and took a lot of pride in.​
  • Taking a chance to get out of her mother's shadow and her pathetic suburban life, Selina applied to several colleges as far from home as possible. Ultimately she would choose Gotham University as her place of study, far from her mother's reach, her cruel peers, and a chance to see the city her father had called home. Her four years attening the college was probably some of her best years, as she started to express herself and started to push back when life tried to shove her around. She even got into a internship as she was finishing her last year of her bachelor's in Business and took a beginner's course in self-defense. However just as she was starting to come into her own, she caught the eye of man heading the company she was interning for- Gotham-born entrepreneur and local rags-to-riches hero Max Shreck -who offers her the vacant position of assistant after meeting her once. Flattered and unaware of the CEO's darker nature, Selina agreed and a month later she took on the role of Max's Executive Assistant with her degree in Buisness. Soon her dream job became a Hell she could not escape as Max started to belittle and demean her daily, usually for their sheer joy of doing so. Falling back onto the old habits her mother had instilled into her, Selina used a meek and submissive act to stroke the man's ego. Even still, now found trapped at the mercy of her asshole boss who not only could end her career but threatened to do on a near weekly bases. Selina Kyle's pride would not let one man destroy years of hard work, even as hiding said vice from the world lead to her hating only one person more than Shreck- herself.​
  • Sometime later finds Selina still working for Max just around the holidays as Gotham is going through an unprecedented crimewave during a harsh winter. Following the chaos of a seasonal riot, Selina finds herself working late into the night when she stumbles upon some documentation not meant for her eyes. Shreck, stumbling upon her snooping, decides to see if Ms. Kyle can land on her feet. Much to her own shock, she manages to walk away from the fall physically intact- a few cuts and bruises, sure, but otherwise fine. Mentally, however, well something broke. Whether it was a bump from the fall, the attempted murder being the straw that breaks the camel's back, or even some sort of feline curse or blessing, well who can say? What can be said though is that Selina Kyle, or at least the pathetic part of her, died that night. And in her place was her id unleashed- Catwoman. Stitching togeather a skin-tight costume that was just as frayed as her mental state, she sets out into the night to 'express' her new take on empowerment. This Catwoman is a creature of desire and wraith, doing what she wants because being an obedient step stool only served to get her 'killed,' so now she intends to do things only on her terms; and at this point in her life that mostly consists of finding ways to ruin Max's life before ultimately moving in for the kill.​

NOTE: I am making, due to popular demand, some alternate origins for Selina that I intend to keep the same themes of her Return's origin while being different enough to make way for a few more varied plotlines.

Pleased to be Pissed
Since the first moment she donned her costume Selina has become a more primal creature. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, but when it comes to violence, she can employ a cold fury. It is her hate that gets her up in the morning after all; she delights in scheming against and taking her time tormenting those who have crossed her path, with exacting vengeance over even the smallest slight being her greatest passion. In other words, this Selina lives to be livid- nothing else makes her feel quite as alive.

Feline Fatale
Since her fall Selina has taken up some cat-like behaviors. Why this is the case remains open to debate but in any case, she will not hesitate to make cat related puns or putting a feline spin on her sensuality. This is especially the case when she dons her catsuit.

Sardonic and Sadistic
Selina Kyle is possessed of dry wit, one that she no longer has instinct to suppress. She will make light of a man's death or a woman's mugging with the same dry chortle and could care less what other people think of her for doing so. As Catwoman she is likely to toy with her opponents and victims, taking joy at stirring reactions from them.

Luck Like a Black Cat
Selina has nine lives- or at least she says she does in a bitter, ironic way. Somehow she keeps getting into deadly situations that she manages to escape from despite the odds being drastically not in her favor. Falling from ten or more stories up, left to drown far from shore, getting shot and left for dead in a burning building, etc; somehow she manages to get away banged up but still able to limp home, recovering usually only in a day or two.

Flirting with Danger
As Catwoman is essentially Selina freed from her inhibitions it does make a certain amount of sense that she employs her sensuality. As such she tends to use her once repressed sexuality and newfound charisma to her advantage, teasing her foes with innuendo and leading on potential partners in crime in order to get what she wants. Not to mention for her own enjoyment. Unfortunately for her this does mean she tends to be blissfully unaware when she is pushing her luck and tend to underestimate those who find her appealing, regardless if they are as dangerous as herself or not.


For those who are in a rush, here is my Catwoman specific F-List, so enjoy! For everyone else let's break down some of the specifics I want to see in these RPs.

  • Peril is Perfection: I love a certain amount of danger in my plots, in particular for those where I get to play Selina. So let me enforce this thought- do not be afraid to play rough with my character! I can take it and so can she, certainly. How you interpret 'going rough' on Catwoman, I will grant you, can vary from plot line to plot line, so allow me to detail some examples that I have in mind: if you need to fight her, go all out- throw a punch, a kick, Hell, feel free use a weapon on her. If the plot calls for blackmailing the Cat, feel free to be demeaning and insulting to the vigilante for fucking up and ending up on your character's short leash. If the plotline is about her being taken against her will, feel free to be brutal- slam her against the ground and threaten her life. I cannot stress this theme enough; when I am playing a dangerous criminal, I don't expect my character to be treated like some damsel, nor do I want a prince to sweep her off her feet. No, when I play Catwoman I want to play opposite of a character that is going to pray on the victim half of Selina's personality, either slipping past her fem-fatal persona or flat out shattering it to break the woman to their will. The means by which they try to go about this I am fine leaving up in the air to be discussed, but this theme of peril and violent lust with, maybe, a dash of romance is what I want to explore. It's why I crave playing the role of Selina more or less in the first place.​
  • This Kitten Has Claws: Even considering the point directly above this one, I do not mean to have my partner downplay the threat Selina presents. She is dangerous, deadly even. During RPs involving Catwoman, those involving Bystanders (see further down) in particular, I have partners who are playing run of the mill people who somehow are never intimidated by the odd woman swinging armed with a bull whip and jagged claws on her hands. Somehow these characters are able to come directly at, the usually known criminal, Catwoman and tackle her down to a bed. Look, I do like to be overpowered and honestly the actions taken by these partners can be exciting, but it really ruins the narrative I hope these plots to achieve when mundane characters who are supposed to be courting (or blackmailing, coercing, etc.) a fem-fatale just go straight in to overpower her. When I play Selina opposite of someone who is not similarly a 'superhero/villain' I do not want to have her taken like that right off the bat. Engage her in a battle of Wills, get her drunk first or slip something that will make her drowsy into her some water for her, or earn her trust and dependence first.​
  • Skinning This Cat: On a similar note- Catwoman (or at least the version I depict) does essentially dress in fetish wear and has a bit of a dominatrix vibe. And I understand that for some people clothed sex of any kind is a huge taboo; it is not to me, however. I in fact like sex while wearing latex, leather, vinyl, and/or rubber outfits. I bring this up because I get a lot of people who think this fashion statement is optional for Catwoman. I disagree a lot with such sentiments. Now, to be clear, in extended RPs I do not expect every scene that gets steamy to require Selina in full fetish getup. In fact, depending on the RP in question, it might even be a while before our characters end up sexual compromised while she is in her catsuit. But that said, the majority of my plots involve Selina either confronting or being confronted just after her nightly escapades, she is going to be in uniform and I like my partners to be just as interested in RP with Catwoman as they are Selina Kyle, if not more. So, if things in a plot start turning towards the naughty side, please feel free to use your imagination instead of just looking for her zipper, okay? Thanks!​
  • Mutually Assured Degradation: In my plots centered around Capes- that is heroes and vigilantes with genuine morals- I love the idea that Selina's encounters with her heroic antithesis leaves them a little worse off each time, in the moral sense. She erodes the inhibitions of her opponents until they cannot take it anymore and stoop to her level. The extent of this corruption, as well as how long lasting it is and whether or not there is a opposite effect on Catwoman herself is a conversation I would very much like to have if it is a concept that catches your eye.​
  • When Worlds Collide: As you are about to see in part THREE of the thread, I have a few characters beyond Burton's cannon that I have a vested interest in playing RPs out with. In the cases of these individuals I do actually am not opposed to the idea that somehow, someway, Selina has crossed a barrier between worlds and now finds herself in a place far more fantastical than her home ever was. In cases such as these I look forward to playing Selina as a fish out of water while her new foes have to deal with her deranged brand of freedom.​
  • Gotham City is Distinct: A minor request but one that does mean a lot to me is the depiction of Gotham City. I am a big fangirl of the Burton take of a truly gothic Gotham; a city practically stuck in time. Here are some visual examples; beyond that there is also the tone that needs to be set for this version of Gotham- in short, it is corrupt. Organized mob families are the real power in the city that thankfully are content to leave your typical citizen alone, but their influence means that muggers, pickpockets, rapists, pimps, thugs, and all sorts of other pissants thrive in the city. Gotham at its best is not a kind or glamorous place to live in, to the point that people were not really surprised when 'supervillains' started to emerge from this asphalt cesspool. Unless we have a plot reason for Selina to be away from Gotham then assume this is where my plots take place, typically in autumn or winter at that.​
  • A Certain Amount of Camp: This request thread has its place in a superhero film from the Ninety's; a little bit of camp in the form of quips, puns, and comebacks on MC's behalf are going to happen- I appreciate it if my partners can embrace the inherent absurdity of a grown woman dressing up in skintight latex going out at night to commit crimes in the name of vengeance and understand that a plot can be dark, gritty, and violent while also having a little time spared for levity.​

Please check out either of my F-LIsts, that being the one linked above or the one in my signature, to get a concrete look at my do's and don'ts. What this goes on to cover are a few specific tastes that boarder on proper fetishes when it comes to me playing Selina, why I feel the way I do about each one, and a few specific ways I would go about incorporating them.

  • Life is a Bitch- Bad Ends: There are few ways Selina's life can have a happy ending. It is too self-destructive for that- so I say if her world is going to go up in flames, make sure it also goes out with a bang. Word play aside, I love the idea of Catwoman mess of a life going from bad to worse, preferably in a drawn out process. Like I stated, it is this characters pathos- her raw emotions, her torments, and how she copes with all the suffering her life entails -that ultimately drives my fascination with her. Because of this I love to put myself into her shoes as her life gets even worse, especially when it is her own hubris and haughty attitude that brings it down on her head. She grooms someone to help her kill Shreck? Her student ultimately turns on her, getting rid of her when she is no longer useful. She slights the Penguin when he makes a pass at her? Well now she lives in the corrupt mayor's mansion as his gimp-pet, tormented and fucked daily by the disgusting bird-creep. She attempts to kill Batman? Too bad, the Dark Knight catches her and rather than turn her in decides she'd be better off 'rehabilitated' as his mind-broken sex slave. Not a must by any stretch of the word but a fun element to end a RP on if one is as depraved as I am.​
  • A Boy and His Pet- Younger Partners: Not as needed when it comes to RPs involving other Rogues (criminals, thugs, and other violent vigilantes) but my choice kink for anything involving Bystanders and Capes. This is not strictly a request limited to my Catwoman Thread (check out my other thread if you won't take my word for it) but it is one I feel like has a few more reasons to be brought into consideration. One, it is outside the norm and often seen as taboo for an older woman to end up in a relationship with a younger man. In this case I mostly imagine a decade difference between the two, so typically a male character between the ages of seventeen to nineteen. Two, Catwoman would pose a bigger threat to a younger vigilante than an older, more experienced one, let alone to a civilian teenager. Not to mention they seem the sort to be more vulnerable to Selina's ploys of seduction and her corrupting influence. Three, though this might be a shock to some, I am not particularly fond of overly muscled or rugged men, most of the time anyway. My tastes lean toward the more unseeming and 'plain' looking guys, which even I admit does not make much sense to fit the profile of a seasoned hero, but a fresh recruit? Now that makes more sense.​
  • A Collared Cat- Submission, Degradation, & Other BDSMisms: If this part has not been apparent enough yet, I also see this as vital part to any story involving Selina- the power dynamic. While rarely do I want it to be a clear cut and dry setup, my plays are ultimately about Selina's downfall as she loses her power struggle and ends up a victim yet again. So, while I definitely play her as an uppity submissive, the typical goal of these RPs is to bring out that hidden part of Catwoman that makes her purr when pleasing a superior.​
  • Nine Tails- Abuse & Torment: Covered by most of the above points in one way or another, I find it prudent to mention that torturing Selina physically and mentally is not only on the table but is aspect I am looking forward to. Use her own whip to flog her ass, choke her into unconsciousness with your fat member, tell her that she is nothing and how you will dispose of her when you grow bored up abusing her cunt every night. You get the picture.
  • Peril is Perfection- Danger & Debasement: This one is important and needs repeating, so- do not be afraid to play rough with my character! I can take it and so can she, certainly. How you interpret 'going rough' on Catwoman, I will grant you, can vary from plot line to plot line, so allow me to detail some examples that I have in mind: if you need to fight her, go all out- throw a punch, a kick, Hell, feel free use a weapon on her. If the plot calls for blackmailing the Cat, feel free to be demeaning and insulting to the vigilante for fucking up and ending up on your character's short leash. If the plotline is about her being taken against her will, feel free to be brutal- slam her against the ground and threaten her life. I cannot stress this theme enough; when I am playing a dangerous criminal, I don't expect my character to be treated like some damsel, nor do I want a prince to sweep her off her feet. No, when I play Catwoman I want to play opposite of a character that is going to pray on the victim half of Selina's personality, either slipping past her fem-fatal persona or flat out shattering it to break the woman to their will. The means by which they try to go about this I am fine leaving up in the air to be discussed, but this theme of peril and violent lust with, maybe, a dash of romance is what I want to explore. It's why I crave playing the role of Selina more or less in the first place.​

Appearance & Costume
I will always- always! -be impressed with Michelle Pfeiffer's portrayal of Selina. Her casting in the role is iconic but with that said I am not married to my portrayal having to be a mirror. As I stated earlier- I love to play this character to experience the pathos surrounding her, not so much for her appearance. The suit is a different matter- her homemade catsuit coming apart as her world crumbles around her? Chef's Kiss in terms of visual storytelling. As such I am keen on more or less to sticking to the almost Frankenstein look of the movie's costume; that said, I am also okay with a substitution in this regard, though the further away from the 'Ragdoll' look we get the less eager I am to implement it into the story.

In any case I have gone through my galleries and found a bunch of images I think are appropriate stand in for the character- so here is one for Selina and one for Catwoman!

Some Selina Variants I Love & Am Currently Looking to Use:

Real- One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven*, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen

Drawn- One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen

Some Catwoman Variants I Love: One Two Three Four Five
Alright, we now find ourselves at the part where I tell you what or who I am looking to play against; in this section I break it down into the following: Bystanders- everyday people of Gotham, i.e. not the one running around in capes and masks. Capes- heroes, vigilantes, and crusaders who have good intentions largely free from ulterior motives. And finally, Rogues- crooks and criminals that are worse than even Catwoman.
This list does not cover any specific requests as far as individuals are concerned. It mostly points out terminology, backgrounds and traits I like to see in my partners playing the 'mundane' characters. One element such element I love to see, universally in these RPs with Bystanders is seeing how they change because they get involved with a villain like Catwoman. See, I like to see it play out something along these lines typically- first the bystander finds Catwoman in a vulnerable state (knocked out, injured, removing her disguise, etc.) and intervenes for one reason or another, usually dependent on the plot. From there, either through blackmail, proving to be trustworthy, etc. they force themselves into becoming a part of the Cat's life (or she otherwise drags them into it). At first, they act as support- think along the lines of doing research, treating her wounds after a fight, helping her make and maintain gadgets for use in the field. Next, they might start participating in Selina's various crimes directly- helping her infiltrate a corporation from the inside, ambush an annoying vigilante, break her out of a bind that she gets caught in, and so on; over time said bystander might even develop an identity of their own and get their own alias. Finally, I love the idea of them taking everything they learned from Selina and using it to usurp her, becoming the better criminal for it and either disposing of her or conditioning her into being their mind-broken slave.

Not a must for bystander stories, as I am also fond of them ending in a dark romance between the two, where Selina and the guy end up in a twisted but mutual relationship and just a little better for it. I am also keen on having a bystander not develop that far and just get what he needs from Catwoman and then pawn her off to a crime-boss for a paycheck. Really how this plays out depends on what makes sense in the plot and what my partner and I are feeling at the time. Now let's get to the list of the sort of Bystanders I want to stumble upon Selina's life.

  • Geeks & Fanboys*: Not much of a descriptor in itself but one I think can be labeled to any of the others below. I am not a fan of 'traditionally masculine' traits in the characters I play opposite of. In tandem with my typical request for age-gaps between our two characters I do not care much for body builders, or guys who are hyper confident, or hyper competent for that matter. I would like my Bystanders to be either skinny or even a bit flabby, somewhat awkward, and not a lady killer. The kind of guys who's dream would be for a woman from the comics to come crashing down through their skylight or who would confront a villainess upon finding out she was there neighbor rather than call the cops.​
  • Runaways and Urchins: Gotham is a rough place and its labyrinthine design means that it's large homeless population can at least get around unseen. As long as they roam around at night anyway. This sort of bystander, imagined as some teenager living on the streets to escape an abusive home, is likely to stumble upon Catwoman at her worst; injured after a fight, distraught from a attempt on her life, or brainwashed into a feral state. But being the only one around that can help (or take advantage of) the latex-clad anarchist will have certain perks no doubt.​
  • VIPs: The founder of new startup competing in the arena called Gotham, a local politician or the heir to a powerful estate, people with money, influence, or the authority to challenge the likes of Max Shreck with just a little help. Maybe they use their influence to track down the Cat, impressed with the damage she is doing to Max's bottom-line. More than likely she comes to him to 'audition' for an alliance. In either case, it would not be the first time he has had to downsize someone on his payroll.​
  • Interns & Students: Her vile, murderous boss never expressly fired Selina. Combined with the fact that when she showed up to work the next day he assumed she had learned her lesson about keeping her nose out of his business. Bitterly biding her time, she uses the fact that Max doesn't consider her a threat to start destroying his empire from the inside out. However what does she do when the new intern finds her erasing files or planting a pipe bomb under the boss's desk? Or alternatively, either going into hiding after the initial murder attempt on her life or after getting her revenge on Shreck, Selina takes up teaching at a Gotham City high school with forged credentials.​

This list as well as the next one cover characters from DC's cannon and beyond that I am interested in playing opposite of. In addition, each one will have a link to a page detailing my preferred version of the character, though you are welcome to bring up alternatives or changes to the character you would like to make.

  • The Batman, Bruce Wayne: This character is not as much of an auto-include as you might be thinking. Normally I actually am not overly fond of the Caped Crusader himself however I just recently watched the Batman for the first time and while there was quite a bit I found wanting, Robert Pattinson's portrayal was not a disappointment. Everything about this Bat I loved- his attitude, design, character arc -and of course could not but help imagining what sort of story would be told if I collided this take of the Dark Knight with Return's take of the Cat. To keep this rendition of the hero brief, he is more youthful take on Bruce than most depictions and his career as Batman only started around a year or so ago. He is upset and brooding that beating up criminals in the night still has not made him feel better about his trauma. Beyond that everything else is open to your interpretation.
  • Crossover- The Amazing Spider Man, Peter Parker: From the Amazing Spiderman franchise, any roles involving this take of the webslinger I think work best with him after the passing of Gwen Stacey. Adds more conflicting emotions to contend with.
  • Crossover- The Other Web Head, Miles Morales: To act as a counter point to the other crossover options, I see Miles best used being dropped into Gotham either before or even in place of Batman ever existing. Still, like any of my ideas, constructive feedback is always appreciated.
  • Crossover- Deku, Izuku Midoriya: Probably the strangest crossover pairing I will ever ask for, I see this as an interesting dynamic, especially for the hero in the sense that Catwoman and him both have a origin story where they were victimized for being weak (granted for two vastly different reasons, but still). I'd love to see the hero's mindset when set against the Cat.
  • Crossover- Kick-Ass, David "Dave" Lizewski: In this take of the character, I see it best stating he is a Gotham native who tries to be a hero like Batman before getting his 'abilities' and meets Catwoman, the two's relationship going places after their initial meeting.

Finally we come to the chapter on crooks who I see having a dynamic with Selina. Now not going to lie- if you are here hoping I want to have Selina ravished by Deathstroke the Terminator I have some bad news- that is simply not the case. While I wouldn't call any of the criminals in my list 'pathetic' in a traditional sense I choose them because they each, for the most part, have traits that make them traditionally undesirable in some way, whether they are physical or mental.

I make this choice because I like the idea of a dark and twisted take of Beauty and the Beast where Selina uses her charm to impress and lead on a fellow criminal with either more influence than she has, skills then she lacks, and is more willing to kill than even the vindictive Catwoman. And how that ultimately backfires when she forgets that the man she's had eating out of her hand decides they've grown tired of her being a tease.
  • The Riddler, Edward Nashton: Another entry from The Batman, I really think the dynamic between him and Selina would be interesting to explore.
  • The Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot: A hard sell, I know, but think about it- this Penguin is vile, disgusting, perverted, sexist, and a complete psychopath. In short, he is perfect. Even then, while I see him as a optimal choice to pair against the Cat, I also see him using his thugs for most of the heavy lifting and heavy petting.
  • The Joker, Arthur Fleck: Same reason as the above mentioned Riddler- I would love to see the dynamic between these two play out. Plus Arthur Fleck is exactly the kind of guy that Selina would use and then reject, and he is the sort of person who wouldn't let her get away with that.
  • Professor Pyg, Lazlo Valentin: Love the idea of Selina teaming up with Pyg to get some particulary cruel vengence only for him to take a one sided interest in Selina; maybe this plot acts as a origin for Pyg's son, Janosz, and a epilogue for Catwoman?​
  • Killer Croc, Waylon Jones: I have a few ideas on how such a pairing could occur. Selina could recruit Croc as much needed muscle, he could be a freak from the Red Triangle Circus that gets the Kitty as a reward to him and a punishment for her, or maybe Shreck hires the former wrestler as a bodyguard when he thinks his life is in danger. Whatever the means, Croc Waylon is one of the few in this threads Rogues Gallery to simply overpower Selina from the start. What the man-thing decides to do with Selina is ultimately up to him.
  • The Mad Hatter, Jervis Tetch: I like the idea that Jervis has a place in mind for Selina in his Wonderland Gang that he deems a place of honor, requiring a more methodical and slower brainwashing process of his partner in crime, Selina Kyle. By the end of the many months of indoctrination he will have his personal pet answering to Cheshire Cat, or baring that making her the new White Rabbit or March Hare.
  • The Ratcatcher, Otis Flannegan: As much as I hate to say it, this one is largely here do to word play (the Cat and the Rat). But I do like the idea of playing up this as almost a stalker like relationship with them working togeather before Selina finds rats watching her everywhere she goes, driving away anyone else she tries to get close to, and eventually corraling her down in some warren where Ratcatcher decides the Cat is better off with him.
  • The Scarecrow, Jonathan Crane: Either the professor or groomed-for-terror heir are two sides of the character I am interested in. That said, and knowing what I am all about, the younger take of Crane is my preferred one. I love the idea of Crane getting recruited by Catwoman do to his talent for chemistry, them developing something akin to supervillain and sidekick, before he ultimately decides he wants to be the one calling the shots.
  • The Red Triangle Circus Gang*: Or any gang for that matter. I do love their aesthetic however and if nothing else they are a pretty diverse bunch. Clowns, freaks, and strongmen so for at least some consideration should your character be the kind that avoids getting their hands dirty. With Selina especially I love the idea that a Lion Tamer- a orginial character I encourage people interested in helping me flesh out -exists for the gang that primarily is not only their animal trainer but acts as something of the gangs torturer and jailer for people the circus holds captive. I imagine such a character being used in a plot where the gang is given Selina Kyle after she pissed off their boss. The Joker, Penguin, it doesn't matter; anyway, the idea will be fleshed out a bit more below so we will take it from there.


So let's take a look at some plots!


Preferred Plots at this time are as follows:

  1. Satisfaction Brought Her Back (Under Catwoman & Bystanders)
  2. A Cat's Twisted Tale (Under Selina vs the World)
  3. Sideshow (Under Catwoman & Rogues)

A request for a gamemaster to take over the world for Selina, this idea is essentially to have playing Catwoman while my partner in question controls pretty much everything else- all the other characters, events, pacing- all are decided by the GM. I envision this particular RP kicking off the night Max tries to kill Selina off and from there we see where the story unwinds.​



Satisfaction Brought Her Back- Catwoman x Atkin's Orphan
Selina Kyle has made a mistake, one that ends with her boss, Max Shrek, trying to kill her. Recovering from the attempt, she sets out on a mad quest for revenge. However she won't be in it alone. Max has made more than a few enemies in his day, including the orphan of Fred Atkins, his partner on 'extended holiday.' Long having suspected Max of killing his father, the young Atkins heir recruits the newly minted Catwoman to his cause to kill Max and take over the corporate empire his father helped build. Maybe he will even manage to domesticate his new latex-clad partner, assuming he can manage her temper.

Dropping In- Catwoman x Savior
Selina had to go and reject her small, disgusting partner in crime and for her troubles he tried to kill her. Like always she survives; battered and in pain, but alive. However, her Crashing through a greenhouse no doubt woke up the entire neighborhood and she finds herself barely able to limp away. Thankfully she landed on a building where a 'fan' discovers her first. in exchange for helping her get home and recover she will entertain him for the night. Too bad for Selina she is underestimating yet another man in her life.

Cat's Out of the Bag- Catwoman x Blackmailer
Selina got her revenge, having killed the man who tried to murder her and toppled his corporate empire. But all at the cost of her former life, Selina ends going into hiding. She makes a living stealing now as Catwoman, lining her pockets with just enough to not get caught. That said her exploits have not gone unnoticed. One day she is contacted by someone who has complied enough evidence her to give the cops enough reason to lock her up, including her real identity. Now she has a choice- submit and come be the new plaything of her secret admirer or find her identify exposed and tossed in jail. Either way, she knows her freedom has come to an end.

Messed Up Minx- Amnesic Catwoman x Rescuer
Her career as Catwoman came back to bite Selina on the ass. Someone she pissed off got their hands on her, tortured her, and finally broke her. Through unknown means they literally wiped her old life as Selina away and left her as little more than an animal. Finally, they tried to leave her for dead. However, she survived. Barely. Living out of the site she was dumped off at, it doesn't take too long before she is found by someone familiar with Catwoman's reputation. Someone who decides to nurse her back to health. Someone who intends to use the damaged woman for their own benefit and their own pleasure.

Office Politics- Catwoman x Intern
Hired just a few months ago to file paperwork on the same floor as the likes of Max Shreck was a privilege even if it barely paid at all. The work experience was worth it, even when he learned that the boss had a habit of abusing his own secretary. If she didn't want it, wouldn't she just leave? Besides, it wasn't his business. But even he couldn't deny foul play when he personally watched her fall to what should be a certain death. However, when he runs to what should be a gory murder scene, he instead finds a trail leading to a devastated apartment and Selina Kyle clad in latex. Caught in the moment, he admits he knows what happened to her. And he wants to know what she is planning to do now that she's more alive than she has ever been.



Bad Kitty- Catwoman x Vigilante
In this alternative take on Gotham, Batman never debuted, yet the masked freaks still started to come out of woodworks. The people of this city still carried on even as the dangerous city continued to get crazier and crazier. In this alternate take of Gotham Selina Kyle carried on as normal- she worked, went home, and just prayed she never became a victim or a statistic. However, a late night at the office, a little curiosity, and an angry CEO later ended up with her becoming Catwoman to get revenge. Well, sometime after all of this Gotham gets itself a vigilante, one who takes drastic actions to clean up Gotham's streets. When he confronts Catwoman the first time he decides to be merciful with her; or at least this vigilante's idea of mercy.

While the Bat is Away- Catwoman x Kick-Ass
Between the Penguin making a case for the mayor's office and the Red Triangle Circus Gang practically waging war on the city streets, the Bat has his hands full trying to keep the chaos contained. So much so that he has yet to notice the fact that during the riots a number of properties owned by Max Shreck have been targeted during the waves of destruction, even when they are outside the bounds of where the gang struck. And this is a fact Selina is counting on as she begins her revenge by a thousand cuts on her former boss. However, Dave, a local inspired by the Bat to take up the mantle of vigilante, spots the Cat across his street early one night and decides to try and take her down. Needless to say, after their first encounter they leave each other with a impression, to say the very least, that neither one is going to forget. An impression that soon turns into a mutual obsession.

Along Came a Spider- Catwoman x Spiderman
Gwen's death still fresh on his mind, Peter decides he needs to get out of New York for a while. A long while. Applying to Gotham City University, he gets accepted with the understanding he will occupy himself with either taking down notes during class or taking down criminals during the night. Needless to say, he didn't believe the stories about Gotham being an utter cesspit but was he proven wrong fast. Of course not all of the criminals are all bad. Some are easy on the eyes; even then though, the one he keeps bumping into is both crazy and terrifying.

Quirk: Cat's Eye- Catwoman x Dynamight or Deku
A minor AU take on the character, in this plot set in the My Hero Academia universe, Selina Kyle is a nobody with a weak quirk, which literally just gives her cat like eyes. Moving to Japan for a fresh start, she nearly dies when a rookie pro-hero nearly kills her while stopping some low tier villains. While Selina does go onto live, her belief in the world around her becomes shattered as the event is covered up, her life being threatened again to keep quiet about the event. Disturbed by events, she decides to become a vigilante and eventually Villian herself, as her Quirk-Cat's Eye is no longer merely cosmetic. Meanwhile a certain Pro-Hero in training is currently enrolled in an internship when they come face to face with the mysterious and dangerous Hero-Killer, known only as Catwoman.



At Least Psycho's are Committed- Catwoman x Partner-in-Crime [Ideally The Penguin, Ratcatcher, The Mad Hatter, Killer Moth, Kite Man, or Pyg]
Selina is on a quest for revenge, but she has an issue- Batman keeps getting in her way. She needs someone with the resources, talent, skills, or all of the above to help her bring down the Bat. What she needs is a partner. Thankfully in a place like Gotham she is spoiled for options. However, between the crime bosses, freaks, and psychos Catwoman will have to walk along a razor's edge, least she finds herself on the receiving end of her partner's attention. From clowns that bunk in Arkham to deformed kingpins, criminal masterminds obsessed with riddles to a low life with dreams of grander, the Cat will have to keep in mind that her home is a concrete jungle full of creatures worse than herself.

Sideshow- Catwoman x Red Triangle Circus Gang
Selina has gone and pissed of Oswald Cobblepot for the last time. Livid, the new mayor and most powerful kingpin in the city backstabs the Cat and leaves her in the care of his favorite band of thugs, the Red Triangle Circus. In exchange he pays them to put on acts once a week where the point is to humiliate, hurt, and degrade the fem-fatale. These acts always end when the Lion Tamer puts her into a pit with his big cats. If she can survive long enough to outlast the drugs given to the tigers and lions - a cocktail of steroid and aphrodisiacs - she gets spared until next week's showing. Unfortunately for Selina, she has a knack for not dying, even if wishes more than anything she was dead.

Pain & Panic- Catwoman x Scarecrow
While on her quest for revenge stumbles upon a young man with a talent for creating useful concoctions. Impressed, she ends up sharing her goal of getting a most splendid revenge on the man who tried to kill her. Enamored with the older woman and her brutal philosophy, he pledges to help her in her mission. However, it is not long before the Cat's pride starts to sour the air between the two and that bright chemist comes up with a solution to break his mentor over every slight she has ever burdened him with.


Alternative Origins for Selina Kyle & Catwoman
So, to start us off, what do I mean when I type a title like 'alternative origins for Selina Kyle'? Well, for the most part, I am referring to different takes (Elseworlds, some might think of them) of how Selina Kyle became Catwoman. And that is pretty much it, to be honest, and I will go on to say that many of these alternative origins are furthermore, more or less, derivatives of the one seen in Batman Returns. By which I mean that they follow, more or less, these similar elements: 1.) Selina starts out at least somewhat browbeaten and reserved, using a meek persona while suppressing her anger and darker thoughts. 2.) Due to either a misunderstanding, a mistake on her part, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Selina ends up on the worse side of a murder attempt. Ideally, this attempt comes from someone who had some authority in her life as some kind of superior. 3.) Selina survives, almost entirely through luck, and with the mother of all psychotic breaks; making her costume in a bloody rage and setting out to right the wrongs that made her take on the mantle of the Cat.

Lawyer: A more assertive take on Selina Kyle from the get-go, the idea behind this alternative origin is fairly straight forward- Selina is fresh out of law school and determined to make a name for herself. So, things seem to be on the up when a high-profile client reaches out to her for what should be a simple job. Unfortunately for the career minded woman, her big break-out case is going to end up getting her killed- and leading to the debut of Catwoman. The obvious details, like what kind of lawyer Selina is, what was the case that had someone attempt to get rid of her, and who hired her are all cases I am very happy to discuss. To that I have decided to include an example plot using a lawyer Selina as the bases:

Selina Kyle has been working a case for a client wronged- a nobody who lost everything do to the actions of a much more powerful man. For months now she has done the back work, interviewed numerous witnesses, and compiled all the evidence she could need to bring her client justice. Unfortunately for Selina and the person who hired her, the target of their lawsuit does not play fair; and Gotham is the kind of city to award those who know that. Some thugs are hired and end up dealing with Selina, leaving her for dead afterwards. She does recover but not before her client ends up calling the case off at her rather intimidating disappearance. Pissed and out for revenge, Catwoman emerges from the darkness, reaching out to her former client to help her in her endeavor to get payback for the Hell both of them went through. However, Selina might be too trusting, unaware that her former client might have worked out a deal with her would-be killer the entire time.

Nun: One of the main reasons I love to play Selina is because of the fact that, at least in Returns, her story-arc, while empowering is also about someone falling from grace. In the movie we see a mousey, put-upon woman become a violent, unhinged badass. It's one of my favorite facets of the character; one that I would be willing to explore further by emphasizing it in a RP some time. And I personally don't see a further fall from grace than as a devout nun turning into a lustful and dangerous maniac.

Sister Kyle is a nun, and a part of an academy ran by her covenant, the Order of St. Dumas. A diligent instructor, completely taken in with her beliefs of her Catholic upbringing, she nonetheless is known for being one of the more patient and understanding wardens for the students under her watch. Unknown to both Selina and a new, rebellious charge, the school is taking select students and indoctrinating them into a cult-like order of trained killers. In an effort to save the new student, the nun ends up giving herself up to buy the delinquent time to escape. Her sacrifice ends up with her praying for mercy and receiving none, beaten and tossed off a cliff into the bay below. The young man from the academy she saved comes back for her body, in hopes of burying his savior- only to find her very much alive, though baptized from her near-death experience, on a mission from, well herself, to raise Hell and make the Academy, her former order, and the Alumni calling the shots.

The Order of Saint Dumas has been dealing with a thorn in their side for some time now. The now notorious Catwoman- a traitor and heretic nun, at least according to the Order's hierarches -has finally been caught after trying to sabotage their operations once again. While some believe killing her without hesitation is the fate she deserves, enough of the men in charge believe an example must be made of the woman who has been threatening their operations for months now. They decide to hand her over to their top assassin, titled as Azrael (potentially more than one killer as it can be a team) to make the bitch repent, and most importantly, regret crossing the Order. Her life in the hands of a conditioned killer, will this 'Angel of Death' ultimately kill her or instead find a reason to spare his prisoner remains to be seen.

Petty Thief: A very different take to my standard portrayal of Selina, the idea behind this one is Selina starts out as a down on her luck thief. Already a criminal, though granted a meek one, before even becoming Catwoman, I see this plot line as means to explore Selina as even more opportunistic and petty than she is in my typical plot lines. Which, I admit, is saying something. A variation I see on this origin is to change up what sort of criminal Selina is before the events of this take on the character- like maybe she is a two-bit con artist that runs a scam on the wrong guy, or an 'escort' that lets an insult slide while entertaining Cobblepot? Ultimately, the idea is that for dabbling in crime she ends up on the chopping block before upping her game.

Selina Kyle makes a living off of pickpocketing people as they pass her on the street. Watches and wallets alike help her make enough for rent and a bite to eat. Still, Selina longs for more, something her fence helps her out with. He tells her that he knows a guy who in turn knows a guy who is willing to give a big payday for the both of them. Selina takes the job, testing her skills as she is put through the ringer, however she manages to pull of her little heist. Only the payout was something of a lie, leaving both Selina and her fence not only out of pocket but her seemingly dead. However, as her partner stumbles back to his hideout, he finds her alive, if not altered from her ordeal.

And that's it for now- I am sure that as time goes on, I will add more content and update what you see here; but for now, I am content. This request thread has a been a long-term project of mine; I hope some of you out there will love it as much as I do. Ciao~


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~Bump- looking for a little depravity this holiday season. Share your twisted ideas for degrading fates for Selina to waste a life on; those with the best bad end ideas will receive top priority, regardless if said ideas are used towards any plot we might conceive or not~
~Bump- I've had some of you more devious fellows share a few dark ends for Selina, but I am hoping to hear even more. So go on- hit me with your best shot~
~Shame on me as I am still sorting through some request threads but so far have seen few pertaining to this thread. So Bump~
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