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Seeking Female Roleplayer! (AIM Only)

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Jan 12, 2009
To open, I am known as Zane Skyfire on Gaia. I am seeking a LITERATE female to rp with over AIM ONLY. I will not RP over PMs, for they are to contact me if I'm not on. Please, send your SN via PM if you must. Now, please pay CLOSE attention to the next paragraph.

Now, as much as we all hate them, I have rules. Oh, and PLEASE read this entire post. I’ll know if you haven't, but more importantly, I asked you nicely.

1. All I ask for is that when you contact me, you at least know that the rp will have sex; Depending on your personal preferences, we will determine how much and how often. Also, as this has recently become an issue, READ MY F-LIST BEFORE CONTACTING. There is a reason it exists; it is more indepth about diffrent topics and subjects, and a much wider range of topics Rabbit Hole doesn't cover. If it is in the Favorite Collum, expect certain things to be MANDATORY. If you don't like what you see, don't waste our (Mine & your) time. Here's one stance for free; while I am more than willing to be human or otherwise, I rarely RP with human females. Expect to be furry or otherwise.

2. I want literates only. There is no such thing as semi or advanced. You are ether illiterate, literate, or literate and detailed. If you insist on saying advanced, put details into your lengthy rants or messages.

3. I will NOT rp over a thread or PMs. The reason this thread exists is to gain some partners. See the starting message about PM rules. Furthermore, I don't care for Yahoo, MSM or Skype; I've had issues with the former 2 before, and I'm clearly NOT seeking a video chat.

4. There is no spoon. No, really! Unless you’re holding one right now... Then there IS a spoon. SPOOOOOON!!! Okay, funny guy stuff aside, right now I'm only looking for plots and ideas that pertain to MY interests. That involves anything typed up below, or that I might have on hand. If it's listed under no, chances are you should be looking elsewhere.

5. When I ask for Slave in my rps, don't be coming to me seeking an abusive or cruel master. Causing a girl pain is not one of my many kinks, alright? Please understand that I'm not a cruel type of dominant, I just can't hit a lady in violence, and having an abusive relationship with a slave also sucks. Furthermore, do NOT ask me to be a slave (Blame my male genes), cause I'm the dominator, not the guy under the boot licking slime from between your neatly lined tiles.

6. If I suggest an idea, TRY it first. Don't out right turn it down, unless you want to lose points with me. I find someone who will refuse an idea without a logical excuse (Like you have a fear of dogs when I suggest something with a werewolf, for example) closed- minded. Please, if something I suggest doesn't interest you, at least tell me why so I can understand. Also, I have been looking for rps for almost a entire year, and got no responses; So forgive me for wanting some exact things right now; Namely, what's on my thread.

7. Alright, time to replace the formerly funny statement I had here before. Let me clear about something; if you contact me to RP and then never respond further when I mention something I want, but your limits won't allow for it, instead of being polite and saying you won't do it (Which will automaticly disqualify you for breaking Rule #6; the key here is if you drop all contact rather than sending a polite "I'm sorry, I don't like that and I refuse to try it out." message.)? Your name goes on my Black List. Just as my White List is to raise some to a higher level because I feel your that great that you'd love more to contact you, my Black List is the reverse, in that it is to warn others NOT to bother with you. See how it's empty? I'd prefer to keep it that way.

Not so bad, now was it? Seven simple rules. Now that that annoying part is out of the way, lets get to the roleplays I crave.

:heart: = CURRENT CRAVEING!!! If you see just this icon, and you didn't really see the main notice, that's okay; This shall point out what I've just got to do to stop myself from loading baby bunnies into a potato gun and firing them into dog pounds. Think of the bunnies.

:idea: = CRAVE, MUST DO!!! If you request this, I will kiss your feet and grovel like a dog! Yes, see above. I think I've got my point across now!

:cool: = Sweetness! If you want this, I'm game! Hell, I might even have an idea in the wings!

:huh: = Eh, not right at this exact time. If you convince me, then maybe I can be swayed.

:dodgy: = Your joking, right? I'd rather have my skin peeled off with a red hot, rusty knife than do this! In stupid, NO!!!!!

On to the Roleplays! First up...

Here is my own personal Rabbit Hole and far more detailed F-List.

CURRENT MAJOR CRAVEINGS -> My Little Pony, Castlevania, Dragonoid plot, Dream Dolls plot


My Little Pony :idea:

(Yes, it's back. I'm not ashamed to say I have a fetish. Don't we all have one? This pairs nicely with Transformation below. Anyone that freely asks for this gets a free bag of good will! And for you who may be skeptical? I've had at least 50 people ask for this and find it GREATLY enjoyable.)

Castlevania :idea:

(Ah yes, the eternal duel between the foul Dracula and the heroic Belmont clan... I love this series with a deep passion. Everything about it, from the plots to the monsters to the weapons, all draw me in. You will get MUCH love for this.)

Shin Megami Tensei :cool:

(Yup, this is a new one, alrighty. To fill in a few blanks, Shin Megami Tensei is a video game series that involves demons and the end of the world. See below for in depth details about this, but at it's heart, I'm looking for a cheerleader ice queen super bitch being turned into a goth; No, not the emo kind of goth, more of the Elegant Gothic Lolita dress style, the type of goth who dresses like a doll, and is in fact kind, sweet and understanding, if not shy.)


(What can I say? When you’re a nut case, be proud of your insanity! But if it makes things more simple, I'm seeking ones where a human girl is transformed into something else a bit to a lot less human. Not the giant robots; That statement alone should help clear confusion. Sadly, I'm running low on ideas, folks. Try to suggest a few if you can. Also, this has no rateing because it's more often than not a requirement.)


(Let me make this simple. I like to have this in virtually every RP I do. Also, I only do FULL furry, a animal with the skeletal structure of a human; No half-breeds like a neko or what not that's still purely human at it's base, person body with ears and tail crap.)

Dream Dolls :heart:

(This is a VERY long and detailed set up, as you'll see below, but I do hope I'll find one or two of you whom are fasinated.)

Various Anime and Video Games or Original RPs

(If your after something in particular, please, do ask! If I know what your hunting, and I LOVE it, we can get cracking. Otherwise, we can discuss something else.)

Okay, you've made me cave in at last. Here is a few of the best ideas I've come up with, but can't seem to make last.

This is where you may read the very long and detailed Dream Dolls plot.

Showing up seemingly at random in more than one place is a toy store named Dream Dolls. Every single toy, game and item to fill your child's imagination is sold here, most if not everything had crafted with love and care by a little old toy maker who makes a living bringing smiles and joy to all who shop there. But the true marvel of the the shop is it's signature Dream Dolls, hand made plush dolls made with love, care attention and a eye for detail so key, you'd swear they were made by top of the line machines. But there's a secret behind the trade mark dolls that make them so very special; each one has a soul.

The true reason for the store's existence, though only those who live and work there know this, is to help those who are abandoned. These souls are as alive as any human, though they're encased within inanimate bodies. Most of them came into being over time, after lifetimes upon lifetime of living with human beings. Things such as the tsukumogami (like Kogasa or Medicine), as well as regular toys that have developed their own minds, can find a safe haven there. Many have been hurt or frightened by humans at some point, and this proves to be a safe place where they can watch humans but not have to interact directly until they're ready. It gives them a chance to learn how to trust and love again, no matter how long it takes. Only when they feel prepared, and they've come across a human who interests them, are they sold. In truth, however, it's very rare that these special toys, called spirit-dolls, are given away for money. They're given the respect and consideration that any living person deserves, simply because they think and have feelings. So to sell them would diminish the fact that they're truly priceless.

If the store did that all the time, of course, it would be impossible to operate even for a day. As a result, the main stock that populates the store are ordinary toys. Dolls, stuffed animals, and other items are made right there in the store. What makes them special is that they're custom, often hand-built to specifications. The old man and his helpers do it all, even making the clothes and altering shoes to fit certain types of dolls. Because the creations seem to have such well-done features and lively eyes, people often say that it feels like even the plush toys are alive. In recent days, things like figurines and action figures have also made it onto the shelves, and there's clearly a difference between the products made within Dream Dolls and the things that were mass-manufactured. Surprisingly, anything that wasn't made as a special order is pretty affordable, even though it's made in-store. Only the truly custom creations, designed by each customer from head to toe, tend to climb upward in price.

When a person walks in, it's easy to mistake it for a kid's toy store. The majority of the place is very family-friendly, made for people of all ages to come and enjoy, even if they don't buy anything. (Unlike many stores, there are areas that are intended to be hands-on, and places for kids to play while parents shop.) But ultimately, the mission of Dream Dolls is simple: To bring happiness to everyone who enters its doors. As a result, if a person walks in with a certain desire or wish in their hearts, the goal is to satisfy that wish as best as possible. Some people end up in a hidden little alcove of the store as a result, a place where toys for the adult mindset are displayed favorably. These are actually just display pieces; anything that's meant to be an adult's companion is custom-made to that person's liking. Of course, they don't know until they get their order that their desire and true intent was figured out, and the toy in question made for that purpose anyway. Though these toys rarely have spirits, sometimes they do...but this is because the spirit in question chose to live in such a form. Or, in some cases, to be altered into one. For example, if there was once a doll who didn't have the chance to experience an intimate relationship with a human that they loved, they might choose to become the type of doll who can experience that, and hope to find another person they love to share that with.

In general, however, most of the spirit-dolls live peaceful lives in the store, until they find a human they like. Then it's the job of the shopkeeper to gauge that human's intent. He wears a special pair of spectacles, one that allow his kindly eyes to see the goodness in others. After all, there isn't always time during a person's purchase of a normal toy to talk to them. That's his preferred way of finding out what someone is like. But when the situation calls for it, the glass reflects the truth in a person's heart, and whether or not they have a kind or cruel spirit. He considers it his responsibility to make sure that the delicate souls that he tends to find good homes in the end, and that those homes are with people who will appreciate the gift. There's always the hope that the doll ends up in a good place, but if time passes and the situation changes - whether due to the loss of the doll, the end of the owner's life, or anything else unexpected - it's possible for the doll's spirit to return to the store. This is thanks to a special item that is placed within the spirit-doll, so it can never be lost. This magic item transports the soul back to the store, where it can be tended to once again. It's always up to the spirit-doll in question whether they'll take the offer to go back or not, but the path is always open to them if they need it.

So far, all the talk of spirits and choices has referred to those dolls that have naturally come to have souls of their own. But in some cases, the soul within a doll isn't that of an 'object' least, not to human standards. (In the eyes of the old toy maker and his helpers, there's no toy that's 'just an object', and each should be cherished and cared for by someone. Even tools deserve to be used wisely and maintained well, so they can serve their purpose too.) That's because the item in question is inhabited by the soul of a human being. A person who was born as an ordinary person, but for any number of reasons, came to live within a toy's body instead. These dolls immediately become spirit-dolls, even if they were ordinary before, because of the strength of the human soul that's inside of it.

However, when a toy was just wood, fabric, or another inanimate material, it takes a while for the new spirit-doll to gain the power to move, walk, and talk. When they form naturally, the incoming soul gains strength and awareness, even as their body starts to accumulate more magical energy. It's this energy that makes them 'real'. (It's like in the Velveteen Rabbit story.) The care of their human companion for them, and the feelings that they return, are what brings them to life. That energy also sustains them. With these human-to-doll shifts, however, that energy doesn't exist yet, yet the mind is fully formed and aware of everything that happens. Instead of it being a freeing experience, it's like a prison, and the person inside is helpless to even call out for help or seek escape. That's why spirit-dolls aren't made from human souls.

There is a way to put a human soul in the simple body of a toy...but it tends to be very harmful for the mind and sanity of the human target. This is why such an ability isn't given to most spirit-dolls. The people who know the secret are few, and were personally taught by the old toy maker himself. It's a skill intended to protect them from humans that would try to destroy them, and used only as a last resort. Fortunately, it's also possible to infuse these dolls with magic, making the time they spent as a doll frightening, but not damaging in the long term. Most humans thus affected think that the experience was a nightmare, and never realize that anything strange really happened. But only the shopkeeper can do this, so those who know the skill to make human souls go into a doll have been taught not to use it if they don't have to. But then, how are human spirit-dolls made?

That's tightly interlinked with the fate of normal spirit-dolls. When one of the latter becomes a human's companion, it's not unusual for the human in question to have dreams about their new toy. They might not remember at first, but gradually, their conscious minds can recall what happens. In these dreams, the person in question gets to do everything with their toy that they normally couldn't (or won't let themselves) do in the waking world. Playing together, talking together, whatever they wish. And as the two get to know each other better, sometimes they trade places. The doll gets to be the human, the human gets to be the doll. Of course, that's just a fun game to play in the dream world. It doesn't actually happen in most cases.

But when the two desire this strongly enough, and want it to happen in the real world...well, sometimes it does. The human wakes up as a doll, and the doll has a human's body. The trick is that they both have to want it - to honestly wish that they could, in reality, trade places. What many don't know is that once they swap in the real world, it's not like in their dream. They can't switch back. And since they don't have to talk about doing so - simply want it badly enough, somewhere in their hearts - then it's often a surprise to both. This ability is something that all normal spirit-dolls have, and is honestly meant for good. Some dolls might watch their humans living hard, painful lives, and wish to ease their pain. Perhaps being able to cry and share their troubles isn't enough to make the human feel better, and he or she isn't able or willing to say what they want aloud. If they really want to get away from the harshness of their life, though, and their doll truly wants to help, then the miracle happens all by itself.

The dreams happen for a similar reason: because in the modern world, many are embarrassed or ashamed to speak of what's in their hearts. Even - or especially - when it's just a toy that's hearing it. So they are able to tell all their secrets and wishes in their dreams, and have a bit of relief as a result. The dolls also get to talk freely with their human friends. Some would have to constantly pretend that they're nothing but a normal toy, with no will or heart of their own, and that would be painful for them. The confusion and fright that's caused by an unexpected transfer is generally just a side-effect of these more benevolent magics. As for why it's impossible to change back...well, the toy maker and those who came before him have tried, but it never seems to work right in reverse. It's been deemed too dangerous for now, and isn't done even when the two insist. That is, unless they're so unhappy that they're willing to risk being lost, or sharing the same body, to try undoing what happened.

After such an event happens, the pair in question - now inside of the other's body - return to the store. Since the magical charm within the doll is linked to the spirit within, a changing of bodies activates the spell, and both body(with the human's soul inside) and spirit(now inside the human's body) come back to the place the charm came from. This gives the toy maker a chance to explain what's happened, and to prepare them for the future. Sometimes, the pair will stay together; other times, they choose to go their separate ways. If so, then the people who work at the store help to make this go as smoothly as possible. It's through events like those that most human spirit-dolls came to the store. Many end up residing there while they adjust. For some, this takes years, maybe even generations. Whatever the case, they're free to choose what they want afterwards, and their decisions are respected. The same goes for the doll-turned-human; if that person wants to go back to the human's old life, they're free to do so. If they want to begin a new life elsewhere, everyone does as much as they can to support that. In fact, some have stayed at the store for a while and tried to help troubled dolls get used to being around humans again, using their experiences for good purposes.

There's some special cases, though. Sometimes, a human ends up inside of a doll and knows exactly what's going to happen, why, and what they need to do to make the process work. While others are known as willing, these humans are full participants. It's rare, because this generally happens when a person is in a situation that will eventually take their life. It could be a fatal illness, a slow-acting disease, impending organ failure, or simply a case of stress or depression taking its toll. Either way, when a person who's mostly good is in such trouble, and they happen to have a doll, sometimes they'll get a visit from someone in the store. This is usually just a kind gesture, and not intended to change anything...but when someone lives their life with other people's happiness as their goal, it can be hard to turn away from a suffering person. Doing so is quite the judgment call, but sometimes, the toy maker himself will decide that a certain person should have a helping hand offered to them. It depends heavily on the situation, but if it does turn out like that, then the entire situation is explained. The nature of the doll, the store, even the toy maker himself. Those few who believe, and have the courage to take him up on the offer, have a new lease on life. But only because they gave up the old one freely.

Sudden threats, like an accident or a fall, are the opposite. In that case, the doll chooses to sacrifice themselves to protect the human they care for, and the swap happens all at once. Often, the human's so disoriented that they don't realize what fate befell their body, and it all seems like a freak accident. In many cases, this one can't be undone because the human's body really was harmed afterwards, and the doll's spirit isn't there anymore. Because of the circumstances, this one is almost as rare as the other one...but the reason is that the spirit-doll has to be willing, respond quickly, and change places knowing what it would cost them. It's a deeply loving sacrifice.

Choosing to do so when the person's life is in danger, but not immediately, is different. It's giving a person a last chance, but also asking them to give up a lot. Why? Because the doll that they're going into is unoccupied. There's also a chance that it won't be completed in time. To keep the negative effects mentioned before from happening, the doll has to be magical to some extent. But it can't hold a soul in it, simply because it would be cruel to force another to die to save the life of a person they don't know. Even in the situation that some are in, when their doll would be willing, the current toymaker tries not to lose any spirits unless there's no other way. As a result, it takes a while to prepare for the transfer, as well as actually performing it. Because the person in question knows what's going to happen and some of what it might be like, it usually goes smoothly once the preparations are done. There are often little quirks and minor phobias that develop, but 'success' is when the core personality isn't too different at the end.

Regardless to the method, it's hard to tell the difference between all the spirit-dolls when just looking at them. Only talking to them reveals their true natures. Those created naturally tend to recall their pasts, as do the ex-humans who went through the less intrusive methods. (That makes it more likely that they can reconcile what they were with what they became, and remember both to some degree.) The ones forcibly changed will often forget about the past altogether, at least up to the point where they became a doll. The process takes time but is known to happen in most uncooperative cases. The storekeeper has a record of everyone's story, though, even those who don't remember the past, but this happens to all be within a secret book that's kept in a magically locked cabinet. Not even the current owner's helpers are able to get in there without his permission.

Also, what most people don't know is that the store's been around for generations, just under different facades and names. It's called 'Dream Dolls' right now because the name has special meaning to the current operator of the store and the first dolls that person created. Literally, he thought that the chance of saving his children was little more than a dream, and yet that's where the answer came to him. It was just fortune, or perhaps good karma, that lead him to the means before the illness could take them from him. Also, they're the best example of willing transfers to date, since there's no harm to their personalities or memories. This is rare, and perhaps only worked because it was, to some extent, a miracle as well as magic, and something done due to shared love between all involved parties.

And this is where I fill the blanks about Shin Megami Tensei.

Allow me to delve into the plot of Shin Megami Tensei first. Put simply, a scientist has recently created a teleportation experiment meant to create gates to different worlds. Unfortunately for the world, he opens a portal to the realm BETWEEN Heaven and Hell. Needless to say, his mistake has God and Lucifer to decide it's time to settle their dispute. Thus, they agree it's time for the end of the world. They also select one poor sap to be the chosen one, a new Adam, who will decide the fate of humanity after the collapse.
Heaven and it's Demons of Law (Anything, from angels, to holy beasts to monsters are referred to as Demons because no matter how you slice it, it's a negative impact on humans) want to forge the Thousand Year Kingdom. Heaven on earth, where only select chosen will be allowed to join, but must then live completely under the tyranny of laws and sacrifice freedom. Anyone outside is dog meat and going to suffer a very slow or painful death. However, some demons wish for a world that has laws, but they are not so great they try to rob someone of their freedom. Thus they remain Neutral. If the chosen one decides he values the lives of humans more, then he will destroy both Heaven AND Hell, and creates a world where Demons and Humans can build their own society, without heavenly interference.

Through out the series, you’re this poor sap. Your actions decide if he'll follow the path of Law, Neutral or Chaos, as do the demons you befriend. The hero is equipped with a arm mounted computer, programmed with what's known as the Devil Summoning program, which translates any language the demons he encounters into simple English, and by communicating with them, he can even recruit them to fight with him, storing them inside the COMP as data. By using the COMP's Demon Summoning program, he can call forth demons to serve him, as long as he pays them Magimate, a bizarre crystal substance demons use as money. Also, certain places have the technology to take two demons, and fuse them into a new one. Put simply, the chosen sap is the new Adam, and as you might expect, some poor girl, no matter who she is or what her life was like, is chosen to become his Eve. And as you may expect, leave it to demons to fuck up their lives, like one game has the hero's own mother eaten by a demon.

My character in this god awful mess is the chosen new Adam, who not only receives a arm mounted computer with the Demon Summoning Program, but must also decide the planet's fate once all Hell breaks loose, and humans and Demons now have no choice but to exist side by side. The Eve's role is to stand by his side as he creates one of the three results. You would be the new Eve, who starts as the cheerleading squad captain ice queen, who rules the school pretty much, thanks to being able to bend anyone to her will using her voice or body, being turned into a shy yet kind goth girl.

I will be playing the new Adam, and you the new Eve; As for romance, it will develop into a mutual/romantic slave master relationship. The reason I say slave and master is because ever since my character, the chosen Adam, received the DSP (Short for Demon Summoning Program), a succubus has been actively trying to warp the chosen Eve so she wouldn't be whom the Adam knows, and thus hopefully replace her. So by warping the ice queen, super preppy and ultra slut cheerleading captain into a quiet, obedient, shy and sweet little goth, she hopes to take the form of who she was to deceive the new Adam; Unfortunately, this backfires, as by making her such a sweet goth, she instead makes her more attractive to the Adam.

More to come on a spur of the moment.

THE HATES (Do NOT ask for these or the bunnies will be fired at Rednecks!! Just don't ask for any of the below. :dodgy:)

ANYTHING Final Fantasy (I've never played VII, and I've yet to see Advent, so don't pick on me!)
Cowboy Bebop
Wolf's Rain (Love the anime, don't like rping.)
Harry Potter (If you ask for this, I will drop a piano on a baby bunny!)
Realistic (I am RPing to escape the SUCK of this for a while! The last thing I want is to do an RP about it! And this includes anything with live actors, from Star Wars to Charmed! And if you ask, I'll stab you with a baby bunny!)
Gang/Punk/Street Racing (Absolutely NOT.)
Almost Any School RP (Two words. HELL. NO. I will only make RARE exceptions to this.)
More will be added as they come up.

The Silver List

(Looking for that ideal partner? Somebody who is like your dream come true roleplay partner? Any I list here are among the best of the best, and well worth the time to contact, for any reason I'll list by their SN! Contact these people if you don't have anyone. Right now!)

windchaser - This girl is a mastermind and my dear love. I enjoy every second I RP with her, because she brings a ray of sunshine to my day, every time I see her.

The Black List

(Any names listed here are best avoided, because they will not treat you fairly and will make your life a black misery that you will regret! Don't PM/IM them, don't talk to them on threads, treat them like they don't exist because they will treat you less than dirt!)

None Yet (Do NOT make me list you. Just DON'T.)

Please, ladies! Help a guy in need!
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