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Mx Female Slavery and Kidnapping NSFW

Drunkle Qrow

Nov 2, 2017
To start off lets talk about a little bit of slice of life slavery. No technology or drugs or anything. Maybe some blackmail or coercion and kidnapping. I want the sexy captured woman to clean my house in skimpy clothing. I want her nipples visible through the fabric as she mops my floor and wiggles her ass just for me. I want her to sweat in the kitchen as she cooks my meals. I want her to lick my character's bare feet as a show of affection and plea for better treatment even though she knows it's only temporary. Any age 16+ is wonderful. The main thing is that she's"
A. Submissive and receptive to being told what to do.
B. Aroused by obeying commands.
C. Afraid of what would happen if she didn't obey.
D. Sometimes goes above and beyond to make her master feel special.


I like to play space sci fi roleplays where the male character, through technology or magic, is able to overpower and control the female character. And by control her, I mean make her obey. This could be done with a Jedi Mind Trick or with a nano slavery chip that gets imbedded in her brain stem. The chip won't alter her personality or morality or anything like that. It's effects will be as follows:

- She can't think about or do a suicidal or self harm action. (This prevents her from offing herself and traps her in her situation)
- She can't stay awake when she's more than a kilometer from her designated Master.
- She cannot attack, harm, or kill her Master.
- She will obey any command her Master gives to her. (She can still argue, protest, give her opinion, whine, complain, scream, swear, moan, cry, or call him names. But she will obey his commands immediately and automatically.)


Lets be honest, if you clicked this RT you want to be a slave. But that doesn't mean your character wants to be a slave. And I love exploring who she was before she was chipped and controlled. I love exploring what her wants are and what her purpose and philosophy is. Not every Master is a bad guy. My characters like to do what I call "pleasure rape" which is where they force their slaves into lewd sexual behavior that results in immense pleasure for the slave and keeps them aroused, horny, and on edge and makes them want to be raped even if they hate him. It's psychological torment with a bit of stockholm syndrome.

It's very easy to install the chip. It comes in what looks like a pistol, and it gets fired into the back of the neck. Usually what will happen is your character is doing something she shouldn't be. Maybe snooping around a ship or trying to steal something. My character will hold her at "gun point" and tell her to turn around. But rather than shooting her with bullets or arresting her, he will just shoot the nano slavery chip into her neck and start giving her orders.

The he will be cocky and mean and bully her a bit. Her attitude will determine how he ultimately treats her. If she is a good girl she might be treated very well. She will still absolutely get fucked but she will have a nice life. If she is an insufferable bratty bitch then he will lord his position over her until she feels humbled and ready to be his ship's cute little pussy pet. Willing girls with a good attitude get more privileges.

Face Claims:

I can do real men with wash board abs or I can do attractive anime guys. I don't really care. I don't really like face claims myself so don't feel obligated to give me any.

Also I add new ideas and pictures in subsequent posts in this thread.
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So about that party last weekend ;) - (Corruption, Blackmail, Netorare, Dub Con, Cheating, Gutter slut) NSFW

How are you doing today? ^_^

So the premise of this roleplay is that there was a party last weekend that went from 5PM Friday night until about 3AM Monday morning and your character was very much present and she doesn't remember a goddamn thing about it. She knows she got drunk and high on weed and that she slept through almost all of her college classes on Monday morning. Aside from that the whole event is a blur.

Now, it's up for discussion if your character willingly took hard core drugs or if they were slipped into her drink and then readily dolled out to her after that. And since I am a fan of science fiction, I'd like it if we took some liberties in the kind of designer drugs that are available. Some of these drugs may very much be science fiction and I'd love it if in your pm to me you make a suggestion on the kind of drugs you hope she took at this party. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter whether the drugs were taken willingly or not because they caused your character to cheat on her boyfriend many many times over the course of the weekend. Three men who go to your character's college approach her while she's with her boyfriend, and they show her the receipts. Pictures, and there must be dozens, as well as four videos of at least 20 minutes long of her getting gang fucked and loving every second of it. Sucking dick, triple penetration, doing cocaine off a guy's penis, and just generally being a completely shit faced greedy little gutter slut.

This party is over already. We won't be roleplaying it although we could do flash backs to it if you really want. The party exists as a blemish for your character that she would very much like to cover up.

Your character up until that party was basically a perfect little angel. She'd only ever had one boyfriend who she loves very much and is loyal to and never would have betrayed if the drugs hadn't messed with her. She was a valedictorian. She had great grades in high school. She was the cheerleader captain. She was even a life guard and even saved the lives of a couple of her similar aged peers. Her record is stainless and she's popular and beautiful and intelligent. Her one little problem is that she likes to party and she drinks a bit too much when she does. But up until now she's just been tucked into bed by her boyfriend and covered up and given an anti hangover elixer to sober back up.

This time is different. This party was different. She was transformed into a cheating slut and it's all recorded. So let the blackmail commence.

Even at the time of being blackmailed your character is still innocent and loyal because she doesn't even remember doing any of it. When they show her the evidence she is mortified and her immediate thought is that she's ruined everything. her boyfriend is rightfully going to dump her and she's going to lose her scholarship because the party happened on school property and these three stooges have bad grades anyway so they don't really give a shit about getting kicked out. They only came to college to fuck babes like her anyway. They're all trust fund bros and they have various sports cars and one of them even owns a fucking helicopter. She's the one from poverty who needs her grades and looks to get ahead.

She knows they can make her do anything they want. And they do. And how mean they are is based on how positive an attitude she has and how sexy she is while obeying her new masters. The three guys have promised her that if she obeys them like a good little slut until the end of the semester they will delete all the evidence and let her return to her life. And they actually will follow through and do this. But if she's a brat and if she tries to resist or defy them there will be varying levels of punishment. At first they may release a video where it isn't clear where she is doing drugs and getting fucked and that would get her in trouble with her boyfriend. But the videos she absolutely cannot permit to get out are the ones where it's obvious she is doing this at school.

And of course they are going to continue to take pictures and film her while they have their fun with her too. They'll fuck her in 5,6,7 different locations just so it's abundantly clear how much of an unhinged shameless slut she is if her boyfriend ever sees them. She'll become docile and she'll start to like it. But even when she likes it, and even if she dumps her boyfriend, they can still get her kicked out of school.

Your character doesn't want to be a cheating slut. She really does want to get out from under this eventually. But she can't deny how great it feels to lose all control and get ganged and covered in cum.

If you're not a fan of anime pictures then don't bother clicking on any of the spoilers.

They merely feature pictures of the doujin (hentai manga) that this general idea came from. The artwork is really nice though, so if you do enjoy anime I definitely recommend a peak. If you'd prefer, we can use real pictures as face claims. The story is pretty lewd and exceptionally well drawn, and it's only a loose idea of what I would like to do here.

First 20 pages of source doujinshi:




















And the story does continue from here if you click the link I posted but I haven't read that far yet so I don't want to spoil it for myself. This art is basically perfect. I love it and I'm sad that this is their only doujin on pururin.

Please, in your pm to me, tell me what kind of flavoring or conditions you would like to add. I am open to multiple girls too if you are into that kind of thing. Don't worry about the linked images. They are just a loose idea of what could happen.
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So I am a fan of roleplays where an innocent girl has her drink unknowingly spiked with something that makes her horny and sensitive to touch. Sometimes we can throw obedience and docile minded into the effects but we don't have to. As a fan of science fiction, I also enjoy designing fictional drugs with over the top and ridiculous effects just for a roleplay. One such drug is a gullibility elixer that will make the person drinking it believe anything a person says as though it's the absolute truth. Another is a drug that makes cum taste, to the brain, like a premium addictive dessert topping and makes cum their favorite food. In some cases it makes it so cum is the only thing they can eat.

Chloroform is fun as well. Nothing quite starts a dungeon scene like having a cloth cupped over your face and waking up tied up, naked, and completely at the mercy of another person. We can explore a variety of combinations of these fates if you like.

1. YC is 18-19 years old but she's only in grade 11 because she keeps failing all her classes at school. This upcoming semester is her last chance to pass before the school will throw her out. Her parents are going through a bad divorce with domestic violence to the point where her dad has taken a proven wine bottle to the face, and he responded by raping the mom. It's no wonder YC can't concentrate. Another fight breaks out and for the 4th time in two weeks, she stays at her Uncle's house. This is her mother's kid brother. He is levelheaded, intelligent, and only about 6 years older than her. He's also handsome and he encourages her to do well in school and stay away from drugs. When he catches her doing cocaine on his own coffee table, he decides it's time to teach her about the severity of drugs.

He gives her a drink and a lecture about drugs again. Some kind of fruit punch with ice in it. But the drink has a large amount of aphrodisiac that will make her suggestible, horny, and sensitive to touch. It started off as a lesson, and maybe a bit of a prank, but they end up fucking and it ends up being the best sex of her life and she tells him she doesn;t care about school or working she just wants to be his loyal obedient house wife from now on and she wants more of whatever he put in her drink. he tells her fine but only if she stops all other kinds of drugs and she agrees and behaves herself and he takes care of her from now on.

VERY NSFW Skip this upcoming spoiler if you don't like anime:
This is missing a couple pictures because there is a limit of 20 pictures per post here. So here is the full doujin if you want to see what you missed. It's pages 1,2, 7,8,9 that are missing.




















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