As nightfall approaches and the rain begins to pelt, the
only structure within vicinity of two hundred miles is a
beacon of solace, despite its ominosity. Propelled by the
gathering winds that only seem to be pushing you
towards its direction, you find yourself stumbling into...
• I would loveto work with your idea(s) - doesn't matter if it's wild. If you have reasons to believe we can cook up a good partnership based on what you've seen from me, please hit me up for a discussion over (pixelated) wine and cheese!
• Active samples (NSFW):One (Multi-themed noir; Period; Eastern) | Two (Manga Romance) | Three (Depraved romance) | Four (Sci-fi Romance) | Five (Polyamorous Romance) | Six (Non-con)
• Select Pastsamples (NSFW): One (Multi-themed; College) | Two (Non-con; Dark dystopian) | Three (Adultery) | Four (Stalker)
Last update: 23/03/2025 Bandwidth:Light | Medium | Heavy | Overloaded. Status: Active, but time restricted. Highly selective with taking on new plays.
Threads: 5 + (1 PM transition) ㅤ- starshine x2, Kitten, reverie., Luvia, Unconscious PMs: 3 ㅤ- U, mm, V Discord: 0ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
1-3 days: 1
Bi-weekly-Weekly: 2
Weekly-Fortnightly: 3
Fortnightly-Monthly+: 1
Play on demand: 1
Planning phase: 0 On-hold: 4 - bbb x2, FV, A, y (Resumption priority)
• Abstract prose, puns and wordplays to tickle your funny bone!
• 1-5 replies a week, depending on real life schedule.
• 400 to 2500+ words, averaging 700 to 1400. (Situational).
• Discord, PMs preferred. Threads need persuasion; advanced only.
• Open to quick fire (Preferably over discord.)
• Honest communication.
• 40-60:60-40 smut to plot. 70+ either way for known partners and exceptional cases only.
• Ghost-friendly; but I'd deeply appreciate if you'll say a play/discussion is not/no longer working for you. No hard feelings. A closure is nice instead of leaving things hanging!
• For more information about messaging me and my playstyle, I highly recommend referring to the misc tab.
What I hope from my partner ✔✔
• Considerable and persistent effort with world and character building on a regular basis.
• Proactive approach in introducing new materials regularly rather than only reacting to my content.
• Willingness to communicate OOC if things need clarification, or if you feel something needs change, instead of keeping silent.
• Approach me with something thoughtful and comprehensive!
• My creativity scales with your input. The more comprehensive you are with expressions of thought, lore, constant introduction of new avenues to explore, the more materials I can conjure in return.
*Bonus*: If you love a good OOC banter and/or the occasional life talk out of the play, I reckon we will hit off to a good start!
**Note: For older archived ideas as well as some of the latest graphic-plot inspirations, click here. Ideas with the (**) or (**New**) labels have a slight edge of preference. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
×× ◦◦ ××Slice of life×× ◦◦ ××
Tugging Heartstrings
Primary themes: Adultery, consent progressing through a spectrum, M x M x F
Possible themes: Gangbang, Bondage, Psychological despair, Blackmail, Cuckolding, Dark
She has her life all set right ahead for her - popular girl amongst her peers, gorgeous to the envy of people, stellar academic record from a top university, dreamed job lined up for her, and now newly engaged. She has often been told that her fiancé is the luckier of the two in their relationship. That is true to a certain extent. The man is a good lad, has a decent future lined up for himself, one of the nicest guys around. Otherwise, he is pretty much ordinary.
Then out of nowhere, came an enigmatic third party. The man is a mystery, but so much of him seemed intriguing. He is suave, confident, unafraid to reach for the seemingly impossible, and naturally arrogant. After being acquainted, the man found himself taking a fancy for her. This will be a story about three main characters, the initial blossoming of a couple's relationship, that eventful U-turn, and the subsequent downward fall of the relationship, as the three characters will encounter issues of insecurities, doubts, obsession and temptation.
How far will the man be willing to go to get his hands on the lady? Will she remain steadfast to her fiancé, or will she be drawn to the other intruding party who may well turn into an asshat jock, or an obsessive compulsive alpha being, that is simply looking to wreck a relationship, and then possibly discarding her on once he had his fun? To what levels of depravity will the man corrupt her to? Or will she find herself developing a more enriching relationship with the new man who turns out to be genuinely, a much better guy, and realising that she can actually do much better? How will the fiancé struggle with increasing insecurity? Will he eventually confront, or does he prefer avoidance and instead, watch his girl silently, continuously cheat on him from behind the shadows, all while she remains completely oblivious to the fact that her dirty little secret has long been in the mind of her fiancé?
The Enigmatic Roommate
Primary themes: Teasing, Sexual tension
Possible themes: Consensual, Dub-con, Adultery NSFW Intro Image Reference
MC is a fresh grad high flyer who eventually regretted his decision to do a 3 years long term contractual rent of an entire apartment situated at the heart of a buzzing district to himself after settling into his new job. The new found fortune of his high paying job made him reckless at the beginning. But he eventually realise that the lifestyle is simply unsustainable. He decided to sublet the apartment to someone, anyone, who is willing to half his rental cost. He was initially very reluctant, knowing a lot is at stake for doing this, but was pleasantly surprised when YC (maybe a college student, or another fresh grad - discuss) approached him. This is a story of MC and YC getting to know each other right from the start as complete strangers initially. Since they are both attractive but cautious individuals, the process of knowing each other can go on a moderate burn. There will be a lot of teasing involved at the beginning, whether they were meant to be accidental or not, which will brew the tension between the two over time. Perhaps there were psychological barriers or circumstance (MC was already in a relationship, albeit a very shaky one) that prevented any move from being made. But eventually, the pressure cooker was bound to break.
She has done some casual modelling for him for a few months. He thought she was demure, classy, yet sexy, which fit well into his catalogue for swimwear and high street fashion. It pays a decent amount to help get by the basic expenses. They started off with a professional relationship. Over time, she has trouble paying for her rent and college fees and she was eventually comfortable with talking more about herself, letting him know about her circumstance during a casual exchange. He then mentioned that he has a couple other projects that pays a lot more. He promised no shady business would be involved, just lingerie, kink fashion, bondage gear.
They agreed to do a couple of shoots, with no funny antics to lure her in. The money was great so she agreed to do a little more, then a little more.. until one day, he brought her to an unexpected orgasm. She realized by now that she was incredibly comfortable with this photographer, and she was terrified, but also intrigued at the prospect of what and where he could take her to into this increasingly intimate relationship. Perhaps she even has a boyfriend, which would introduce a new dimension of psychological stress and guilt.
For a darker twist, the photographer can well be an average joe, who ends up being obsessed/stalkerish. This will eventually lead to a non-con setup, in which he threatens to use the obscene materials obtained during the latest shoot that could well ruin and end her life - this is all because she uncharacteristically wavered and fell into the dark side that fateful evening, and gave him an opening to which, he seized it to the fullest, effectively binding the course of her fate to him.
What happens on this trip, stays in this trip
Primary themes: Consensual
Possible themes: Flirting, Teasing, Romance, Adultery
He and she are young adults whom just recently graduated from college, and has been planning this trip since high school (or junior school) years. They have known each other for quite a long time, far longer than any other friends, boyfriends and girlfriends that they knew. They are so compatible. But for whatever reason/s, they never ended up with one another.
Now, they figured they really needed this breakaway to just escape away from their realities for just the next 1-3 months. When they informed their families, they vaguely mentioned that they intend on going for a solo retreat to rediscover themselves, and would appreciate if they left him and/or her alone for the duration.
To complicate things further, one, or perhaps both of them are already attached to someone else at the time that they embarked on this mysterious little trip.
The pair started off with the impression that this trip is going to be strictly platonic, having known each other for so long - or at least, the girl for the most part. But tension is bound to brew when both the male and female are highly desirable, and entangled in close proximity for an extended period of time.
She wanted to surprise her boyfriend over the Christmas break. With her having access to his apartment, she sneaked her way in, stripped down, and bounded herself to his bed. Unbeknownst to her, he needed to head back home abruptly for the break the night before. He did not have the opportunity to inform her due to a massive winter storm that disabled communications for an extended period of time.
At the time that he made the decision to leave, he was with his best mate, who coincidentally could use a temporary place to stay for the duration of the winter break, having recently been in a dispute with his landlord. As such, he left his keys to his best mate for the weeks to come. When he eventually arrived at the lavish apartment of barely a year old, he felt smug and delighted at the opportunity that he seized for himself that allowed him to indulge in an experiential treat of the high-life that his richer mate has been living for pretty much his entire life. Turning his head to the corridor, he then spotted the door to the master bedroom slightly ajar. A streak of light crept pass the opening. It was unusual, given then he knew his best mate to be the thriftiest of individuals, who always ensured that he turned off all lights and appliances whenever they were not in use.
She is a brilliant 21-25 year old fresh science graduate, fortunate enough to secure herself an employment with an esteemed interstellar biodiversity research institute. She was assigned to a small team of other researchers onto a candidate planet some 745 light years away from Earth. Typically, an armed escort team would come along an expedition. The native threat level is unknown due to the vast distance of the planet away from Earth, causing pre-mission recon scans to be low-resolution. HQ deemed the expedition too high risk. But her team leader was extremely tempted by a few planetary properties from the recon scan that looked extremely promising. This planet seemed like a rare diamond mine - habitable without the need for terraform. Against organizational directive, her team lead authorized the trip discreetly.
She and her team arrived on planet GL-52103, after a few Earth months, using a warp drive attached to the expedition ship. Upon arriving, the landscape looked serene - too serene in fact. The expedition lead thought his discovery would finally get him the retirement payout. The team settled down on a makeshift camp to do the routinely environmental profiling. Things were looking smooth, until the 15th day. Sarah, another female intern just a few years younger than her, went missing on a routine scouting assignment. By the end of the 3rd week, three other team members went missing as well. Franticness eventually set in. The expedition lead decided to abort mission. On the night of the evac, an unforeseen class-5 lightning storm occurred, bringing along a massive fog. In the midst of the evacuation mess, she was left behind, as the evacuees could not locate her given the poor visual condition. The ship was at risk of being damaged if it remained grounded throughout the storm. The lead took the painful decision to lift off without her to limit casualties. She managed to find herself a natural shelter to weather through the storm. But she knew, she was on her own, for now. At least, she thought her team will eventually come back for her when they regroup back on Earth and initiate the next rescue mission.
Oblivious to her however, the expedition lead decided to erase all records of this mission, along with the coordinates of this planet. He was the one who filed the go-ahead for this mission without proper authorization. If this series of unfortunate turn of events were to be reported to the higher authorities, he will be in a whole lot of trouble. So she remained on this foreign planet, hopeful of an imminent rescue that will never happen.
This will be a story that follows closely to the movie Passengers.
A massive cruiser is holding onto thousands of humans from Earth that were placed into cryogenic sleep, with the cruiser's course set towards a habitable planet in another star system some light years away. Mid way into the journey, the cruiser encountered a technical problem, which forced one particular (or few - discuss) member of the crew to wake up prematurely. When the person(s) who woke up realised that they were up way too early and that the journey still has got a few light years ahead of them, coupled with the system malfunction that meant that they could not be put back to sleep, they were destined to a life of solitude on board the ship, leading to an eventual lonely death.
The waked person(s) cannot fathom being alone for the rest of their years ahead, and decided to wake another member(s) - without their consent - just so they can have a companion(s) to be with for the rest of their time onboard.
This will be the story about the motivation behind why the person(s) decided to wake the particular other(s), of all candidates, and the relationship development between the pair (or group). This could go various ways; love (con), love-hate, hate-love, hate (non-con). This sandbox setup can also potentially allow the pair (or group) to venture beyond the confines of the cruiser, delving into otherworld planetary exploration.
Primary themes: Consensual/Dub-consensual
Possible themes: This is an ultimate sandbox.
• This world takes place in a dystopian, futuristic setup, where the gulf between the rich and poor has reached unsustainable levels.
• She belongs to the elite, where he is a delinquent/dwelling of the underworld.
• When individuals from two distinct social classes come together, it typically gets particularly challenging for most to develop any meaningful relationship, at least, not without having to face the scorn and disapproval of their family and social circle. This is because they are culturally distinct, and there are so much disdain harboured on both sides for the other. One had gone through generations of insurmountable suppression, whereas the other could not stand the filth and immoral lifestyle of the other.
• She had lived a comfortable life. Smooth sailing, but it was dull. And for whatever reason, she ended up having personal business dealing with the people of the slums.
• That is when she met him. Despite the irreparable gulf between the two social classes, the pair found themselves so quickly and naturally forming a chemistry like never before.
• But given their massive differences, how will the pair navigate through the mountain of obstacles standing ahead of them? Will they press on with bravado to quench their thirst for adventure and their desire for one another, or will they falter and succumb to peer pressure, political and societal interference and expectations? This will be a story about decisions, and how they will impact the lives and sanity of our characters. This sandbox setup can take on a lighthearted approach involving the discovery of a budding relationship intermixed with smooth banters back and forth between our characters, exploring how a pair work through their differences for one another. Or, there can be themes of rage, despair, jealousy, morality and possibly infidelity.
New World Order
Primary themes: Consensual/Dub-consensual, Drama, Survival
Possible themes: Romance, Gangbangs, Mutants, Harem, Love triangles
This premise takes place in a post-war, post-apocalyptic setup. The new world was plagued with the effects of nuclear fallout as well as radiation in places, resulting in strange mutations and the genesis of abominations never previously existed. Only a tiny fraction of Earth's former inhabitants was left well and alive. But most were scattered, trying their best to survive in a new lawless world, where resources were scarce and healthy humans no longer formed the majority of living population on the planet.
This is going to be a story about YC and MC first chancing upon each other as survivors. Various personality combinations could be discussed and played out, but my initial vision was for YC to be an independent, intelligent, but frankly, quite a brat of a character. MC is strong, egotistic and arrogant, which makes it difficult for the pair to thrive with one another. But against the harshness of the new world, the duo may stand a better chance by trying to learn to live with one another instead of heading their separate ways. Over time, a budding relationship can develop. New characters may chance upon the pair in time, which may, or may not threaten to shift the relationship dynamics within the group. There will be tension, emotional roller coasters. I expect complex relationships to be formed over time with new characters being introduced. This could end up as a harem, or intense love triangles, a cohesive, or disjointed party of survivors - the possibilities are boundless!
After the war of the world
Primary themes: Non-consensual/Dub-consensual
Possible themes: Bondage, Humiliation, Gangbangs, Forced, Mutants
It was the year 2097. Earth was desecrated, as it was now turned into a post-apocalypticworld where the concept of law and order was that of the distant past. It has been just over five years after the war of the world ended. Only a tiny fraction of the Earth's formal population survived the effects of the mass nuclear fallout. Now, survivors have to deal with drastic alteration to the weather climate, alien changes to the environment and the increasing frequency of unexplained phenomena. A lady managed to seek shelter and solace under a company of ex-soldiers, who managed to setup a makeshift camp at the heart of a ruined, once metropolitan city. She could have arrived alone, or that she arrived at the camp with her partner, or a small group of friends, who would make little difference to the impending fate of her. With society ungoverned, it was only a matter of time before the darkest of thoughts surface to reality.
×× ◦◦×× Fantasy ×× ◦◦ ××
The Ghost of Futures Past (*New*)
Primary themes: Non-con, Psychological torment, Supernatural play
Possible themes: Dystopian, Medieval, High fantasy
Adaptable to different eras, it follows the story of her (YC) moving into a city/village, for a new job (or anything else, discuss). She had found herself a somewhat squalor of an apartment/cottage, but only because she wanted to save on rent, or rather, that was all she could afford. Apparently, the place had been vacated for a number of years now, and the last tenant mysteriously vanished, according to the agent that helped to do up the rental paper works with her. It wasn't that unexpected, given that the apartment/stead was at was in a bit of a derelict state, located at one of the dingier neighbourhoods at the outskirts of the city.
One silver lining, was that with the low desirability of the vicinity, it provided a comforting sort of serenity that appeals to the subset of people who appreciated some peace and quiet. No more than a fifth of the building/houses that were erected decades ago were occupied at the time of her moving in.
She might be going through a difficult phase of her life (discuss, or define during the play), and by moving into the new city/village, she had hoped for a change. The first few days had been refreshingly liberating, while she settled into her new living space. On the first night, she found herself the happiest in a long while - and it came in the form of a dream.
She met a faceless man, features bleached out by the blinding light in that dream. He was sweet, swept her off her feet, and the imaginary encounter had her waking up all glowing the next morning. It was just a shame the little pocket of happiness was only a fleeting moment. Or was it?
As the days passed, she realised that every time she went to sleep, the faceless man would appear in her dream. After a while, she started to find herself blurring between her nightly fantasies and reality. At one point, she might have even feel like going to sleep was a means of escaping the reality of the less than ideal life she was living in - which was pretty much all gloom and dreary. She found herself increasingly reliant on her dreams and the mysterious visage to seek solace and respite.
The faceless man
He was by no means, an imaginary figure. The faceless man was in fact, the previous tenant of the apartment who vanished five years back. Each night she fell asleep on the cursed bed, he seduced her. Slowly but surely, he kept her coming back for more through various manipulative, insidious and sometimes, inexplicable means - the sort that would haunt her thoughts during her waking hours, eat into her sanity, and beckon her like a siren to homesick sailors, to come back home, back onto her bed, the bed, where all her worries and anxieties would dissipate.
The dreams were her best moments in life at the beginning in recent times... until she found herself getting hooked. What started off as sweet and innocent, soon became darker, and more depraved. The faceless man seek to exert a creeping, and an increasing influence over her mind and body, until he would make her irrevocably his. The ethereal being needed her close. He was obsessed with her.
But why was he doing this?
The Ten Ancient Jewels
Primary themes: Dub-con, Psychological torment
Possible themes: Gangbangs, Deprivation, Denial
Set in ancient Egypt (civilisation changeable), this is a story about a man who has gotten hold of a set of jewelry relics that were magically imbued. Scripture has it that by donning the jewelry(s), the wearer would effectively be selling her soul to the devil - a double edged sword. The relics when put on, offers a range of blessings in the form of beauty, power and aspects of the material world that they desire. In exchange, they would be cursed. The wearer would find herself coveting the jewelry(s), desiring more and more of them as a function of the duration of wear and the number of items of the set worn at any one time.
The only way to break the curse is to have an individual refuse a new jewelry upon presentation for a period of a week. If the recipient manages to resist the lure for the time window, the curse breaks and they are, thereafter, subsequently immune to the curse.
Upon contact and the donning of the first jewel, the sexuality of the wearer would be tested. She will find herself be tempted to do things that she would otherwise not ever do by default. As the curse intensifies over time, she would find the growing and persistent urges increasingly hard to resist. Her mind and resolve would be put to a test as her body progressively strays and decides to betray her. Apart from attempting to break the curse, there would be no other ways of curbing the cravings. In time, she would be dragged into the realms of depravity - all these happening, while her mind is still cognizant of her fall from grace, watching, knowing that her life is falling apart in front of her very eyes second by second, and there is nothing much she could do to fight against it.
Here, the wearer could be an esteemed bratty princess of the royal family, a noble's graceful daughter whom the elusive man has been infatuated to for a long time, or a pretty, but otherwise common plebian, whom the man looks to toy with - just because he can.
She had been captured, detained against her will, and her dreams intruded, manipulated.
- Dream weaving had been a lost art and a forbidden practice for centuries. But there laid a cult who had mastered and passed down the practice from one generation to the next. The process first involved putting a victim to sleep through whichever means possible. Following which, a cultist could spin and access to a victim's dream, and conjure imageries that stimulates the five senses. In this alternate reality, everything would feel alarmingly real and at times, it could be difficult to differentiate between what is real and what is not. A victim's powers would be noticeably weaker when sedated into this alternate state, as with how cognitive function is usually impaired during dreaming. A victim could be tormented, hurt and damaged in any ways imaginable, only to wake up the next day to learn that it was only just an illusion of slumber. Or perhaps, the weave could be so perfect that a victim could not tell between a dream and reality over time. The victim could even be forced to relive a nightmare over and over again, eventually testing and perhaps, breaking one's resolve.
The weavers could not afford to harm her in real life, and needed her to be in prime condition to function for a certain purpose that they require of her. As such, they needed to use the alternate reality in her dreams to mess, to torment and slowly coercion her into giving up a certain evidence, an ancient knowledge, a kept secret, or even her whole body for a not yet specified purpose, to them.
This setup is highly flexible and can occur in medieval fantasy, modern fantasy - both of which, involving the theme of magic, or a sci-fi dystopian setup where a dream altering machine comes in place of magic.
This VR game is a sandbox MMORPG where factions constantly battle over worlds and gain them as territories to generate an economic for their guild. YC headed out with an elite party on an expedition along with her own guild members, portalling through to another world where concerning energies have been increasing exponentially over the past few months. Her party's quest was to investigate what was going on, and report finding to the guild leader situated in central kingdom. Eventually, a few of the party members went missing. The last straw that triggered when the party encountered what was exactly going on at the heart of the energy source - hordes of grotesque spawns were being warped in from an unknown nether region. Soon, it became clear that this planet they are on, is set to be a staging point for the nether world's attack on YC guild's kingdom where the main fortress is situated, as the environment possesses convenient amounts of energy along with a connect wormhole, to be able to portal the sheer army size over for an attack at once. The party lead channeled an abrupt portal back and decided they have learnt enough. That however, drew the attention of the horde. In the midst of the chaos, she was left behind. The lead could not wait for her to catch up, breaking the portal before any of the spawns could get through in time.
YC knew she need to get away fast and conceal herself somewhere, until help arrives. YC clinged onto hope of this rescue, not knowing that the lead, the guild leader, and his committee of magistrate decided to completely disconnect the wormhole that connects the guild's main base from this outlying world to put a halt to the assault. This process is irreversible. YC is on her own.
The average teen girl is aspiring, youthful, curious and eager. She is cute by norm standards. But because she was born to a typical middle income family belonging to the Charlie class of citizenship hierarchy, she was just another girl. It's the summer holidays in the year 2315. In this dystopian age, the class segregation between citizens became more and more pronounced. It was evidently reflected in how districts within the country were clearly segmented by a massive steel wall. This was part of a bigger ploy to keep those in highest echelon of the society hold onto power for as long as they can - to restrict opportunities of progression of the average citizen. The teen girl experienced that for herself. She topped her cohort in school, but was still denied entry to the country's top academy, because the entry bar was biased towards the Alpha class, with citizens in descending class ranks having progressively higher entry requirements in order to get into the esteemed college. This was just one of the many examples the inequality of life happening at this age.
As such, she was drawn to the VR world once she was introduced to it, as it offered her respite from the unfairness of the real world. In this alternate reality, she felt it could satisfy all her dreams and desires, where her willful nature could not be restrained. While she already has a couple of suitors lining up for her in real life, she still was not satisfied. She wanted more. She had her avatar revamped a couple of times, designing them to be more refined, pretty and mature than she currently is (you pick which of the avatars you most like to be your main). And everyone else, like herself, have created themselves accentuated figures. In this alternate reality, almost everyone is amazingly attractive.
**Note: These are sandbox setups, which means there are multiple story lines that could be created from these VR setup. You could be playing this game alone yourself as you interact with different other players in this alternate reality. Or, you could be playing this together with your boyfriend, or a close group of friends. Possibilities are endless! Happy to hear what you have in store for this one.
ㅤㅤ "It's cold outside. Sit around, have a tankard and listen to some play related matters."
Of messaging and roleplaying with me.
For first time messages,if you drop me a one-liner, regurgitate my material or provide insufficient materials to work with, I will find it difficult to get back to you with anything inspirational. Even though I have indicated, I'm still getting a fair share of this. Please already begin with the discussion in your first message to me. I want to hear well thought ideas. As long as you put in enough effort, I will drop you a respectful reply. So don't hold back, and give me your best shot when you hit me up - more is always better! If I do not reply, it is likely because I think we probably might not be a good match. Please do not take this personally! If I do need to go on hiatuses from time to time, I will inform OOC when I need to be away for a bit.
I am particularly seeking partners to assist with story, world and character building throughout the play, because I do sometimes find myself exhausted if I am doing most of the heavy weight lifting. I am hoping for proactive responses, not reactive responses, or my muse/interest over time will indubitably be affected. I do still try to entertain and accommodate as much as I can. If things do not work out, we can keep a play short term.
Please, please read my writing samples to get a sense of what I am expecting. I may ask for your writing sample in return if I feel like I am in the grey. I will be upfront and honest and say that extended periods of posts with limited depth will not keep my interest going for long. I could not keep a number of plays going because of this. I understand that there are bound to be highs and lows in a roleplay, but I need to see some evidences of potential for me to keep investing myself. I prioritise quality in the form of novelty and depth. I don't expect you to match my length. But I will never say no to a fusion of quality and quantity!
If you are open to discord.
I am fond of discord roleplays because it is just much neater to structure complex plays on a server with multiple channels for the actual play, supporting materials, OOC and even the use of bots (ie. dice rolls) as added features to our game.
While it isn't necessary, I find that generally, vibes from a brilliant OOC chemistry often carries into the play, which in my experience, elevates a play to the next level. On discord, OOC chatter is much more streamlined and that makes it a conducive environment. Also, there will be days that I can be available for quick-fire (post length not compromised), and discord is just perfect for live play.
Having said that, I will only give out my discord handle for plays with exceptional potential.
My roleplaying style.
I do strongly like the use of visuals to help emphasize actions, emotions, and with the setup of the environment to elevate the immersive-ness of a play. I am fine with the use of both real life and animated images or gif, although I'd lean towards animated medias for fantasy and sci-fi plots, only because it is more congruent and does not break the immersion of a fictional world.
I am generally adapt at freeform roleplaying. Which means, apart from the general premise, I prefer not to have too many conditions set prior to the onset of the play. I enjoy a play most when there is an element of unpredictability, twists that would truly rattle the flow of a story. My characters and world are dynamic, and it grows fluidly with the play. I tend to let everything pan out spontaneously on a post-to-post basis.
A sizable portion of my posts usually include character introspection and the exploration of psychological elements. I enjoy world/character building and watching your and my creations evolve over time.
I am entirely happy to listen to recommended variations to any of my plots, and even better, your own original ideas, if you believe I will be keen. I crave different perspectives, so I get to revel in new experiences free from my own biases. Strange as it may sound, I actually prefer to play out something that deviates (but remain relevant) from the materials I have provided in my own thread. Thus, I am open to brain storming from scratch. So please indulge me in the next Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, The Last of Us or The Witcher world setup or the likes! For I am still suffering from a bit of a withdrawal.
Tavern Cabinet
• Thanks to our resident interior designers @Retrojapan and @Fruit for assisting with bringing imagination into life!!
This is inspired by experiences in which an impromptu roleplay just happened out of nowhere, during the midst of a number of my casual OOCs.
The sparks typically emerged from a sentence or two, out of the most random of conversations, ranging from the mundane to the banters. These spontaneous sandbox stories are usually quick fires (quickies) that typically ends within a few hours to a few days, with a few exceptions that went on to become longer term play. The idea, is for us to let our imagination run wild, free and unbounded, as we define the premise on the go.
I am a fan of suspense, and I found myself enjoying this because there is simply no way of anticipating what may happen next, because both writing parties would be encouraged to keep discussions to a minimal. This is a high risk endeavour. As such, it will command a high level of trust, willingness to be open, and preferably advanced lit.
If this is the sort of challenge that you find yourself relishing, I will be thrilled to be the partner to bring to life, some of the more unpolished ideas lingering fragmented at the back of your (our) minds, and hopefully allow us to piece together, discover and create a gem of a play.
You are welcome to approach me with an improv idea. Alternatively, I will occasionally inject whatever inspiration that comes to mind in 'The Improv.' tab. If you are bold enough, you can even send a starter right away. Please understand however, that this does not guarantee a reply, as vibe and frequency check still stands. Having said that, I am very open to pretty much most themes imaginable, except the extremes, so I endeavour to try my best to be as open as I possibly can.
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ As nightfall approaches and the rain begins to pelt, the
only structure within vicinity of two hundred miles is a
beacon of solace, despite its ominosity. Propelled by the
gathering winds that only seem to be pushing you
towards its direction, you find yourself stumbling into...
• I would loveto work with your idea(s) - doesn't matter if it's wild. If you have reasons to believe we can cook up a good partnership based on what you've seen from me, please hit me up for a discussion over (pixelated) wine and cheese!
• Writing samples (NSFW): One (Multi-themed) | Two (Multi-themed; Period; Eastern) | Three (Non-con; Dark dystopian) | Four (Stalker) | Five (Adultery) | Six
• Abstract prose, puns and wordplays to tickle your funny bone!
• 1-5 replies a week, depending on real life schedule.
• 400 to 2500+ words, averaging 700 to 1400. (Situational).
• Discord, PMs preferred. Threads need persuasion; advanced only.
• Open to quick fire (Preferably over discord.)
• Honest communication.
• 40-60:60-40 smut to plot. 70+ either way for known partners and exceptional cases only.
• Ghost-friendly; but I'd deeply appreciate if you'll say a play/discussion is not/no longer working for you. No hard feelings. A closure is nice instead of leaving things hanging!
• For more information about messaging me and my playstyle, I highly recommend referring to the misc tab.
What I hope from my partner ✔✔
• Considerable and persistent effort with world and character building on a regular basis.
• Proactive approach in introducing new materials regularly rather than only reacting to my content.
• Willingness to communicate OOC if things need clarification, or if you feel something needs change, instead of keeping silent.
• Approach me with something thoughtful and comprehensive!
• My creativity scales with your input. The more comprehensive you are with expressions of thought, lore, constant introduction of new avenues to explore, the more materials I can conjure in return.
*Bonus*: If you love a good OOC banter and/or the occasional life talk out of the play, I reckon we will hit off to a good start!
**Note: For older archived ideas as well as some of the latest graphic-plot inspirations, click here. Ideas with the (**) or (**New**) labels have a slight edge of preference. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
×× ◦◦ ××Slice of life×× ◦◦ ××
Tugging Heartstrings
Primary themes: Adultery, consent progressing through a spectrum, M x M x F
Possible themes: Gangbang, Bondage, Psychological despair, Blackmail, Cuckolding, Dark
She has her life all set right ahead for her - popular girl amongst her peers, gorgeous to the envy of people, stellar academic record from a top university, dreamed job lined up for her, and now newly engaged. She has often been told that her fiancé is the luckier of the two in their relationship. That is true to a certain extent. The man is a good lad, has a decent future lined up for himself, one of the nicest guys around. Otherwise, he is pretty much ordinary.
Then out of nowhere, came an enigmatic third party. The man is a mystery, but so much of him seemed intriguing. He is suave, confident, unafraid to reach for the seemingly impossible, and naturally arrogant. After being acquainted, the man found himself taking a fancy for her. This will be a story about three main characters, the initial blossoming of a couple's relationship, that eventful U-turn, and the subsequent downward fall of the relationship, as the three characters will encounter issues of insecurities, doubts, obsession and temptation.
How far will the man be willing to go to get his hands on the lady? Will she remain steadfast to her fiancé, or will she be drawn to the other intruding party who may well turn into an asshat jock, or an obsessive compulsive alpha being, that is simply looking to wreck a relationship, and then possibly discarding her on once he had his fun? To what levels of depravity will the man corrupt her to? Or will she find herself developing a more enriching relationship with the new man who turns out to be genuinely, a much better guy, and realising that she can actually do much better? How will the fiancé struggle with increasing insecurity? Will he eventually confront, or does he prefer avoidance and instead, watch his girl silently, continuously cheat on him from behind the shadows, all while she remains completely oblivious to the fact that her dirty little secret has long been in the mind of her fiancé?
The Enigmatic Roommate
Primary themes: Teasing, Sexual tension
Possible themes: Consensual, Dub-con, Adultery NSFW Intro Image Reference
MC is a fresh grad high flyer who eventually regretted his decision to do a 3 years long term contractual rent of an entire apartment situated at the heart of a buzzing district to himself after settling into his new job. The new found fortune of his high paying job made him reckless at the beginning. But he eventually realise that the lifestyle is simply unsustainable. He decided to sublet the apartment to someone, anyone, who is willing to half his rental cost. He was initially very reluctant, knowing a lot is at stake for doing this, but was pleasantly surprised when YC (maybe a college student, or another fresh grad - discuss) approached him. This is a story of MC and YC getting to know each other right from the start as complete strangers initially. Since they are both attractive but cautious individuals, the process of knowing each other can go on a moderate burn. There will be a lot of teasing involved at the beginning, whether they were meant to be accidental or not, which will brew the tension between the two over time. Perhaps there were psychological barriers or circumstance (MC was already in a relationship, albeit a very shaky one) that prevented any move from being made. But eventually, the pressure cooker was bound to break.
She has done some casual modelling for him for a few months. He thought she was demure, classy, yet sexy, which fit well into his catalogue for swimwear and high street fashion. It pays a decent amount to help get by the basic expenses. They started off with a professional relationship. Over time, she has trouble paying for her rent and college fees and she was eventually comfortable with talking more about herself, letting him know about her circumstance during a casual exchange. He then mentioned that he has a couple other projects that pays a lot more. He promised no shady business would be involved, just lingerie, kink fashion, bondage gear.
They agreed to do a couple of shoots, with no funny antics to lure her in. The money was great so she agreed to do a little more, then a little more.. until one day, he brought her to an unexpected orgasm. She realized by now that she was incredibly comfortable with this photographer, and she was terrified, but also intrigued at the prospect of what and where he could take her to into this increasingly intimate relationship. Perhaps she even has a boyfriend, which would introduce a new dimension of psychological stress and guilt.
For a darker twist, the photographer can well be an average joe, who ends up being obsessed/stalkerish. This will eventually lead to a non-con setup, in which he threatens to use the obscene materials obtained during the latest shoot that could well ruin and end her life - this is all because she uncharacteristically wavered and fell into the dark side that fateful evening, and gave him an opening to which, he seized it to the fullest, effectively binding the course of her fate to him.
What happens on this trip, stays in this trip
Primary themes: Consensual
Possible themes: Flirting, Teasing, Romance, Adultery
He and she are young adults whom just recently graduated from college, and has been planning this trip since high school (or junior school) years. They have known each other for quite a long time, far longer than any other friends, boyfriends and girlfriends that they knew. They are so compatible. But for whatever reason/s, they never ended up with one another.
Now, they figured they really needed this breakaway to just escape away from their realities for just the next 1-3 months. When they informed their families, they vaguely mentioned that they intend on going for a solo retreat to rediscover themselves, and would appreciate if they left him and/or her alone for the duration.
To complicate things further, one, or perhaps both of them are already attached to someone else at the time that they embarked on this mysterious little trip.
The pair started off with the impression that this trip is going to be strictly platonic, having known each other for so long - or at least, the girl for the most part. But tension is bound to brew when both the male and female are highly desirable, and entangled in close proximity for an extended period of time.
She wanted to surprise her boyfriend over the Christmas break. With her having access to his apartment, she sneaked her way in, stripped down, and bounded herself to his bed. Unbeknownst to her, he needed to head back home abruptly for the break the night before. He did not have the opportunity to inform her due to a massive winter storm that disabled communications for an extended period of time.
At the time that he made the decision to leave, he was with his best mate, who coincidentally could use a temporary place to stay for the duration of the winter break, having recently been in a dispute with his landlord. As such, he left his keys to his best mate for the weeks to come. When he eventually arrived at the lavish apartment of barely a year old, he felt smug and delighted at the opportunity that he seized for himself that allowed him to indulge in an experiential treat of the high-life that his richer mate has been living for pretty much his entire life. Turning his head to the corridor, he then spotted the door to the master bedroom slightly ajar. A streak of light crept pass the opening. It was unusual, given then he knew his best mate to be the thriftiest of individuals, who always ensured that he turned off all lights and appliances whenever they were not in use.
She is a brilliant 21-25 year old fresh science graduate, fortunate enough to secure herself an employment with an esteemed interstellar biodiversity research institute. She was assigned to a small team of other researchers onto a candidate planet some 745 light years away from Earth. Typically, an armed escort team would come along an expedition. The native threat level is unknown due to the vast distance of the planet away from Earth, causing pre-mission recon scans to be low-resolution. HQ deemed the expedition too high risk. But her team leader was extremely tempted by a few planetary properties from the recon scan that looked extremely promising. This planet seemed like a rare diamond mine - habitable without the need for terraform. Against organizational directive, her team lead authorized the trip discreetly.
She and her team arrived on planet GL-52103, after a few Earth months, using a warp drive attached to the expedition ship. Upon arriving, the landscape looked serene - too serene in fact. The expedition lead thought his discovery would finally get him the retirement payout. The team settled down on a makeshift camp to do the routinely environmental profiling. Things were looking smooth, until the 15th day. Sarah, another female intern just a few years younger than her, went missing on a routine scouting assignment. By the end of the 3rd week, three other team members went missing as well. Franticness eventually set in. The expedition lead decided to abort mission. On the night of the evac, an unforeseen class-5 lightning storm occurred, bringing along a massive fog. In the midst of the evacuation mess, she was left behind, as the evacuees could not locate her given the poor visual condition. The ship was at risk of being damaged if it remained grounded throughout the storm. The lead took the painful decision to lift off without her to limit casualties. She managed to find herself a natural shelter to weather through the storm. But she knew, she was on her own, for now. At least, she thought her team will eventually come back for her when they regroup back on Earth and initiate the next rescue mission.
Oblivious to her however, the expedition lead decided to erase all records of this mission, along with the coordinates of this planet. He was the one who filed the go-ahead for this mission without proper authorization. If this series of unfortunate turn of events were to be reported to the higher authorities, he will be in a whole lot of trouble. So she remained on this foreign planet, hopeful of an imminent rescue that will never happen.
This will be a story that follows closely to the movie Passengers.
A massive cruiser is holding onto thousands of humans from Earth that were placed into cryogenic sleep, with the cruiser's course set towards a habitable planet in another star system some light years away. Mid way into the journey, the cruiser encountered a technical problem, which forced one particular (or few - discuss) member of the crew to wake up prematurely. When the person(s) who woke up realised that they were up way too early and that the journey still has got a few light years ahead of them, coupled with the system malfunction that meant that they could not be put back to sleep, they were destined to a life of solitude on board the ship, leading to an eventual lonely death.
The waked person(s) cannot fathom being alone for the rest of their years ahead, and decided to wake another member(s) - without their consent - just so they can have a companion(s) to be with for the rest of their time onboard.
This will be the story about the motivation behind why the person(s) decided to wake the particular other(s), of all candidates, and the relationship development between the pair (or group). This could go various ways; love (con), love-hate, hate-love, hate (non-con). This sandbox setup can also potentially allow the pair (or group) to venture beyond the confines of the cruiser, delving into otherworld planetary exploration.
Primary themes: Consensual/Dub-consensual
Possible themes: This is an ultimate sandbox.
• This world takes place in a dystopian, futuristic setup, where the gulf between the rich and poor has reached unsustainable levels.
• She belongs to the elite, where he is a delinquent/dwelling of the underworld.
• When individuals from two distinct social classes come together, it typically gets particularly challenging for most to develop any meaningful relationship, at least, not without having to face the scorn and disapproval of their family and social circle. This is because they are culturally distinct, and there are so much disdain harboured on both sides for the other. One had gone through generations of insurmountable suppression, whereas the other could not stand the filth and immoral lifestyle of the other.
• She had lived a comfortable life. Smooth sailing, but it was dull. And for whatever reason, she ended up having personal business dealing with the people of the slums.
• That is when she met him. Despite the irreparable gulf between the two social classes, the pair found themselves so quickly and naturally forming a chemistry like never before.
• But given their massive differences, how will the pair navigate through the mountain of obstacles standing ahead of them? Will they press on with bravado to quench their thirst for adventure and their desire for one another, or will they falter and succumb to peer pressure, political and societal interference and expectations? This will be a story about decisions, and how they will impact the lives and sanity of our characters. This sandbox setup can take on a lighthearted approach involving the discovery of a budding relationship intermixed with smooth banters back and forth between our characters, exploring how a pair work through their differences for one another. Or, there can be themes of rage, despair, jealousy, morality and possibly infidelity.
New World Order
Primary themes: Consensual/Dub-consensual, Drama, Survival
Possible themes: Romance, Gangbangs, Mutants, Harem, Love triangles
This premise takes place in a post-war, post-apocalyptic setup. The new world was plagued with the effects of nuclear fallout as well as radiation in places, resulting in strange mutations and the genesis of abominations never previously existed. Only a tiny fraction of Earth's former inhabitants was left well and alive. But most were scattered, trying their best to survive in a new lawless world, where resources were scarce and healthy humans no longer formed the majority of living population on the planet.
This is going to be a story about YC and MC first chancing upon each other as survivors. Various personality combinations could be discussed and played out, but my initial vision was for YC to be an independent, intelligent, but frankly, quite a brat of a character. MC is strong, egotistic and arrogant, which makes it difficult for the pair to thrive with one another. But against the harshness of the new world, the duo may stand a better chance by trying to learn to live with one another instead of heading their separate ways. Over time, a budding relationship can develop. New characters may chance upon the pair in time, which may, or may not threaten to shift the relationship dynamics within the group. There will be tension, emotional roller coasters. I expect complex relationships to be formed over time with new characters being introduced. This could end up as a harem, or intense love triangles, a cohesive, or disjointed party of survivors - the possibilities are boundless!
After the war of the world
Primary themes: Non-consensual/Dub-consensual
Possible themes: Bondage, Humiliation, Gangbangs, Forced, Mutants
It was the year 2097. Earth was desecrated, as it was now turned into a post-apocalypticworld where the concept of law and order was that of the distant past. It has been just over five years after the war of the world ended. Only a tiny fraction of the Earth's formal population survived the effects of the mass nuclear fallout. Now, survivors have to deal with drastic alteration to the weather climate, alien changes to the environment and the increasing frequency of unexplained phenomena. A lady managed to seek shelter and solace under a company of ex-soldiers, who managed to setup a makeshift camp at the heart of a ruined, once metropolitan city. She could have arrived alone, or that she arrived at the camp with her partner, or a small group of friends, who would make little difference to the impending fate of her. With society ungoverned, it was only a matter of time before the darkest of thoughts surface to reality.
×× ◦◦×× Fantasy ×× ◦◦ ××
The Ghost of Futures Past (*New*)
Primary themes: Non-con, Psychological torment, Supernatural play
Possible themes: Dystopian, Medieval, High fantasy
Adaptable to different eras, it follows the story of her (YC) moving into a city/village, for a new job (or anything else, discuss). She had found herself a somewhat squalor of an apartment/cottage, but only because she wanted to save on rent, or rather, that was all she could afford. Apparently, the place had been vacated for a number of years now, and the last tenant mysteriously vanished, according to the agent that helped to do up the rental paper works with her. It wasn't that unexpected, given that the apartment/stead was at was in a bit of a derelict state, located at one of the dingier neighbourhoods at the outskirts of the city.
But one silver lining, was that with the low desirability of the vicinity, it provided a strange sort of serenity that appeals to the subset of people who appreciated some peace and quiet. No more than a fifth of the building/houses that were erected decades ago were occupied at the time of her moving in.
She might be going through a difficult stage of her life (discuss, or define during the play), and by moving into the new city/village, she had hoped for a change. The first few days had been refreshingly liberating, while she transited into moving into her new living space. On the first night, she found herself the happiest in a long while - and it came in the form of a dream.
She met a faceless man, features bleached out by the blinding light in that dream. He was sweet, swept her off her feet, and the imaginary date had her waking up all glowing the next morning. It was just a shame the little pocket of happiness was only a fleeting moment. Or was it?
As the days passed, she realised that every time she went to sleep, the faceless man would appear in her dream. After a while, she started to find herself blurring between her nightly fantasies and reality. At one point, she might have even felt like going to sleep was a means of escaping the reality of the sad life she was living in - which was all gloom and dreary. She found herself increasingly reliant on her dreams and the mysterious visage to seek solace and respite.
The faceless man
He was by no means, an imaginary figure. The faceless man was in fact, the previous tenant of the apartment who vanished five years back. Each night she fell asleep on the cursed bed, he seduced her. Slowly but surely, he kept her coming back for more through various manipulative, insidious and sometimes, inexplicable means - the sort that would haunt her thoughts during her waking hours, eat into her sanity, and beckon her like a siren to homesick sailors, to come back home, back onto her bed, the bed, where all her worries and anxieties would dissipate.
The dreams were her best moments in life at the beginning in recent times... until she found herself getting hooked. What started off as sweet and innocent, soon became darker, and more depraved. The faceless man seek to exert a creeping, and an increasing influence over her mind and body, until he would make her irrevocably his. The ethereal being needed her close. He was obsessed with her.
But why was he doing this?
The Ten Ancient Jewels
Primary themes: Dub-con, Psychological torment
Possible themes: Gangbangs, Deprivation, Denial
Set in ancient Egypt (civilisation changeable), this is a story about a man who has gotten hold of a set of jewelry relics that were magically imbued. Scripture has it that by donning the jewelry(s), the wearer would effectively be selling her soul to the devil - a double edged sword. The relics when put on, offers a range of blessings in the form of beauty, power and aspects of the material world that they desire. In exchange, they would be cursed. The wearer would find herself coveting the jewelry(s), desiring more and more of them as a function of the duration of wear and the number of items of the set worn at any one time.
The only way to break the curse is to have an individual refuse a new jewelry upon presentation for a period of a week. If the recipient manages to resist the lure for the time window, the curse breaks and they are, thereafter, subsequently immune to the curse.
Upon contact and the donning of the first jewel, the sexuality of the wearer would be tested. She will find herself be tempted to do things that she would otherwise not ever do by default. As the curse intensifies over time, she would find the growing and persistent urges increasingly hard to resist. Her mind and resolve would be put to a test as her body progressively strays and decides to betray her. Apart from attempting to break the curse, there would be no other ways of curbing the cravings. In time, she would be dragged into the realms of depravity - all these happening, while her mind is still cognizant of her fall from grace, watching, knowing that her life is falling apart in front of her very eyes second by second, and there is nothing much she could do to fight against it.
Here, the wearer could be an esteemed bratty princess of the royal family, a noble's graceful daughter whom the elusive man has been infatuated to for a long time, or a pretty, but otherwise common plebian, whom the man looks to toy with - just because he can.
She had been captured, detained against her will, and her dreams intruded, manipulated.
- Dream weaving had been a lost art and a forbidden practice for centuries. But there laid a cult who had mastered and passed down the practice from one generation to the next. The process first involved putting a victim to sleep through whichever means possible. Following which, a cultist could spin and access to a victim's dream, and conjure imageries that stimulates the five senses. In this alternate reality, everything would feel alarmingly real and at times, it could be difficult to differentiate between what is real and what is not. A victim's powers would be noticeably weaker when sedated into this alternate state, as with how cognitive function is usually impaired during dreaming. A victim could be tormented, hurt and damaged in any ways imaginable, only to wake up the next day to learn that it was only just an illusion of slumber. Or perhaps, the weave could be so perfect that a victim could not tell between a dream and reality over time. The victim could even be forced to relive a nightmare over and over again, eventually testing and perhaps, breaking one's resolve.
The weavers could not afford to harm her in real life, and needed her to be in prime condition to function for a certain purpose that they require of her. As such, they needed to use the alternate reality in her dreams to mess, to torment and slowly coercion her into giving up a certain evidence, an ancient knowledge, a kept secret, or even her whole body for a not yet specified purpose, to them.
This setup is highly flexible and can occur in medieval fantasy, modern fantasy - both of which, involving the theme of magic, or a sci-fi dystopian setup where a dream altering machine comes in place of magic.
This VR game is a sandbox MMORPG where factions constantly battle over worlds and gain them as territories to generate an economic for their guild. YC headed out with an elite party on an expedition along with her own guild members, portalling through to another world where concerning energies have been increasing exponentially over the past few months. Her party's quest was to investigate what was going on, and report finding to the guild leader situated in central kingdom. Eventually, a few of the party members went missing. The last straw that triggered when the party encountered what was exactly going on at the heart of the energy source - hordes of grotesque spawns were being warped in from an unknown nether region. Soon, it became clear that this planet they are on, is set to be a staging point for the nether world's attack on YC guild's kingdom where the main fortress is situated, as the environment possesses convenient amounts of energy along with a connect wormhole, to be able to portal the sheer army size over for an attack at once. The party lead channeled an abrupt portal back and decided they have learnt enough. That however, drew the attention of the horde. In the midst of the chaos, she was left behind. The lead could not wait for her to catch up, breaking the portal before any of the spawns could get through in time.
YC knew she need to get away fast and conceal herself somewhere, until help arrives. YC clinged onto hope of this rescue, not knowing that the lead, the guild leader, and his committee of magistrate decided to completely disconnect the wormhole that connects the guild's main base from this outlying world to put a halt to the assault. This process is irreversible. YC is on her own.
The average teen girl is aspiring, youthful, curious and eager. She is cute by norm standards. But because she was born to a typical middle income family belonging to the Charlie class of citizenship hierarchy, she was just another girl. It's the summer holidays in the year 2315. In this dystopian age, the class segregation between citizens became more and more pronounced. It was evidently reflected in how districts within the country were clearly segmented by a massive steel wall. This was part of a bigger ploy to keep those in highest echelon of the society hold onto power for as long as they can - to restrict opportunities of progression of the average citizen. The teen girl experienced that for herself. She topped her cohort in school, but was still denied entry to the country's top academy, because the entry bar was biased towards the Alpha class, with citizens in descending class ranks having progressively higher entry requirements in order to get into the esteemed college. This was just one of the many examples the inequality of life happening at this age.
As such, she was drawn to the VR world once she was introduced to it, as it offered her respite from the unfairness of the real world. In this alternate reality, she felt it could satisfy all her dreams and desires, where her willful nature could not be restrained. While she already has a couple of suitors lining up for her in real life, she still was not satisfied. She wanted more. She had her avatar revamped a couple of times, designing them to be more refined, pretty and mature than she currently is (you pick which of the avatars you most like to be your main). And everyone else, like herself, have created themselves accentuated figures. In this alternate reality, almost everyone is amazingly attractive.
**Note: These are sandbox setups, which means there are multiple story lines that could be created from these VR setup. You could be playing this game alone yourself as you interact with different other players in this alternate reality. Or, you could be playing this together with your boyfriend, or a close group of friends. Possibilities are endless! Happy to hear what you have in store for this one.
ㅤView attachment 29778ㅤ "It's cold outside. Sit around, have a tankard and listen to some play related matters."
Of messaging and roleplaying with me.
For first time messages,if you drop me a one-liner, regurgitate my material or provide insufficient materials to work with, I will find it difficult to get back to you with anything inspirational. Even though I have indicated, I'm still getting a fair share of this. Please already begin with the discussion in your first message to me. I want to hear well thought ideas. As long as you put in enough effort, I will drop you a respectful reply. So don't hold back, and give me your best shot when you hit me up - more is always better! If I do not reply, it is likely because I think we probably might not be a good match. Please do not take this personally! If I do need to go on hiatuses from time to time, I will inform OOC when I need to be away for a bit.
I am particularly seeking partners to assist with story, world and character building throughout the play, because I do sometimes find myself exhausted if I am doing most of the heavy weight lifting. I am hoping for proactive responses, not reactive responses, or my muse/interest over time will indubitably be affected. I do still try to entertain and accommodate as much as I can. If things do not work out, we can keep a play short term.
Please, please read my writing samples to get a sense of what I am expecting. I may ask for your writing sample in return if I feel like I am in the grey. I will be upfront and honest and say that extended periods of posts with limited depth will not keep my interest going for long. I could not keep a number of plays going because of this. I understand that there are bound to be highs and lows in a roleplay, but I need to see some evidences of potential for me to keep investing myself. I prioritise quality in the form of novelty and depth. I don't expect you to match my length. But I will never say no to a fusion of quality and quantity!
If you are open to discord.
I am fond of discord roleplays because it is just much neater to structure complex plays on a server with multiple channels for the actual play, supporting materials, OOC and even the use of bots (ie. dice rolls) as added features to our game.
While it isn't necessary, I find that generally, vibes from a brilliant OOC chemistry often carries into the play, which in my experience, elevates a play to the next level. On discord, OOC chatter is much more streamlined and that makes it a conducive environment. Also, there will be days that I can be available for quick-fire (post length not compromised), and discord is just perfect for live play.
Having said that, I will only give out my discord handle for plays with exceptional potential.
My roleplaying style.
I do strongly like the use of visuals to help emphasize actions, emotions, and with the setup of the environment to elevate the immersive-ness of a play. I am fine with the use of both real life and animated images or gif, although I'd lean towards animated medias for fantasy and sci-fi plots, only because it is more congruent and does not break the immersion of a fictional world.
I am generally adapt at freeform roleplaying. Which means, apart from the general premise, I prefer not to have too many conditions set prior to the onset of the play. I enjoy a play most when there is an element of unpredictability, twists that would truly rattle the flow of a story. My characters and world are dynamic, and it grows fluidly with the play. I tend to let everything pan out spontaneously on a post-to-post basis.
A sizable portion of my posts usually include character introspection and the exploration of psychological elements. I enjoy world/character building and watching your and my creations evolve over time.
I am entirely happy to listen to recommended variations to any of my plots, and even better, your own original ideas, if you believe I will be keen. I crave different perspectives, so I get to revel in new experiences free from my own biases. Strange as it may sound, I actually prefer to play out something that deviates (but remain relevant) from the materials I have provided in my own thread. Thus, I am open to brain storming from scratch. So please indulge me in the next Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, The Last of Us or The Witcher world setup or the likes! For I am still suffering from a bit of a withdrawal.