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Strangelove (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He didn't stop moving, even as he flooded her, unable to make much of anything in terms of sound, stars popping behind his eyes as he shook gently.
He slowly pulled out of her and sat back, sweat dripping from his hair as his chest heaved, before he moved to grab his water from the night table. He took a swig or two before offering it to her, petting her leg affectionately.
He held her and played with her hair slowly, "How ya feelin'? Did I hurt you at all during? Make you feel uncomfortable?" What a sweetheart.
It was Saturday, which mean he had the day off of work and so did she of streaming. "We haven't gone out in a bit, would you wanna go on a date?"
He got dressed in a simple tee and pulled on a pair of boot cuts, his cock bulging gently through his pants. And he wasn't even hard.
“Hm?” She shook her head, eyes flicking back and forth from his eyes to his cock. “You uh.. nah, you’re fine.”
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