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Kidnap rp ( Shinkax Zarazel)

Nolan's overall objective was to make the boy his puppy slave...but for their first little outing he wanting something to give him more control over the boy. No only in the way of quick responses but a bit of humiliations as well. This vulnerability would make the boy think twice about running off...

The harness was something designed to fit around the base of his penis and then around his balls. Nothing damaging and painful (unless yanked of course) but firm enough for a bit of discomfort. "So cute," he praised. To give the boy a quick demonstration, he clicked the leash to the harness and gave a little yank. "What do you think, Pet?" he asked looking up, eager for his reaction.
His eyes went wide as he saw what he had done, something tied over his cock and balls. It wasn't painful at all but it made him quite feel weird. The jank drove him out of his mind in pain as his cock and balls were janked while he was tied in the chair, Looking up to him in a surrendering position he did not wanted to feel that pain again. He looked down and then back at the man, for now he would surrender to the man and play it out, then he would escape. He groaned trying to speak but only muffs came out of his mouth.
Nolan was only smiling he reached over and gave the boy's smaller manhood a light petting. "Poor thing, I'm sorry...did I pull to hard?" he sounded almost too sincere. Then he stood and looked over the boy, hearing his muffled sounds. "Now, now...there really is no need to thank me, pet," he teased ruffling the boys hair. "Let us be on our way..." He undid the straps holding him to the chair and headed for the door...again a little sharp pull to get his new pet walking.
He groaned as he saw how humilliating that man made Jacob feel. The fact that he was in no way in control over his body made him angry, but he knew he had to calm down in order for his plan to work. As the man undid his holdings and pulled once again he had no choice but to follow him. He did not knew where the man was taking him, the leash was making pressure on his cock and it felt like it was about to explode, calming down he followed him, to a unkown place to do unkown things to him.
Nolan was attempting to be nice but firm with his new toy today. He wasn't looking to break him of his will completely, what fun would that be? A perfectly obedient pet allowed no room for punishing and Nolan liked being creative with punishments. So he was pleased to find there was lots of fire in his choice of Jacob.

The man led the boy out the door, managing to keep his stride long and firm so that there was always a little pressure to the leash. This wasn't so much painful, unless yanked, but it could have other embarrassing effects.

The two ended up at the backdoor and in the yard. It was nearly two acres with a little wooded area, pool, large wire cage and large shed. The whole yard sported a 6-foot privacy fence.
Jacob was made to follow the man round the house and into the door. The cold breeze of the outside yard hit him like a brick as he started to shiver because he was without any clothes on. He followed the man slowly not even wanting to go outside but the leash made him not able to turn away or walk away so he followed the man. His mouth dry because of the gag being there so much time and his hands numb because of the position they were in. Looking at the huge yard made it obvious, he would have a hard time leaving the place. His manhood was under his control for now and he knew it would take time until his mind property of the man too.
"Big, huh?" he said glancing back at the boy. "Well, need a nice big place for puppies to get exercise!" he commented knowing the other couldn't speak. "Can you swim? A little cold now but I do love spending the weekends in the pool," he continued. He walked Jacob all along the way explaining how he really didn't have any neighbors for miles all around was nothing but fields. He also informed how the property was rigged up with an invisible eclectic fence...making it impossible for the boy to leave once his collar was fitted properly. "I didn't know what your name would be...or that it would even be you until a few hours ago," he laughed. By this time he'd paused and undid the boy's gag, letting him have some freedoms for being so good thus far.
He groaned, he did not liked being outside on the position he was, a leash tied on his cock and balls was not the best way to be. Hearing him his eyes went wide knowing that he would not be able to escape, if he tried to run away now it would be hell to pay because of the leash. As the gag came off Jacob tried to regain the movement of his jaw, "I am thirsty sir", he figured he better be nice to the guy if not he would be in a lot of trouble. "Why are you doing this? what had I done to you? you can have all the money you want just let me go in peace please" he implored knowing that would be futile at that moment.
Nolan glanced around...thirsty was a reasonable request. Water was a necessity and he wasn't about to deny his pet this. As he led the boy back toward the house, however, his patience grew shorter. "Your not sounding very thirsty," he replied, not liking the endless stream of useless questions. "I already told you, I lost my puppy. Now I found him..." he answered. It was the only answer he was going to get anything more on the topic was sure to be laden with consequences. At the side of the house he turned on the faucet that had no hose attached. "There you go, take your fill..." he told.
He followed the man to the side of the house, he remained quiet he knew that if he spoke more he would had the gag back on his mouth. Looking down at the faucet with water coming out of it he knelt on the ground as better as he could and began drinking from the faucet. It was humilliating the fact that he had to drink like that and not in a glass like any human being. He sighed as he looked at the man and nods, "I am finished sir". Using the wall to help him up he looked at the man and then back down.
Nolan patted the boy on his head and praised him as if he were so simple minded that such a small task was unthinkable with a human boy. "Its getting pretty cold out here. We had best be getting inside," he told giving the leash a light tug. The sun was going down, he didn't want his new pet catching cold. "You'll need a bath before dinner..." he noticed what with dirt on the boy's feet and knees.

Inside he took the boy to the bathroom and once again chained his collar to the wall in the walk-in-shower. He undid the boy's hands and removed the leash from the harness but did not removed the still firmly buckled (and locked) harness. "Wash up and I'll fix dinner," he told. For how much length the chain offered the boy would be able to move about enough to shower but not leave the shower.
As soon as he felt the thug on the leash she groaned, the pain was a lot and the position the leash was on made it worst. He followed the man to the bathroom until finally he let the restrains on his hands go. As his hands were free he noticed the man tying the leash to the wall he nodded as he left and started to clean up really quick, he did not wanted to see what would happen if he was still dirty when the man comes back. After he was done he sat on the corner of the bath and started to cry and releave some stress, he was trapped in a house with some sick man and no way out, his parent's were not the ones to start searching for him and the man was way stronger than Jacob. He had no choice but to play by his rules and by his standards but the question was, how long would Jacob need to keep the act?.
Finished with dinner Nolan returned and was very pleased to see the boy completely clean. "Very good, pet," he praised reaching over to ruffle his hair lightly. "For the rest of the evening I shall not bind your hands again...however I expect this behavior to continue," he warned as he undid the leash from the boy's collar.

Bringing out a towel he saw to properly drying the youth. The house was kept at a very mildly warm temperature so he wouldn't get too cold. "Inside, you will always be on hand and knee...only outside or when I give you permission may you walk on your feet alone," he warned as he paused at the door blocking the way until his wishes were carried out.
His sobs continued as he saw the man, was it really true was he going to be this mans dog?. Without wasting much time afraid of other punishments he went on his hands and knees in front of him. As he was there, beaten and on a submissive position he felt so ashamed, his cheeks turning red as he looked up at the guy, "Y..yes sir". Jacob did not moved much, maybe he would get something to eat since he was very hungry and his stomach showed it. His eyes trying to fight the urge of pushing the guy and running away.
Nolan smiled and started out the door and back through the house. "I will grant you to stand when you take the stairs down. I would rather than then a trip to the emergency. Speaking of which, do not get any ideas about that. I do have a doctor friend very close by...he'll be more than happy to come over and stitch you up."

Dinner had been prepared and already laid out. "You, my pet, will earn your dinner..." he said taking his seat at the head of the table. There was no place set for the boy. "Under the table with you," he said pointing to the spot in front of him.
He groaned as he followed the man on all fours. He felt like a idiot following the guy like that but he had no other choice. As soon as he reached the dinner table he noticed it was set up for one person, he would not eat today. He nods as he heard his instructions and crawled under the table not really sure what he wanted but having a small idea. He maybe eating a thing that he never ate before and the thought of that scared him. Looking down tot he floor he waited for the man to do whatever he wanted, he could nto run for now so he had to lay low and play safe.
No doubtingly he guessed right. Nolan reached down the easily unzip his pants and allowed his flaccid member fall from its confinement. Before the other could pull away Nolan reached down and drew the boy up by the color...a quick lock to the small eye-hole in the middle of the chair insured the boy's position. His chin couldn't lift and move back anymore than a few inches. "Can you be a good boy and not bite? Or is there a chance you won't be able to restrain yourself? Honesty will not get you punishment..." he added softly.
He shook his head, he knew that if he was forced to suck on his member he would bite it, "I will bite you sir, I cannot help it I am not gay". He sighed as his face was dangerously close to the flacid member. Jacob took a deep breath and looked away, he did not wanted to smell it or even look at it he was not homosexual and never would be. He knew that most likely he would not get food if he did not do it but he was hungry, "but I will try if my food depends on it".
Nolan patted the boy on his head. "I'm pleased with your honestly. This has nothing to do with your sexual preference though. Even still, I prefer not to chance my comfort to a try," he told. From his pocket he withdrew a ring gag that would ensure the boy from not biting. A double sword if you would...punishment in the ways of a little discomfort for not being able to fully please his master's request by holding back his own urges and a godsend to keep him from getting into trouble. Because biting mean some serious consequences. "Open your mouth then" he said.
He tried to back away as soon as he saw the ring gag, as the man had him by the collar he could not move much. He looked away as he hesitated for a minute but then realized that if he did not went through with that he would have a lot more time bound and his hands could not take it. He looked back at the man and opened his mouth feeling the ring gag keep his mouth open against his will. He hated how he looked but he did not had any other choice but to endure it. Knowing what he wanted he approached his cock and took a deep breath slowly sinking his mouth around his member while closing his eyes.
Nolan shuttered as his erect member slipped into the soft warm cavern of the boy's mouth. It alone caused him to grow even more. "Hmm..." he hummed his approval as he sat back in the chair. "Now,'ll have to certainly do more than just sit there, my pet," he chided lightly with a chuckle. "Certainly don't expect me to do all the work. Why do you think god gave you that tongue?" he informed. Reaching back behind the other's head he slowly pushed the boy further up, shoving himself deeper into his mouth. If he wouldn't use that tongue he was just going to have to suffocate the youth.
He groaned as he felt his hands on the back of his head and pushing it foward. His eyes growed wide as he felt the large member of the men slowly enter his mouth and throat. He hesitated for a instant but then started to pass his tongue on his cock playing with it, he knew if he fought it would be the end of him being restrained for a long time. Slowly but surely he began to like sucking the cock of the man and he started to do it on his own from a point on. He did not knew how much time he would be with that ring gag but he knew it was maybe for his own safety.
Indeed the gag was for the boy's personal safety. Although he very much liked little boy's gagged, he would have preferred a scarf or ball. This was purely so that Jacob wouldn't bite and Nolan wouldn't kill him for biting. The more the boy got involved the more Nolan's soft moans filled the room. "Hmm, ooo...yes....good boy," he hummed softly as he lay back in his chair. God, it had been a long time since he had a good blowjob!

It wasn't long before he could feel his cock start to twitch. Sitting up he shoved himself forward with one final thrust and came instantly deep inside the boy's mouth, forcing him to swallow ever bit. Nolan groaned as he came, then fell back against the chair again, his flaccid member still laying in the boy's mouth. There was no where he could go. Until Nolan sat back it was stuck there thanks to the chain that locked Jacob's head into place.

"Such a good boy," he praised stroking the boys head as he finally pulled out and zipped himself back up.

Jacob continued to try and lick the member of the man through the ring gag. He felt so embarrased it was like not having control of his own mouth plus he having the leash forced him to suck his cock. He groaned as soon as the man started tu buckle against his throat, gagging a bit he was surprised by the large amount of cum unloading into his throat, he swallowed all of it. Remaining there with his flacid cock inside Jacobs mouth for a couple of minutes he started to pant after he was let go, not being able to speak did left him with not much else to do but to endure his tortures.
When Nolan was finally zipped up he continued to pet the boy's head lovingly. "That was a very good job, for your first time," he added with a grin. It was a subtle way of saying that there would be plenty of more opportunities for him to get better. "For being such a good boy I do believe you've earned yourself some dinner?" he reached behind and undid the boy's gag then set it on the edge of the table.

Sitting back up he left the boy where he sat a while longer, the only sounds was a spoon scrapping across a plate. Then Nolan set a bowl down on the side of his chair, with several items in it. "Do not make a mess," he cautioned softly holding up the table cloth so that the boy could craw out to his dinner.
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