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Random Fact About You.

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Kaios said:
Anansi said:
I had no intention of pissing you off..but spell my name wrong in vengeance..thats fair...I myself am currently disgustipated with something but I don't see why that would piss you off

Spelled wrong on accident. Kinda shakey from lack of food but I took care of it.

..Is it a lack of money thing or..?
What is it with the people on this board not eating. -_- Y'all are killing me. >.<
Kaziel said:
What is it with the people on this board not eating. -_- Y'all are killing me. >.<

I eat.... But I just can't find anything that is easy to make. You know like Mac and cheese?
Fact: I think Lord of the Rings: Conquest has taken my soul apart for the moment.
Ooo I was gonna order you a pizza but if its just laziness the fie on you sir.
Kaziel said:
Anansi said:
I love dominos online delivery can put in options...
That's true for pretty much any of the online delivery systems...

Yeah I know..but still its cute to have a delivery guy say "Fuck you, you owe me Jacob, you mother fucking cheap ass."
Fact: Rice is great for when you want to eat a thousand of something -Mitch Hedberg
cous cous is for when you want to eat a million of something...and still be hungry..its so tiny and tasty though
Sometimes as its almost done steaming I mix in grated cheese and a bit of pepper, makes these nice clumps together. You have to stir quickly or else it doesn't get distributed evenly though. That and use something semi soft to soft...
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