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Random Fact About You.

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I'm just kidding.

Fact: I missed Anansi yesterday. :-(

I would imagine that the 6th and 9th posts on this page are the most important ones. Hur hur hur.

Fact: I would be totally gay for Ewan McGregor. He's one of the few guys on my "Go gay for" list. :oops: Seriously... so sexy.
Kaziel said:
I would imagine that the 6th and 9th posts on this page are the most important ones. Hur hur hur.

Fact: I would be totally gay for Ewan McGregor. He's one of the few guys on my "Go gay for" list. :oops: Seriously... so sexy.

FAct: Agrees with the fact that the man is VERY sexy! <3 -drools- He's like the nerdy but sexy type and the oh, so sweet, innocent and adorable sexy type. Well at least from the movies that I've seen him in. And then, he's just like plain good looking. -nods- What about Christian Bale? Hmmmm? I love him too,... and Sean Penn, even though he's older. He has the most gorgeous back! -drools again-

Edit: Agrees with your hypothesis, as well. :mrgreen:
Fact: Now I'm kind of bored again. :-|

Fact: I miss my dad......

Fact: My hair doesn't smell delicious anymore. :-x
Fact: Today, I saw one of the world's SEXIEST smokers.... :cool: Yeah,.... I'm cool....
_Z3r0_ said:
FAct: Agrees with the fact that the man is VERY sexy! <3 -drools- He's like the nerdy but sexy type and the oh, so sweet, innocent and adorable sexy type. Well at least from the movies that I've seen him in. And then, he's just like plain good looking.
Even if he hadn't been Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Prequel Trilogy (one of the few good points from those three movies), his work in Moulin Rouge!? SO FANTASTIC!
Fact: Ewan McGregor = PHWOAR.
Fact: There's this guy that gets on at the same train station I do and he's really sexy in the rugged sense and he's always smoking so I named him Smoking-man and he is quite possibly the love of my life at the moment. Even though he's never looked at me. >.<
Fact: Gerard Butler is another 'PHWOAR'. His accent makes me melt.
Angel said:
Fact: Angel wants a post on page 69. >3

Fact: All the cool kids are posting on page 69. C'mon... you know you want to. Don't you want to be a cool kid?

Angel said:
Technically I already posted before your 'peer pressure'. >p
It was more of a generic post to anyone else reading. Sorry if quoting you made it seem like a direct reply. :oops:
Yeah. I prefer just talking to people about radom stuff and not have to worry about if I am doing something right or wrong and have so Super RPer start going off about how I am lame and crap like that when its from what I udnerstand s'posed to be fun.
Saying that there's a good and bad RP seems kind of... Off to me. Literally I guess it just refers to how well you can reflect a character you're playing. But realistically I think how much you write or how many big words you use is really a trivial issue in this. You're absolutely right in that it should be about fun first and foremost. -Nod- -Nod-
And really I just don't like to commit so much of my time to something like that I would rather just be myself than pretend to be another character. Hence why I am bad.
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