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Random Fact About You.

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I have a headache...and I think some of my pm partners have cancelled on me..oh well.
Yeah..I was kind of a dick...but I got to say one of my favorite lines and she deserved it..
-Goes about and makes her first post here ever... Though it's not very interesting or entertaining... Or has any particular substance...-

And now, to find entertaining humans to observe... If there are any. -Squints.-
Face: If you start out with the lines "I know I cheated but I just wanted to see if what I felt for him was real and it wasn't." you deserve whatever you get. To me cheating is one of the lowest laziest things you can do, just break up with the person, I mean cmon really is it that hard to go, I really want to fuck that person, you know at least take a break..something.
Fact: My outbox is empty.

Fact: I'm sick but have no more sick days.

Fact: I was rejected today...but I didn't even come on to the guy.
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