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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: Feels awkward coming back to Blue Moon for the first time since January. It just isn't the same feeling ._.
Fact: has lurked in and out of Bluemoon now and then
Fact Is considering starting up an Rp again, but doesn't know what to do...
Fact: Saw star trek and it was absolutely awesome
Fact: Saw Pursuit of happiness, and felt uplifted greatly!
Fact: Is seriously considering getting the wii, to play final fantasy 4: after years....
Fact: I went to a karate class with a friend, and I after a few hours, I was sore for about 2 days, I should really get back into the game
Fact: That was a lot of facts I posted...
Luna said:
Ahiru said:
Fact: Feels awkward coming back to Blue Moon for the first time since January. It just isn't the same feeling ._.
How are you and Rava?

Fact: I am responding with: We have been good, thank you! :) Or at least I can say on my behalf that I have.. I imagine Ahiru would say the same. How 'bout you Luna??

(that technically is in format to the thread rules... right??)
Luna said:
Ahiru said:
Fact: Feels awkward coming back to Blue Moon for the first time since January. It just isn't the same feeling ._.
How are you and Rava?
Fact: As he said, we are doing well; though, my choice of words would be amazingly well ^^ How about yourself? We're finally getting thins in order :3
Fact: Nothing like a bit cup of milk to make you feel happy =D

Fact: Or a big cup of soda to make you bounce off the ceiling XD
Fact: I'm glad you both are doing well.

Fact: I could be better.

Fact: I'm already homesick even though I haven't moved yet.
Fact: Off to the gym

Second fact: Tonight I am going to make smoothies with my new blender!
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