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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: Thanks Ronyo.

*kisses back on Luna's head and snuggles with her.*

Fact: Teams up with Ronyo to destroy Eric.
*comes back, and makes sweet love to Luna*
fact: No, seriously, I'm horny and bored!
Fact: Yes. Yes you can.

*hold eric down*

Fact: I should feel bad that this is two on one but I dont.

Fact: None of my friends are on MSN.
*gets back up and shoots the bastards who tried to kill me*
Fact: It's OVER 9000!!!!!!!
Fact: I AM NOT A GHOST! DO A BARREL ROLL! *gets out AK-47 and fires it all over the place*
Fact: *shoots Trazz in the head* That's for saying you killed me!
*pulls out ghost gun and trap* Who ya gonna call? Ghost! Busters! *zaps eric and traps him* BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Fact: *unaffected* NOT A GHOST! *summon Raptor Jesus to eat Ronyo and Trazz*
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