Fact: The glaive is an ancient weapon conprising of three razor sharp blades attached to a round metal ring, when thrown, it can decapitate even the largest of men
Fact: Either Sol is smart and lives, or is an idiot, and dies, her choice ^______^
Fact: Your glaive may be the most powerful physical weapon ever but you shall never defeat me for my true power lies in my spirit. Destroy my body and I shall rise anew more powerful than ever. Such is the power of spiritual enlightenment.
Wait, I thought a glaive was a polearm consisting of a single-edged blade on the end of a pole, similar to the Japanese naginata and the Chinese Guan Dao.
Or it was the five-armed throwing star with retractable blades from the movie Krull.
Where do you get your definition from? Dark Sector?