Fact: I've never broken a bone..well of my own...I'd kiss it and make it better but then I'd start licking it and...well it all goes downhill from there..
Fact: The King has never broken a bone either.
Fact: The King has been up so long, The King sees splotches in The King's vision.... is that a bad thing?
Fact: The King would try but the family is nosy.
Fact: The King sort of slept for like... 3 hours? Maybe...
Fact: The King is freaked out by The King's vision. o____o'
Fact: Only due to the leek spin song (PK's thread in here). Since it is now playing on the King's browser XD
Fact: The King's vision came back when The King faced real life again o.o'
Fact: Real life is the answer to the King's impaired disposition.
Fact: The King will NOT be answering role-plays today, due to The King thinking The King is too tired for it.
Fact: Rainbows thinks that Nyquil and Dayquil are God.
Fact: Rainbows thinks The King should take Nyquil for sleepy time :-D
Fact: Rainbows has cracked her skull twice.
Fact: The King has tried that and realized that Nyquil lies to The King about making The King drowsy.
Fact: The King would go to sleep, but the King would be woken up by The King's siblings later if not the moment The King fell asleep.
Fact: The King's oldest sister is retarded. No seriously.
Fact: The King's sisters are both here for a while.. the oldest is just always here.
Fact: The King's sister with with her husband.
Fact: The King has super sensitive ears when it comes to sleeping.
Fact: Once Rainbows is out, she's out.. really out.
Fact: Rainbows wonders if The King has a brother?
Fact: Rainbows loves her little sis to death, even though she doesn't think so.
Fact: The King has one older brother.
Fact: The King is the youngest in the bunch.
Fact: The King's father says The King is the smartest of the group.
Fact: The King didn't think The King was personally... but is kinda happy about it.
Fact: Rainbows thinks The King is smartest of the bunch as well XD
Fact: Rainbows is the smartest of her bunch, of two XDD
Fact: Rainbows wants a brother.
Fact: The King likes his brother.
Fact: The King would share him, but The King's brother probably wouldn't like that.
Fact: The King has a headache... -_____-''
Fact: Rainbows is wondering why The King has a headache.
Fact: Perhaps it is the lack of sleep dummy.
Fact: Rainbows doesn't want other persons brothers.
Fact: Rainbows was her parents to have a son, NOW.