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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: As it turns out, screaming around a curve on the bike path in the rain, leaning at about a 45 degree angle, pumping fast in top gear, with the Groovie Ghoulies' "Godzilla" rocking straight into your brain? Is TOTALLY FRAKKING AWESOME!!!

Fact: Similarly, blasting through a large intersection just under the yellow light to the tune of The Ramones "Rock 'n Roll High School" is comparably awesome, albeit less visceral to describe.
FAct: I like TheyDontKnowIBurn 's name. I think it's cuuel. ;3
Edit: Fact: I do dumb things when I'm bored.
Fact: I do it from a bunch of different plays, ever since I performed in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)

Fact: I love the spoof line 'What's in a name anyway? A nose by any other name would still smell." -Adam Long, in the role of Juliet.
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