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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: I have a lot of problems happening in my life
Fact: I have few roleplays, and it's started to irk me
Fact: I was almost stabbed with Chopsticks at the Uwajimaya Sakura Festival(On Saturday), for stating my point on a debate that someone pulled me into.
Fact: My body hates me and wishes to kill me(Or so I feel at least)
Fact: My mother hates my boyfriend
Fact: I'm going to Texas for Three months, at the end of May
Fact: I've been looking into my past more then is good for my mental health
Fact: My Ex-boyfriend from when I was 13, keeps trying to get in contact with me.
Fact: I have him on block...
Fact: I hate my life.

Fact: I propbably lost a good friend for being stupid.

Fact: I wonder where all my rp partners ran off to.

Fact: MM Get some rest and stay home before i stab you with some meds.
Fact: I find that advanced whining, bawling and venting go in the journal section.
Fact: Journals are stupid anyways, that's why I haven't updated mine. Plus the full details of my situation are no one's business, unless I tell them.
Fact: the life cycle of a fact thread goes through periods of significance and long stretches of insignificance. The problem is, different people find different things significant, depending on who's interested in whom and what. So sorry, that's just the nature of random fact threads.

Fact: I'm home sick.
Fact:I think all the depressed and troubled people of RFAY should remember to focus on whats important, Im doing pretty damn good...jk...mebbe
Fact: I'm with TheDarkerMe's mum.

Fact: I have 'Candy Man' stuck in my head.

Fact: I've angered the god(s) of intestinal health.
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