Fact: Was very flattered and honored to be involuntarily included in a multi-player RP by some lovely ladies. All my "wait, what?" responses notwithstanding, it's gratifying when people compliment your mad skillz like that.
Fact: The subject matter of the RP in question is very much not my usual taste, therefore I am doubtful I will actually participate, if/when the thread is actually created. Besides, it seemed one of those spur of the moment discussions, like when the friends out drinking all get enthused about opening their own bar.
Fact: Still considering it though, if only because some imagery occurred to my writer's mind.
Fact: Speaking of imagery, was perusing the online porn archive of one of BMR's very own (collected, not starring in), and realized I was responding positively to some of the images therein largely due to recent influence by a specific person. Found that intriguing, and possibly inspiring for future play sessions with this person.
Fact: Despite intense compatibility, things are up in the air with this specific person, and therefore future play sessions may not actually occur. Realizing this throws me into a melancholy. I also think she's avoiding me, which... on one level, I can't blame her. But it still stings.
Fact: Apparently can't start a day off particularly cheery anymore...