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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: Rainbows feels extra special.
Fact: Rainbows is now smiling.
Fact: Rainbows thinks it took The King a long time to respond.
Fact: Rainbows says haha to Zombie.

Fact: Rainbows is giving The King a virtual hug.
A random fact, hmm let's see. I think that a good fact is that I like to read everyday that's not school-related. LOL. I know a nerd thing to do. I'm addicted to the written word.
Fact: The King has two ims up along with trying to answer role-plays.
Fact: The King loves hugs.
Fact: There is sushi on food network now.​
Fact: Rainbows does not feel wounded anymore. Fact: Rainbows can't type on iPhone. And doesn't know enter button so this will be longer XD. Will continue tomorrow and will hug tomorrow ;-) [\quote]
Hana_Killer said:
Fact: Han-Chan wants to give Luna a hug to cheer her up
*holds out arms for a hug*
-hugs Hana-

I need no cheering up but hugs are nice.
Fact: Zero: -snuggles with the king for warmth- :mrgreen:

Fact: ....For some unfathomable reason,.... Zero kinda missed Luna today....but only kinda.

Fact: Zero must apologize a bit,... Zero is having a tad a writer's block, but know it will be gone soon...
Fact: For sure, soon.
Fact: The King is cold so having Zero to snuggle with helps a lot!
Fact: The King is happy Zero is back on!
Fact: The King is: hugging Zero.
Fact: The King: wraps a blanket around Zero and me.​
Fact: Zero: -cuddles up with the king-
Fact: Zero: -puts in a dvd and grabs some popcorn-
Awww. -shares popcorn with the king and Ha-chan- :mrgreen:

Fact: Zero is getting sweepy....
Fact: The King is all pumped up since The King is 5th top poster on blue moon now!
Fact: The King is gonna be number one sometime soon! (XD I want my top posts again!)

;chews on popcorn, shares some soda with everyone;​
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