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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: When I was sleeping last night I managed to bite my lip to the point where I was bleeding and it swelled up all night, and I never woke up during this pain. o-o I'm apparently a very heavy sleeper!
I know! My school is doing a literacy test for grade 10, which is essential and required to graduate high school, so.. they want all others out of the building. This test is given out all over Ontario, where I live. So. I'm enjoying today.
I'm in BIO 220.
We're not doing anything accept research in the lab.
My group is already done.
Oh. That sucks. I'm bored. And, I'm going out to the bank today. But, that's probably it. I originally had plans to go shopping, but that's down the drain.
@Mr. Master: LMAO :lol:

@Angelic: Daw. I'm sorry.
I have night school tonight so I know how you feel.
No plan for Angel today.
Getting dressed this morning I wandered. Why do they call it goose bumps? Because they aren't attractive? I think geese are cute. I had pet geese. But, why goose bumps? Because, maybe you were goosed and liked it? But, I wasn't goosed. I was cold. Though, being goosed by be the best action I'll ever see... either way.. Why fucking goose bumps? Why not like.. skin pricklies. Or something romantic like, Love bumps. Wait that sounds.. like herpies. LOL.. wtf too much cake.
Bunny... I think you're thinking to far into it.
Is it really that important to you to try and figure out the reason for what people call it?
Here, I found this for you:

The "goose bumps" (also "goosebumps") effect gets its name from geese. Goose feathers grow from stores in the epidermis which resemble human follicles. When a goose's feathers are plucked, its skin has protrusions where the feathers were, and it is these bumps which the human phenomenon resemble. It is not clear why in English the particular fowl goose was chosen, as most other birds have this same anatomical feature. The term "goose bumps" is misleading because the bumps on a goose's skin does not qualify as piloerection, though birds do have the same reflex of extending their feathers out, a function of keeping themselves warm.
Fact: conicidentally I'm in college right now watching various scenes from shakespere being perfromed *hopes for a scene from tempest* "Oh setbos these be brave sprits indeed! I fear my master will Chastise me!" I was caliban for my drama class.
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