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Random Fact About You.

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Anansi said:
_Z3r0_ said:
-nods- I see now. That's cool... you should make me sum. :-D

Plus... why surround yourself around others who will cause you any kind of stress? (Excluding those whom you've known long enough and feel worthy enough of putting it on you) Life's too short for stress and bad feelings.

Its pretty fun to make so long as people don't try to touch it (and I mean reall try you have to actually shove your hand into it because it evaporates so fast you can hold it in your hand and it boils on a cushion of air of sorts.

I don't, I tried to talk to someone but realize that they have something against me and only want to talk to me when they feel I have something or when others are talking to me. I don't know them irl and they've given no reason for disliking me, they seem the type who doesn't really have one but will always assume the worse of you. It's silly and pointless in life.
H a r r i e t said:
Dream said:

      • FACT.

        Dream just made 400k on Gaia in 6 minutes.

      • You whore!

      • Thats really not that high... I mean some items are worth millions, some artists charge exorbitant fees, hell my boy used to make 2 mill a day when he played seriously, buy low sell high and you too can be swimming in gold..
Fact: I used to be on Gaia. Made some interesting friends there, and not just playmates, actually. But I got tired of the announcement spam, and the incessant costume mongering, and the kids who couldn't type, and it just got too weird for an old guy like me to be hanging around. So I'm glad I'm on an 18+ text-only website now, much as I liked the graphic interface of the Gaia...

Fact: Is feeling rambly. Sorry.
there are sites with those, secondlife, rlc and such, I mean my ex stays on gaia and she doesn't really care for it anymore, she's got every item she wants and 40 mil in back up gold in case "anything new arises", I'd say keep on gaia for fun here and thee but rp elsewhere seriously. On the net no one has to know your age.
Fact: I think that if people are insulted and it's relevant, then there's no reason to be upset, because it's true.

Fact: I think that if people are insulted and it's not relevant, then there's no reason not to be upset, because it's not true.
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