Fact: I have a low-level cough. Not enough to be really sick, but just enough to have a stuffed up nose when I sleep and a cough that won't go away.
Fact: I was asked if I was looking to buy drugs yesterday.
Fact: These two previous facts are connected.
To explain, I will cough once ever about 3-5 minutes. Nothing serious, but I was walking out of my building and began heading down the street. I take the train home, and the nearest station requires me to go through the Tenderloin. I'm walking along and there's a guy who looks like a hobo. I cough as I walk by him, and he mumbles something at me, and I don't think anything of it. He then speaks up and says "You lookin'?" and I look back at him and say "Nah man. Just a cough." and went on my way, laughing about it.
Fact: I was asked if I was looking to buy drugs yesterday.
Fact: These two previous facts are connected.
To explain, I will cough once ever about 3-5 minutes. Nothing serious, but I was walking out of my building and began heading down the street. I take the train home, and the nearest station requires me to go through the Tenderloin. I'm walking along and there's a guy who looks like a hobo. I cough as I walk by him, and he mumbles something at me, and I don't think anything of it. He then speaks up and says "You lookin'?" and I look back at him and say "Nah man. Just a cough." and went on my way, laughing about it.