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Random Fact About You.

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I'm drunk, I am sober.
Heaven doesn't want me, Hell's afraid I'll take over.


Looks like I'm fucked all around, huh?
Fact: Rail Load detail sucks big fat baby turds... 16 hour days are the suck when you're loading military vehicles onto 86 foot rail cars...
Fact: My poor e-mail checking habits means I just learned that I missed a Purim party and that HH The Dali Lama XIV is coming to speak at my university.
Fact: Is currently watching "Irish" Broadcasting block on fox. I don't know why but I just love the accents (I'm American by the way, An American Asian watching Celtic dancing and singing that is, Hell yeah!!!)
Fact: Anthony Stewart Head's ability to control his voice/body language/expression is so amazing my brain refuses to connect him in various roles.
Mr Master said:
I have many friends. Not so many I trust with all my knks. A few who can know all the things about me. And I've never met any of them in person...

Because you have never met them, is that was makes it easy?
Fact: Men are stupid.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
And women are just as bad or even worse for falling for them.
Shame to both of the sexes.
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