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Its weird because she dumped me after I told her I wouldn't do something unless she asked me to do it...then she claimed that I didn't care..
When we started..I had a gf, she said she was fine with it. For months it was fine. Then this guy who didn't want her with me went on these long rants about how I didn't care about her and that I wasn't committed etc etc. So she dumped me for him, and then he turned around and pursued her viciously and started trying to force her into being with him and turned into a jerk pretty much. We got back together and then after a few more months more of her friends told her the same thing and eventually she told me she was unhappy and didn't like the other girl and wanted me to herself. I told her, then thats something we both need to deal with. I love you, I do but I need you to tell me exactly why and you to tell her so it doesn't seem like I'm just throwing her away....she said that she wouldn't (I later found out that she wanted to be able to deny that she'd wanted me to leave her and be able to gloat that I'd chosen her etc). I know it was partially my fault but she constantly mouthed off about how I didn't care about her etc etc and I was the only man she'd ever been in love with and I had used her...gah I spent hundreds on just talking to her and I hate long distance relationships especially ones where it would cost thousands to see my partner but I wanted to make it work and saved up to visit her..but she dumped me and told me that she hated me. all the love was gone etc etc...and now she's supposedly liking another guy...who has a gf
So sorry.
This story confounds me, but I understand it at the same time.
I don't usually do long distance relationships, not unless I know for a fact that I will be seeing my partner.
And that I know I could trust him/her.

Relationships have a lot to do with touch, with being able to physically see them before you, next to you, under or on top of you.
Although, I know it's true that waiting to have intercourse will make it that much sweeter when you do, but even before that point, you still have to be able to touch. A hug, a kiss, a cuddle - simple things that a lot of people take for granted in a relationship. When you lose sight of those, the whole relationship goes straight to hell because it just becomes all about sex.
Yeah I've had way too many relationships where I found myself being the partner who didn't want to have sex. Basically both of em were long distance but the one that was before her I'd had for three years and she was alot closer and she came and visited me regularly and vice versa.

Currently all my prospects are with friends who like me but are scared or with people who just want to jump my bones and keep me under lock and key. I mean I lost a friend because one night after dinner she told me I "had" to come home with her because she paid for my food. I told her I wasn't going to put out just because she paid for a dinner I could pay for myself, then she retorted next time I could pay for food myself and went on a long rant that if I wasn't going to give her what she wanted I was just like anyone else....*sighs* I think my penis drives women insane..
Sex is also a necessity in any Vanilla relationship - but it doesn't have to be right away.
Humans, much like any other type of species, communicate on a level of touch where words just can't reach.

Wow, so she basically tried to prostitute you. I've had people try that on me before, they found out it does not work out so well. I don't do what someone else wants me to do, I only do what I want me to, if that happens to coincide with someone else's wants and wishes - then all the fun to us. I'm not submissive, but its fun to watch as other's try to put me into that position and fail miserably.
Mm I actually don't need it. It freaks some women out that I don't push for sex. They make one though my dick was small and kept trying to get peeks of it, another wondered if I was gay so she had her friends hit on me. I'm friendly and I like to be close to people but I usually don't mean anything by it even in a relationship.

She's still trying, she messaged me the other day and said I had to come and bring her game to her. I gave it to my friend to give to her..I mean she's really disgusting when it comes to certain things. I'm kind of switch but I also have alot of emotional damage from my childhood, something I warn people about, small things at the wrong moment can set me off.
I am a very sexual person, although, when I say "no," I mean it. That means get your fucking hands off me now or else I will not be held accountable for my actions in tearing you apart. I am not always a touch person either though, if someone touches me on certain parts of my body, I'll get really skittish. I have a lot of scar's and imperfections - people don't need to touch or see them.

Emotional damage. Been there, done that, now I'm just pleasantly numb to it all. However, certain things will set me off as well, but lets not go there.
I'm the only female in my group of friends that wears panties on a regular basis. lol
Misha Hiroki said:
>.> Oddly enough, I'm the only female in my group of friends that doesn't.
Well, maybe I'll let you into mine if you ask nicely. -.o
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