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I'll probably get one with my tax return, since I have 3 anime conventions planned for this year.

I'm going to be taking a lot of pictures.

-Watching Grey's Anatomy now-


Glad to know I'm not the only one.

@Kiwa: Hm. I don't RP dirty though, lol. Hence why I have so few. Everybody wants dirty.

I will not eat my cats and and I can't dance worth crap, lol.
And I refuse to learn French.

Ah yes, my ascension into boredom landed began awhile ago and I fear I am about to land.
Save me.

Mmhm... well.. if I am murmuring in French against your skin, then you might change your mind.
That's certianly possible.

@Zalvek: Yeah. Some romance and such is okay, but not dirty. Like rp's revolving around sex.

Might be cuz I'm a writer and I see RP as two people(or more) writing a story together.

Yes, I completely understand what you mean.

With that in mind, would you perhaps like to do a romance roleplay sometime? : 3 I've been kind of craving something flowery like that for a while.
Hehe. Totally~

I have plenty of time on my hands! And! You did say you needed some consistancy. I'm very consistant.


You can PM me with ideas if you'd like.

@notte: I've been craving Vampire Knight, so I've been making YuukixKaname avatars. XD
Hehe, sounds great. ^^ However, I must go back to my daily life of yelling at people for not knowing how to properly tie vinyl tubing... I shall be back later today. Buh-bye for now~ <3 -Wanders off-
Anjeru said:


Glad to know I'm not the only one.

@Kiwa: Hm. I don't RP dirty though, lol. Hence why I have so few. Everybody wants dirty.

I will not eat my cats and and I can't dance worth crap, lol.
And I refuse to learn French.

Right, Drifting out of consciousness and imagination here so I'm sorry I didn't reply very early on. but who says an rp has to be dirty? I'm getting tired of rps that consist of nothing but the dirty :\ there's no fun to an rp when there aren't really characters to interact. My favorite rp ever so far just had two characters in a relationship, no sex in sight, and it was just so much damn fun developing characters and interactions between them and what else was going on @_@ it gets dull when there's nothing but ZOMG SEEEXXXX LETS FUCK LIKE RABBITS it makes me fall asleep at my computer :\ And now I'm just rambleing on. I need sleep.
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