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What's your favorite quote?

"Macey once told me the problem with the truth was that it was so poorly written." -And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin
"I move the stars for no one." -Jareth, Labyrinth
"I love syphilis more than you."
-Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"In two hundred years we've gone from "I regret but I have one life to give for my country" to "Fuck you!"?" - Dennis Hopper, Speed
After Y2K, the end of the world had become a cliché. But who was I to talk, a brooding underdog avenger alone against an empire of evil, out to right a grave injustice? Everything was subjective. There were only personal apocalypses. Nothing is a cliché when it's happening to you. - Max Payne
"The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."

- Hannah Arendt

((My current favorite quote.))

I will never be a well behaved woman​

~ Janne Robinson

This Is actually the title of a much longer piece by her, you can read the full thing here.
“I’m going to take this fucked up piece of shit world, fuck it up even more. Then give it a factory reset,”
Hahaha, it’s not necessarily my favorite, but I’m definitely tryna get “Nah, I’d win.” tattooed on me one day.
Bullet Train, Brad Pitt as ‘Ladybug’, saying to a lady who threatens to call the conductor -

“Eat a bag of dicks lady.”
"Everyone dies. Not everyone keeps their promises."
- Joe "The Boss" Massaria, Boardwalk Empire
It rubs the lotion on it’s skin. It does this whenever it’s told.
It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again.
"How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life, wouldn't you say?" - Adm James T Kirk
"You have referred to yourself and your fellow mortals as our children. You are not our children. You are... a bad first draft. The first plan was to destroy this, to let you all fade into nothingness. That's not going to be how we do it this time. You think that you are a man of true belief, and that it is all these wizards around you that are humble. Who is the most proud man here? These ones who thought they would fly a city, or the man who thought he would teach me a lesson? The only difference between you and the Dawnfather... is that the Dawnfather is a little more humble. Now I'll tell you why I spit on your forgiveness. I'll tell you why I loathe your redemption. To reach a hand down to somebody, they need to be beneath you! And I'm beneath nobody. You wanted to understand me. Then you should have accepted that I was right!" -Asmodeus, played by Brandon Lee Mulligan, in EXU Calamity.

"It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war." — Miyamoto Musashi
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