DarkMinds' FICTIONAL Request Thread --- Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi/Space & Alternate History


Dark and Sadistic
Sep 28, 2017
Currently accepting

DarkMinds' FICTIONAL Request Thread
Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi/Space & Alternate History

Magic & Ghoulies & Witches, OH MY!
Battles & Destruction & Doomsdays, OH MY!
Spaceships & Blasters & Planets
, OH MY!

I can go on forever, but you get the drift.

An introduction to the content I am craving (and a bit about me)!
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1. FANTASY (classic or other)
2. APOCALYPTIC (or post-apocalyptic)
3. SCI-FI /SPACE (anything sci-fi including space fantasy, and Star Wars)
4. STAR WARS Universe (see below)
5. HISTORICAL MASH-UPS (see below)

Here is a list of content I am most interested in:

- Pre-existing fantastical universes from literature/media (may include Dungeons & Dragons, LOTR, etc.)
- Made-up/ our own fantasy realm (world building, folklore, mix-and-match)
- Can be medieval or take elements of different eras (with varying degrees of technology)
- Space fantasy (colliding classic fantasy elements with space/ sci-fi elements)

- During/ start at the actual apocalypse, or lead up to it
- Post-apocalyptic, where the story starts after the apocalypse
- Can blend sci-fi elements and/or make it futuristic
- Can take place at any point in time, including past history (special interest in WWII apocalyptic spin-offs)

- Pre-existing sci-fi universes from literature/media (may include Star Wars, see below)
- Made-up/ our own sci-fi realm (world building, apocalyptic, mix-and-match)
- Can blend apocalyptical elements and/or be futuristic
- Can take place at any point in time, including past history

4. The STAR WARS Universe
- Any time period, both current, past, or even future
- Any blend of species as characters (not just humans... also open to inventing species!)
- Preference on playing ORIGINAL (OG) characters but...
- Open to playing CANON / EXISITING characters

- Particular affinity to blending elements of different genres (fantasy, sci-fi, apocalyptic, etc.) and creating historical spin-offs
- May include a storyline where characters from the past end up in the future, or vice-versa
- May include changes in real history which would have domino effects in timelines/ future evets
- May include spin-offs based on real historical events, but modified to be fantastical/ fictional

About Me
All the nitty-gritty about me, my writing style, F-List, and all that fun stuff!
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A Little About Me:
- I roleplay heterosexual male characters (I can also play female characters, too in FxM pairings).
- I RP solely on BlueMoon private messages or threads. No DISCORD, private email, or instant messengers, sorry!
- I am a multi-media roleplayer. I use linked images, gifs, music, and videos to enhance my stories.
- I typically prefer writing my main character in first person, whilst writing other characters in third person. However, I am fully capable of writing fully in third (first person is just a style preference for me,). You do not have to write in first. Interested RPers are more than welcome to write in third, per their preference!
- Happy to provide writing samples, and admire when potential partners do the same to ensure we would be a good fit to RP!

Things I'm Looking For:

- Heterosexual Play: Male x Female
- Literacy: Good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is an absolute must. I am also looking for partners who write SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS (2+) on average. I can generally write anywhere from 2 to 15 paragraphs. It really depends on the story, content, characters and complexity of the scene.
- Story Driven: I'm looking for RPs that will hold substance and story. I like equal amounts of story to my smut, and generally prefer complex characters and plots!
- Creativity: While a pairing may be cliché, I am looking for someone to breathe life in to a story and roleplay by bringing forward creative writing, plot twists, character developments, etc.

- Patience: I've been on hiatus for 2 years and just returning. I'm full of inspiration and creativity, but I admittedly live a very active and busy lifestyle. I simply cannot commit to daily responses, but will make an effort to provide a reply within a couple to a few days.

Regarding Images:
I enjoy working with imagery and face-claims. Your character MUST have a realistic face-claim where applicable. No anime, or cartoons. If not an image of a real-life individual (actor/model), digital artwork, AI art, etc., are great, too. I'm a visual individual and I find something as realistic to a photo as possible adds to the eroticism of the play. Additionally, I also have no preference on race and physique. Likewise, got a model/actor/other face-claim you'd like me to play? Send it my way, I can work with it. As stated previously, I use multi-media in my RPs, including images, gifs, videos, music, etc.

Particular Kinks:

You can take a look at my F-List to get an idea of my kinks.
However, there are a few that are particularly important:

- Dark, gritty, or substantive plots with complex characters = my biggest turn on!
- Age differences: Although not mandatory, I do have a preference for pairing characters that may be born in different decades/ from different generations.
- Role differences: I love when paired characters are different. Not just in age, but in character. Bad guy vs good girl? Evil witch vs. noble leader? Peasant vs Royal? Sign me up!
- Switch: I am fully switch and not particular to dominant vs. submissive stereotypes. I am flexible!

Interested in developing a story with me? Shoot me a PM! :)

For a sneak peak of my writing style, check out my WRITING SAMPLES here!
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