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Mr Master has been blamed for my comments...yes..the plan is coming together nicely...*Steeples his fingers and cackles*
Anansi said:
Mr Master has been blamed for my comments...yes..the plan is coming together nicely...*Steeples his fingers and cackles*
lol. well, i'm a little tired, and i was speaking to him before. *reflects comment back to you and apologizes to Mr master*
The damage has already been done, you've wounded him, he's not even commenting anymore...see what a horrible person you are..
Raziel99 said:
lol. Kimono? nice, i need to get one. Like a samurai one. I'm getting the daisho soon enough.
Yesh, is my very old kimino.
I wear it like a robe. XD
It's very comfy.
Though purple isn't my color XD
Firearms replaced swords on the battle field for a reason. Because they were both easier to use and more effective on the battle field, both because they had the advantage of range and because they were powerful enough to penetrate plate armor.

As far as elegance, I think some of the more sophisticated forms of knife fighting are particularly beautiful, and the knife itself is one of the more relevant weapons in today's society. Its easily concealable and can bypass today's "armor", i.e. kevlar vests, with ease. Its also the easiest weapon to come by.
Knife fighting isn't too bad. But if you look at ancient fighting forms with longer blades, mostly of ancient Japanese fighting, THAT is elegance in form. A dangerous dance with single-bladed weapons. Someone that was a master of using both blades in a daisho was like a dancer on a battlefield.
Daisho is two blades, katana and wakizashi. They usually also carry a tanto in their sleeve with their obo in case they are disarmed.
Raziel99 said:
Knife fighting isn't too bad. But if you look at ancient fighting forms with longer blades, mostly of ancient Japanese fighting, THAT is elegance in form. A dangerous dance with single-bladed weapons. Someone that was a master of using both blades in a daisho was like a dancer on a battlefield.

Silat or Escrima..thats elegance
Silat is very nice. I also like Muay Thai. I wouldn't call it elegant but it's very impressive. I also like to watch Aikido.
I agree that the long blade can show immense artistry and elegance, but it's rare and takes lots of work. And that's the problem: immense investment in time and energy, and far too easy to be killed. That's another reason why firearms are the choice of an army: easy to learn to use, easy to mass produce, easy for anyone, large or small, weak or strong, to kill pretty much equally well with them.

I had a friend who proclaimed the katana to be the ultimate weapon, and a particular style of fighting (I forget which, after all these years) to be the ultimate style. Personally, I think it's all opinion, so he wasn't wrong, and neither is anyone else. But what I don't agree with is that the "best" of either is going to be superior in all situations. A poor student of the ultimate style is still going to get whomped by a master of a lesser style. A long blade isn't much use in really tight quarters, or at long distances. The secret isn't in the style, or the weapon, it's in the skill of the practitioner and the conditions of use.

The true ultimate fighting style is avoidance of the fight in the first place. However, that's hardly cinematic.
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