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DJBayview said:
I have to say tho...

haze has him beat what with his 'flawless victory' that one night.

Yeah but you can't play with haze the way you can play with Gir. You know, throwing him all over the place he loves that.
H a r r i e t said:
My kitties don't drink.
They're old . . .
Like. One of them is 23. And the other is 19. I'm expecting them to just, kill over one of these days while I'm sleeping.
I needs a huggle. D:
H a r r i e t said:
I've wanted a Ferret all my life. My Mom never let me have on though.
My dad was mad that I got one bfore him. But now he has two.
H a r r i e t said:
Lol at DJ.

The most exotic pet that I've had, was my bearded dragon. Who is not with me right now.
Bloody ex boyfriend took him. D<

bastard, I love reptiles.
I wanna iguana...
or a chameleon.
I'd feed em crickets...
and they would lay on my head.
and hopefully not poop on me ><

Just to "get back on topic" . . . even though there's a cutey in there with me.

His name is Dom. It's my best friend's puppy. He's so cute. I was house sitting him.
Don't let that adorable expression fool you, though. This guy is a total jerk. >D
awh who cares, he's freakin adorable.

so's the girl there.
you should give me her number.
phone sex ftw.

just as long as it won't be international, I don't have NWW. [[inside joke]]
I've had phone sex, it was cute..but the real thing is way way better..I love living in nyc..its a big hub, anyone can get to this city and I can get to anywhere else.
Theres always the awkwardness of some with describing certain things or wanting to do certain things. I mean me personally I don't really have a shock factor I'll say alot of things that would make most blush casually.
I learned that a friend of mine laughs during orgasm the other night..I now want to seduce her..
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