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Corporal Bunny said:
Sol Invictus said:
Corporal Bunny said:

Kitty say what?

You have a very pretty
You should see my hairless :O

Hairless pussies are my favorite

Wait. I did that wrong, didnt I?
Because I said I would awhile back, and just now found the bloody cam.


...and yes, I have a SHITLOAD of scars.. don't ask. I'd rather not talk about them.
Ruby: -Is blushing majorly.-

Vampire Seduction: XD I told Ruby awhile back I would, and she did, and I COULDN'T find my cam >.<
I'm debating a bra shot, there are debatable problems with such a course of action though.

Also Shahar, don't feel the only one. I has plenty of scars myself. *huggles with a lopsided smile*
Shahar said:
Because I said I would awhile back, and just now found the bloody cam.


...and yes, I have a SHITLOAD of scars.. don't ask. I'd rather not talk about them.

ZOMG! Not what i was expecting when i was poking you for photos! But but but... *Nose bleed*
*hugs Shahar and chuckles*

Most of mine are on my back or shoulders though *chuckles* Not too heavy yet, but I've been pushing myself for more. I actually like scars, they are... interesting. The road map of history, on a body. I have bad scars that mark bad times, I want ones that mark happy times.
Distain: XD

Darker: Yeah I have scars EVERYWHERE.. except my inner thighs....and none of them are happy. -Gives her a crooked grin- But alas, thats how it went.
Shahar said:
Yeah I have scars EVERYWHERE.. except my inner thighs....and none of them are happy. -Gives her a crooked grin- But alas, thats how it went.
I dont know about you but my scars seem far more noticeable to me than they are to other people. I'll point them out and they dont seem to notice it. Probably something psychological.
Alot of my scars on my arms actually mix so well together you can't see them, but on my back and chest and legs.. people notice them.
The scars on my lower back have faded. They are barely there, but in my minds eye they are still starkly red and welted... dripping. *whimpers*...

As for shoulders and back, mostly around the shoulderblade area, those are all rather happy ones. I rather enjoy feeling for the few marks that have formed. Though most of the scarring is muscle scarring, where the muscles have formed around where the bite was deepest, and kept that feeling in my shoulders.
Shahar said:
Because I said I would awhile back, and just now found the bloody cam.


...and yes, I have a SHITLOAD of scars.. don't ask. I'd rather not talk about them.
*snipes down all the men that scarred you*

No woman should have to go through that abuse...

*clears his mind of the breasts so he doesn't get in trouble*
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