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At the time, Samurai were the only people who were legally allowed to carry weapons. Thus, no one else could follow the way of the sword.
Yes, and it was a kind samurai (or monk, one or the other) that taught those unable to wield a sword hand-to-hand fighting because they would be beaten up by drunk samurai, or just asshole Samurai.
Lyra said:
At the time, Samurai were the only people who were legally allowed to carry weapons. Thus, no one else could follow the way of the sword.

It actually wasn't focused on the sword that is a common misconception. You didn't have to have weapons for follow the tenets of Bushido.
Raziel99 said:
Yes, and it was a kind samurai (or monk, one or the other) that taught those unable to wield a sword hand-to-hand fighting because they would be beaten up by drunk samurai, or just asshole Samurai.

ahh, like the ones who tested the sharpness of their blades on people?
Yes, exactly. And those that decided to get all high and mighty. The monk/samurai wouldn't go and teach in a class, per say. he would do it by example. he would go to a Samurai in a bar (for lack of the actual word at the moment) and taunt him, then go outside. The Samurai would get cocky because the monk didn't have a weapon, then he would proceed to get his ass handed to him.

And they tested the sharpness of a fresh blade by cutting through 5 dead bodies. If it didn't do it on the first, clean cut, they would discard and start over.
my urge to feel sexy is fading, so I'll post these oldies but then its back to elf cloths and headshots for me.



      • My eye color depend on how I'm feeling.
        Usually they're blue, but if I'm sad or sick then they turn gray-ish.

        And thank you Nurse. ^ ^
Hm, I see. I was guessing they'd be hazel-ish based on the picture. ^^
Still, you have very pretty eyes.
prettylyksin said:

      • My eye color depend on how I'm feeling.
        Usually they're blue, but if I'm sad or sick then they turn gray-ish.

        And thank you Nurse. ^ ^

      • Eh, you too? 'cept gray is my 'hostile' color, and my eyes will also turn green during other high emotions.

            • Blue and gray are usually the only two colors, although I have other colors in there, but you have to look really close to notice them. I have yellow around my pupil, but no one ever notices. Hell, I didn't notice until high school when someone pointed it out.
Oooh, pretty! ^^ Your hair's a lot lighter than I'd expect though from the black and white pic. o_O This is why I hate black and white pictures. -.-;
prettylyksin said:

      • My eye color depend on how I'm feeling.
        Usually they're blue, but if I'm sad or sick then they turn gray-ish.

        And thank you Nurse. ^ ^

      • Funny, my eyes are light blue/green. blue outer, green inner. the green shows a little more when i'm happy. When i'm pissed they turn grey. Nobody messes with me after they turn grey...

        And you are very beautiful, Lady Sin. I am surprised you do not have a man to take all your free time from the site.

      • Zal: It was also dark in the library when that was taken. lol.
        I've always had brown hair.

        .. okay.. that was a lie.. I went blond once... Not my best idea.

        Nurse: I bet you'd still look pretty, Nurse. ^ ^
        I miss my long hair. It was purdy. u_u
Raziel99 said:

And you are very beautiful, Lady Sin. I am surprised you do not have a man to take all your free time from the site.

      • I do have a man. He just knows he'll get a beating if he tries to take me from Blue Moon.
prettylyksin said:
Raziel99 said:

And you are very beautiful, Lady Sin. I am surprised you do not have a man to take all your free time from the site.

      • I do have a man. He just knows he'll get a beating if he tries to take me from Blue Moon.

      • Lol. yes, how does the saying go? Man wear the pants, but the woman controls the zipper?

        And I think once I transfer colleges in about a year, year in a half, I'll be disappearing from bm except from sporadic roleplaying.

      • That's a long time from now.

        I'll be moving in with Laudanum sometime in the fall, so we may or may not have internet...
        Depends on if we can afford it.
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