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Rubyliday said:

Yes, more of this, please. :twisted:
I don't even know a tim..whoever i wrote that about probably was named matt or something..I call people whatever i want to when I drink.

"hi I'm joe.." "' look more like a chuck.." "boobs!"

thats my life story.
&& yes Chrono, that would most likely explain that
Hahaha. I see. I'd still rather it be my name ;3

And I missed you T.T You got on and everything!
Hopefully i'll catch you at an airport later.
yeah, went out with my sister in law last night to a kareokie?? bar, sang and drank a-lot and finally got home at 4 am lol
I had to smoke a lot of weed last night to go to sleep.
Because my heads all screwy over this stupid Daylight Savings crap.
And I still didn't get to sleep until like, an hour or so after I had been laying there.

I wake up to find out that I don't even have to go.
Sworry D:
I aint a hater, though. Hating someone is a little too . . . social for my liking.
If someone's bugging me, I just all around block them out.
And I'm not blocking you out, so I couldn't possibly be a hater.
Rubyliday said:[/img]

No makeup.... and no Shaun... sorry.

I guess you'll have to retake it now won't you?
WITH the shaun.

makeup is purely optional.
DJBayview said:
DJBayview said:
Especially more like wendi's.
Mr Master said:
<writes Shaun in sharpie all over his hairy chest, looks for camera>
you've gotta follow the rules dude.
'more like wendi's'
as you aren't a chick, it can't be 'like wendi's'
But I've got the breasts, and everything!

Besides, I've got certain points of congruence. We're both mammals, for example, and we both have chests with skin...
MrMaster's got it right, DJ. The both involve chests. You never said HOW it had to be "like Wendi's". No point makin up more rules now. :p
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