Primal Sex Goddess
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Quick Reference (Wiki for Dragonlance)
Map of Ergoth
Warrior Woman (Ella)
Sorceress (Eva)

Dragonlance Wiki
Map of Ergoth

Northern Ergoth by daperdepa on DeviantArt

Warrior Woman (Ella)
Sorceress (Eva)
Somewhere in the Empire of Ergoth, 359 AC (After Cataclysm) in a backwater village called "Werim" there was a tavern called "The Dragon's Tooth", that could sit perhaps twenty people. Quite large for the town's size, that boasted around a thousand souls, but the village was on a river close by an intersection of two main roads leading to Lancton and the Ergoth capital Gwynned, and was a frequent stop for merchants and wayward travellers seeking their fortune in the cities further down either road. It was known to have decent rooms that were cleaned and had their own privy and fireplace as well as baths, such luxuries were very rare, and that was the main reason two adventures had chosen this tavern over the other three the village had.
Ella and Eva had been adventuring companions for just under two years and as luck would have it had grown fond of each other in their travels. Ella was a warrioress, a Knight of the Rose to be precise, and had excelled at swordplay, besting other knights she trained with that were twice her strength and heads and shoulders taller than he.
Ella was remarkably quick, and talented with any blade, and although most Knights of the Rose wore plate armor with a Rose etched on the front, Ella had adopted a mixture of Scale mail and half plate, that lended itself to faster and more flexible motion. For she believed in evasion being better than having one's faith in armor protecting one.
Ella had graduated at twenty years of age from being a Knight just before joining with Eva, a sorceress, and it was mainly due to Ella's practical ability to stay alive and fed in the wilderness that had kept the two being somewhat successful in seeking fortune and ridding the world of evil. For although Ella was a knight, and sworn to protect the innocent and those that couldn't defend themselves from nefarious perils, such oaths didn't insist that that is what she ONLY should do. And Ella was as hungry for gold and its charms as much as any other woman her age. Ella had grown up on a farm and was taught basic survival skills by her father on their frequent exploration of forests, and althoug Ella didn't have a bow, she had several throwing daggers which she excelled at using, as well as being handy with snares that often caught a rabbit or large birds.
Eva was very different from Ella, but had graduated at roughly the same age from a tower of high sorcery. Like Ella she threw away tradition in what she should wear when being a mage, and although her Masters firmly insisted she wear red robes of a neutral mage, Ella adopted black attire, more suited to an excentric noblewoman. For indeed she had noble birthright, although her families estates were not that impressive, she was due to inherit farmland that made silk, but that was a calling she felt could wait until she saw more of the world.
Eva - like many mages was a futanari, and although not all futanari were mages, those that were mages had a peculiar trait concerning their penis. Indeed Futanari were women but had male genitals, and in the case of mages who were futa, their penis size reflected how powerful they were at magic. Eva's phallus was 14 inches in length, and of considerable girth, a fact her clothing couldn't hide. Not only that but she had impressively large testicals that matched her endowment. This made her more powerful than her peers she trained with, indeed as powerful as she could be for her level of experience, and it was experience that Eva wanted more than managing her families estates.
For Eva dreamed of being a powerful Arch-mage, one of the greats, and that didn't happen going through accounts or sitting behind a writing desk looking at tables and charts, planning the buiness through the next year. This caused a rift with her father unfortunately, for she was the only child of the two nobles, and they knew the life of being an adventurer was thawt with peril. Others have wanted to achieve greatness following such paths before. The vast majority found their end violently in a place far from home, before a year into their dream.
So far it had been two years, and Eva had gathered the ability to cast higher ranked spells, much to her own delight. Her strange attire was one thing that worked to her advantage, for most opponents only suspected someone being a mage if they were wearing mage robes, either white for good, red for neutral, or black for evil. When a noblewoman started shooting spells at them unexpectantly, it caught many off guard, which had saved the duo about as many times as Ella's impressive sword skills.
It was a early autumn day when both had appeared out of the ir rooms to share a breakfast of cold meat and cheese platters over a class of grape juice. They had stayed three nights, as Eva had only recently gained a mastery of spellcraft, and wanted time to select spells and meditate on her improved awareness of the fickle ways of magic.
"We are getting low on gold Eva" Ella said to Eva after sipping her juice. "This tavern is more expensive than the others, they charge at the same rate the cities do. We need to move on and find another chest of treasure or perhaps payment from a fat merchant for over-seeing their caravan or the likes if we intend to live like this. Besides I am getting restless. You spend your time performing magic, and mastering its ways, but there is little for a Knight of the Rose to do. None here want to spar with me, and I fear I might get rusty if this continues"
"Very well Ella, anyway I think I have come to terms with my advancement. The spells I have selected, and have cast them enough times for me to have memorised them. Still, we got lucky the last engagement we had. We only just escaped. Us staying here so I could memorise more spells wasn't the only reason we chose this place for a few days. We need others to join us, preferably those good at what they will do and will not prove to be burden. And two or three other adventurers with a taste for gold would be ideal. Especially if they can fight. And this tavern was the best place in the village to try our luck."
"Its been days and I have only seen pilgrims or merchants enter here."
"Perhaps today we will get lucky"
"I hope so."