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Barim smirked softly as he saw the cum dripping out of the Princess's used ass hole and so he walked around and grabbed her hair, yanking her up roughly. "You see, this is how your life will be now until I've told your father you are a proper lady." Barim laughed as he let go of the Princess so she fell back into the mud. "Now get up and get back on your horse, we are going back to the castle so we can go get your brother and start his breaking too." Barim smirked as he stepped onto the Princess's back, pushing her deeper into the mud and then mounted his stallion.
Tears threaten to spill out of her eyes as she bite her lip harder when he pulled her by her hair to standing. Her legs wobbled and before she knew it she once again was in the mud. She cried out in pain him putting his foot on her man and using her basically as a foot stool. Get up on her horse? How did he think she could do that? She barely could stand and her hands was still behind her back. Sofia shifted her legs slightly as she started to stand and tilted left to right just as she leaned against her horse. "How am I supposed to get up there?" Her voice barely a whisper her eyes down to the ground looking at the mud of her feet.
Barim shrugged softly, "I suppose I can give you a hand up" He then dismounted his Stallion, grabbing the girl's hair and pushing her up hard onto her horse. He kept her hands tied behind her back, and didn't bother brushing the mud off her body. "I'm sure the guard's won't notice and see that you are the Princess." Some of Barim's cum oozed out from her ass hole and onto her horse's saddle. He grabbed the reins to her horse and remounted his stallion, leading the Princess and her Mare back to the castle. "If you don't speak, I'll promise to go a bit easier on you next time." He smirked softly as the two of them rode back to the castle. The guard looked over to Barim and then to the Princess, blushing at the naked body he did not recognize. Barim pointed at the boy, "You, help the woman down and then stable the mare in my Stallion's pen." He smirked as he dismounted and took another coil of rope, tying one end around her neck and using it as a crude leash to lead her.
She cried out again. This had been the most she ever cried even when her mother had died when she was a child. Never once she ever thought anything like this would happen to her. Once she was on the saddle she leaned forward wanting to cry from the 'thumping' pain she felt in her ass and her back to just the way she looked liked like. She let the coolness of the cum against the saddle as she closed her eyes tightly, no she didn't know what was worst. Being violated by this man or in a weird way liking it. They came back to the castle her face red or at least it would look red if it didn't have all the mud on her face.

She felt the younger boys hand n her body as she kept her eyes closed tightly as she then felt something around her neck. Her eyes widen slightly seeing the rope around her neck and then started to be lead like she was some kind of animal. She followed after Barim her eyes down cast only watching what was on the ground below her feet then looking at anyone who watched them or more like had their eyes on her.
Barim smirked as he lead the Princess like an animal through her own home, bringing her to the bed room the King had given him. He threw her into the bed room roughly, causing some of the cum to drip out from her ass and onto the floor. "I'll be right back my little slut, I'm going to go get that wuss you call a brother." Barim smirked softly, licking his lips as he shut the large doors behind him and left the slut in the bed room. He moved straight to the prince's bedroom, which was only a few doors down from his room and opened the door without knocking. "Hello Prince," Barim said with a sneer as he slammed the door shut behind him. "I have good news for you."
She felt eyes on her body as her closed her eyes slightly and opened just enough to see the ground. Before she knew it she was in a wing she never been in before and in a room. Her father gave this man a room? She wanted to say something but held back as she almost landed on her knees once more but caught herself on her feet.

Her brother?

Fear she felt for him as she turned her head away letting that door close behind the man. Her brown eyes stayed glue to the wall as she bit her lip once more. It was a habit she had since a long time ago but this time she barely felt it as it was numb already from all the biting she did too it.

Jareth was in his room and redressed and washed up. Turning to put on his shoes the door opened and then slammed closed behind the large male. His brown eyes drifted up to the man a confused look on his face. "And whats that sir?" He asked if he was confused as he started to lace up the shoe having no idea about this older and much larger male near his door. His a white shirt covered up his chest and his shoulders was more narrow and thin compared to most people around the kingdom. His legs covered in a blue pants was much longer then the Princess was but her torso length made up for it. His hair was short but long enough to be put into a small ponytail giving him more of a scholar kind of look then a prince kind.
"The good news is that your father has paid for me to turn your sister into a proper woman and turn you into a proper man." Barim walked up to the prince, back handing him down to the floor. He reached down and grabbed onto the Prince's hair and yanked on it hard to make sure it wouldn't tear off his head. Barim started to drag the Prince out of his bed room and into the empty corridor. Barim continued to drag Jareth down the corridor to Barim's room. He opened the door to reveal the Princess's muddied body and threw the prince into the Princess, knocking them both to the ground. Barim slammed the door shut, locking it behind him. "Well, lets begin again." He smirked softly as he stared at the two.
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