Mx Female Looking for new partners


Apr 17, 2023
Welcome to my request thread!

You can call me Madness

Little bit about me: I have been Role Playing for over 15 years in different shapes and forms and I love reading and creating interesting plots and breathtaking stories.

I live in UK so, GMT time zone. I have a very busy life and a family so I can reply 2-3 times a day when I have time, and 1-2 times a week when things get real busy.

I don't do 1 liners, usually 2-3 paragraphs. I love details in everything, and plot to smut ratio is 60 plot - 40 smut, or even 70 plot - 30 smut- depending on the story.

I'm very flexible in regards to my partners kinks and desires and I try to make sure it's included in the story.

I like coming up with plots together, trying to figure out something that we will both like.

I have nothing against shorter role plays, but ultimately looking for long term partners - as I believe longer you write together, better you write together.

I love character development and fast paste stories, and not super big fun on magic and fantasy related plots at all.

You will see below a list of plots/ideas I would be interested in trying out.

What is important to know, is that I'm very flexible, and happy to change and adapt my RP, to make sure they feet in with my partners expectations.

I like smut, as much as everyone, but I do want a nice story and interesting characters to go with it.

If you do have any questions, want to discuss details, or suggestions, please DM me.

Plot ideas I'm looking partners for (all of them can be changed to better suite my writing partners:

1) The revenge of ballerina.
When you were young, you were incredibly wealthy, and you did ballet classes all the way until university.
You were a medical school student when your parents lost everything and ended up in debts, loaning money from the wrong people.

You drop the school and started making money any way you could. This did help your partners - who got killed by money sharks - local mafia.

But you still head the family debts to pay and younger sister to look after - this how you ended up working as a striper - in the most exclusive club in your city.

You hated your job, but with amazing looks, and ballet background, you were the local start, so you made a lot of money - it was only temporary - you told yourself.

It was ok, it was manageable, you were getting used to dizzy perverts, most of them were harmless.

Your life changed very quickly - when you got asked for a private lap dance by this really wealthy looking Italian American guy.
It was all going like usually, until you found him pushing you on the tables and pushing his beardy face up your skirt, sniffing your panties.

You got scared, you panicked, you got angry, you don't even remember - all you remember is wrapping your legs tightly around his neck, tight enough to push his face right against your lace panties, you remember the warms of his breath against your private parts, and how you squeezed hard and tight your tights around his neck..

You did ballet most of your life, he didn't really stand a chance, you don't remember what he was screaming, what he was shouting, when he went quite, all you remember - is the warmth of his breathing to stop. His face and head stop moving under your skirt.

Minutes later you were surrounded by the body guards, who were more scared that you were.
"We are fucked, you are just killed the son of the Derossi mob boss" the shouted.
When they try to take you to their boss, a handsome looking guy saves you, taking you from their hands.

He is the son of American Russian Bratva -and he is somehow blown away by you and what you did.

His father, wants to be given to Italians to avoid a gang war, but the son - doesn't care, he likes you too much...

You also realise that the man you strangled, was part of mafia who killed your parents.....

This can have a lot of different ways it can go from here...

2) King and the Assassin -
This a story set in Medieval England - when several members of royal family are fighting for the throne.

MC - is a young and handsome Prince George - who will shortly become the new King - once he is coronated.

My father - the King Charles died just several weeks ago, suffering from a heart attack at night.

My uncles and aunts and brothers, they all have their own view of who should become the next king. Only thing stopping them from taking over, is the fact that I'm still alive.

YC - is a woman in her 20's or 30's - who's parents were brutally executed many years ago by my father - and you never forgot it. You dedicated your life to destroying my family, killing us all.

You master the craft of seducing and killing, killing with no weapon, where only your body is the weapon - you live no trace - it always looks like a natural cause death.

You are the dream woman of every man - when necessary - you can be us obliging and submissive as can be, or dominant, if needed. You make sure every fantasy of your target comes true, and their last night before they die - is their best night - they always go with a smile on their face.

You use special flowerer extract - that has no smell and can't be traced, but when inhaled for long enough, puts huge amount of pressure on human heart. That little extract and long, incredibly intense and demanding tantric sex cause deadly heart attacks in most men. But those lucky ones who survive- still don't see the the daylight - as you are very skill-full asphyxiater- bare hand chokin in special gloves, face sitting to death, breasts smothering to death - you know it all - and you never leave even 1 chance to survive.

You hope, that one day you will be asked to use your craft to kill the king and his sons and revenge your family.

Of course, when you asked to kill the king - the man who ordered the execution of your patterns, you don't hesitate - and love the king to death, at night, leaving him no chance.

When several days later you are asked to suffocate MC - prince George - you don't hesitate and agree to do it.

But after spending the night with me, to make sure I'm relaxed and tired enough to be asphyxiated without too much fight back, when it's time for you to proceed, you realise that you simply can't - as I'm so much different from my father .

I'm much nicer, kinder, and could be a lot better king than him, you do like me, like me a lot - you like me enough to tell me that you were killed to assassinate me.

This is how our story begins, now, your life is as much risk as mine - and I don't even know that you were the one behind my dad's death.
What happens next? We need to fight together to survive and eliminate those who want my throne - and as we do, we start to grown feeling for each other.

3) Title: Going Home

A young woman on her way home from work has her ride home interrupted by another woman. They seem to like each other, but they only have until one of their stops come up

Both ladies on the train have had enough of this life, completely fed up, have nothing to lose.

Your character, is a nurse, sarcastic, badass, cold blooded. She has lost hope in humanity, drowning in depth, without a penny in her bank account, debt collectors after her.

My character is a housewife, with sign of domestic violence on her body.
Married to an older and very reach man, who is a complete perverted, he won't let my character to get a divorce, using her as a trophy wife. My character is also had enough of the life, despite having all the money in the world she has, she also has nothing to lose and absolutely hates man.

For both of them, opening up to a stranger, is something not even imaginable, normally simply impossible.

As impossible as possibly having feelings for another female???

As improbable as it is, it's exactly what's happening.

Very quickly your character realises that only way for me to escape my abusive husband is yo kill him.
Being a nurse, you know very well, that with appropriate planning, a perverted old man can be killed by 2 woman rather easily, making it look very natural.

My character realises very quickly, that with all the money of my husband, all yoir financial problems can be resolved quickly.

This could be a quick role play with an end, or if we like it, we can introduce detectives, investigating the case, or/and make your and my characters Bonnie and Clive type of pair...

4) Wrong time. Wrong person.

This a story about a female who accidentally gets herself in to an Italian mafia affairs...
Yc is a teacher, who is hosting international students who are learning English to make some money
Your new student is young and nice looking Italian boy around 19.
He is all sweat and nice, until one day you catch him sniffing your panties.
You get so angry and disgusted that you end up strangling him to death and manage to cover it up..

Once you kill the boy and move on, you have a guy coming to your house one day, in expensive suite, italian looking.

What you realise quickly, that the boy you smothered was young member of italian gang, sent to learn how to speak English.

Who you have in front of you is head of mafia he belonged to..

You freak out and do try to asphyxiate the man, almost killing him, but he manages to escape death last second.

He gets really angry with you and punishes you sexualy...yoy get yourself f... punished pretty hard.

But instead of strangling you to death for what you did, he decided he actually likes you and he can use you.

He likes your body and wants to use you for pleasure as his pet, and he likes how good you are in asphyxiation, so being in the middle of a gang war, he needs a pretty but deadly female killer who can help out to take down high level gang members from other mafia, while using no weapon or poison to kill....

As things go along, you might start developing even feelings for each other...

5) Naughty Step sister..

You and your 2 brothers lose in a terrible car accident your step parents, you are only one who was adopted, and you parents are very wealthy.

You don't like much either of your step brothers, and don't know much about them.

One of them sweet, geeky, but a little pervy guy, but other one, is lot more mature and mysterious.

As you find out, your parents will had only a very small part of their money to be inherited by you, with most of it going to your brothers.

You absolutely hate this outcome, and decide to take the matters in to your own hands:
you decide to try to kill both of your step brothers, so you inherit all the money.

You manage to get under the skin, seduce and asphyxiate during sex the geeky one (it could be also death from a heart attack during sex or being smothered) , making a clean job.

However, when trying the same with the mysterious step brother, you can't pull it off, and get caught - he actually shows you a video footage of you killing his younger brother.
Yet he is not that angry about it, and starts to black mail you, as he thinks you can become very helpful to him.

He wants you not only to be his little toy girl, but also, be his secret weapon.

As you find out, he is actually heading up a growing mafia clan, that is quickly taking over the country.
What he needs, is a hot, yet deadly female killer who can kill some of his enemies from other gangs, using no guns, seduce and asphyxiate them.

6)Basement beauty

An Italian mafia in a war with other gangs for control decide to recruit a new killer, a killer not one person expects to be so dangerous.

They pick out of orphanage several nice looking 18 year old girls, and to test the for their ticket in life they task them with a killing job.

Only your character managed to complete the task, but your ticket to new life is not what you actually expect.

You get trained , and looked after, but you actually live most of your life to begin with in a basement, becoming a slave girl of the head of mafia.

From time to time, when needed, they let you out to do the killings.

All you have is the time in bed with your master to try to change his mind and become something more for him...

7) Deadly ex wife..

Female in her late 30's escapes her husband - who turns out to be an absolute monster, truly dangerous man with crazy fetishes, yet incredibly powerful.
She settles in a small town, trying to build her new life, when several years later, he finds her, not taking no for an answer, wanting her back. She has no choice than try to end his life, using all his weaknesses, while trying to protect her and her child's life.

As I mentioned above, all of the above plots can be changed and adapted to suite my partners interests and ideas. All the further details can be discussed in PM - so if you like any of the plots - please DM me.

Thank you for reading.
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A new craving:

Idea was simple, you are a poor student who desperately needs to pass all her exams and you work as massage therapist to make extra money.

One of your clients is nice looking older man, who has a weird request at the end of massage therapy, he is going to pay you extra 100 dollars if you sit on his face in your skirt and panties, forcing him to sniff your panties and pussy while you milk him off.

2 weeks later, when college starts, you realise your new ethics professor is the same man with weird request and he is incredibly demanding and strict and all the students are scared of him.

He acts like he doesn't know you at all, and actually he has a family and threats you even worse than other students...

Question is, what will you do with your knowledge of his exact kink and fetish?
How far will you take it?
New craving:

This rp is around A step father who is secretly head Of mafia and her adopted daughter, hot bratty psyco girl.

She can't stand her new step brother who is a pervert and has a panty fetish and constantly looks at her ass, under her dress and even steals her expensive panties to sniff her scent.

She used to be a nurse and yoga teacher so she knows human body really well and carefully studies how to kill her step brother.

When daddy is not home, she seduces, fucks and asphyxiates her step brother, using his obsession with her panties to kill him and makes it look like it was by natural causes.

However, despite her best attempts, her step father finds out...and is really passed off.

He wants to punish her and kill her..and she needs to convince him to change her mind.
What can she offer him? Her body? What if its not enough?

Could she become daddies secret killer? Can she help him to win the mafia wars against rival gangs by killing with no weapon and guns the rival mafia man??

Open to make changes to this plot, let me know if you like the concept?
New craving/new plot:

In this new plot, your character is a poor girl from normal family , with a sister who is seriously ill and needs surgery to stay alive and YC working 3 jobs to live her life and save up for the surgery.

Your Character is a nurse, studying to become a doctor, yoga instructor/massage therapist, but you do some night shifts in the local hotel bar to make extra cash. \

One late night, when you are only one working in the bar, and you should be closing the bar and going home soon, with only 2 customers left, something unusual happens and it will change your life for ever.

One of your customers is young man In his 20's, with tight t-shirt and jeans, he is getting drunk on his own, drinking pints of beer one after other.
He almost drinks them too fast so he can order another one and have another look at you.
He is not just looking at you, his eyes scanning your body in places a gentleman should never do.
Your are wearing nothing special, just tight yoga pants and a top as you had no time to change after your yoga work, but the way he keeps looking at your crotch and your ass, makes you feel uncomfortable.

He is obviously a pervert, and you don't even know what exactly he is obsessed with, your ass? your pussy? your panties? all of it? Whatever it is, you can't wait to just go home.
In other side of the bar, in dark corer, a man in his early 50's (we can discuss this) sitting on his own and reading a paper and drinking red wine. He looks incredibly wealthy, wearing expensive suite and watch, his hair and nails, everything in perfect condition.
He has charming smile and radiates confidence and strong personality. He treats you with respect, and acts like a true gentleman.
When you come back to pick up the check, he is gone, but he left 500$ tip and an envelope with your name on it.

When you open the envelope, you find in it a big letter and a hotel room card.

The letter has a picture of your ill sister, she has been taken.

The letter says that if you ever want to see your sister alive, you need to seduce and kill the other customer in tight t-shirt in the hotel room. You need to kill him using a type of asphyxiation only (you can strangle, choke, suffocate or smother him to death).
If you do as you told and call number provided in the letter once you killed him, not only will they free your sister, but also they will pay for the surgery of your sister, and they will clean up after you, so you don't go to jail.
Once you finish the job and kill the Perverted customer after seducing him and taking care of him in the hotel room, a car picks you up and drives away...

Several hours later you are in heavily guarded castle, what appears to be the HQ of the powerful Italian Mafia.
Soon enough you are in the room with Boss of the Mafia, the elegant gentleman from the bar and his 2 sons.
From this point, there are many ways this rp can go, depending on your craving and preferences. We can discuss and decide together:
She will need to prove her worth to mafia for them to keep her alive, so she can become their secret killer who needs to weapons to kill, and looks to pretty to be suspected of anything. She will also develop a love interest with either of the sons or the mafia boss himself (or both if you want?)
We can discuss all the other details and make changes. Let me know if interested by DM.
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In this new plot, your character is a poor girl from normal family , with a sister who is seriously ill and needs surgery to stay alive and YC working 3 jobs to live her life and save up for the surgery.

Your Character is a nurse, studying to become a doctor, yoga instructor/massage therapist, but you do some night shifts in the local hotel bar to make extra cash. \

One late night, when you are only one working in the bar, and you should be closing the bar and going home soon, with only 2 customers left, something unusual happens and it will change your life for ever.

One of your customers is young man In his 20's, with tight t-shirt and jeans, he is getting drunk on his own, drinking pints of beer one after other.

He almost drinks them too fast so he can order another one and have another look at you.

He is not just looking at you, his eyes scanning your body in places a gentleman should never do.

Your are wearing nothing special, just tight yoga pants and a top as you had no time to change after your yoga work, but the way he keeps looking at your crotch and your ass, makes you feel uncomfortable.

He is obviously a pervert, and you don't even know what exactly he is obsessed with, your ass? your pussy? your panties? all of it? Whatever it is, you can't wait to just go home.

In other side of the bar, in dark corer, a man in his early 50's (we can discuss this) sitting on his own and reading a paper and drinking red wine. He looks incredibly wealthy, wearing expensive suite and watch, his hair and nails, everything in perfect condition.

He has charming smile and radiates confidence and strong personality. He treats you with respect, and acts like a true gentleman.

When you come back to pick up the check, he is gone, but he left 500$ tip and an envelope with your name on it.

When you open the envelope, you find in it a big letter and a hotel room card.

The letter has a picture of your ill sister, she has been taken.

The letter says that if you ever want to see your sister alive, you need to seduce and kill the other customer in tight t-shirt in the hotel room. You need to kill him using a type of asphyxiation only (you can strangle, choke, suffocate or smother him to death).

If you do as you told and call number provided in the letter once you killed him, not only will they free your sister, but also they will pay for the surgery of your sister, and they will clean up after you, so you don't go to jail.

Once you finish the job and kill the Perverted customer after seducing him and taking care of him in the hotel room, a car picks you up and drives away...

Several hours later you are in heavily guarded castle, what appears to be the HQ of the powerful Italian Mafia.

Soon enough you are in the room with Boss of the Mafia, the elegant gentleman from the bar and his 2 sons.

From this point, there are many ways this rp can go, depending on your craving and preferences. We can discuss and decide together:

She will need to prove her worth to mafia for them to keep her alive, so she can become their secret killer who needs to weapons to kill, and looks to pretty to be suspected of anything. She will also develop a love interest with either of the sons or the mafia boss himself (or both if you want?)
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