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The King Is Looking. (Updated v2.0)

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Jan 13, 2009

Looking for yaoi or hetero!
(Ask Me About Yuri too!)

Literacy doesn't bother me, just make sure you can spell and don't do one liners every other sentence.

No god moding I hate it, if you need to- ask me first.

Tell me if you prefer to be uke or seme or seke. I'd like to know which one you want to be or vice versa (what you want me to be).

The next few posts will be samples of mine. Whether they are profiles or actually posts.

:arrow: Back In Action! Ready To Hit The Words Again!! :!:​

Current Role-Plays:
Threads: 0
Starting a new!
Pms: 0
Ims: 0
Ask for my messengers!

Sorry if I'm slow guys!​
Re: The King Is Looking.


The King's Assortment

â??Plot Ideasâ??
Ones I've Thought Of

The Incubus/Sucubus And You (or me, ask to be the demon)
- A living human who's parents have had an old house in their family for quite sometime. Finally gets ownership for the place after their parents have passed away (recent or otherwise). For their own reasons they move into the place. No one has lived in the dusty old place for generations. Unbeknown to the new owner, a demon slumbers in the place, simply waiting for someone to come and wake him/her up.
*Depending on the situation it can be a succubus or an incubus
*Depending on the sexual pairing (yuri, yaoi, hetero) the demon might be slightly changed.

A Little Unorthodox
- A catholic child (or whatever religion you like) stumbles on a tome hidden deep within his home's attic, unaware that one of his great grand parents had practiced dark arts rituals. The child slowly gets engulfed in the book, reading it whenever he has free time. One day he/she stumbles upon a summoning circle and thinks about testing it out to see if the book is really true. So the child tries his/her best to summon a beast, but in actuality brings forth a demon. The two converse and the child swiftly learns that she/he can't send him/her back. With that in mind she/he tries her/his best to hide the demon but ends up 'melding' with the demon.
How is the child going to tell her/his parents that he/she's now that she/he's a possessed child?
*The Demon will be most like an elemental demon unless specified otherwise.
*You can ask to be the demon if you wish, just tell me when you ask for it so no one gets confused. Otherwise I assume I'm the Demon.

- There had once been a rather secluded individual who only enjoyed writing. Slowly their passion enveloped him/her to the point that they where indeed lost in their own words. They continued on, one day stumbling upon a book that had been handed to them by a mysterious individual who saw them caught up with their writings. This man told the one who enjoyed writing that 'whatever you write will come true once placed in that book' she/he believed it and started to write up a rather troubled character they had fallen in love with when they had written about them. They continued writing about the character until the full book was covered in their writing- yet their wishes had not been fulfilled. They discarded the book as a nothing, placing it under their bed to forgot about it. Little did they know what was going to happen to their life in the next day...
* I'm the writer, unless you think you can actually do it.
* This can be a group rp, it actually would work better that way...
+++ Introduction in one of the posts below.

*New* Blossoming Love
- A father and son grow closer to each other, the two having been close ever since the child had been born. The father had been given the job of rearing and tending the boy since he had been an infant, making a bond create between the two. Now as the boy reaches of age, the father learns of the boy's love for his father and the two do the deed with each other. Keeping it secret from the mother/wife. Now with a dark truth between them- how else can the two withstand the trails ahead? A mother whom wishes to get to know her gay son, a son who doesn't have eyes for anyone but his father and a father who simply goes with the flow; not disturbed by any of this at all.
* I'm the father. You can be the son or mother, this works well as a group rp.
+ The 'boy' is 18... but you can make him 17 if you want.. just don't break the rules.
* This can be a group rp, it actually would work.
+++ Has no written introduction.

*New* Suicidal Savior Meets Extraordinary Mind
- What happens when a non believer learns he's savior of the world, the only one to push in the new age? You'd think he'd try his best right? He was chosen after all. Wrong! What awaits the world can only be death as their only savior chokes on his responsibilities, drowning under the weight of his duties. Is there a way to help the sucidally bent human from falling? Maybe, just maybe...
* I'd like to be the suicidal savior.
* I don't know how this would go as a group role-play :/
+++ Has no written introduction.

Always Under Construction.

Things I Enjoy/ Most Likely Do In Role-Plays

Sadism- Most of my characters have this side to them.
Abuse- Yeah my characters are really mean.
Sensitive- Only my ukes get to be the sensitive type (unless otherwise agreed to).
Gore- I love it.
Blood- I use it a lot in my role-plays.
Perverseness- Just something I do (depends on the character though, ask for if you want it specifically).
Sickening Torture- A bit like sadism but can be a bit more extreme? (depends, can be more disgusting than anything)
Extremism- Ask for it.
Insanity- Crazy. Hell yeah (Most of my characters are, so tell me if you're okay with that)

-subject to change or additions-

Extra Little Twist Ties

Pheromones - (Read A Manga With This In It)
Comedy - Sick Or Otherwise
Twisted Relationships - Y'know Like Love Triangles or something around that. Or something much more sinister.
Addicts - Taken Advantage Of For Their 'Loves'

-still under construction-

Something I Enjoy

Demon x Anything
Angel x Anything
Shinigami x Anything
Arrancar x Anything
Vizard x Anything

I didn't put every pairing known to man up, these are just two I like.
Just ask me I'll most likely say yes.
Re: The King Is Looking.


Sample Section


â??â??The J o l l y Rancher Kingâ??â??

Mother Don't Cry. I'll Be A Good Boy. Remember. I'm Always There For You.

He could remember the day he told her that, it had been so many years ago. His small promise to his mother to stay untainted by the darkness around him that pulled at his strings relentlessly. It was over only a few months after that solemn promise that he had been introduced on his own accord to the most destructive things he had. His mind, body and desires. They seized him like a fish out of water gasping for air, pulling him along in a twisted way to give him his fix without taking him back to where he came from. Admittedly, it was wonderful. Not being the 'perfect' boy that his mother had wanted all these years- and she still believed that he was a good boy too. Even after the tattoo that brought her into tears for months on end. Now she seemed fine with it, hugging him longingly before letting him slip off into the chaos that was his life.

He could remember every instant where he had made his mother cry. Even the day he had betrayed her fully, right before her and yet she still loved him. That was how a mother was- he supposed, loving her for not stopping himg and hating her for her tears. With that he would visit his sister, talking over most of his own pain to hear her side of it. She was wise beyond her years, even with the destroyed marriage that they had been born from, she was able to understand him. Even with the separation, she retained her opinion on him- looking out for him at a lower scale then he did her. He wouldn't leave her alone and if she had not been his sister he imagined he would have possibly married her- or at least had his way with her. James had decided long ago that he wouldn't mess with Emilia like he did with every other girl. She was different then the women that came to him in droves hoping to sedate his hunger.

Shifting from his position, his eyes rested on the black painted walls of his room. He hadn't moved much today, preferring to simply take a nap from night to noon. Eyes barely rolling in his head as the sun from his open window baked his room hot and dry. No, it took more to wake him when he didn't want to get up. Hell's fires wouldn't even budge him. He was sure of it, arms nestled under his head, eyes partially open as he surveyed his own room. It was much more dreary then most children his age, a few pictures of bloody crime scenes plaster on the walls, some police tape running around the top as if this place was a crime scene itself. A suitcase could be seen in the corner holding an assortment of ghastly looking items in it, some blood stained, others where completely clean and free of ware. Showing what he liked to use exactly. Some baseball bats- whether broken or not sat around the room as well. This just seemed like the beginning to what he held in his room, fingers pulling the cover straight over his form.

With red and black skull boxers and nothing else on, he had been slumbering the full day away simply waiting for the night time to arrive. One couldn't really blame him, he saw school as a complete waste and that sort of personality drove him into skipping it on days he simply didn't want to move. He continued with this mood before spotting the red neon lights that hung nearby from his clock, seeing them through the thin black sheet that he pulled over his form. It was time. He could feel it. Wrestling the sheets off his form he slipped to the floor, slicking back his hair with his hands before moving to his dresser.

Changing from his simple attire he sported a set of black boots, long gothic like pants, and a long black jacket. The one he wore every time with the small nick-nack dangling from his neck. He even slept with the necklace, not letting it leave his sight- digits playfully handling the silver that it grasped. Within seconds he was out the door, ready for another high that only he could experience in his deranged state. It was time for those sugar coated delights that he indulged upon and offered to so many. They loved it, being fed by him in so many ways that would make hair curl and lips twist. He was a master at what he did in Candyland and he wouldn't give it up to any other man. Of course there where others there, but they hadn't taken his interest quite yet, his quirks a bit hard to hit on the mark. Indeed he was a twisted one.

Storming down the stairs he came face to face with his mother. The black haired American smiled weakly up at her taller son before wrapping her arms briefly around him. "I Love You" escaped her lips in a soft whisper, face sinking into his chest for the moment. Then she pulled back, looking up at him. He had pained her so, making her want to weep time and time again- yet she refused, wanting to show some amount of approval and love for her only son. She had tried to give children with her new spouse, but it seemed that they only failed having stillborn after stillborn. It frightened her and made her cling tighter to her son, not wanting to loose him either.

James looked down at her, seeing the sorrow that she tired to hide. Sighing he gave her a kiss to the cheek before removing himself fully from her. "I'll be back later mother" he stayed, never telling her where he was going. It wasn't her business to know, he thought. Besides she could always call him on his cell phone if she wanted; then again he never answered it. Having more then just a few missed calls all the time, he preferred texting and had taken the biggest plan they had. That was how he ticked.

Making his exit, he slipped outside, grabbing the nearest vehicle he could. In this case- his motorcycle, which he had been 'given' from someone in the underground so graciously. Licking his lips furiously- he kicked the engine on and rode off, no helmet. It wasn't like he was so reckless as to get himself killed on this thing. He was just a bit too hot headed to believe he needed one, weaving in and out of the rush hour traffic to make his way to Candyland. What a wondrous place it was. Where he could do as he pleased, especially in the back where he had been given at least a room to lounge in. The Kings and Queens deserved time off when they wanted it, but this area seemed to rarely be used- hence why he was always in it, having his way with someone. Ah how lovely it was! The rush he felt each time he was able to let it flow. Lips locked in a furious pursuit to satisfy his own urges.

Pulling the vehicle forward, he raced further quickly appearing at where he craved to be. Parking the ride in a hidden area, he buckled it down to whatever he could find before pocketing the keys and making for the bomb shelter before him. They knew him here, they knew his appetite and they knew his anger at this point. A few people being tossed out on their rears from his rage. Most horrifying- some people would say, if they saw how the candy and his anger mixed into a monstrous outcome. Moving straight up to the door, the light blared against his eyes. Squinting in a rather irritable way, he heard Butch from the other side of the door ask like he always did. "What's the pass, my lover?" the male purred, having been in bed with the king of Jolly Ranchers more then once. Promoting that he was indeed a rather lucky man to get second tastes of this king. It was any easy thing for James, besides the other begged him periodically when he was bored to tears. How could he refuse a man who seemed as hungry as he at times?

With the words passing through his mind, he grinned- looking up at the small slot of metal that exposed the eyes of the other. "Only few really taste these sweets" he purred right back at the other, swearing that he heard the guard inside almost faint at how James spoke this time. He was generally angry about something and spoke in a sour tone, but this time it was so sweet that he could hear the other's pants get tighter. Figures. He thought watching the door swing open and the other quickly get a hold of him. It was fine, he was used to this as he came in, Butch on his arm like some sort of date.

The door was locked within seconds as the guard, stared straight at James. James gave a dark wink, "Find me a little later if you want some.." he grinned, walking off with the famished guard in his wake. The next person to that door was liable to get eaten for all he knew. He loved torturing the poor guard and anyone else who he could get in his grasp. Slipping towards the assortments of candy he pocketed a large amount of Jolly Ranchers, grinning from ear to ear as he took one and started to delight in it. Tongue wrapping around the morsel before he moved into a nearby plush chair.

He wasn't going to start out this night with a dance, just a few candies and see where it went from there. Butch eyed Claudia the Queen of M & M's from afar, it had been a while since she had appeared in the joint. Grinning he swayed his way to James, draping a hand over the other's shoulder as he leaned in. "You see her? he said, speaking in his ear with soft tones as if he was trying to seduce the King of Jolly Ranchers. "The Queen on the dance floor with the royal barrings..." he spoke with a slight mock- as much as he liked her, he didn't. But it was his job to be bouncer not throw his opinions around. James quirked any eyebrow, getting the other's hint as he slowly rose. A dark growl erupted from his throat, he was hungry as per usual. Butch grinned watching as the King of Jolly Ranchers went into revolving hips on the dance floor. Body quickly being attacked by possibly hunger ridden women and men, who took their pelvis to his in a provoking way. Making him return the favor tenfold.

Just letting it revolve- body and all.​
Re: The King Is Looking.


Far From What I've Lost, I Can Not Forget- Whom I Seek,
Nor The Pain- That Accompanies My Search For Him~​


Flash Back~

Fear. It was something all beings felt, whether it was triggered from another creature or from the lack of knowledge; it gripped all, no matter how strong they felt. They had all succumb to the feel of it.

This emotion had at times troubled her, she would be held with a tight restrain over her form that seemed to not fit with her character. No sort of thing plagued those around her, their eyes shining with the strength that she felt she lacked. Dazed she would struggle with the bonds that ensnared her hold on life, feeling any control slip through her hands like grains of sand; she felt this today as well. Normality was something that she clung to. Watching the laid back ways of the people here in the temple, they smiled, laughed and played- no strings attached. They where lucky, she felt- they had their families and the others around them that cared. Indeed she did as well, an elder monk whom came by to visit her everyday. He was a kind sole whom she respected, even with his completely lazy attitude that suggested that he hadn't done a thing in his life, but bend. His cheeks always a nice shade of red as he laughed at her, watching as she tried her best at things that she shouldn't even been emulating. 'That's what little boys did'- he would tell her with a hearty chuckle.

How was he able to be so lighthearted? She wondered, rubbing her hands against her face as she took in the faded scent of her brother. The bandages now laid limp against her neck, a bit like a scarf that she neglected to tie tight. Her fingers weaved into it longingly as she stared out at the sky above. It was still light outside, yet soon it would be dark. Time to sleep then time to rise. It all seemed the same nowadays to her, well it had been until the monk had come around and spoke to her earlier this week.

She could remember stuttering in a rather foolish manner. He smiled at her, his expression showing great pride for being with her for so long. He had been there when her brother had left. "You are to accompany the Avatar and teach him Air Bending, Isaiah..." he told her bring down a hand to her shaky shoulder to steady her. For a moment she had paused, thinking this was some kind of joke, but his face told her everything- he wasn't kidding. Even with the symbol of a master air bender plastered over her body she had never thought in a million years that she would have to teach Air Bending to anyone, let alone the avatar. The two talked it out after, in the end she had agreed, but showed a lack of stability to it- would she run and evade this opportunity? She felt like hiding from it like a child from a monster in her closet. That was her feelings, she didn't easily warm up to such attention grabbing events.

Shaking herself a bit, she gazed up. All she felt like doing was finding her brother. It had been years and their had been no sign from him. She had excepted that he would return the night he left, but he hadn't. Disappearing from her life as if forever, she bit her lip at the thought of never seeing him again- her grip around the bandages tightening. I'll find him! a determined look flashing on her face momentarily as she leaned back, hearing the words of a few elders nearby. They where talking about bending it seemed as they laughed in between. Grinning she slowly stood, making her way around the others in sight until she was behind the group. Quickly she pulled out a few miniature cakes she had been saving for the right time, placing them down-one atop the other. She slowly started to weave the wind around her, energy circling her body as she swung her arms with grace. With a fan securely in her right hand she pushed the cakes off one at a time, watching as the wind flew that straight onto the men, each falling atop there heads. Turning with a roaring laughter, a few waved to her- she was the main prankster here; anything that was committed was likely her doing.

It had been a nicely won title for her- the prankster of the temple. She enjoyed every moment that she used her bending skills to pull pranks on others. Cakes among other assortments of sweets where known to pop up in the most bizarre places; hats, boots, beds, anything that was accessible had been used in cooperation with some sort of treat for a prank. It lightened up most people's moods and indeed helped her cope with her separation from her brother. Those fleeting moments and smiles that where enough to melt her heart away. She giggled childishly before grinning widely triumphant. "Another prank done without flaws~" she mused to herself. Fan slipping back into her back pocket as she made for a bed, laying down on it.

Time passed rather quickly after that, night falling as if it had been ready to leap into the sky at any moment. Waiting to pounce until it had indeed conquered the sky. Pulling the covers over her head she sighed, she would be off on her 'journey' tomorrow to meet up with the Avatar whom would be in Ba Sing Se. She wondered how long the water bender--- as she was told--- would be there. It would make it easier for her to track him down, then going over the world to find one man. Though admittedly, it would be nice to sight-see a bit. She had never left the security of the temple, liking the kind and humorous atmosphere that settled within. At times it comforted her to be in a place where nothing was held too seriously. So the adventure would indeed help her grow and learn.

Shifting a bit she felt darkness take over her as she slowly slipped into a mindless state. Falling asleep with her head nestled in the pillow that it laid upon, she could only hear the sound of the air around her. The still yet melodious silence that rocked her too sleep every night. Her grip failed upon the sheets as she slipped further, slowly becoming still. Would she really go with the Avatar? She was unsure as her dreams took her over, plunging her into an assortment of wild fantasies and one dream that felt so real she couldn't help, but moan at its content.

Within Her Dreams~

The long thin fingers that wrapped her body where too familiar that she couldn't help, but gasp at the feelings that seemed to open from her damed up heart. The ghostly pale wisps of white that fell to her sides along with her own made her eyes swell. Was it him? Slowly she looked up to be greeted by the tight bandages that bond the man's eyes, his face holding a weak smile of sorts that he had given her many times before. She could feel his heart beating against the her back and felt that he too could feel the rapid pulse of her organ. Is it real? His fingers slowly traced a heart over her chest as he breathed against the top of her head softly. Isaac?! she felt like screaming with joy as he drew her closer, his touch warm and strong like he always had been.

Isaiah had opened her mouth to talk when his fingers traced over them slowly. "Hush" his voice was like a soft whisper, just like always. He was so real that she simply wanted to hold him forever, even though he was holding her. "Sister, we will meet again." his words made her heart beat faster, to the point that she felt that it might break her ribcage as it tried to escape to show her strengthened emotions. She was in heaven, she wasn't even sure how she had gotten here as she gazed at his face. Why had he come back now? The thought crossed her mind, but was quickly pushed aside by the joy that she contained. Her lips then snapped open- why not meet now? "Why not now?" she asked him as his grip loosened on her form. It devastated her as she felt his form leave her, disappearing slowly into the darkness around her- "Help the Avatar" was all that he said.

Couldn't he have said more for her sake?


Feeling the touch of hands on her cheek, her body gave a lurch- moaning slightly as her eyes opened. She saw the face of her elder above her, a look of concern in his eyes. "Are you okay, Isaiah? You where moaning?" he spoke as she registered her surroundings. She nodded, not speaking further about it. He did the same, watching as the female stretched with a large yawn- arms going towards the sky as she rubbed her eyes. It had felt so real to her, why hadn't he simply told her when, why, anything more then that. Recalling the events from her dream, she snapped her attention to the elder monk that was still at her side. She flashed him a wide smile, "I'm off to find the Avatar!" she spoke with a new tone added to her voice. The monk took notice and slapped her on the back playfully, "Good!" he laughed heartily handing her a ticket. She took it a bit confused then realized what it was for, it was for boarding an Air Ship. She hadn't gotten a ride on them before and the thought of not Air Bending the whole way, settled any doubts in her mind. Swiftly she drew her arms around the old monk, making the man chuckle with delight. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou" she babbled- it had been something she wanted to do. Now she could, she then unlatched herself from the other; but not without slipping a piece of cake down the man's back. He squired and writhed for a moment before sticking his hand back there, he took a taste then laughed. Same old prankster, he thought, grinning- watching as the girl before him ran off to get ready.


The Air Ship had already taken off, the passengers nearby her restless as they looked over others around aside from talking about things they would do when they landed in the Earth Kingdom. They held no side when it came to the fighting, being neutral like the Water Kingdoms had. Yet war had an effect like that, it tended to tear peace apart at the seams until their was nothing left pouring out by the lives of the innocent. The thought of embracing death made a shiver run down her spine, she now sat- observing the outside as they glided past the clouds around. The take off had scared her, she hated fire and seeing the fire benders as they held their flares come before using it to stoke the hot steam frightened her. Anything pertaining to fire freaked her out, to the point that if it got close enough it was possible that she would start screaming her head off. She wasn't proud of it, but it was the truth. It was a good thing she wasn't an Air Bender.

Pressing against the window to look outside, she smiled- the cloud below resembled a few things as they passed. A few trees, among other things that made her mind drift. How long had it been since she had seen her brother? She wasn't even sure at this point, she had been young compared to her age at the present time. Maybe it had been five years or so? She didn't know, shaking in her day dreaming state as she slide her fingers in between her lap. At least she had some sort of lead, even if it was as fleeting as her thoughts. A dream to go on, a dream to fulfill.

Soon they landed, her feet pulling her up as she got up. She had no clue where to find him,only being told that he would appear in Ba Sing Se. She started through the crowd, getting a few looks from the markings of a master over her body, despite how well her large light blue turtleneck sweater hid it. How her long pants covered her legs, showing very little near her ankles. Her feet where fitted into sandals which clicked with each step, being made of what seemed like a soft yet durable material- a bag slung around her shoulder to hold her belongings. Moving through the crowd she overhead several things as she went, the loud bustling sounds making her freeze occasionally from the volume that drummed relentlessly on her eardrums. She had never learned how to block out anything to loud for her, so in turn she would be paralyzed for minutes after when the sound reverberated inside. It pained her to some degree as she tried to steal herself. Overhearing that the avatar had gone to the Northern Air Temple. That meant more travel.

Sighing she pulled out her fan, it was a fairly decent size- a bit bigger then a pocket sized fan- not something that could support weight, but something strong enough to blow out a few harsh gusts of wind. She smirked, moving away from the crowd as she looked up. She'd have to get there somehow, so why now by wind or by sail. Running she ran to different merchants, buying odds ands ends until she started to put them together. Slowly she created a small 'flying device' much like the gliders that they had back home. She tapped it against the ground once to see its stability then smirked, putting her fan away as she ran towards where she had left the Air Ship she had gotten here on.

Dodging a few guards she made it to the top- within seconds she was air borne, several eyes staring in her direction as she rode the air currents. She didn't want to spend money on the ticket, so she'd be riding it out this way. Taking to the wind she grinned, sometimes she felt like she was a bit smarter then she should have been. Then again she had fashioned this out of a few awkward things she had bought from a few merchants cheap. She'd see how long the 'glider' would last her over the water and sands as she was blown North. With no knowledge of where the avatar was exactly, she'd try to brave this 'little' journey herself. Map in her sack and spirits high.​




Searching For My Yang~​
Re: The King Is Looking.


They've Got Nothing On You- It's Like You Never Existed....

Thinking Of You, Iâ??m Thinking Of You

The tumbled covers where crumpled in a slight pile on the floor as the other rose, lips closed tightly as he stormed out. Pushing doors of solid oak on their hinges as far as they went before making his exit, clothing tightly stuck into his pants and other sockets- fingers lacing up with the small lighter and pack of cancer sticks in each pocket.

He pushed the entire way out- apartment door giving a jolt then a slam. The air was crisp- just like the autumn morning it was, leaves falling in colors to his feet. Scampering away as the wind picked up once more, he sat. Lower end twisted in his blue jeans as he let out a yawn, the sun casting lovely rays of warmth down upon him. His eyes twitched despite this as he pulled the sticks and lighter clear from his pocket.

Placing one slowly between his lips, tongue rolling over the other end in delight as the dark smile forming on his lips took a liking to the nicotine and toxins that quickly sprung from the rod as the flames engulfed the opposite end. He took it in, the smile tightening into a smirk as his mind raced.

All I Can Do Is Just Think About You.

He let out a slight moan, chocolate brown hair spilling out upon the white sheets around him as he shifted. Hand falling over the edge as he grasped for the covers, hastily bringing them over his naked form; body giving out weak shivers as the thin frame of the teenager held a neutral emotion.

The window was open a crack, letting the air circulate as he pressed his head once more into the pillow he laid upon. Eyes locked tightly as last nightâ??s activities flashed in his mind, oh how he should have said no, but that smile and the otherâ??s walk. Everything was so perfect in his eyes- that he could not resists handing the other the key to his apartment as if in a trance.

Whenever Iâ??m Blue, Iâ??m Thinking Of You.

He breathed in further, others walking past him with a slight glance as he flashed an arrogant smirk on his lips. Sin- it was apart of everyday activities, he had only done what he felt was right to him. What felt so right against him- violation. The smirk grew as he slowly stood. The other would obviously be sore for a while, so he would simply have to let him recover.

No Matter How I Try- I Donâ??t Find A Reason Why

He rose after quite a white, golden tresses being freed of the simplistic tie that had bared their freedom from his shoulders- they quickly hugged them dearly as he scooted off for more excitement, the stick rolling in his mouth. Back and forth, all around as he took it out- blowing small circles of black into the air. Polluting it with ease and flare as he walked in a manner that he only knew to well, to attract.

Stares fell upon him much like rain, men and women stopping alike to take in this man that moved like flowing water down the side walk- taking in his features of gold. Eyes moving with a dark grace back and forth, rolling much like the stick in his mouth that shifted from one edge of his twisted lips to the other.

He loved the attention he was given, men stopped to ask him his name, yet they where not his type as he moved on. Leaving them flustered as they racked their brains in ways to catch the manâ??s attention. Peach lips pursing as he pushed the stick out to its tip, letting it droop down as he puffed out- hands in his pockets, before drawing it in expertly.

Believe Me Itâ??s No Lie- I Always Have You On My Mind

He twisted, unwinding and curling up into a small ball. Head moving around the bed as he felt the warmth left by the other- his own clothing scattered around him, floor dripping with articles that only he owned as of now, little spats of sweat and spit on them. It was a gold mine of his pain as he continued to give off jerky movement.

Everything sore, everything in agony, why didnâ??t it stop? Why didnâ??t it stop? He could hear screams in his ears that rung so loud that he would have suspected his eardrum to pop any moment soon- they were his screams, he had been so lost in the beginning. Swimming in a pool of emotions that kept him company and healthy. Yet he started to drown; under the other as he was pressed into the pool, slowly loosing air as he started to scream in pain. Why hadnâ??t the other stopped when he asked? Why hadnâ??t he?!?!

Heâ??d be sore for the rest of the day, the warm rays creeping up towards his being as he stayed huddled in the small patch the other had laid upon- it being so warm, smelling of fresh tulips and rosemary. He was attracted, like many others as he dug his nose into the white sheets- swearing to himself that he would never change them or wash them. Not wanting the lovely smell to wash out ever. He would have stopped time to keep the scent intact, yet sped it up to let his bruises heal, to make him more comfortable. If only the other hadnâ??t been so rough.

No Matter What I See- Guess Where I Want To Be

He dismissed many more, sun locks drowning his shoulders further till they moved elegantly with the wind. Eyes sparkling darkly as he felt a slight pang of hunger from within- he couldnâ??t discharge the feeling like the humans around. Heâ??d have to answer the call as he twisted between two men, cancer stick more than half way done as the last embers gave a weak spark from the end.

Up ahead could easily be spied a bar- a normal ragtag place for others to enter and join in on the fun. He did just that, pushing the doors back as a jingle befell the ears of all within, the small bells affixed to the door to make it more lively alerted them all to his presence. Breaking away from the stares that befell him, body colliding with the warm cushion of an ordinary couch that touched down on the polished wood floors.

Tracing of the last user all over the pillows that lined the back of the furniture. He pushed it away, letting them topple over and to the side- letting out a breathe of smoky air as the stick died down. Fingers clenched at the end slowly prying the remains from his lips. Pulling out he let the last of the ashes fall atop the pillows, not caring.

Others stared, it wasnâ??t very hard not to as the male stretched out further on the couch before pressing his face into it. He needed a drink, but for some reason he couldnâ??t. Gah- What could possibly be wrong this time? With so many adoring â??fansâ?? and the lack of private space; what could possibly be wrong?

Love Is The Answer I Will Find

....Maybe It's B e s t If You Didn't.​
Re: The King Is Looking.


It was all silent as he rested on, nightmares tugging at his psyche as he got caught up in his sheets. The fabric pulling anxiously against his skin, wishing to be freed as it was stretched further as time passed on. Nails digging into the fluffy pillow his head had rolled off; everything going on inside was like a blur put on slow motion as he went through. Darkness had fallen within the twisted world he walked, the night tugging against everything hungrily as if wishing to devour it. He could see no lights before or around him, only the deafening black that coated the landscape. There were no sure footholds for him to stand, unsure as to what would happen if he moved from his place; he could feel parts of his body lift above him. Was he drifting? Was he standing? He wasn't even sure as the skies grew even dimmer, visibility becoming a lie. Drawing in a sharp breathe- he felt everything. The pain that had darkened him, the numbness would come soon; he hoped as he floated within the recesses of his mind.

It all came at him, the speed to this motion picture piercing his struggling inner harmony with daggers and blunt objects; swiftly they slammed against his form. Body shaking with sweat as he felt it all, the pain of that night rushing back to him. She had been standing so close, yet so far- the moment he had entered the room his reality had changed to a sick mocking joke. One that poked fun at every fiber of his being, making his internal organs scream out as his head spun. Why? The question begged to be answered as the darkest night in his life flashed before him. Standing alone in the room, her body ridged as she stared out- irises tiny against the white sockets they rested in. The gun tilting upward as she softly mouthed out the last words anyone would ever hear from her- "I love you". Then with that she pressed the gun into her mouth, eyes closing tightly as she pulled the trigger. The resounding shot echoed in the large room, blood spraying backwards as her corpse hit the ground. Gun sliding in his direction as his pupils widened.

How could she have come to such a ghastly conclusion? Why would she wish for it? His mind rattled in its tomb as he tried to come up with a plausible reason; only seeing himself as flawed. Conclusions were drawn against his favor as he let his feet carry him way from that night, running miles until his legs had cramped up. What else was he to do? He had been broken to the point that logic itself seemed foreign to him. Drawing in another shaky breathe, he could feel the hot rays grace his face. The window shade pulled up all the way to cast warmth within. He had forgotten to close it the night before and now it came back to haunt him, body writhing in the tangled net of fabric. Forcing his eyes to see, the images came as rubbed out as they always had from a night of darkness. Glancing over to one side, hair falling in his face- he couldn't help but let out a low groan. The wound was still fresh in his heart, despite having tried his best to seal it shut.

Taking in the distorted images, he could make out the sun rays that tried to blind him and the sheets that bound him. Slowly slipping his arms free, he started to work on the folds that constricted his body, wishing to be freed. Sight coming to with time as he puffed out at a steady pace as he went; heart having accelerated from the pain. The sweat that clung to his brow had started to slid down, making its way into his eyes. Stinging their sensitive tissue. Whipping his fingers softly at the edges of his eyes, he couldn't help but wish to wash himself. Dragging his body slowly out of the cocoon he had been engulfed in through the night; he made his way over to his bathroom. Doing the necessary preparations he drew his body into the small boxed in cubicle to bathe himself.

Scrubbing the grime off, he took no time to get his full body squeaky clean- slipping out with matted locks and deadly white skin. Soon he found himself before his dresser, a robe clinging to his features as he mulled over what exactly to wear. Indeed he was one to wear his bandages, those would come soon after his body had dried further, but what else should he wear? Coming to the conclusion of a nice big hoodie and white jeans, he swiftly went to fix himself up. Strapping the bandages over his scarred body before pulling on his clothing. Grabbing at his keys and wallet he was swiftly out the door; no need for breakfast when a nearby deli or coffee shop proved to answer that question.

Hitting the asphalt he was off to a brisk start, keeping his long tresses within his hoodie had seemed like the best thing to do. Starting out at the bright world around him, he couldn't help but hold in his disappointment. He wished he was side by side with his beloved, but that didn't seem to be the sort of things that would happen anytime soon. With her being dead after all. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he dashed into the nearest coffee shop and emerged with a muffin and hot latte. Creaming foaming within the cup as he started to walk solemnly; slowly making his way to the park nearby. It was place where he would simply 'blend in' and enjoy the scenery as he dwelled upon his troubling life. Still hooked on his misfortune.

-Same Character-------------Different Introduction-

Why had he even tried getting up today? He wasn't even sure, it didn't matter though- the thought of stealing a few more hours of sleep was a foreign thing to his body. Stuck on a tight and unbreakable cycle that seemed to work against him; only a few hours he could actually lie down, let his body rest and his mind wander off to places far away, but it seemed every single time he tried; he was met with his pain once again. The darkness that clouded his mind and heart writhed within his body, taunting him with every turn and squeeze. Calling out to his psyche in attempts of dragging him down lower with ever move it made. What more satisfaction could it have from the man that had never been well in the first place? Being beaten down by fate as if to say - "You'll never have a normal life you piece of worthless trash". One could almost hear the world cursing his being as he moved within his apartment, simply going through a healthy routine. Wishing to wash his worst fears away as the warm water numbed his body; nothing was perfect, he had come to that conclusion rather quickly the night he had gripped the blade in his hands. Letting its hungry tip carve into him all his agony and torture; now the words rested against his skin, crying out painfully against the water that drowned them.

Gravity clung to his body as he watched the shower head spew its hot contents, his hair gripping his naked form. Fingers slowly gracing the past that was clearly apart of his present. What words would one fine on his physique? Pain, agony, death, bitter, destruction, lacking- would simply be a few that stretched across his once flawless white skin. Now it was criss-crossed with words, cross shaped scars and the occasion stitch that lit up his features. That with the birthmark tattoo that rested just below his right collar bone made up his form; what the thing said, he was unaware of, only knowing that it seemed to make out a set of words. Staring out at the tasteless tile that composed the small room around him, he couldn't help but let his mind wander while his body did the same.

Sometime had passed since he had finished his shower, body huddled atop the small toilet of his, a towel hung around his slender body while another tried its best to capture his wild tresses; his fingers fumbling with the bandages that he wore to conceal his pain. The fabric holding a sense of security for his broken mind, slowly he unraveled the set he had taken out, stretching it to and fro over the length of his form. Feeling the familiar cling of the tightly wound instrument he couldn't help but let out a content sigh, his towel falling to the ground as he proceed to bandage ever area that he deemed unholy for eyes to see. After all, the thought of his scars being seen was something he didn't wish upon others- even though he did come off as a 'mummy' from the amount of bandages he wore due to this. That was just one of the few comments others had placed upon him, telling him that he should simply let go of the bandages when they did so little for his body; he wasn't bleeding on the outside after all. No visible cuts that should have been mended in such a method; just places that no human should hold such imperfect flaws upon.

Making his way out from his bathroom, he drew himself up in the bedroom that was his. Seeing the shadows smile at him in a devilish manner as they took in his bound body admiring it through their loathing. Gradually he pulled out an outfit, stringing his body up in a nice looking white shirt- the collar pointing out on both sides as he buttoned the middle, not wishing for others to stare at his bandages. Forcing his body into a set of tight faded gray jean pants, he seemed ready; feet slipping into a set of comfortable sneakers. He didn't really care so much for his appearance, one to parade around in a yukata if he truly wanted to. Fashion wasn't really his thing at all, if it had been- then why would he even considering owning something from the past to wear out in public, not that he was wearing that now. Gripping at his apartment keys and wallet, he was off- intend on having about as much fun as he could possibly. The thought of gathering in a rather popular night club Seeking Shadows had come to mind; he would do accordingly, not really aware of the truth behind the place and its bizarre rules.

Vampires wasn't something he would be dwelling upon, neither would he be scared of. Already being a feisty and thirsty individual as well; one to delight in the taste of the metallic tang of others- it would be easily understood that he was an ill minded male. Walking the streets of L.A. it didn't take him very much time to come to the place; the problem now that stabbed him in the side was the long line waiting to be admitted within. Taking a stand at the back of the line, he was quickly greeted by a group of girls; unaware that majority of the small group were night crawlers. Letting his hands rest half in his pockets, thumb hanging loosely against the hem of the fabric; he couldn't help but feel the eyes of the others on him. A slight shiver ghosted its way down his back as he turned, drying hair swishing in the air before making an abrupt snap as if it were a whip. Steel eyes wavering over that of the red blood suckers, he couldn't help but feel a smile creep its way onto his face. It was not a trance that he was being placed in, on the contrary it seemed the vampire was in one from him. Psychic? It was quite possible as the vampire drew closer to him as the line started to move. His eyes waved her off, making the feel stand their in a confused manner.

He had know the reason why he was so different from others, why else would he have been born with white hair and silver eyes? It all seemed like utter defects to others, but to him it was somethign rather intriguing. Making his way over to the bouncer, he eyed the buff man- handing him his id to watch the man wave him in. Grasping back the plastic and putting it in its rightful place, he was swiftly greeted by the resounding sounds of the club. Body shuddering in dislike as the music reverberated within. If only he could withstand such things with a better demeanor, not one to like loud sounds- a man of silence one could say. Slowly after regaining himself, he started to weave between the meshed bodies. Eyes glinting in the soft lights of the place as he made his way to a couch. Taking a seat, muscles relaxing- he stretched. Closing his eyes as he simply let the music wash over him. This place would have been much nicer had the music been turned down; he imagined as he rested there for a moment. Already catching the eye of others here- after all how often did you meet a man that looked like he?

Slithering around to his side, he could feet delicate hands grace his shoulders- the motion they started in were rather comforting as he felt a face loom at his side. His expression staying as a peaceful one as the small group he had met before came to him again. The black strands of her hair obscured her eyes now as she hung over his side, trying to weave the darkness upon him as she purred out softly in his ear to appeal to him. "what a lovely man you are..." she spoke, poison lining her sweet words. She paused for a moment, hoping to make him give in as he seized her chin- no fear in his lead eyes "I don't even know your name... my dear?" he spoke in a low and dark rumble, his voice soft to the ears of the vampire, something she would no doubt be accustomed to hear from darker males that she could have deemed as a mate. His thumb ran over the girl's chin, his own mental block helping him out at this current time. Something he was very glad he had discovered when he was much younger.

For sometime the two exchanged sour words before it got rougher than simply a massage and forked tongues. Her two companions choose to step in, the three weaving deceit against his body; slowly he succumb- being out numbered. His hands resting against her shoulders as she drew him into a dance upon the floor, his steel eyes having gone a ghastly white as they danced together; her partners close by, watching as they stepped in tune with the music. Her mouth laced up triumphantly as they swirled with the other revolving bodies, "how sweet you will be..." she purred, fighting with him now. His mind unable to be restrained for so long. She would act swiftly after the song would be over, wishing to drain this man before her swiftly in a nearby alley. The only problem would be getting out without being caught by the owner, hopefully she would achieve this; gaining the blood of a psychic to her own arsenal.


*New* For The Hero Plot:

'What more is there to know? Not much at all. Not much at all.'

Wasn't that what he said after handing the book to the bewildered yet starry eyed boy. His shortly curled black hair seemed to block his view of the shadowed man. Nothing about his features, but the large hat that he wore seemed to click with his mind as he held the book in his grip. The front cover looked like it was about to peel completely off, a few areas that looked like they had been carved into the front- showing white under the black and green bindings that held it.

'Whatever you write will come true once placed in that book'

Snapping back to the man as he repeated the same words again, he shook his head. Ah yes, that was something oh so heavenly to him. Though being shaken out of his spacey dream world made a frown crease against his lips before it was whipped away. "Really? Truly? This is no lie?" he spoke, eyes wide towards the man as he tipped his hat. The sunny rays behind him seemed to barely illuminate his features, only giving a blunt outline to the man's full form. This form didn't seem to fully register with him, but he shook it off like morning dew as the man took a step back.

'I must be off. There is much to do. Enjoy' his last words rung in James ears as he glanced down then up to look at the man, but he was gone. Somewhat shaken by his quick disappearance he swiftly hugged the book to his chest. What more could he do, but wish for such a lovely thing? A book that would give him his desires! Just what he could have ever wanted as he rushed home. Head pounding with the perfect individual he had been recently obsessed with. Ah yes, he was of his own creation a being whom he quite enjoyed no matter what the circumstances where as he wrote about him.

A perfect man in his own eyes, though perfection in the eyes of an imperfect human always ended up as a tragic story. The moment he hit home he started to write about him, taking down every detail that he could remember about his 'beloved' that he could muster. Pen never stopping as he wrote clearly through the full book, holding it close to his chest once the novel had been finished. It had not taken him a day to completely this book, yet a week- something he was even shocked by. He had kept counting the pages to the end of the hard covered object of his affection, but it seemed every time he closed it from a full nights work and slept. The next morning he discovered that the book itself had more pages. It puzzled him, but he shook it off- ever writing until the full book from cover to cover was filled.

Shaking with excitement he held onto the book the day he finished it. Keeping it close as he waited for his dreams to become reality. Though nothing seemed to happen, his happiness wearing down as the time ticked away and his mind seemed to drift to other things. Slowly he placed the book down, going after a new writing as he heaved a silent sigh of regret. Had what he written become nothing in the end, but words and ink on the page? He mulled it over then swiftly placed the book under his bed, unable to come to terms with it. Instead he started to write another novel, one that took him well into the night where he fell asleep at his desk. Waking with a start in the middle of the night as he transfered over to his bed rather late.

He slept on for a few hours, unable to have a good nights sleep as he turned and tossed in his bed. His regret and sorrow still filling him. The book didn't work. That was as simple as it seemed to him- he had been tricked by some shadowy man and now here he was without his love.

Huffing slightly as the sun brought its hot beams across his face, he turned- slowly rising despite how much his body ached. The moment he was up, he pulled the book from under his bed out. Staring at its cover for a second before doing a double take. "What?" he spoke out confused as he ran his fingers over the cover. The black cover had peeled back a bit near the top of it, revealing one clear word. 'hero'. He hadn't seen that there before, he had only seen the peeling from the covers- it made him wonder. "Hero?" he spoke it aloud, well in his eyes- this man was a hero for him, but much more. What would become of this? He wondered, eyes tracing the word with his fingers.
Re: The King Is Looking.



"I Will Forever Be Haunted By Your Remains"

» Bakuya Gin Houshijin
» Rummy, The Mummy
» 17
» December 12th
» 5'9''1/2
» 175.3 lbs
» Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
» The Insomniac

xxxxxxxxxx»xxxIt all started to go down hill ever since he had been born; rejected by his parents he was put in foster care where he lived with his adopted family. Never being told much about either his mother or father, he was unable to dwell upon things for longer than a few minutes at a time; being poked and prodded by his parents to do well in school. That being the only thing to focus on at the time. He was swiftly overshadowed when his foster parents had started to give birth to their own children, his importance being shoved into the back of a long closet. They tended to his needs, only minimally from the beginning; letting him grow as he wished. With each new addition to the family, he was pushed back further- so far back that he wasn't able to see or understand the light of day. Huddling alone for most of his childhood in his small room they had given him; simply attending school because that was the only outlet he had when it came to actually holding in importance. Though it was minimal.

He drew to those in his class, only being given attention by a few that deemed him 'okay'. Trying to draw on them due to his insecurities they turned on him, not able to understand. Stamping him under their feet in an attempt to ridding the world of him. The thought of love becoming a fleeting thing to him due to these people, swiftly he drew to himself. Not opening up to such individuals again. Time then ebbed its way towards his high school years; not many things had changed since being in elementary school, but he could feel the need of his foster parents when it came to him. They needed him gone.

He survived the beginning of high school with a few nicks to his body from an abusive family, slowly falling in love with another teenager in his class. The two seemed destined to be together, they started to date- enjoying each others company. He opened up to her and she did the same. Slowly their bond grew until the later days of his sophmore year where he wished to display his affection to her; he wished to ask for her hand in marriage. Going over to the apartment her parents lived in, he was ready to propose to her; having worked enough the past year to come up with a ring for his beloved. What he was met with when he reached the apartment turned his life upside down. Within he was met with his love, holding a gun to end her own life. She eyed him sadly before speaking out the last words anyone would ever hear from her "I love you" then she ended her life, right in front of him- bullet piercing her through. He had no chance of saving her and swiftly run that night, not stopping to see where he was going as he tried to out run the life that cursed him.

His life seemed to have broken before him with his happiness as he was shortly kicked out by his family for his 'insane' rants at night. Being sent to an orphanage for the last year of his life, being dragged away from anything he knew to start anew. Only being able to live at he orphanage for a few days, they had swiftly decided he wasn't the sort of being they wished in this place. Studying his habits carefully; they had deducted that he wasn't deemed for normal society. His habits having shifted for the worse after being shipped out of his 'home'. He had started to cut himself on a daily basis while staying up late at night wailing. Some said it was from his sudden change in environment, but they wouldn't know about the nightmares that twisted up in his mind. Ones of either his love or somethings he simply couldn't comprehend. They had started to haunt him on the last days his lover was alive; his feeling behind them ill- wishing that they had never coming. Thinking they had some connection to her reasoning behind leaving him. Maybe she knew about them, he would never be sure about this.

Without much hesitation they dumped him into the asylum, hoping that the treatment within would help him sleep at night rather than stay up harming himself. They had too many things on their hands with the orphanage to really center around his unstable mind. So dropping him off was a sound idea as he was caged away like any other insane individual. Gradually in captivity he grew worse, holding a strong fear of being closed away (claustrophobia), it simply made things worse for him. The pain of his loss, the nightmares that haunted him and constant state of hysteria.

xxxxxxxxxx»xxxHe is a very reserved person, one who sees it very hard to go out and simply talk to others about his problems. Holding all the weight of his pain inside his mind, he never thought about telling his family or friends about it. Very much a loner, he sticks to himself even though his body craves attention from others. This being one of the reasons to why he started to damage his body, the lack of attention had gotten to him. With the lack of will to talk to others, he had developed a symptom close to what others would considering being 'mute'. Only because he would simply refuse to talk to others, his larynx cramping up making him unable to speak. This being a very sociological problem from his past in elementary school. It becomes increasingly hard for him to speak when this happens about what has exactly troubled his mind into this state. It takes him a few minutes or so to get out of this phase, unable to conquer and overcome it.

In his silence (and even out of it) he is a very observant individual, knit picking out specific things around him that others would seemingly miss. He will focus on certain things for periods at a time, seeming as if he is frozen in time by this, then break out of it like he had simply been staring for a second. He is a very gloomy individual; one who will easily start to talk about the down side of things with a rather twisted vocabulary. It doesn't matter to him that he sees the glass half full, just as long as others understand that's how he is. He will only state his opinion on things once, sometimes in an undertone; not grasping that others may have not heard him. Seldom will he acknowledge that he is wrong about something, a very stubborn and hard individual to sway when it comes to how he sees things. Not to many people can hold his interest for very long because of how his overall thought of others is. He doesn't think very highly of anyone and will show it easily by how he acts. This being the aftermath after the death of his love, just another thing that makes him bitter towards the world.

Very much one for the gloomy and gory, he will speak about chaotic scenes without even flinching. After seeing the death of his lover and the abuse he was given subtly by his foster family, it makes anything else he can encounter pale in comparison to the pain his mind has went through. Throughout his whole ordeals his vaults system has been broken into pieces, he sees only himself as something worthy when in reality he has as much worth as anyone else. He will not hesitate to walk on others if it means he can be free once more, human lives aren't something he sees as precious in this world. He is capable of showing emotion but has problems displaying any affection towards others. Anger and sorrow are much more characteristic sides to him, each holding a piece of his sanity. He has small fits at times where he will seem bi-polar, switching from sad to anger to happy; he can't control these as well at all and suffers from it. Over all he is a very gloomy, deranged and demonic individual. Willing to sacrifice the lives of his peers to get the better deal in things, he can easily be considered insane and ruthless at the same time. There is a chance others can reach out to him, but it is very slim.

xxxxxxxxxx»xxxHe has had minimal contact with his foster family, though he has had less with his real parents. After the fact of being disowned and given up to another family to take care of him. His foster parents had adopted him in hopes that he would become their son and focus as they tried to conceive. His foster mother had several failed attempts until he had been placed in their care, for sometime they were able to give him and their first born attention, but as time went on he was pushed to the side. Never to be spoken to or even acknowledged. He had tried his best to get friends at school but was repeatedly rejected by the others children due to his looks; his hair a stark white and his eyes a lifeless silver. A few had decided he was an 'okay' to have around and seemed to hover around him at times, making him feel small and insignificant.

Over time his friends decided to turn on him, stamping him against the ground as if displeased with him. They wished to get rid of whatever he was and hoped it would happen soon. His foster parents soon adopted the same ideology when their bills started to go up, not seeing the point in having a child they didn't want around; let alone one that wasn't their by birth. They started to make his life harder by beating him periodically. This display of behavior was pressed upon their children, they too abused his body at any time they could. Slowly driving him crazy inside as he tried to hold onto his sanity.

xxxxxxxxxx»xxxHe has a dark fixation with blood, something not to many others seem to agree with. It seems to be one of the only things that can calm him down when he's hysterical; either to ingest it (best possible result) or to get a whiff of it. With that he seems to have a thing for sharp objects, specifically doctors equipment- only because he had been able to check out the supplies that his foster father has in the hospital he owns. He has a very dark fear of water, unsure as to why exactly- he can't stand being in water for long; fearing that he will drown somehow from even small bodies of water. In addition he has a problem with being confined in any manner and will start to wail out screaming until he is either knocked out(fainting from the lack of air) or he is freed.
Re: The King Is Looking.

  • . . .
    Are there any cravings? xD[/list:u]
Re: The King Is Looking.

Ohhh can I direct you towards my thread perhaps? And see if anything there tempts you? :3
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=22&t=361</a><!-- l -->
Re: The King Is Looking.

TheDarkerMe said:
Ohhh can I direct you towards my thread perhaps? And see if anything there tempts you? :3
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=22&t=361</a><!-- l -->
Ah mmmm fine by me ;wanders over to your thread;
Re: The King Is Looking.

I like you.
Do you have any sort of pairing list? Or are those mondo samples actually plots?
Re: The King Is Looking.

Midnight said:
I like you.
Do you have any sort of pairing list? Or are those mondo samples actually plots?
They are actually posts.
I can reuse them if need be.
I don't have a pairing list because I always forget something. XD

EDIT: I didn't post all my samples >> But some up there have/had plots attached.

So what are you craving?
Re: The King Is Looking.

What am I craving.
Well, I am not sure you would want what I am REALLY craving at the moment.
But otherwise I would like something more romantic than sexual, recently I have been doing a bit too much smut. Perhaps with me playing something like a neko, I havn't done that for so long.

Hmm, an idea should come to me soon, something perhaops you could use another opener in.
Re: The King Is Looking.

Well, I am craving Monster/human, and to play as the human.
XD I don't get that kind of craving usually.

Where did that avatar post come from? What was the rp called?
Re: The King Is Looking.

It was about the next avatar and I was suppose to teach him air bending. I had to meet him at the northern air temple, since I lived in the southern one. XD

Ah... like what kind of monster? ;curious;
Re: The King Is Looking.

Was the main plot about a prince and princess battling over being firelord?

Preferably something further from human, tentacle being the tops ^.^ That or anything mythological, Nagas, you name it.
And smutty *Blush*
Probably never gunna see that one fufilled.
Re: The King Is Looking.

Nagas? If I remember correctly that's a snake.. and if so I do have a naga as a character. Rarely used though.

Well the fire nation had been slip up due to the twin heirs being born and they both want the avatar on their side.
Re: The King Is Looking.

I was a member of that one, I played Azai.

Yes, That is a snake, well Snake/human.
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