The four pairs that got started before they were told to get started, showed initiative and would be awarded bonuses, later: Diana and Sapphire, 50. Cinnamon and Clair, 40. Amanda and Olivia, 35. and Ruby and Ethel, 25. Although the King nodded and smiled to them, they would not know about the bonuses until after the judging. They would also be the only ones allowed in the kitchens for the first wave, as only eight could go at a time, although Avenger and Millicent had also already paired up, and planned to make a tiramisu.
Gregor put his hands on his hips, tutting at those four remaining. "What are the rest of you waiting on? Christmas? That's a week away, yet, pair up and plan your desserts like Avenger and Lady Umberto. You knew we were doing this, why didn't you take initiative like the four pairs already in the kitchens, and AT LEAST pair up?"
Sapphire and Diana, at their station, prepared their counter before Sapphire spoke up. "We need wheat flour, salt finely ground,water, olive oil and white wine vinegar, oh, and if this Kingdom has it, some cornstarch. We'll do the dough first."
They would also need walnuts, molasses, dried grapes (raisins), and honey for the filling later.
Cinnamon turned to Clair. "We're going to need a lot of ingredients to make this, so we'll take turns gathering ingredients. Can you get the 450 grams mixed dried fruit, 110 grams ground almonds, and 225 grams each of glacé cherries and candied orange peel?"
When Clair returned Cinnamon would fetch the tea, butter, wheat flour, nutmeg and baking powder, and a chef would bring them cane molasses, lemon juice, sherry and eggs.
Amanda got right to work with Olivia, gathering beef, apple cider, Granny Smith apples, currants, dried grapes (raisins), sour cherry preserves, candied mixed fruit peel, butter, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, sour cherries, wheat flour, eggs, water, and heavy cream.
Ruby smirked as she watched the others gathering so many ingredients. "We might be able to do this without rushing, because did you hear that list of ingredients just for the filling? Diana and Sapphire had the right idea. Something simple. We need the wheat flour, eggs, water, salt and honey for our crust, and only Cordonian Ruby apples, nutmeg, additional honey, brandy , and very very little cinnamon. True Cordonian Ruby Apple Pie has a bite to it, you understand, but is still sweet. The English made ones didn't have enough nutmeg, they also skimped on the brandy. I'll show you how we Cordonians make it."