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A New World, A Man's World (A Fallout RP ft. Raz x Hazel) -CLOSED-


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
Nuclear war was inevitable. The tensions between the People's Republic of China allied with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America grew even as both countries flourished and prospered. With resources dwindling, the horizon of battle fast approached. The demand for materials grew as the populations of both countries exploded, the crisis becoming ever more strained as a strange plague swept the US. Even with the advent of a cure in sight, this did little to quell the problems bubbling up, both foreign and domestic.

Then....Disaster struck. First the bombs struck Washington D.C. and California, a joint assault that would begin what historians would come to call "The Great War." A catalyst for a massive series of events that would forever change the course of human history.

Many were pre-selected by a private corporation - Vault-Tec - to be safe from the coming destruction. These individuals, these 'Dwellers', would be saved from the bombardment of light and heat above on the surface. Not everyone could be saved of course, and when the Vaults sealed up, all who remained were left to their fates.

As the years passed, the Vaults remained closed...Though not all Vaults were havens. Some were meant to test different facets of the human condition: Isolation. Exposure. Wanton hedonism. Advancement in the name of science. Many were only cruel experiments, done to capture data on how humans responded to different stimuli, different living conditions, different people....And in one case, no people at all.

But one group knew this series of experiments was nothing more than a game, one that would end in all of the players losing. And as such, they had their own Vault privately constructed, left off the grid of the main Vault network. Only the best minds - scientists, tinkerers, architects, engineers - left to be sealed into the dark entombs with one directive: Produce a savior for mankind, at any cost. And with that, the door closed in finality, and their work truly began.

*October 29, 2279*

Inside a sterile operating procedure laid a behemoth of a man, parts of his body exposed both internally and externally. Thousands of needles moved along hundreds of arms, seeming to weave each individual muscle fiber, each tendon and ligament. Bones poked into with syringes, injecting different colored solutions before a white paste was applied, recalcifying the entry site.

*Construction is almost complete*, spoke a hollow voice, a set of eyes on a monitoring screen watching the entire process unfold.

*Scans show no damage; the nanites within are performing as expected.*, spoke another hollow voice, a set of digital hues reading a layout showing the projected final shape of their specimen.

*Once the shell is complete...We will begin the attempt to link the main center. Dr. Halsey, that will be your responsibility. How goes the augmentation procedure?* spoke a third voice, their screen blank.

*Finished. I have preserved a brain and ensured total memory erasure. The neural implants on the replacement function identically to the ones used for this specimen.* spoke Dr. Halsey, their voice completely devoid of emotion and flat like their others.

*Then let us keep working. This specimen will be our only shot; we must give him every chance at survival. Dr. Hawkes, prepare the infusion.* spoke the first voice.

*October 5, 2280*
The room was quiet, devoid of light and life, the only organic thing in the room being the massive man on the operating table. Completely exposed, his body still and lifeless. He stood at a massive 7'2", his body bulging with muscle and power. Short, neatly kept black hair topped his, his limbs barely able to stay on the table. his skin a healthy shade of light tan, a symbolic Atlas of a male specimen. A small arm then wormed from his left and right, a needle protruding from each as they sank into his temples. A small whining sound could be heard as a short jolt of electricity surged through him, starting all of his systems.


The man awoke with a start, his lungs tasting the sweet air of the confined rooms as the lights came on, making the pupils of his brilliant silver-colored eyes contract before he covered himself with his arm.

*Good....Subject ADAM, can you hear us?*

The large man looked up from behind his arm, not seeing anyone else in the room. "Who Where am I?" he asked, another robotic voice chiming *You are safe, worry not. Now then...Please take a moment to collect yourself.* The man looked down at his fingers, his arms, his chest, his groin, his feet. All over. "I...feel odd." Adam replied, a third voice stating *Yes, that is to be expected. You remember who you are though, yes?*

Adam paused, his mind racing through the various memories he had. He was conscripted into this Project. Made into some kind of a super-soldier. "I do...I am Adam Strohm. Retired Corporal of the United States army. I volunteered for this 'Project ADAM'. How long...was I out?" A fourth voice then chimed in, "In due time, Corporal. Now....Once you are ready, please proceed to the training hall for your directives."

Adam shook his head, but was compelled to follow instructions....Standing and leaving the room, to begin his true quest across the remains of the US.

September 2, 2281*

It was a long year of training: Firearms, electronics, lockpicking, learning to use the new armor he would be wearing throughout his trek across the Wastes. He understood the directive enough, this group having, unknowingly to Adam, finished their indoctrination of his mind. He was to be set loose on the US to help ensure future generations would grow up strong, as well as remove any hostile and mutated elements of life that would endanger the success of mankind going forward.

Dressed in a full-suit of X-10 Power Armor, a massive departure from even the most advanced Power Armor designs of the former U.S. Government, his massive bulk seemed even more imposing. With an improved core, it would drastically increase his survivability in the hostile lands ahead, as well as augment all of his physical attributes. This was something that had apparently been custom-built just for him, and the fit was more than proof positive of this being true. It felt like he was wearing nothing at all, and yet the H.U.D. in his face gave him evidence of that not being the case. Even so, the vision was as clear with the helmet on as it was off.

His first directive: Go to New Vegas...Seek out the one named 'House'. And after leaving his complex, his weaponry and equipment stowed safely inside the sleek metal suit...He took off like a lightning bolt, his armored boots crushing stone and old asphalt alike as he strode. For miles and miles he ran, putting his new body to the test...And it felt amazing!


"Where are ya, pretty lady!?"

"Come on, we don't bite....Much, hehehe!~"

"We know you're with House and all, but even those tin cans of hers don't mean shit out here! So just save us the trouble and we promise not ta rough ya up....too badly~"

Deep in the outskirts of the Wastes of Nevada, just a few miles south of Lake Mead, a large group of men and women in cumbersome and patched together gear - pieces of Brahmin leather, mostly but even things like truck tires and stop signs - all held by adhesive, straps, chains and prayers, scoured an abandoned homestead. Seemingly searching for someone.

"Guuuuh....Where'd she go?!" a woman with spiked twintails muttered, swinging a crowbar back and forth as she cracked another window, the sounds of shattering glass splitting the air. "I know she's got some good stuff on her; that House bitch has all these little shits carrying good shit!"

"Quit yer whining; this is where her runnin' ends. We got this place surrounded, sweetcheeks! So quit hiding! You're only gonna make this worse on yourself!" shouted a large burlesque male, his body naked save for a pair of chaps, his arms holding an old-world AK-112 rifle.
Tea breathed hard and tried to calm herself as she shifted positions to avoid them seeing her. It was supposed to be such an easy job. Pick up the package, take it to house, snort coke off some dick in the casinos. But no, they had found her. Not found her, tracked her.

Flinching at the sound of breaking glass she patted herself to make sure the package was still in the bag. Her leather armor creaked and groaned from the movements as she sat with her back against a desk. She checked the mag in her old 1911. A round in the chamber and three left in the mag. she shook her head and hit the desk with it. From the sounds of her new friends she'd missed every shot.

The rounds would hurt no matter where they hit them, if she did. Turning and slowly peaking around the edge. She saw a rather big man and some woman with an awful hairdo. Spikes? Really?

Taking a moment to prep herself and holding the pistol in a low ready. Mentally checking where the man was and popping up and drawing it fully. BANG. BANG. Dropping down and starting top crawl to a new position.
The two Raiders in sight seemed to grow more frustrated as their searching came up empty. "Come on, you chucklefucks! She's just one girl!" The brutish male shouted, his rifle pointing upward as he rested against his shoulder. "Fuck you, man! We're looking and this property is huge!" another shouted, his form covered in simple leathers...A big mistake. The rifle came down, aimed from the hip....


A shot through the heart, the man collapsing and holding his chest, red seeping between his fingers as he gasped and struggled to breathe, the barrel of the gun smoking as the big Raider looked around, eyes gleaming as if daring anh others to follow their idiotic comrade. "Any more smart guys want to crack wise!?!" he shouted, the five or six others with him, including the spike-haired woman, seemed frozen in shock. "No? Then get back to fucking wo..."


The shots from their target managed to all hit the big guy, one right in his asscheek and the second in his left calf. "Motherfucker!!!" he snarled, turning to where he heard the shots coming from and unloading his entire magazine.

The wood of the homestead building she was in soon getting ripped apart, cloth and wood turning into fragments as the bullets ripped it apart, thankfully none hitting her though a few would come close, several even landing right in front of her.

"Think you're clever you little slut?!?!" The Raider shouted, motioning "She's in there! Don't fucking kill her, I want to break her, touch her some fucking manners first!" The other Raiders with guns began firing as well, ripping up even more of the house and practically boxing her in with bullets and shot pellets, each missing her but definitely not making trying to move any easier unless she wanted to take a bullet. Only when the gunfire stopped did the big Raider speak again, "Alright bitch! We're giving you one chance to come quietly! Give up now and maybe me and the boys here'll be gentle with ya the first time!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Scrambling for cover as she blew out all but one of her last bullets. she knew the area. She knew that if it came down to it she would save it for herself before letting them get to her. This getting more snaps in her direction than that weird whip show in the gammora.

Breathing hard she came to near another wall and put herself against it. "Goddammit. Fuck this shit." Trying desperately to find any extra mags or loose rounds on her body.

"I hear you request." Shouting loud enough for the group outside to hear her. "And politely decline it. However you can hapilly blow out your ass with a stick of TnT." Desperation closing in now. She would have to splinter them to death at this rate.
The large Raider listened as the mouthy little skank gave her reply, a chortle leaving him as she mentioned blowing his ass up with explosives. "Ooooh, you're real scary cowering in a busted-ass house. But that's okay; once me and the boys are done with ya, we'll finish ya nice and quick!"

It was here that a whistling noise then began to cut through the air, all of the Raiders looking up and around as they tried to figure out where it was coming from. "The fuck is that..." the spiky-haired woman asked aloud, the large Raider just saying "Ain't nothing...Now get moving, the lot o' ya! Get her out of that damn house and strip her! I wanna hear her be..."


An explosion detonated right where the Raider was standing after the whistling sound rapidly increased in pitch, something striking him directly and sending a huge shockwave through out the area as he blew apart. Limbs ripped from the torso as the projectile carried right through, smashing through the on-land windmill and blowing out the base, it beginning to topple as the Raiders under it tried to scramble away, only barely avoiding being crushed by the metal and wood structure as it crashed to the ground loudly. The 'Boss' of these Raiders now laying in a pile of bloodied parts.

"The fuck was that?!"

"Shit, Boss just got pasted! Where'd that come from!?!"

From beyond their sight, a gigantic armored titan stood with his sight down the scope of a rather strange weapon, the barrel and coils along its length red-hot and smoking visibly as he stoodn on a mesa maybe a half-mile away. He said nothing as he stored the armament in a compartment on his back, the panels opening and closing before another two opened up on his thighplates, closing back up as he retrieved two oversized handguns, products of the people that had made him, trained him in this mission.

And with zealous intent, he leaped from the high mesa, his powerful legs enhanced by his armor cleared the gap to the next wall, sliding down the slope before his stride broke in full. Feet pounding against the hardened stone as he rushed with seeming reckless abandon. Something that was instantly noticed by one of the scouting Raiders, "Hey! We got a visitor! And he's fucking fast! Reload!" The Raiders tried to reload as fast as they could, and managed to do so just as he managed to clear an impossible distance in what seemed an equally impossibly short time. Those that had guns fired on the interloper, either missing or bouncing right off his armor, his own guns drawn as he went in for the kill. The barrels erupting in light as he returned fire.

Precise shots that found their targets, heads splitting like logs or torsos bursting like overfilled balloons. His visor showed all sorts of readouts: Distance, temperature, outlines of where to place his barrel, percentage hit chance. And when he arrived in the town itself, only the spike-haired woman remained. A gun was near her feet, discarded after her comrade was blown apart. And there he stood, standing with his armor gleaming that sinister blue in the high sun of the day, his right arm extended as he leveled his own firearm at her, the barrel heated and sizzling. A tense standoff between once-predator-now-prey and their newest enemy.

Her eyes flicked to him, then back to the gun at her feet only the crowbar in her hand. His head tilted, as if waiting to see what she would do. Currently she was no threat...But he had been watching. She was with these scum...Shame too. She was surely beautiful before this...But his bio-scans showed immense physiological degradation due to heavy stimulant abuse and radiation, not to mention the physical signs themselves now that he had gotten closer.

And...Then she screamed and went for the weapon....


Her head burst as he fired moments after she twitched, her headless figure slumping to the ground as her blood joined the rest in staining the earth. His sidearm stowed, the thighplate closing up as it received the weapon.

Then he spoke, only five simple words, his head turning to look at the house where the Courier had been hiding out.

"You can come out now."
Tea shook hear head as the raider taunted her. Trying not to let him get into her head. Even if she knew he was right. Checking to make sure that there was really one last round in her pistol. Death before that bastard got his hands on her. Thinking about running out the back but to where? The miles and miles of dessert that surrounded them? This was it. Her last stand.

She didn't hear anything from her place inside. Just the way they sounded confused. That was until the explosion rattled the building she was hiding in. Clots of dust and sand being thrown into the air as she ducked and covered her head. Not sure if the place was sturdy enough to stand the bombardment coming from outside. Covering her head and closing her eyes as she heard, felt, the windmill coming down.

Tea didn't move as the raiders outside screamed and shouted. Something was happening and it wasn't in their favor. She laid there, a ball of fear and fright, and waited for them to come in after them. Surely knowing whatever was out there would be more of a problem than she was. More shouts. Under her the boards seemed to vibrate from the steps of someone coming close. But no one was coming in. She could hear the sounds of metal being pushed around and guns being loaded but nothing of boots on wood.

Taking a moment she uncurled and peeked out from her hiding spot. Just in time to watch as a mountain of metal stormed them. It looked like some sort of automation. All gleaming metal and massive. Standing higher than any of the raiders that ringed the building. the raiders tried fighting but as soon as the machine started return fire it was clear they were no match. They just...popped. Tea had never seen laser fire do that!

"Holy shit." Watching in awe and fear as this thing tore through the bandits. Intently she observed as the lone woman stared at it. A simple crowbar in her hands compared to the two heavy looking pistols. Tea blinked and the woman was on the ground with blood raining down on her corpse. This both sent a wave of relief and a chill down her spine. She was truly fucked now. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Her eyes went wide as the figures head turned to her and spoke. It knew she was here? How? Even if he had been watching for awhile there was no way he could be sure that she was still there and hadn't run during that blood bath. But, she knew that if it knew she was there there was no running now.

Holstering her weapong she stood up. Raising her arms above her head as she slowly exited the building. Eyes looking over the pure carnage and sheer amount of bodies it had just made. Staying a few feet away from it and coming to a stop. "Please. I'm not one of them. I just want to get on the road and deliver my package. I'm a courier for Mrs. House."
While she might think it was a machine....Well, in truth? She wouldn't be entirely mistaken. His movements were certainly unnatural, far too honed and perfected for any normal human. Especially one that could only be assumed to have been roaming the Wastes for some time. Which even that was questionable; the armor was far too clean. No hints of rust, degradation or cracking; it was like nothing had even touched him. Like he was preserved....Pristine. How could something so perfect ever be from the Wastes, in this land of desolation and death?

As for knowing? The armor registered her thermal signature, same as it had for the Raiders that had been intent on corrupting her, breaking her even. *Targets neutralized. Standby mode engaged.* the readout on his visor said, the massive metal titan turning to face the woman as she left her makeshift hiding spot. She had surrendered.

"I know. If you were, you would be dead alongside them."

That was all he replied when she had made her statement, his body unmoving even as the sun beat down on the two of them. His voice was even, eerily so, those bright blue 'eyes' on his armor seeming to examine her; in truth, they were. Biodiagnostics analyzing her, feeding data; she had the desirable body shape, but as to her health?

Fertility: Damage likely, subject shows signs of malnutrition and neglect. It read to him in his helmet, showing strain to her uterus and ovaries in an X-Ray-type fashion.
Traces of illicit substance present. It continued, highlighting irritation around her nostrils and lips indicative of inhaled and orally consumed narcotics. Fear response shown. Heartrate and perspiration elevated. Suggest removing helmet to reveal identity. It then stated, its suite showing the graphic of a heart beating wildly, a small visual indicating heavy sweating.
Physical damage minimal. Precursory inspection complete. Suggested remedy: Provide 'Stimpak' to correct potential deficiencies, increase vocal octave to convey warmth and humanity. The armor suggested, and with that the combat analytic suite cycled down.

"That being said: I can promise this, I am not going to hurt you." he would then speak, his voice getting softer by a slight but noticeable bit, his helmet seeming to peel apart and retract into his armor. He then retrieved a small hypodermic syringe from a compartment at his waist, the plates opening and closing as he took the medical device from his armor and held it out to her.

"You seem like you've seen better days. Here, this should help." he would then say, adding "If it helps at all, I am Corporal Adam Strohm, former United States Army. Sorry if I spooked you; these 'Raiders' don't play nice, so I had to hit them hard." He made no move to force it on her, instead waiting on her to take it if she so chose. If she did and used it, she'd feel herself get more energy, the 'medicine' a nanoscopic retrovirus package intent on improving her physiology and physiological welfare, delivering healthy dose of nutrients as well as purging her of any radiation-based damage and preparing her body for the new task she (unknowingly) would come to fulfill.
The more she looked at him the more bizarre this whole situation seemed. This thing just made the raiders piles of jelly and red mist but for some reason didn't want to hurt her? Tea was suspicious but she held still with arms raised. Wind blowing her hair around and cooling the sweat forming on ber skin from the days heat.

It was power armor. Slowly it came to her. She might not have seen something like this but the look, now that she wasn't getting shot at, showed it. There was someone inside there. Who though? Who would stop to blow away some raiders harrasing a courier? Even with all her contacts tea didn't know anyone that would risk it.

She swallowed nervously when he spoke again. He knew? How? Had he been watching ber? Fewr creeping into her as she started to panic slightly. What if he killed them so he wouldn't need to share? Take her for himself? The weight of her gun hitting her side as her jacket blew in the wind. A silent reminder of the last bullet she had.

His voice was calm now as he spoke to her. Reassuring Tea of his intentions. She relaxed, letting gon f the tension she had unknowingly been holding in her arms. Eyes staying on the glowing blue glass eyes of the suit before it started to peel back on itself to reveal his face. Tea didn't say a word but just gawker at him. He was handsome as fuck. Was this a dream? Did she die and go to heaven?

Her attention onky taken away as the suit openedup and dispensed a stimpak for him. "I,uhh, yeah. Mojave after all. Die young and pretty or end up a sun dried raisin." Reaching out to take the etimpak before stopping and looking up to him. He was army? They tried to help the civies after the bombs fell but she didn't know there were any left following it that weren't ghouls or monsters.

Tea snacked the meds from him. Heating it in her hand for a moment. It felt heavier than usual. He must have that good shit! Popping the cap off and stabbing it into her side. "Tea. Tea Marie. Thank you for this." Removing it with a hiss and snapping the needle off of it. Tossing the spent container in her bag.

She shook her head as the meds kicked in. A warmth spreading over her body from where she had injected it from. Man, that really was some primo pre-war shit. "Yeah, nawh. They're fucked. I know I do some fun activities in the spare time, but they make it their life. Look at'em!"

Motioned to a nearby corpse. The leather swelling and falling apart as the materials holding it together broke down from the bloods moisture. "Though they didn't stand a chance against you, corporal."
The good Corporal watched her as she seemed to weigh her options, not seeming to notice that she was eying him up like a prized piece of meat. In truth, he was; he was very much debriefed on his assignment. There was no beating around the bush: Humanity was in shambles, and it needed a strong population boom to bring it back to fruition. To rebuild their world as it had been, and even improve upon it. He was a subject of interest, someone who could usher in a new era of prosperity for the USA, and the world at large.

The medication went into effect almost instantly; the retrovirus would infiltrate almost every cell within her body, relieving her of any pains as it then set to 'reboot' her body's internals. The effects would have a delayed expression, but as time would go forward, she might notice herself becoming more 'motherly' in appearance. Every cell, blood vessel and nerve would be realigned and readjusted, the narcotics in her system replaced by neurotransmitters long-since depleted, stripping the opiates and psychoactives from her system.

The sacrificial microbes delivering precisely-calibrated doses of vital minerals, vitamins and trace chemicals needed for a healthy female body, flooding her bloodstream to allow them to do their intended functions, ionized nanomaterials neutralizing the damaging free-radicals of exposure in her system and the remainder of the retrovirus seeking out and destroying any malignant growths inside her, as well as jumpstarting her fertility for the role his intervention helped move along.

Heck, she might even notice a little bit of an 'upgrade' to her curves in the coming weeks. But for now? She would just feel like she'd been completely restored, far healthier than she might have ever felt in a very long time.

"You can thank Uncle Sam; he's the one who gave me a chance to do what has to be done." Adam replied, his chiseled jaw showcasing a fine fuzz of slick brown hair as he looked off into the distance, the sun bouncing off the chocolate neatly trimmed hair. Far from the wild unkempt appearance of the locals, it seemed like he was indeed an Adonis come to Earth. "As for the Stim, think nothing of it. I've got plenty to spare; besides, you needed it more than I did."

Once she seemed set, he then asked her, "You said something about delivering a package. If you're comfortable with it, I can provide an escort. A lovely young lady like yourself should have some kind of security; seems risky for your employer to leave you to your own devices, regardless of capability. Even in the Army we operated at minimum in two to three man squads, even on undercover assignments."
She felt good. No, great. Stretching a bit in place as she listened to him talk. Her whole body tingling. Tea hadn't felt so good in years! She rolled her eyes though as he said to thank uncle Sam. "My hero." Saying it a a high falsetto.

At the mention of a package she dropped her gaze down to his wasit. Seeing as he was so big, would his package be as well. "I did. I wouldn't mind a big strong man like you covering my ass." Now thinking of how much he would cum. It would probably cover her from her head to her ass. Maybe.

Shaking her head and look8ng back up to his face. "That's what Mrs House does. She gives us the assignment, we do whatever we have to to retrieve and bring it back to her, we get payed very handsomely. Though not as handsomely as you." Blushing at her own childish flirting.
Adam cocked a brow as she began checking him out, giving a sly little smirk at her coyish remark. In truth? It wasn't entirely unexpected; many did not care for the military-types here in the Wastelands surrouding New Vegas. Not that he blamed them; the New California Republic and the Legion were more than ample reason to quash anyone's hope of a peaceful resolution. They had been at each other's throats for years.

When she complimented him though? Well, he laughed warmly, adding the charm that was lacking from their first encounter to his voice. "Well, that's a mighty fine compliment from a pretty young woman like yourself. It sounds like we have a deal, Tea. Lead on, and maybe we can see more of each other once the assignment's complete." A bit thickly laid-on? Maybe, but even he could tell she was attracted to him. Nothing by accident; he was given the best appearance possible by his handlers, something to woo over potential mates.


The duo traveled along most of Route 88, this being the fastest way to her next destination. The steely blue of his armor glinted in the sun, the suit of solid metal and tech - despite being so hefty - moved with an eerie silence, like he was walking on air. Clearly this armor was nothing like other Power Armor she might have witnessed, those hulking frames cracking the deteriorated asphalt and stone as they worked in tandem with the wearer.

But this...Well, this was just something special, it seemed.

"So tell me, Tea: You said you're a courier. You been working for this 'Mrs. House' long? What's the most dangerous package you've ever handled?" he then asked her, genuinely curious about this lovely woman; if she was going to mother his children, may as well know more about her. It would only help determine viability after all; if she was a risk-taker, he couldn't put his progeny in danger. Strong as they might be as adults, they were still human....They needed parents, both of them alive and well to take care of them until they could so for themselves.
"Maybe. Maybe. I wouldn't mind. But if a thank-you for saving me." Taking the lead despite him being in full armor. For the first time in who knows how long she didn't have her mind on drugs. They just didn't get her going like they did. Him though? Her hips swayed a bit more than usual as she walked. Sex though, felt like a better alternative to the drugs.

Tea couldn't help but notice how quiet his suit was. She'd seen power armor before. It was bulky, heavy, and made more noise than a whore house on dollar nights. To bring in the NCR folk of course. Besides the occasional extra crunchy stone it was like she was walking by herself at times.

She glanced back to him, slowing down to walk at his side, and listened to his questions. Taking a moment to think about it. It'd been what? Two or three years? Nothing really spectacular ever happened. Well, besides to copious amounts of drugs and sex but that was the average for the strip life. Big caps, big jobs, big payoffs. But the most dangerous package she'd held? She honestly was drawing a blank.

"I'd say two years or so. I don't know about the most dangerous one. We don't get told what we are delivering or picking up. Though, there was this one guy who took something way out east. Did some really nasty shit once he got there with it. Think they call it the divide or some shit now.

But I honestly don't know. Maybe this thing whatever it is." Reaching down and shaking her bag. "I've never had a group like them come after me like that. Like they were on a mission and it was no random chance." Tbinking for a moment before looking up at him. "So... how long were you following me? Or them. Or was that a fluke too? You finding me?"
The chemicals already hard at work inside of her, restoring her body to that of a woman in her prime, getting it ready. All things moving smoothly and according to plan, for the moment at least. His eyes did watch her as it sashayed back and forth, clearly enticing him; thankfully his armor was pretty inflexible around the groin, lest she might get an idea of what her little 'show' was doing to him.

His eyes kept focused on the road as they might walk to their destination. So, this 'House' didn't tell her couriers what it was they were delivering: It was a double-edged sword to go that route, he thought. Sure, it meant the courier was less than likely to peek for fear of reprisal, plus if the pay was enough, then they wouldn't even need to peek. On the other hand, all it would take was one bad courier to look at their cargo and decide they could get more for it somewhere else.

Granted, from this little bit, he was gleaning House was exceptionally careful in her assessment of courier candidates.

"The Divide...Huh, I admit I've not heard of that place before. I'll need to look into it later." he replied, looking down at her satchel as she might shake it. True, she was surrounded by a good number of Raiders. But, a light smile crossed his face as she asked the all too-important question. "I suppose I should be crystal clear: Our meeting wasn't entirely by chance. I was told a courier employed by Mrs. House was passing through the area. I was told to make contact with your boss and help around the Strip, and they suggested you would be the best point of contact. But in case you're wondering, I did not send those bandits after you; if I had to hazard a guess, someone leaked your route to them."

His face took on a more serious expression, stating "And if that's the case, we're likely to run into more trouble. So, let's get you back as quick as we can, shall we?"


Thankfully, the rest of the assignment went off without a hitch, the delivery made and payment fee collected. And though Adam himself did nothing except stand there (perhaps a bit menacingly with his helmet resealed around his face), the customer seemed to tip a bit extra to Tea for her trouble, the pair now back on their way to the Strip.

Given the security of the Strip, the only viable entrance was through the town of Freeside; his eyes scanned the environment as they made their way through the desolate desolate outskirts, noting a massive secured fort off to their left as they passed through.

"We've got stuff we're not even allowed to sell, people. Only at Mick and Ralph's!"
"If you want it, you can get it! Just before the East Gate, right at Mick and Ralph's!"

His eyes looked up as he saw a sandy-haired boy in ragged clothes, shouting for a store apparently called 'Mick and Ralph's'. "A crier; haven't seen one of those in a while." Adam remarked; the boy seemed well-fed despite the shaggy clothing, which meant his employers likely treated him fairly. A good thing.

However, as they continued on through, they hit a snag. Two Securitrons blocked the way into the Strip, faces of policemen on their screens as they both approached the woman. "Courier 9 for House, identified....Possible hostile in proximity." The sounds of clicking indicated their weapons were ready and primed; in truth, Adam could probably trash these two with relative ease, but he wasn't here to cause problems.

"Hey...Uh, mind seeing if you can sweet-talk them into not turning me into a human target?" he asked Tea, hoping she might have a way of getting them to stand down.
Tea nodded her head. "Yeah. I can point you in the direction of a guy who knows all about it if you like." Squinting up at him when explained why he'd found her. Someone had told him where she'd be. What was house doing that she was so blatant about telling her business to people? Better yet, whoever had told him had flapped their lips enough for fucking raiders to come after ber.

She gripped her bags straps a bit as she let it sink in. Someone was leaking and there were people after them. What about the other couriers? Tea knew there were at least five others but didn't know where they went. She'd hoped they'd all come back safe. Hopefully.

"You're right. We should hurry." Thinking for a moment before smiling and Giggling. "Well, I do have a couple points of contact. But we can talk about those later. Off we go!"

They made their way to the contact quickly and surprisingly unshot. Tea did some light back and forth heckling with them, though they definitely paid a bit extra with her new hulking friend standing there, and were back heading to the strip. Arguing as the aches of the day began to settle in. Despite the shot of whatever juice he'd given her her body still tolled the bell for a night's rest soon.

Tea rolled her eyes at the crier. "Yeah. Some pople pay well enough for it. Damn annoying at nught though." Evey day for hours on end he'd stand there and point out where to go. He got payed. In a way. But that didn't stop tea from ruffing in her back and giving him a handful of caps. Not saying anything or stopping. Earning a smile from the boy as he went back to his job as though it never happened.

As they reached the gate tea stood still with a hand on her hip while the bot scanned her. It was a thing she'd taken well to. Keep the poor and the rich seperate after all, right? Shame though. Thoughts interrupted as the friendly robo voice became deep and intimidating.

"Goddamit. Here hold this." Slipping her bag off and shoving it into his hand. "Unseal the helmet and hold still. It needs an ID ,that you don't have, or a credit check, which you do. I always have enough to pass on me in case they Spitz out and don't know who I am."

Running a hand through her hair and shaking her head. "Cmon, house. I know you see me. Let us in!"
The two Securitrons seemed to hold their fire as Tea approached, their combat subroutines pausing as Tea approached, Adam doing as he was instructed and having his helmet withdraw, showcasing his face as he held Tea's bag. "Heart rate normal, unknown entity....Unresponsive. Danger to Courier 9, minimal." said the Securitron to the left, running a facial scan on the tall armored male. The one on the right heard Tea's words, spitting out "Process for guest verification recognized....Submitting authentication query. Unknown entity, please provide credit check: Minimum amount: 2000 caps or 5000 NCR dollars."

It was here that Adam then said, "5000 dollars...These things are out of their mind." What did they think he was loaded like some playboy billionaire? Five grand wasn't exactly a common stick to shake with. However, the Securitrons then seemed to disengage, their weapons relaxing as Tea might give them her own stack of caps to showcase. "Credit Check confirmed, facial scan complete." It was here that the first Securitron then reported, "Guest 27893923...Authentication complete, identity confirmed. Courier 9, please escort your Guest to the Lucky 38 for a personal debriefing."

And with that, the gates opened, allowing the pair passage to the Strip. "Thanks for that. I don't exactly have any money on me." he would say, his eyes taking in the scenery as they might head back to base. It was something out of the Old World memories he seemed to have: This place was glitz and glamour alike, like the war hadn't even touched. "I'm amazed this is all intact; I figured the bombs would have made this place into a smoking crater."

Soon enough, she might then lead them to another casino: The Lucky 38. One thing he immediately noticed was the lack of crowds around it...And the sheer number of Securitrons guarding the front gate. "Cozy....." Adam remarked dryly; whoever this 'House' was clearly didn't skimp on security for themselves. Yep, this 'House' definitely was just as his handlers described: Paranoid, calculating and cold.

However, this time they both would be lucky enough to avoid further harassment; unknown to Adam, few were allowed inside the actual Casino itself. And even more surprisingly, it seemed the bots 'knew' he was coming. "Courier 9 and Guest, please head up to the Penthouse floor. Mrs. House requests a full debrief of your recent assignment." That was worrisome; did his own mission objective get leaked? It wasn't impossible, but he was several states over during his internment in the Cheyenne Mountain facility.

And once inside? The place was dead, even more Securitrons inside. All the tables without guests, not even a friendly bartender behind the counter to serve a drink. "And I thought the Army was uptight on protocol...Someone would have to be damn near suicidal to try and break into this place." he commented, going with Tea to the central elevator, and once within its confines, they would feel it jolt and head up.

"I....might ask ya to speak first. Something tells me this 'House' individual doesn't usually request personal company unless it's something dire." he would remark.
"Ehh, it's really not that much. Just wait until you see the inside. You'll understand. " Sighing as the bots seemed to take their good old time in scanning them and processing who they were. Her relief that he wasn't fired on visible as her shoulders relaxed when their weapons clicked off and went back to their sides. Another smooth transition thanks to house.

"Cmon, let's go before they reset and ask who you are again." Leading him in as the gates opened with a shudder and loud squealing wheels. "All, good. Pay for you anytime." Flashing him a flirty smile as Tea twirled around to face him as she kept her pace going backwards. Observing him as he looked around. He really had never been to a place like this? More questions for later.

It was all the same to her though. Same dirty casinos look8ng for their next customer as the local ladies proweled the outside looking for thiers. Tea waved to one as they passed by, coming up on the lucky 38. "Think there was some kind of system or some shit in place when the bombs dropped. Old ghouls and those vault people say there was lasers from the tops of the casinos that day. We avoided the worst for the most part. Can't escape the whole society collapsing thing though."

Coming up the stairs she looked back to him. "It's safe. Gotta give her that." There were lots of security bots around but this was like a hang out to them. Tea waved the one off as it said to report to House. "Yea, yea. Keep your bolts tight we're coming. She's expecting me. Super excited for whatever this thing is." Giving her satchel a shake.

She cast him a curious glance as they boarded onto the elevator. Did he know nothing of house? Pressing a button to reach the floor they needed to be on, putting he4 hands clapped behind her as she rocked back and forth on her feet. "Yep. Pretty much. All the bits here are hers, obviously, but also she controls them all. Don't know how or why but she does. Never asked too much into it really. Caps were good and jobs were easy."

"Though inwould want to meet someone like you if I was her too. Big, strong, cover3d in power armor I've never seen and weilding weapons like you do? Be silly not to. Not to mention the good looks." Glancing down at his covered body. "For your face at least."
"Heh....I imagine not. Having that kind of ordinance dropped tends to make things...messy." he replied, following her into the Lucky 38. So, it was true; House did have a base inside New Vegas. Damn well fortified too! This woman was careful...He could respect that.

He couldn't help but smile and flash her a wink when she commented on his looks. "I suppose you got a point, little lady; if I were in her shoes, I'd be asking much the same. I can oblige her; just thankful she let me keep my gear." And truthfully he was; though he was more than sure it was so that she could examine it more closely. Which...would present a problem. His handlers didn't want this tech to fall into the wrong hands. And they were very specific in not letting Mrs. House in on how it worked.


The elevator opened as they reached the penthouse floor, the doors revealing quite the luxurious room. Finery hung all about; even the wooden furniture and upholstery was well maintained compared to the bottom floor of the casino. He let out a low whistle as she might lead him....To a giant screen?

"Tea....I see you've brought your guest..."

It was here the screen showed a picture: A woman with her hair drawn back, the entire portrait grey-scale, her eyes hidden behind a pair of stern spectacles. "You there....Identify yourself." she would say, the picture on the screen flickering as her voice came through crystal clear.

He gave Tea a look, before addressing the...monitor. Yep, definitely as paranoid as he was told. "Corporal Adam Strohm, former United States Army." The woman was silent, seeming to contemplate his words. "It seems you were very well-hidden...But you can't anything from me once I have a mind to know it. Your records show you underwent cryogenic preservation...Someone to lead your unit after the bombs fell. But the rest of your unit was killed...Leaving only you."

Adam narrowed his eyes; good, the bait story was taken, but damn she found it quick. "Which I guess brings me to my question....Why did you aid my courier? And more over, Tea....Why did you not vet him before accepting his aid? You know quite well I do not take kindly to unexpected surprises."
Her heart flutter3d at the wink he gave her. Why she felt so good she didn't know but he was looking better and better by the second. The elevator seemed to take an eternity to get to where it was going. "Ehh. Long as you don't start trouble. She'll make you strip bare to get this for other wise." She felt relieved as the bell dinged and the doors opened.

She unsung the bag and carried it in her hand, motioning for him to follow. "Right? It's a really nice place. Kinda weird if you think about it. All around nothing but wastes except here." Going to the room where house would be. At her voice Tea straightened for a moment. "Yes, m'am. I think he's someone you'd like to meet." Nodding when he looked to her. Had he never saw something like this? All that gear and he's mystified by this?

Moving to a nearby chair she put her bag down and plopped into it. Sprawling herself over it as she listened. Sitting up in the chair and looking shocked. That was really his record? This big hunk of man was from before the bombs dropped. Her thoughts were every where until her name was called."I wouldn't be alive here if it wasn't for him. I got trapped by a bunch of raiders..."

The next few minutes Tea spent retelling her journey. From picking up the chip to being saved by the popsicle man. "I've never seen anything like what he dished out. There was nothing bigger than a torso when he was finished with them. That was all I needed to know before brining him here. He saved me and didn't want whatever was in the bag. So that was a big plus."

"I think he could really help" Correcting herself quickly. "He's better than anyone I know that's around." And hopefully a good dick too she couldn't help but thinking. She really hoped she'd be able to thank him soon.
House seemed impassive, though that was just because her portrait on the computer screen was unmoving. Even so, despite his own upbringing, it was strange to just be talking to a monitor again; he thought he had covered that inside his true home. He was silent as Tea explained their situation, recounting the different details of their scuffle. And their journey to return to the Lucky 38.

"I will assume you made this judgment for the reasons you say." House would finally reply, her voice level as the silence fell on the room again. "And as for you, Corporal: I suppose I can only thank you for making sure one of my more competent employees didn't get killed in the Wastes. It is so hard to find good help these days; even so, I cannot help but wonder something: How did you know of me? Tea mentioned you had wanted to see me."

Adam nodded, "I did; word is you know what's the word around New Vegas, as well as most of the surrounding areas. Lot of rogue elements in the area, thought I'd lend a hand. If you're still looking for help that is." House was silent for a moment, but then said, "You seem competent; though admittedly you are a bit of a wild card at the moment. I propose this: You will work with Tea on her assignments, and if you prove yourself to be trustworthy, I will be more than glad to hire you on. That seem a fair trade?"

The good Corporal nodded, "Seems fair to me. I say we have a deal."

House then said, "Now then, I don't have anything pressing for the moment; with the package delivered, you are free. I will summon once a new assignment comes up. Until then." And with that, the terminal read 'Connection Lost..'

Adam then turned to Tea, saying "So....I believe you wanted to 'thank' me, was it? Seems we have some time for that now."
Tea nodded her head but didn't speak more. Silence falling for a moment before house spoke. Tea felt a bit of sweat down her can as she worried naive it wasn't right to bring him in. Bring him right to her boss. Though she felt proud as House stroked her ego. She really did like her.

She leaned back into the chair as they spoke. Her eyes finding thier way to him. A heat growing in her lower half that she hadn't felt in a very long time. It reminded her of the time before all the drugs. When everything felt so pure by itself.

She took a few seconds to realize he was talking to her while she was gawking at him. "I, uhh, yeah. I did want to thank you." Sitting up quick and grabbing her bag. Reaching in and putting the chip on a table nearby. "Especially since we need to get to know each other more if we'll be working closely now." Eyes going to his armor before going back to his.

"I have a room in the tower actually. We could get cleaned up, take that armor off, show you how comfy my bed is." Trailing off as she led him back to the elevator. Going down a few rooms before the doors opened again. "Just a few doors down." Already finding her keys.

It was a big room compared to most. Fully furnished and having a seperate room for the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Tossing her bag down by the door he motioned him inside. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to go get a shower quick, unless you need a hand getting out of your armor." Looking over it and raising there was no points on the outside to open it up even if she wanted to. Was some strange stuff.
Adam just followed after her as she led him along, back to the elevator before heading to her room; despite the decay of the Wastes, it seemed this place was well-taken care of. Odd considering there didn't seem to be any other guests. He'd seen a bunch of robots...But that was about it. Even so, the halls were almost pristine; it was quite luxurious compared to what he saw outside. It seemed his handlers were right; House had somehow preserved all of New Vegas from succumbing to the bombs.

And indeed, there was no way to open it from the outside. Not without a specialized pass, one that was embedded directly into his brain. So deep within it would be suicidal to get it out. They'd get the armor sure, but they'd lose out on the real prize if they tried to extract it: Him. He whistled as he came into her room, his eyes looking around as he commented, "Damn...Not bad. House must think you're a winner to give you a place this nice. Given what I saw, can't say I'd disagree. You handle yourself well."

He just grinned, "Thanks for the help, but I got this." The armor plates clinked at the back, retracting and pulling away. Allowing him to literally step right out of it; she'd soon behold the man in all his glory: A skintight bodysuit that seemed to almost perfectly hug his physique, showing the bulges of his musculature, as well as the 'bulge' in his groin; even soft he seemed to be massive. Yet, she'd see despite the slight scarring on his face, he was indeed pristine.

"Tell you what though: I tend to have a bit of an issue with this bodysuit. How about you help me out of this?" he would say, turning his back to her; she see some buttonclasps that were holding the suit in place. Of course, he had more than enough flexibility to reach it himself, buuuuut he figured why not tease her a bit more? Let her work a bit for this.
Tea shrugged. "I get jobs done. She likes that I do." Looking back up she gave him a devious grin. "Not the only thing I can handle though." Dropping her facade now that they were alone in her room. She felt wired and needed something inside her bad. Stepping to the side as she watched him exit the suit. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen.

Her eyes ate up finally being able to see him. Biting a lip as she went down and down his body. Taking in the thick muscles, tight suit showing everything, until she got to the prize. "Holy shit. Really are big in every way." Staring at it and wondering what it was like hard. Would she even be able to take it?

"Of course!" Giddly moving closer and gently undoing each one. Her fingers trailing the inches between each one on his skin. More and more showing as she pulled the suit off his skin. She was amazed how smooth he felt. How... soft despite being so battle hardened. "Were you really frozen a this time?"
Adam could help but smile at her staring; he had no shame. He knew from his handlers that he was designed to be as attractive as possible, to be as viable a mate as possible to as many women as possible. And with his 'gifts', well....He had all that and then some.

As she gently peeled off the suit, Tea would see that despite the smooth skin, he had his signs of battle: Scars decorated his back, arms, almost a mural of war. And yet indeed, his skin was pristine. Almost like it was silk. Tanned, strong silk.

"I was; idea was that we'd patrol what was left. Establish a secure base...Deal with rogue elements. We were some of the best our old government had to offer; shame my boys couldn't be here with me. You saw what I could do by myself; imagine what six others just like me could do." he would say; eventually, she'd get to reveal that toned ass. Firm, a perfect size and quite robust. And once he was free? He pushed the suit the rest of the way down, now standing completely nude before her, soon turning to let her see his front.

"So...About that shower~ How about I join you? Can't imagine water is THAT readily available; should help conserve supplies, you know?" he then said, a knowing grin on his face; of course that wasn't his only angle, and he hope she would see that too.
Tea ran her fingers over the various scars as they showed more and more. Despite the sheer perfection of his body he wore the scars of his profession. Showing just how long and dedicated he was to being in the danger and paying the price. It seemed so... out of place how smooth his skin was despite the damage.

Perhaps it was from the years sizing in his cryo tube? Did that even have liquid involved? She'd heard rumors of someone out east that had gone through almost the same thing. Frozen the day the bombs dropped and how she gone mad from finding it out was only her that had survived. That was a taste she would never want herself. Rather be dragged into an ant hole than that.

Listening intently to his story and continuing to take off his suit. The thought of having six of him with the same armor and weapons made her hairs stand on end. They'd be unstoppable. Though, that would mean more of him to come and save her. Eyeing his nice ass as she pulled the rest down and off him. He was too good to be true!

So lost in her thoughts she took a few moments to realize he'd turned to face her. Leaving her staring at his gun. Tea blushed heavily as her head shot up to look at his. It was massive and it wasn't even hard!

"Um, yeah, that's true. We probably should. Follow me~." Heading to the bathroom and tossing off her shirt and bra into a pile by the bathroom door. Turning to him as she got to the doorway. Her skin was not nearly as scared up as his but there was clear marks running vertically up her back and clustered near the center. Her body few of anything but but snack cuts and scrapes save for there.

"You ready to have a nice hot shower? Can't imagine the army let you have many of those." Her eyes skipping down to his cock with a bite of her skip before she went inside. The sound of the shower starting followed by the soft thump of her pants hitting the door. Already starting to test the water and giving him a nice view of her big ass..
Admittedly, the cover story could be better; though it seemed to work wonders on the current parties involved. No doubt Mrs. House would keep digging; much as they would like to believe she'd be satisfied with that, they also knew that she would do everything in her power.

As such, they scrubbed themselves from all official records as thoroughly as they could; and that which they couldn't delete, they modified. Hopefully it would be enough.

But for now Adam was in the clear, following Tea to her shower room. Even this was swanky; it even had a wide bath, perfect to fit several people in. Though his eyes went to her body, seeing the smaller number of scars; as a Courier, it was more than expected to get some scrapes and marks. If anything it showed she wasn't afraid to get rough.

"Was certainly a commodity in the field; thankfully I managed to have one after the thaw. The hot water was a blessing like no other...Well, until now at least~" he replied, seeing the swells of her breasts even from behind her, as well as the thickness of her ass. And if things went like he was hoping? She'd get an upgrade in those areas as well; curves to match what he was going to make of her.

And as if on cue, she'd find herself pressed against his front; and unlike before, that pole of his was solid now, throbbing and hot against her back. His massive balls, each the size of a Mutfruit, resting against the swells of her rear, a hand coming to cup one of her ample breasts, the other reaching down between her legs.

"There's one other thing I've been without...Hope you don't mind if I ask you to give it to me~" he whispered in her ear, his burly fingers squeezing her tit while the other rubbed along the lips of her sex. His thick cock pulsing between her cheeks; the tip alone would reach so far inside, and even now she might sense a tightening in her core, the Stim from earlier causing her very ovaries to start squeezing delightfully as he worked her, his lips kissing along her neck and jaw.
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