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Victoria Black

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Sep 11, 2021
Ongoing Roleplays ๏ผˆWithin December๏ผ‰:

A Gift From A Goddess (12/14)
Adventures with An Elf Cleric (12/16)
Work In Progress

Psycho Fool Takes Hero Knight(10/3)
1M Subscriber Celebration Gone Wrong...or Just Right (10/10)
Gotham's Iconic Couple(11/8)
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  • Femalebanner1.jpg
    291.1 KB · Views: 30
  • Malebanner1.jpg
    309.3 KB · Views: 27
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Male Request Thread:

  • 2023-10-12
    • change image host
  • 2023-9-27
    • change image host
    • add plot - โ™คThrive As Nukige's Heroine(s)
  • 2023-08-22
    • change thread title from "Searching for Partners" to "The Delightful Torments You Wish To Relive..."
    • adjust the plot tab size
  • 2023-04-20
    • change plots layout from table to tabs
    • add "Tags/Synopsis/Themes" and "Potential Kinks" to plot
    • add Brainwashing and Hypnosis to Cravings
    • add plot - โ™•Am I A Monster?
    • delete 2 undeveloped plots - [I'm Not Your Customer][Werewolf And Fae]
  • 2023-03-14
    • change layout
    • change writing samples
    • add images
  • 2023-03-11
    • initial post

Female Request Thread:

  • 2023-10-12
    • change image host
  • 2023-09-27
    • change image host
  • 2023-08-22
    • change thread title from "Searching for Partners" to "The Wicked Reveries You Dare Not Tell..."
    • add plots - โ™คYour Husband Doesn't Deserve You, โ™คDaddy's Girl, โ™คA Gym Rat? More Like A Gym Slut!
    • adjust the plot tab size
    • change note from "currently in a dominant mood, please refrain if you are searching for submissives." to "Craving to play a manipulative girl that pushes a man over the edge through seduction."
  • 2023-04-20
    • change plots layout from table to tabs
    • add "Tags/Synopsis/Themes" and "Potential Kinks" to plot
    • delete 6 undeveloped plots - [Loved And Used][Until You Break Me][Did He Force You?][Celebrity Owned By A Mistress][Unfortunate Male Adventurer][Heros Corrupted]
  • 2023-03-14
    • change layout
    • change writing sample
    • add images
  • 2023-03-11
    • initial post
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Male Request Thread:

About Me

Writing Style: Third person, past tense
RP Locations: PMs
Average Post Lengths: Mirrors partner, 400 - 800 words preferred
Posting Frequency: Once a month
Face Claims: Anime preferred, willing to use real-life images or provide a detailed description upon request
Ghost-friendly/ditch-friendly - I'll assume you've lost interest if there's no contact for three months
What I Seek

No one-liners, no god mode, and no IC approach
Long-term plot-based roleplays with heavy smut
Partner with a basic understanding of English - No text talk
Approach me OOC with a basic plot or pairing in mind

Writing Samples

Sample 1
"Damn it! Who the hell chose this location for training?" Zander bellowed, asking no one in particular while sending the Morning star into the horde of skeletons with a simple swing of his bulky arm.

"You did! Saying how you enjoy cracking skulls open." With swift movements, Karl, Zander's twin brother, cast a storm of fire bolts onto the undead, lighting up the gloomy mist. "Stop charging headfirst into battles, you dumbass! Have you not learned anything?" Karl snarled under the amethyst hooded robe that concealed his whole body, reminding Zander of the reason they had to suffer from this tedious extra training.

A few weeks back, this five-membered party, excluding a pet wolf, accepted a mission to eliminate a mountain dragon that made its nest near an occupied village. It was a rather simple job since the dragon appeared to be a youngster, having just left its parent. Yet during the fight, Zander's impulsiveness derailed him from the plan constructed by Einar, their party leader. Though they managed to behead it in the end, the dragon's fire breath missed Magnus, Ragnar's pet wolf, only by a hair.

The younger orc twin snapped back. " Stop telling me what to do, dwarf! "
"Who are you calling a dwarf? I'm 6'10!"
"Still two inches shorter than me!" Sneering, Zander dashed forward as soon as he spotted the Lich encircled by several skeleton warriors.
The orc warlock cursed, rushing forward to keep his idiotic brother safe.

Not far from the battle scene, two hulking males observed the orc brothers as they dashed into the mist. The centaur raised his brows in doubt, noting the orc brothers were quarreling - again.

"Is this supposed to help?" Ragnar questioned the minotaur next to him with crossed arms.
Einar shook his head instantly, bewildered by the implication.
"Of course not. What made you think Zander could ever change into a prudent orc? He considers cautious cowardly."

Ragnar gestured towards the mist, demanding an explanation for this farce.

The 7 ft 5 minotaur let out a heartfelt laugh. "Ah, this? It's just to allow the boys to let off steam and some quality time for brotherly bonding. Karl has never failed to keep Zander in check before, so I'm not too worried about it." Einar patted Ragnar on the back. "Stop making the long face. This circus and their looting of the week will be the closest thing you can get to an act of revenge for Magnus."

Heading toward the cemetery's exit, Einar instructed Ragnar to keep an eye on the boys as he returned to the campsite to check on the wolf and his charming elf daughter.

Sample 2โ€‹

The enthralling palpation dimmed Selene's wits. Fixated on the scorching shafts veiled by the daringly short beige skirt, the beast paid no heed to Nathan's qualm. Regarding the demeanor of the grander man, in terms of build alone, as an act of compliance with gusto rather than dictating the situation by taking matters into his own hands, Selene slouched against the panel willfully. The werewolf did not doubt the sheer magnificence of his weapon. Nate stood no chance granted that the teen had given a handicap. The amaranthine orbs lingered on Nate's features, seizing the salient stupefaction immediately when Nate executed the double take.

His body grew rigid, back stiff from the revelation, though he masqueraded the astonishment like a pro. Selene couldn't delude himself from the truth any longer. The unfeigned puzzlement in Nate's timbre shattered any lingering hope he had. There was no mistaking the identity of the hulking fae - not the preselected game Selene presumed, but a knockout fae intruding on Artemis' hunting ground. Irked, a disgruntled snarl nearly roamed out the werewolf's vocal cords. Fuck, why the hell did Nate volunteer to escort him to Avers if he's not the agreed prey? What brand of tart would engage in breeding with a perfect stranger, on a train, no less? All the logistics he spent nights on to reimburse the follower out of the window. For what, a depraved puppy? Speaking of windows, the camera. With the thoughts swarming into his mind, Selene's view averted to the recorder inadvertently. Does Nathen know thousands of debauched patrons were observing him on the other side of the screen? Nitpicking his manner and visage artfully, evaluating his status as their goddess' most recent quarry. Damn it, didn't the site regulation express the necessity for all participants to consent to tape when an unobstructed display of profile occurred? If this happenstance continued to head south, driving a nail into the coffin of his career, Selene would undoubtedly track the fae down and make this cunt suffer for the rest of his miserable life. Though Selene was aware of the truth that Nathan was not at fault, he couldn't help but blame the ravishing fae. The notion of the petty fanatic Selene was scheduled to meet didn't even occur to him since salvaging a fan's heartache was his forte. A worn panty soiled with a fresh load always works wonders.

Poisonous fuming aside, a shred of triumph dwelled at the bottom of Selene's heart, though he would never acknowledge it. Thanks to Nate codified as nothing more than a stranger, the protocols Selene set for supporters went down the drain, granting him the liberty to establish a permanent relationship with Nate. But that's for another time. He must first maneuver out of this dreadful situation, coercing Nate to bear false witness once they reach the hotel room or driving him mad with desire, whence coherent answers weren't possible. Recalling the rotten incident where the streaming site staff bombarded his phone with messages and calls when a guest casually flashed after deliberately revealing his face without warning, Selene suppressed a heartfelt blow. It took weeks for the staff to get off Selene's back, pestering him to provide the guest's validation for the seal of approval on several occasions. And ratification he delivered, after rendering the guest stupid, conceiving enough cream pie to sport a six-month bump. Selene applauded himself for the brilliant idea of leaving his phone in the hotel. Though if he had it with him, this fallacy would not have occurred in the first place.

Honing his expressions with proficiency, Selene hauled the man near, clenching on Nate's midriff with overwhelming strength, brutal enough to imprint his flesh despite the fae heritage. The werewolf hissed with a hint of pique, disregarding the abrupt sideswiping of their lower heads.

"What am I? A wolf in sheep's clothing, a corrupted teen searching for innocent fun, your appraiser. But Nate, is my identity imperative right now? We're not done with the inspection yet. Besides, didn't you mention handling cute boys with overabundant meat is a specialty of yours? You are not tucking tail and running after a mere glimpse of the real thing, are you?"

The intricate thumbs circled the minuscule ridge forged by the iliac crests, tendering a promise of grand lovemaking. "You do carry a sizeable sword - for a fae. About nine inches? Shall we test out its pinnacle when stimulated to the hilt?" The effeminate hips thrusted into Nate's palm without pending, anticipating him to form a loose fist, given that seizing both rods with Selene's small-boned hand wasn't an option. Not to mention there was no reason for Selene to aid a vile trickster who might eradicate his livelihood, even if he was counting on the said trickster's assistance to conserve his vocation.

The systematic cart advanced towards their destination while Selene spared no effort to tantalize the muscle-bound fae joined with him by a firm hand allocated on their searing genitals. Putting his name on the line, Selene swore to hale Nate to the auberge and defile him right in front of the camera.


Submissive Partners - not the standard shy, innocent type
Age Difference
Clothed Sex
Dirty talk
Dry Humping
Free Use
Public Sex
Rough Sex
Size Difference
Hard No's
Bad ends
Death of major characters
Vomit (semen vomiting allowed)

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

Prostitute x Detective
Model x Photographer
Stripper x Policeman
Retired pornstar x Fan
Amateur porn actress x Any

Note: Currently in a dominant mood, please refrain if you are searching for submissives.
To avoid redundancy, I'll use female pronouns to address YC, but you are welcome to play as male characters.
Same with half-baked ideas.

  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: nukige, modern, fantasy, quests, manipulation

    Potential Kinks: non-con/ dub-con/ free use/ forced orgasm/ multiple orgasms

    YC is a lackluster heroine, or multiple if you are willing to play more than one, of a failed Nukige (a type of eroge focusing on sex scenes). By a twist of fate or design of a corrupt game developer/scientist, she finds herself transported into reality or an alternative reality where she must upgrade herself by completing quests. [Status Window] allows her to view her stats and skills, and [Missions] displays her (past/ongoing) quests and rewards/penalties, and occasionally [Events] pops up, introducing her to first-rate characters and items. YC may turn down the quests at first or dive right in, but by the end of the day, she'll transform into a classic Nukige heroine, for better or worse.

    For this specific roleplay, I can act as the GM (novice), the system, and characters of any gender(male>>futa>>female, preference-wise), if necessary, but we'll have to discuss the details since I have only worked out the bare-bones for this idea.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: streamer, videotaping, rough sex

    Potential Kinks: dub-con/ exhibitionism/ cum on clothes/ hyper large cocks and balls/ groping/ impregnation/ photographing/ videotaping/ wetting/ semi-public sex

    The rp will consist of MC, a strong man, having rough sex with lovely ladies, where at least one of our characters is a camboy/camgirl. I love characters of all sizes and shapes, but for this prompt, please give me the submissive characters who are open-minded towards sex, if not full-out whores and sluts. Characters well-endowed in the chest and ass department are preferred though I'm not against playing with flat-chested characters.

    Here are some possible routes.

    1. MC is a trending Onlyfans streamer known for asmr and rough sex. Women actively seek him out for sex and often stream with him.

    2. YC is an amateur streamer gaining fame rapidly, though no one could figure out your identity in real life. Somehow MC discovers YC's identity through stalking or by pure chance. Then MC will blackmail YC into doing more and more perverted things both on and offline, grooming her into a cock addicted slut. YC might resist and fight back at first, but in the end, YC will embrace this new version of herself.

    3. We are streamers looking to do a collaborative stream. To make our stream entertaining, we decided to do a discreet public sex stream. YC will walk around the mall with toys (remote vibrator controlled by MC and buttplug) and no panties. MC will grope and dry hump YC when there's no one looking. Eventually, YC will be too horny to look for a hotel room, and they'll bang in the car. Open to other location suggestions.

    4. YC is a popular streamer renowned for affectionate, gentle loving making, hearing her stream partner whisper sweet nothing as he makes her cum. But it's no longer enough. She wants a rougher partner, the kind who treats her like the whore she is, fucking her until the only thing on her mind is sex. Or for her 1 million subscribers celebration, the fans suggested that she makes a video featuring rough sex. Once she did, there was no way she would be satisfied with a considerate sex partner.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: dub-con, corruption, dark romance

    Potential Kinks: blackmail/ degradation/ gangbang/ glory hole/ humiliation/ non-con

    YC is a filthy-rich, well-respected businesswoman who's secretly a bimbo. She tried her best to suppress her urge as a cock addicted slut for years, but she's at her wit's end. By some magical design of the universe, YC stumbles on an anonymous online forum site where people share their deepest and darkest fantasies freely and without shame. After observing how others found a suitable partner to act out their fantasies for several months, YC mustered up enough courage to fill out the form with fake personal information.

    Then from here, there are several routes available. Here's the abbreviated version.

    1. MC is an exclusive strip club owner, hiring bartenders/barmaids willing to make some extra bucks with their gorgeous bodies. Since his clientele includes some big shots, he thoroughly vets the applicants and the guest. To his surprise, he finds a strangely familiar face under an alien name. Failing to quell his curiosity, MC schedules an interview with YC outside the club premises instead of rejecting the application.

    2. MC is a rundown strip bar owner searching for barmaids willing to put up with handsy, drunk, and smelly customers. YC is in disguise when starting as the barmaid, and the customers will grope and finger her without knowing her identity. Eventually, MC will figure out YC's identity. Yet instead of revealing it, MC claims that YC's a wannabe and makes the similarity her selling point. The customers might even trash talk about her real identity as they rail the barmaid.

    3. MC is matched to YC based on the form they filled out. After some exchanges, both will somehow recognize they are acquainted with each other in real life. This one can go several ways depending on who recognizes the other first.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: angst, age difference, dark romance, ddlg/ddlb, dub-con, taboo

    Potential Kinks: aphrodisiacs/degradation/humiliation/incest/non-con

    MC is a stepfather/ recently widowed father/ father/ older family member/ older family friend that finds himself attracted to a barely legal child, YC. Hoping to restrict his unhealthy craving, he registers on a ddlg site and starts a relationship with an anonymous little, who happens to be YC. After a few exchanges, YC confesses she had fantasies of getting stalked/assaulted/raped by her father/ relative/ family friend/ stranger and shares photos of her frequently visited spots, dark valleys she passes on the way to school, seedy parts of the town she hangs out with friends, unsupervised bars where drugs get sold.

    Then from here, there are several routes available. Here are the abbreviated versions.

    1. MC never mention that the scenery in her photos seems familiar or that they may live in the area. Instead, he starts to creep around the locations she sent, comforts her as she vents her worries about sensing predatory gazes around her, supporting her as she becomes paranoid. The fact that YC is young and off limits has no hold over MC any longer as he realizes what a little slut she is, and he assaults/rapes her in the area they scheduled to meet after she develops feeling for him over the internet. Once YC returns home, she finds a message left by MC - apologizing for missing the date due to work or whatnot. Desperate, YC tells him what happened to her and begs for a voice call for comfort. During the call, MC acts gentle and reassuring, making the horrible experience more tolerable. The assaults and comforts might repeat once or twice before YC discovers that MC is a relative, and the two finally meet face-to-face. Though YC is reluctant to continue the relationship, she falls for him and utterly submits herself. When she realizes that the one who assaulted her was MC, she's too entranced to care.

    2. YC pleads/provokes MC to assault her, and MC grants her wish without knowing her identity as she wears a wig and heavy makeup during the encounter. However, YC recognizes MC's face and starts to show her indecent side in front of MC, tempting him with her youthful body and watching his conscious tormenting him for being a sexual predator lusting after his kin. One day, he's finally had enough and rapes her, shaming her for being a slut, wearing a flimsy, see-through nightgown without undergarments.

    3. MC confesses his desire for a much younger gal and his guilt. YC suggests ways to help MC by taking advantage of the teen through illegal means, such as drugs, alcohol, and manipulation. Little does she know that she will be the recipient of all the methods she suggested.

    4. YC finds out about MC's identity, and her urge for MC takes over, constantly sending nude/raunchy pictures of herself through the ddlg site. She even sent several to MC's phone and claimed it was an accident. As the grown-up, MC decides to have a serious conversation with her and tell her that her body is precious and she should not share it with random strangers. Ruefully, the talk didn't go as planned; he soon found his penis buried balls deep in her tight pussy.
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Female Request Thread:

About Me

Writing Style: Third person, past tense
RP Locations: PMs
Average Post Lengths: Mirrors partner, 400 - 800 words preferred
Posting Frequency: Once a month
Face Claims: Anime preferred, willing to use real-life images or provide a detailed description upon request
Ghost-friendly/ditch-friendly - I'll assume you've lost interest if there's no contact for three months
What I Seek

No one-liners, no god mode, and no IC approach
Long-term plot-based roleplays with heavy smut
Partner with a basic understanding of English - No text talk
Approach me OOC with a basic plot or pairing in mind

Writing Samples

Sample 1โ€‹

The heartless woman pitied the etiquette teacher of the dolitsh teen if Mrs. Cartwright even had any luck in finding one. Though considering the deceased Cartwright couples' apparent devotion to their angelic son, the chance of Philip receiving an orthodox education revolving around interactions with the changed world, namely the extinct rights of men, was low. They locked him up in an ivory tower, full of innocent white lies, striving to shelter Philip from the corrupted world. Well, with them gone, now it was time for the ignorant boy to face the maleficient reality and atone for his affluent youth. Philip's oblivion to his current situation irked Helena to no end. He was sixteen, an age when numerous males were already wed, or more previously, sold to their wives, and expected to tend their families with great care. A properly taught gentleman should seal his mouth and offer a nod with the straightforward rules she set in stone, not questioning her decree in incoherent jumbles. Others might show mercy to him owing to those woeful puppy-like sapphire orbs, but not Helena, far from it. Raised in a rather strict household under a pair of parents who had high hopes for their daughter, she deemed the weak disdainful, delighting in their distorted features when squirming in pain. Who could blame her? The fault lies in the feeble creatures who wouldn't stand up for themselves.

"Not even capable of heeding to the most fundamental principles, aren't you a charming piece of work?" Cynicism dripped from the utterance, a restrained crumple snuck up on the woman's brows.

The inconvenient raven-veiled fedora was tossed onto the seat behind the miniature teen with precision, landing at the center of the slip seat. If he possessed any common sense, he would recognize the gesture signified him to continue standing. Her callous left hand, dotted with nodules back from befriending the revolver during her military days, levitated to Philip's scalp, kneading his nape when making the ascension. The rough lumps fomented prominent rosy marks on the teen's frail skin, claiming ownership over the impotent boy. Not that a soul except for Helena would have the pleasure to witness it in the flesh in the meantime, since Helena had no intention of inviting anyone into the mansion til Philip learned his current status, a pathic toy boy whose sole purpose was to please women with his juvenile boypussy. No, it would be too humiliating if the boy acted out in front of her guests, blemishing her reputation. Though she would record the training he undergoes to showcase how far he had progressed when introducing him to the prospective wives once his priming comes to an end. Helena could picture the debutante party without a hitch. Numerous ladies dressed in fancy gowns or power suites, sipping the bubbly champagne in their hands as recordings of the boy were projected onto the screen. All candidates would receive a buzzer when entering the dance hall, and if the recording piqued their interest or they merely desired to release their pent-up libido, they could summon the boy with a tiny press of the button. The device would be linked to several remote vibrators gloved in his disciplined ass, directing him to the right lady so they could shower him in their thick fluids. With each second he dragged on, the intensity of the vibrator would escalate. Therefore, in the event that several ladies conjured Philip in a short interval, he would be left to his own device to manage the frenetic sex toys before they brought him to his knees. She would groom him into the flawless husband in due time, but first, she must shatter his illusion of entitlement. The digits slithered into the blonde timberland, seizing the roots. Restricting the head movement of the boy, Helena forced him to present his youthful, oval face. Then her right hand fiercely took a hold of the teen's jaw, forbidding him to create any noise save for stranded whimpers.

"Let me spell it out for you, my dear son. Yes, your doting parents are dead, in other words, I'm your only prospect to seek refuge until a lady asks for your hand in marriage. If you don't want to deteriorate in this isolated manor, I suggest you obey my edict to a t." The hand resting on Philip's chin lost its intensity, sailing south to his throttle. The glacial iris glinted, declaring the sobriety of the woman in charge. It was clear, Helena commanded the room along with everything in it, including the lad in stress.

"You will call me Mommy and bark for me like the petty puppy you are. " With each word pronounced, the pressure of her hand crushing the sides of the esophagus magnified. "Now nod." The blatant compression barred the boy from voicing any objections without tearing his vocal cords, yet left enough leeway for him to take shallow and quick inhalation. The blood rushing under her fingertips invoked a twisted curve on the woman's unreadable face, reminding her how she could take his life away in a breeze. Not that she would put the effort into it, yet she couldn't deny the surge of ecstasy coursing through her veins. Though it would be plain sailing to throttle the boy until he loses consciousness, Helena preferred to have the boy embark on the journey of paradise awake, though he might consider it as knocking on hell's gateway at first.

Her hand tangled in the nest of sandy branches eased up marginally, granting the boy a chance to do as he was told.

Sample 2โ€‹

The pixies dwelling under the lobed leaves of the grapevine whispered amongst themselves in the backyard as the rushing wind caused following a blur of yellow and cyan bypassed them.
"Is that her?"
"I can't say for sure, but she's the only one with such speed in the suburb."
"It's her! I saw the wings!"
"Is she in trouble?"
"Seems so."
"The witch?"
"The witch."
"Yes, only the witch is capableโ€ฆ"
A heavy thud rang when the metallic door collided violently with the frame.
"She's mad."
"Poor Victoria."
"Stupid Victoria."
"We should make her tell us the story once she's out again."
"Yes! Stories!"
"Hush! Let's observe for now."

Victoria cursed under her breath as her own body rebelled. Puffs of misty cloud filled the room, trembling arms supported by the wall, wobbling legs that might give out at any moment, despite all the torments, Victoria pushed through as she staggered into her bedroom. No, a treasure trove would be a better term for it. Yet the gems and gold that she handpicked and spend all her earnings on failed to receive a single glance from their owner as she collapsed onto the fur-covered bed. Shifting and turning, Victoria lay on her backside with half-lidded eyes. Staring into the space, Victoria wondered how it did she end up in such an agonizing state as her paws traveled downward and freed herself.

An hour before

After a quick knock, the door opened. Victoria stepped into the familiar house and headed straight to the laboratory. The owner was a lady with an odd personality, even for a witch, which speaks a lot by itself. As Victoria reached the laboratory, she was greeted by the same sign ever since she first agreed to be the witch's test subject in exchange for money.

"Warning! Only dragons and witches are allowed."

With a firm grip, Victoria turned the doorknob and entered, passing through a magic screen that would block all unwanted visitors while providing disinfection to any who went in. Unlike the rundown atmosphere portrayed by the vine-covered rural cottage appearance, the dimly lit hallway occupied by dust clumps, the inside was utterly spotless packed with high-end technologies. The milk-skinned female with silky light caramel hair reaching her waist sat on the stool and glanced over as Victoria shut the door while holding a glass tube full of eerie liquid.

Victoria knitted her brow as the same old black cocktail dress but kept her lips locked this time since she knew the witch view social norms as nothing more than useless regulations. She valued beauty and knowledge above all things, Lara was a true witch in such aspects.

Taking her usual seat, Victoria extended her hand out for the experimental potion Lara has set aside for this session. Her brows twitched as she viewed the potion Lara delivered into her hand using the wind, the hue given off by it was worse than the one Lara played between her fingers. Taking in a deep breath, Victoria gulped down the whole tube without any examination since the possibility of her figuring out its effects would be extremely low due to her lack of knowledge of herbs and she trusted her body to cancel out the effects, the bloodline that her never present father left as the first and last gift. That was a mistake.

Lara beamed as she watched the werebeast down the potion. She has been fascinated by the beast ever since their first encounter since it was rare to find such a unique interbreed. When one laid eyes on a fine creature, nobody would doubt her heritage as the yellowed striped fur and aqua horns were a clear indication. There was no mistake about it. She was an interbreed between a Blizzard dragon and a Siberian tiger. Of course, nothing was interesting about interbreeding between dragons and other species as they were known as players throughout the continent. What caught Lara's eyes was Victoria's appearance. The fact that Victoria was not covered in scales and only has a male productive organ of seven inches, which Lara checked herself when Victoria came to be examined as a potential test subject, impressive for a human male and common for a tiger, but not a dragon, was unheard of. This could only mean one thing, the dragon genes in Victoria's body has lost and become recessive genes instead of dominant ones. Ever since then, Lara had Victoria drinking all sorts of potions to test out her potion resistance as well as aphrodisiacs to prepare for the final product that would boost her dragon roots. Today was the day to push the werebeast past the point of no return. Lara gloated when she explained the potion's effect and offered the eerie potion in her hand that would keep Victoria's mentality intact as her body undergoes the transformation and force her to blackout when it becomes unbearable, whether being pain or pleasure.

The beast's face was brimming with rage and disbelief as her ears twisted along with a low roar from her throat. Nevertheless, she took the potion and stored it inside her pocket as a precaution. Then stormed out of the witch's hut.

Lara shrugged as the wind delivered her words, "Take the week off to adjust to your new body and come in next Monday to show me the results." To be frank, the witch was not concerned with the side effects of the potion, as long as it was not lethal, since she only made the potion to satisfy her curiosity. So Lara let the werebeast leave without recording any symptoms she would experience. All she desired was confirmation of her potion's effectiveness, and she believed it would be effective since she was a genius, maybe a little bit mad, but a genius nonetheless.

Even though the beast despised her father's nature, she had faith in his ancient bloodline to protect her, yet it appeared to take after its giver and failed her. Suffering from the pain all over her body, Victoria chugged down the potion she received from the witch. Then raced into her house, which was just around the corner.


As soon as Victoria freed herself from all her clothing, a new sensation erupted below her belly, where her male-productive organ was. However, before Victoria had the chance to glance down, she blocked out.


Submissive Partners - not the standard shy, innocent type
Age Difference
Clothed Sex
Dirty talk
Dry Humping
Free Use
Public Sex
Pussy Worship
Rough Sex
Size Difference
Small Dom x Big Sub
Hard No's
Bad ends
Death of major characters
Vomit (semen vomiting allowed)

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Pornstar x Any
Prostitute x Any
Sugar Daddy x Any
Merperson x Captain
Stripper x Policeman
Prostitute x Detective
Model x Photographer
Bus/ Train Molester x Victim
Policewoman x Magic Mike
Celebrity x Manager/Stalker/Fan
Cam Boy/ Streamer x Staff/ Director/ Fan/ Cam Girl

Note: Craving to play a manipulative girl that pushes a man over the edge through seduction.

  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: adultery, dub-con, manipulation

    Potential Kinks: age gap/ incest/ forced orgasm/ multiple orgasms

    MC may seem like your typical airhead housewife/ trophy wife in her mid to late thirties (age up to debate), but she is not as dim-witted as most tend to believe. Married to her husband for nearly a decade (or less), she enjoys all kinds of luxury while fulfilling the role of a faithful trophy wife. As years pass, her husband loses interest in her well-stacked body, even body shames her for being over plump and finds delicate eye candies to keep him company, girls as young as eighteen, yet he has no thoughts of divorce.

    Does MC care about any of that? Of course not. She married him for his status and riches, not for his love. But she is incredibly lonely, and her desperate body needs some attention. However, MC doesn't want to have a typical affair. No, that's too boring and doesn't show off her charms. She needs YC to take the initiative, desiring her, coaxing her, and won't stop until he sinks his teeth into her ripe flesh. MC might have planted the seeds of debauchery, but YC is the one who forced her into adultery, at least from YC's perspective.

    In short, MC is a desirable, manipulative cougar who plays the victim as YC, preferably a young hunk in his early twenties, wooed/pressured her behind the husband's back.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: incest, anguish, age gap

    Potential Kinks: teasing/ dub-con/ forced orgasm/ cheating/ domination/ sex toys

    MC, a gorgeous maiden in her late teens (age is up to discussion, preferably 15 - 17) with a mature body, realizes she harbors feeling for her father not as a daughter but as a woman. The mother is either divorced or a workaholic who goes on business trips constantly. When the daughter recognizes her love for Daddy, she suffers a period of self-loath, knowing her affection is taboo. Yet no matter how much she berates herself, her corrupt body lusts for Daddy, forcing her to fantasize about Daddy's cock and masturbate daily.

    From there, the story will progress differently depending on the type of Daddy you portray. Here are some potential routes.

    1. MC starts to act like a brat, flaunting her big boobs and cameltoe with improper clothing, discussing dirty sex fantasies with friends when Daddy is in earshot, and going as far as talking about losing her virginity to a stranger at a bar/club and moving out of the house. But none of that seemed to get Daddy's attention, and he's even distancing himself from her (most likely due to him getting aroused by his daughter's seduction). As a last resort, MC decides to provoke Daddy in a slutty outfit, making him so mad that he loses his reason and punishes her by fucking/raping her to a pile of goo.

    2. MC doesn't want to ruin her relationship with Daddy, so she hides her emotions and distances herself from Daddy. Hoping to resolve her profane attraction to Daddy, the daughter talks of accepting a love confession at dinner. Little does she know Daddy has his eyes on her ever since her erotic body bloomed and considers her his. Furious about his little girl getting a boyfriend, Daddy sneaks into her bedroom at night and claims/rapes her, teaching her who she belongs to.

    3. One day, Daddy finds MC masturbating in bed while calling his name. Though he knows he should look away and pretends nothing happened, he can't take his eyes off her young body as she quivers from the orgasm. Daddy will either walk into the bedroom as if spellbound or slowly falls for MC's seduction.

    4. MC reveals what her provocative body is capable of after he gets intoxicated.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: remote toys, yoga pants, open sexual relationship

    Potential Kinks: teasing/ dub-con/ forced orgasm/ cheating/ domination/ sex toys

    During one of the friends' get-togethers, MC, a gorgeous yet sex-starved milf, complained about having too much free time on her hands and was introduced to a popular gym chain by her friends. Little does she know that the gym is renowned for its spiked energy drinks, strenuous workout sessions, and rewarding aftercare services.

    Discovering one located near her house, MC decides to visit the gym to check out their compatibility. After entering the gym, a young personal trainer gives MC a tour and convinces her to attend a free trial session since MC seems reluctant to sign up, noting most members are fit youngsters. Before the session, the personal trainer requests MC to complete a survey and sign a disclaimer. Not thinking much about it, she signs the waiver and gets led to a one-on-one session with the trainer. Throughout the session, the trainer compliments her, encourages her, and showers her with love and attention that her husband didn't bother with. So when the trainer caresses her a bit too intimately, MC lets it slide.

    We can start with the free trial session or have MC a few months/years into the membership. YC can be anyone that fits the plot, of any gender, the personal trainer, a fellow gym member, or MC's friend. I only request that we play out a scene where MC dons a sports bra and yoga pants and gets pushed to multiple orgasms by a vibrating toy before getting pounded.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: mafia, romance

    MC's father is a renowned mafia boss. He has recently fallen ill, nothing serious, but the doctor advised him to refrain from excessive work due to his growing age. As result, he decided to gradually pass his authority down to his daughter. As the sole heiress, MC needs to step up and take charge of things. YC would be the father's right-hand man, given to MC to assist her, an uncle who watched MC grow up into the enchanting beauty she is, a rival family's head that falls head over heels for MC, a target MC is supposed to extract information from. Any combination of those will do, or you may offer something new entirely.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: interrogation, modern, sci-fi

    Potential Kinks: dub-con/non-con/violence

    If you choose the role of police, YC may be a novice detective or policeman and capture MC (we can discuss if MC is guilty of a crime or not) by mistake. Using all methods possible, YC tries to make MC confess, or YC can fall for MC's charms and releases her instead.

    If you choose the role of a criminal, MC will be a private detective, who gathers information through any means possible. She will make sure she gets what she wants, even if it means using her body as bait.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: ageplay, student-teacher relationship

    A rising star in archery/shooting, MC devotes all her time to training, hoping to make a name for herself. Yet her coach, a married man in his late forties, harassed her constantly. When she confronts him in front of his wife, he claims that she's the one seducing him. And the wife believes him. For God's sake, she's only sixteen years old (age in discussion). Why would she be attracted to a man with a fat belly? That's just gross.

    Tired of arguing with the wife, she terminates the contract with the coach. To minimize the damage done to the coach's reputation, the wife starts a rumor about how MC is a slut trying to wreck her marriage. Well, it's their words against hers. And as a novice who hasn't made a name for herself, few took her side. Despite all the shaming comments, MC continues to train. But there's one small problem. She doesn't have a coach anymore unless she can convince the former world champion coach who happens to go to the same gym as her.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: romance, fantasy, modern

    MC is a disgrace to her clan because she doesn't have an enchanting voice. As soon as she is considered an adult in the siren society (14 years old), her family sent her away, forbidding her to enter the abyssal region, where sirens dwell. The abandoned siren lived on her own for a couple of years, relying on her instincts and whatever hunting skills she picked up from her so-called family. Unfortunately, a storm washed her up the shore at night, knocking her out of consciousness.

    Then from here, there are several routes available. Here's the abbreviated version.

    1. A group of workers finds her in her human form on the vocational beach naked in the morning. Assuming she is a stowage, they contacted the police task force catering to the fantasy races.

    2. A trafficker finds her and decides to sell her into an auction house as sirens rarely leave the ocean.

    3. She wakes up before anyone finds her but is momentarily unable to return to the sea due to the storm. She will hide and live off the grid for a couple of months until she comprehends the situation. Fortunately, the beach is near a hot tourist spot, and she'll make money as a street singer.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: romance, sci-fi, adventure, hurt and comfort

    In the near future when sex robots can fulfill any human's fantasy and act as the perfect life partner, there is one unspoken law: No matter how intelligent the robots appear to be, they can never decline a human's requests. Since doing so will contradict the Three Laws of Robotics.

    As a high-quality sex robot, MC is beautiful beyond words, but her personality is far from what her owner ordered. The teenage boy hoped for a sweetheart with a plump figure and a girl next door personality to comfort him and sate his sexual desires. Yet what lands on his doorstep is a gorgeous babe with a fierce personality, declining his requests one after another.

    The boy files a complaint to the company, requesting a refund or swapping the robot. Fully aware of what's waiting for her if the company retrieves her, MC escapes.

    Hoping to find a mechanic to dismantle the tracking device installed in her body, MC heads to the slums to avoid suspicion. Yet she is kidnapped on her way (or she can make it to the slum and find a mechanic if you prefer).
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: romance, love at first sight, crossdressing

    MC is a feminine beauty packed with curves, though noticeably taller than her peers. No one would imagine the depraved thoughts hidden under her elegant face nor the gigantic penis under her dainty dress.

    She's a renowned independent fashion designer with most of her work targeting female consumers. When chatting with friends, MC complained about how it was hard to find inspiration those days and stress was piling up. Then one of her friends introduced her to a dating site famed for its instant hookups, though it's a site where many independent escorts put up their profiles to attract customers. Browsing through the site, MC finds a profile picture featuring familiar streets, which she frequently visited during her college years.

    Feeling nostalgic, she decides to pay a visit. Once arrived, she finds out that one of her favorite hang-out spots in the past was turned into a bar. MC walks inside and orders a bar drink. As she waits, she'll checks out the user's profile, only to find the barmaid/customer/bartender/bar owner walking up to her booth has the exact face as the man on her phone.

    That's pretty much how the two meet and they'll either hook up instantly or MC offers him a job as her model or something else entirely.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: alternative history, matriarch, female domination

    Alternative history where women come into power as a result of men fighting in a great war and only 30% of the male population survived, where most of them were teens. They were taught by their mother that they should always respect females and follow their orders.

    Possible social norm: the males will be disciplined by the females in the family (mother(s) and sisters) and learn how to please and satisfy their wives in the future (orally and with hands). A man who lost his virginity before the wedding night would be considered lewd and treated as a mere sperm provider by his wife (still thinking about how to develop a method to determine virginity). Despite the harsh treatment they might receive, they often have intercourse with their family. When that happens the sister often marries the male to ensure he would be able to live with some decency. Females can marry other females and take in a male as their slave/toy (if they are rich) or call a prostitute when they want babies or take a man as a husband and exchange him with others. A husband/slave can only have intercourse with others with their master/wife's permission, but since women often enjoy sharing, there usually isn't much of a problem.

    1. MC would be a well-respected politician who was a singer/model and she fully supports the idea that men should stay at home and support the family. YC would be a rising star in politics, viewed as the only hope for males to gain a voice in society with a perfect background. The only problem was that his background was not so perfect. He worked as a bartender/model for Playgirl (a reverse version of Playboy)/prostitute. And MC happened to stumbled upon some evidence (maybe saw him at a bar/photoshoot during her time as a singer/model) and decided to teach YC a lesson and blackmailed him. We can discuss if the information gets to the press or not.

    2. YC is a streamer that uses his beauty to make females desire him, even fight with other ladies for his favor, and mocks them by saying that they are not much different from males who lust after others. Well MC, a gangster, will show him how strong the female bond is and make him her slave that would be shared in her gang.
  • Tags/Synopsis/Themes: alternative world, free use, open sex

    Human only, monthly periods don't exist, and all characters' vigor and sexual functions are unrealistic. Hence all of the following are possible: massive breasts, enormous productive organs, a vagina capable of taking in several cocks at once, a large quantity of cum, and lactation without pregnancy.

    "Sex is Divine" is the slogan of this world, so naturally everyone is addicted to sex and you can have sex with anyone. However, citizens are allowed to say no to any sexual request due to whatever reason, even though such a rule is rarely used and anyone who doesn't want to engage in sex while unconscious can purchase a device that separates the owner from others unless the others stated above is physically connected with the owner (similar to an inflatable bumper). You can find people having sex in their homes, at school, in the office, in sex amusement parks, and even on the streets.

    • Sex education starting from high school. Teachers teach about sex by using one or several students as demonstrations and ask the rest to pair up as well. Some teachers don't care what students do in class as long as they turn in their work and learn the material, others forbid intercourse but allow toys, and most strict ones (often placed after a relaxing class) require students to solely focus on study.

      Teachers use their bodies as a reward for students with good grades, and excellent skills, or simply as a way of comforting them. Students who break school rules are punished in two ways depending on the severity of the offense and their personality. Anyone who can't think of anything other than having sex every day will wear a chastity belt (even at home) with a dildo/butt plug that'll keep them in an excited and unsatisfied state, they'll only be able to cum once per day, in the homeroom. The keys will be kept by the teachers as well as parents so there's no need to worry about hygiene. Anyone who finds having sex in a certain way embarrassing or uncomfortable will be used in the said way. Teachers, school staff, directors of the board, and principals have sex with each other cause they are bored.

      Art class - nude model, drawing of intercourse, drawing of model's private parts, use brush.

      Gym class - practice sex with toys to increase stamina, and compete with each other for the gym teacher's enormous dick/boobs.

      Photography class - close-up private part shots, ejaculation shots, creampied shots, cosplay shots.

      Open school day - parents/students thank the school staff with their bodies.
    • Nurses, doctors, and patients mingle together
    • Hire workers whose sole purpose was to be used as sex toys for everyone else in the company, always with their private parts exposed and ready to be used. Workers, supervisors, building's cleaning crew having sex just for the heck of it. Boss fuck the hardest worker of the week as a reward.
    • Roleplay, imaginary creatures, kinks unwilling to try in real life.
    • Bikers ride a bike with a dildo on the seat, gym equipment used for sex, and bang with coaches.
    • Hosted by a family or the community once a week, open to anyone who want to join an orgy, however, there are dress code or other requirements, especially for special themed ones.

      Fucked by Futa party - open to anyone who wants to be fucked by a futa. Attendees will be stamped at the entrance unless they are a futa. If a futa decides to get stamped, she'll provide service for everyone: female, male, or another futa.

      Fuck a Futa - Want to fuck a small, cute futa? Not interested? How about a muscular, curvy futa? Still no? Then how's a shy, bashful futa? Not? Then maybe an energetic, dominant futa? Interested? Then I invited you to this week's party as we offer futas of all different types. And if you become a member of the organizing committee, we'll save a spot for you with the futa you like. So look no further if you are looking for some futa fun! Workers will be stamped, and attendees who wished to be used by everyone will be stamped with a different color.

      Cum! Cum! Cum! - open to anyone who wants to dump their load. Several divisions: 1. Anyone with a dick who wants to have a good fuck using it. 2. Anyone with a dick wants to be milked dry but doesn't want their anus touched. 3. Similar to 2 but doesn't mind anal sex. 4. Anyone who wants to be fucked and creampied, sign up to be a volunteer at the entrance. 5. Anyone who wants to be used as cum dump or taste as much cum as possible, talk to a staff and you'll be provided bondage devices such as collars, handcuffs, latex suits, etc, upon request and be assigned to one of the following positions (paired with a futa or male worker and suck their cum as they get fucked, paired with a female worker to clean her pussy once she starts leaking out cum, kabeshiri by the entrance)

      Watersports - anyone open to watersports.
    • Fairytale themes: Evil stepmother x Beast, seven dwarves x Sleeping Beauty, Hunter x Little Mermaid

      The only place where rape was allowed. Victims would often have sex with a few partners and then decide to go home when they feel their limit was reached, but they won't be able to leave as long as the time they wrote when signed up was not met.
    • Celebrities stream their sex life and give fan services of outercourse and intercourse. Show up at random places wearing a sign indicating fan service and post on social media to get banged. Bar, theatre, stores, even in the restroom, and much more.

      Actor/actress, director, scriptwriter, assistants, and set workers have sex with each other. Actors/actresses have sex as their characters.

      Singers - wearing revealing costumes masturbate while teasing backup dancers/singers during several songs and get banged by lucky fans at the end. End of the concert the celebrity thank the dancers and staff with her cum covered body as they have fun amongst themselves as well.

      Reality TV shows - fans try to find the celebrity roaming on-site and fuck her or be fucked by him to a stupor.

      Escape room - the cast tries to find the way out by being fucked as little (or as much) as possible. Receive information from NPC through intercourse, capture by NPC and banged the wrong answer, and punished by other casts. Webcam.
    • Bus specifically for one gender, if anyone takes the wrong bus, she/he will tell his stop to the driver who oversees everything and be used until he/she reached the destination. People often get on the wrong bus for fun and be used until the last stop and then fucked by the drivers and workers at the station.
    • Volunteers to show their appreciation for the first responders. Criminals sentenced to be used in such locations.
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Half-baked Ideas:

updated by 2/12

*A busty succubus witch who runs a fortune-telling shop instinctively seduces all her customers while receiving visions of their darkest desires.
*A feminist tease gets raped at a cosplay party by a Ghostface/masked hunk. When she sought help from people around her by clinging to them, they thought she was merely having fun and begging for more as she cummed nonstop. By the end of the party, she was getting passed around, and she loved every second of it.

updated by 5/2

An inexperienced woman who thinks she has size queen and snow bunny qualities getting blackmailed/corrupted/manhandled by a black man/gangster.
A bitter ex who never got over the break up even after three years finds his ex-girlfriend working as a burlesque dancer in a nightclub.
A husband finds his gorgeous wife flirting with the young busboy when he goes to make a work call and decides to show her who she belongs to.
An underaged boy(16+) claims an adult attempted to take his virginity against his will, and the parent decides to exact revenge by giving the culprit a taste of his own medicine.
An adorable brat/submissive is ready to be degraded/inseminated/loved, so use her as you wish.
A rigid virgin who plays down the satisfaction of sex gets blacked on her first-ever cock.

updated by 4/27

A condescending bitch that wears slutty outfits and acts like a tease gets raped/hypnotized/tamed into a cocksleeve.
A habitual rule-violating male dominant on the verge of getting banned from a club must serve a dominatrix for ten sessions and earn her approval to regain his membership.
An influential businessman/celebrity accidentally forms a contract with a novice succubus who is a natural-born dominatrix.
A wizard wishes to serve his familiar with his body.
A boy group idol falls in love with a fan who stans another member with a meek appearance and lamblike personality in the same boy group.
A female law enforcement officer with a toxic ex is assigned to pose as a girlfriend/wife of a coworker/criminal to accomplish a task.
A queen receives the appreciation of her subjects by milking them dry and wearing the cum stains as an emblem.
A nun hears the wanton confession of the congregation and cleanses their sins with her body (reluctantly or willingly).
An uptight virgin bitch who has a secret crush on her father gets violated in her sleep after he finds her sending nudes to much older men online.
A goddess enhances her power by granting her worshippers' wishes. Luckily for her, all the followers are degenerate well-endowed bastards.
A celebrity who thought she was no longer famous due to severe weight gain in her late twenties (not morbidly obese, just buxom), costing her career, finds a confession letter/job offer from a stalker/neighbor/coworker/porn producer at her door.
An entitled virgin bitch that thought no man other than her father deserved to kiss her, let alone bed her, grows up in a world where females aged from 16 to 55 must submit to a certain number of men daily or have a certain amount of thick, gooey filling in their womb before midnight. Will she live up to her axiom or conform to society?
An infamous mafia queen slut played with her loyal underlings' hearts with no intention of settling down gets brainwashed into thinking she's a virgin with a loving SO having gambling problems and gets fucked raw by her SO's debtors.
A badass celebrity who everything thinks is unapproachable is addicted to her bodyguard's/manager's/rival's cock.
A sheltered concubine/princess gets married off to a rival kingdom; how will she survive in the hostile, foreign land?

A teen is eager to purchase/kidnap/blackmail his first personal submissive.
A bully coerces the wife to satisfy his whims in exchange for befriending her husband.
A bisexual dominant who adores his girlfriend to the point of hiding his BDSM-related past, fearing to scare her off, finds out she cheated on him with a bitchboy he defiled in a bar years ago. He arranges a meeting with both of them and teaches the two the price of unfaithfulness.
An actor brainwashes the executive producer/ investor who despised him and tried to kick him off the crew into his cum addicted whore.
A crybaby has sex for the first time, but he has genes passed down from his pornstar father and dominatrix mother.
In a household where the males treat the females as live-in sluts, the son demands the mother/sister/aunt to take the dog for a walk with a remote vibrator. Will she return home without filthy semen leaking out of her pussy?
An alpha businessman who avoids/belittles feminine-looking men and appears homophobic is addicted to his college master's monstrous cock.
A bastard child who grew up as a girl to avoid abuse from the madam of the house had his secret exposed; will the madam get wind of this and punish him as everyone thought, or will he manage to sweep it under the rug?
An insecure boy with an incubus heritage involuntarily intrudes on the dreams of those who had physical contact with him during the day.
A troublemaker who suffers from domestic abuse starts to receive low grades and harass others in school; will someone help him, or will he take his anger out on another victim?
A superhero punishes villains/criminals by reforming them into his personal cocksleeve before releasing her back into society.

A girl wants to be loved, used, and even spoiled, so please fuck her brains out, pretty please?
A woman acts all high and mighty, but in truth, she's a bimbo and a slut, although she will never admit it unless her pussy becomes ravaged.
A petite woman is dating a muscular gangster. Everyone was worried about the girl, believing she got forced into the relationship. But the truth is, she's the one calling the shots in their relationship.
An enchanting mistress owns a famous celebrity/idol known for his feisty personality.
The tranquility of the forest of dark elves is disturbed by a male adventurer. He must face punishment for intruding into the realm ruled by the Dark Elf Queen.
A villainess/domme (oc) captures/takes in a superhero (oc or canon); will she eases his worries or turns him into her plaything?
A werewolf officer caught a fae pickpocketing and arrested her. The fae tries to run away or fight back, resulting in punishment. Or the werewolf officer rescues the fae from a sex slave auction house and comforts the fae.
An escort is supposed to meet his new customer on the bus/train. He approaches the woman who fits the description perfectly, thinking she's the customer, while the woman has no idea what's happening. The escort will eventually figure out something went wrong, but it's already too late.
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Potential RP Concepts With Specific Scenes

Updated by 9/30

Grooming your girlfriend to be a secret slut! (partner playing multiple characters)

Tags/Synopsis/Themes: manipulation, open relationship, gangbang, seduction

Potential Kinks: dub-con/ forced orgasm/ cheating/ sex toys/ incest

MC is a beauty queen plus a straight-A student, and YC is Mr. Popular. MC and YC may appear to be the perfect couple on the outside. In reality, they are a depraved duo.
Since the day YC took MC's virginity, she can't help but feel unsated with sleeping with only one dick. She notices how rugged YC's father is, how hung YC's friends are, and even daydreams of screwing her own relative(father/brother). But she can't bring herself to admit those fantasies, not when she loves YC so much. Luckily for her, YC picks up on MC's desires and helps her fulfill her dreams by transforming her into a bimbo/cumwhore.


MC is sitting on the edge of the bed, on the phone with YC's father, planning the family picnic over the weekend, and YC starts caressing her love spots from behind. Licking her earlobe, kissing her nape, groping her lavish breasts, even fingering her pussy/eating her out. She tries to hide her moans, but anyone with an ear can tell she's getting fucking horny. Eventually, she tells YC's father that something urgent has come up and she needs to hang up, tossing the phone to the side without killing the call on accident. So the father hears everything (the fucking, the moaning, the dirty talking) and faps furiously on the other end. After that, things grow weird for MC and YC's father since MC notices that the call duration is longer than she expected. But nothing serious happens between the two. Not until after the bar outing with YC's friends, that is. Then MC catches him using her undies as fap material. Instead of confronting him, she peeps at him fucking her dirty panties and calling her degrading names as he releases. It is disgusting, humiliating, and wildly arousing. Her cunt has never been so wet. Since then, she has attended family events in more figure-hugging dresses and flirts with his father.

"Dear, are you listening?"
"Yea..yes, Mr. xx, I'm listening. I..uhmm...I'm just thinking about the...ugh...the dishes to bring for the picnic. I make killer sausage/hot dogs."

MC tries to get back at YC by giving him heads when he plays LoL or Overwatch with his pals. They eavesdrop on every detail as she slurps that meaty cock and rubs her needy pussy throughout the game. Then he brings her to a nightclub to meet his friends in a pretty, sexy dress. The friends didn't say anything overtly sexual, but it's clear that every single one of them was feeling uncomfortable in their straining pants and wanted to breed her like a slut. They get intoxicated and play truth and dare. Things get pretty heated.


  1. What is the weirdest place you have ever had sex?
  2. Who was the last person that gave you butterflies?
  3. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  4. Which family member would you date if they weren't your family?
  5. Which man at the table would you date if you weren't in a relationship?
  6. Have you ever romanticly kissed multiple people on the same day?
  7. What is your favorite thing that YC does in bed?
  8. What is your favorite sex position?
  9. Have you ever had sex in public?
  10. Who is your celebrity crush?
  11. Have you ever had a sex dream about one of YC's friends?
  1. Show us your orgasm face.
  2. Let us see you twerk.
  3. Perform your best strip tease and give your bra to so and so.
  4. Send a dirty sext to the first person in your contact list. - father or YC's father.
  5. Give a lap dance to a friend of your choice.
  6. Let me tickle you for 30 seconds.
  7. Give me a full one-minute hug without moving.

When they get home, YC looks into MC's eyes and fucks her, forcing her to hold his gaze as he tells her how proud he is to have his friends ogling at her cleavage and juicy ass at the club, asking if she imagined letting them have their ways with her during the game. He talks about his wild days when he shared women with his friends, hints at missing those quality times, and teases her as her body grows sensitive under his spell. Enchanting her with his sweet words, he conjures the images of the club, brings her back to the crowded booth, and mumbles that he's going to let his friends have sloppy seconds as he fucks her mouth hole. She can't bear the stimulation and squirts onto the bedsheet, thrusting like a bitch in heat. Eventually, MC caves in and tells YC she can no longer control her urge to fuck other guys, so they should break up. To her surprise, YC embraces her wicked thoughts and comforts her, going as far as setting her up with the guys in the bar.

Sharing Daddy with friends (partner playing multiple characters)
Take Inspiration from Superman and the Bat Family

Tags/Synopsis/Themes: corruption, open relationship, gangbang, seduction, age difference, dub-con

Potential Kinks: non-con/ forced orgasm/ cheating/ sex toys/ incest/ discreet public sex

MC is a single father (either a real dad or a stepdad, age up to discussion, late thirties or older preferred), handsome, old-fashioned, and ripped as hell. YC, the child(preferably a muscled teen boy, but can be any gender and age), has the hots for MC since puberty. Encouraged by his friends, who also have crushes on MC, YC makes a move on MC. All characters are 15+, per site rules.

YC asks MC to sit in for him in an Overwatch session with friends since he needs to use the bathroom. But when he returns, instead of switching with MC, he starts to suck MC off, and MC is surprised beyond words. MC tries to fend YC off as he answers YC's friends' concerned voices through the headset. Unfortunately, his efforts are in vain. Too flustered to ask YC's friends for help, MC pretends that nothing is happening and plays the game with fumbling hands. Little does he know that all the boys listening in on him are getting horny from his breathy voice. After the game ends, MC tosses the headset on the table, hauling YC out, and punishes him by destroying his asscunt as lust overcomes MC. The boys tuning in on the beautiful breeding all vigorously masturbate as they moan their hearts out for Daddy.

MC tries to avoid YC and spends more time at work. One early evening he goes into the office to work overtime, finding his long-time friend and boss riding a dildo at his desk, mewling his name as the fat, jiggly ass moves. When the boss catches a glimpse of MC, he comes on the spot, hot spurts shooting across the room.

The boss slides a remote control into MC's hand after sending a sext about having a vibrator up in his ass. They sext back and forth, but MC doesn't turn on the vibrator until they are in a business meeting (nothing grand or urgent, but there are several people from different departments). Then, the two have an in-depth discussion in the boss's office.
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