What the heart wants~me and shinyka

Zelos couldn't help but muse a laugh from her remark. He took a second to chuckle at it, making sure his response was apparent to her. He shook his head and sighed the way he always did before resuming his composure and addressing her again, a combination of his perverted voice and his sincere one hanging prevalent in his tone. Of course, he was being entirely sincere in his speech. It was just nature for him to keep it concealed with his normal sarcastic tone. that and the fact he was still in a slight disbelief of what was occurring.

"Well, that depends, Sheena-darling, on if you feel like bending over the rail or not. Of course, there is always the chance of us getting caught though. So I'll leave that one up to you."
"Well, I always did love a good risk." Sheena replied, smiling as she quickly slid out from under him and stood up. Closing the few steps between her and the railing, and took her time bending over the metal railing. She didn't simple lean over. She was fully bent over the railing, upper body parallel to the ground below now. Wiggling her but playfully, her hands reached out on either side to lightly hold the railing. Now really wasn't the time to be stupid and risk falling over the side.
Zelos licked his lips for a second upon seeing Sheena bend over the side of the railing. He let out a slight chuckle before following her. A few seconds later, he was standing behind her, fully out of her range of view. He slid his hands down her waist before a second before grabbing his wriggling butt and reaching for the bow on the back of her clothing. He licked his lips again as he began to pull the bow free.
Sheena sighed softly when she felt his hands momentarily touch her firm behind. When she felt him untying the bow on her back that more or less held her top on, she held still and raised her stomach up a bit, so that he could easily get it off and unwrap it from her body. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Not only could she not believe she was doing this, she also couldn't believe it was the pervy Zelos.
Zelos let out a slight pant as he began to slide her kimono off of her firmr body. He recognized almost instantly the effects of her drawing back her stomach, but at the same time, felt a slight twinge at the prospect of not aving to slightly rip her clothes from her body, something he always wanted to do. He was getting rather hot now.
Sheena raised each arm in turn to help him remove the kimono from her body. This left her in just that tight black undersuit she always had on that, as always, showed a good deal of her sizable breasts and the bra struggling to hold them in. He wasn't the only one getting hot. Sheena definitely was too. It seemed the two thought alike, as she too had the thought of him just tearing her remaining clothes off her body and just ravaging her right then and there, bent over the railing. That was how things were set to play out.

Still, this would turn out to not be a one time thing between them. So, they'd have plenty of chances to try all kinds of thigns.
Zelos was having a harder and harder time restraining himself every passing second. As the tension in the air continued to rise, he bit his lip, eager for the things to come, but still keeping himself in check, if only for long enough to get things started.
Licking his lips, he crouched over Sheena, before grabbing and squeezing her huge bust, something he had longed to do for oh-so-long, but had not.

Sheena felt oh-so-warm, a relief from this cold weather. Zelos could feel heat coming off of her already, and the skin contacty had not even begun yet.
Sheena let out a pleasured gasp when he grasped her large breasts. Tonight really was a night of firsts for them in many ways. First time his hands finally found their targets, first time they'd end up doing it, first time the two had admitted their feelings. Though, even though now was the first time they admitted their feelings to each other, they had always been there. But, thanks to Zelo's pervy personality and constant skirt chasing, nothing amounted of it till now. On occasion, Sheena had toyed with the thought of what kind of boyfriend Zelos would make........but it wouldn't be long till he did something to piss her off and she'd go back to being annoyed by him. She eventually built a wall around her feelings for him and it took that stupid stunt moments earlier to break that wall down and have her come to terms with and admit her true feelings for him.

They had had a rather turbulent relationship on the outside, but now more than ever......Sheena knew she loved the pervy red head. Even then, as a couple, the two would likely still act the same. Zelos making a pervy comment, with a swift smack upside the head by Sheena. But now and forever, her heart belonged to him.
A single moment of contact with Sheena's bust seemed to stop time for Zelos, bringing a flood of thought and emotion to him. He had tired to achieve this moment so many times since they first met, seemingly every second of his social interactions dedicated toward humor and lechery. Yet, this moment seemed so much more. This moment ignited Zelos, like a spark of passion, erupting into a fire of passion around his normally isolated heart. His hands squeezed just a tad, instinctively, reminding him of Sheena's flesh below him. Reminding him, burning into him, the events that were unfolding on this snowy balcony.

This single moment seemed to freeze in time. Zelos had always lusted for Sheena, yet this moment represented the breakthrough of so much more. This was not so much the buildup to him finally getting his way with her, this wasn't even the buildup to a night of passion, this was a buildup towards something greater, something life changing. Something that would leave Zelos and Sheena changed forever.
Sheena moaned softly when his hands lightly squeezed her chest before looking back over her shoulder at him, her eyes full of emotion and passion.........and a bit of lust as well. God, how she wanted him.......how she wanted him to explore her body, to tear her clothes off and just ravage her again and again and again.

The thought of getting caught as they made love up here was still an exciting, erotic thought, but in Sheenas mind, for the most part, the two of them were in their own little special world. With only two words, she managed to express the strong love, passion and lust she felt for him....

"Take me...." she softly said, still looking back at him. Her tone would show him she knew full well what she wanted, and who she wanted to do it to her and that she had not the slightest bit of regret of wanting Zelos to take her right then and there, bent over the railing.
((Taking over!))

Zelos ran his hands across her chest one more time, this time dragging his gloved hands around her nipples, which were quite stiff in the cold air. Zelos licked his lips instinctively. Sheena's chest has always been a point of attraction for him, and he could hardly believe he could finally feel it all he wanted. Zelos felt like he was in heaven.

With her words, Zelos wasted no time undoing the bow on her back and sliding her pants down around her knees. He let out a tiny chuckle at the panties she had underneath before running his hand along the outside of them. She was wet, but it was oh-so-very warm. Despite it being very cold outside, the two of them were burning hot.
Indeed, Sheena didn't even feel the cold air when her pants were pulled down her knees, plenty of skin bared now since he had already removed her top. Their fiery desire for one another was keeping them both VERY warm in every sense of the word. Still, they were just lust driven animals. There was far more to this than that

"And what are you waiting for?" she playfully asked, hands gripping the metal railing she was bent over as she wiggled her ass seductively against his hands.

So much restrained emotion and passion flowing out. Considering this was all quite heat of the moment, it was possible both might have some regrets, or at least trouble adjusting to this the following morning. For now though, it was a time for passion........and more.
"Mmm. Good question", Zelos murmured as he began to drop his own pants. While his core was warm, his hands were quite frosty and he fumbled with the clasp for a few moments before finally undoing his belt and dropping his own pants. Despite the cold, his lower body was receiving quite the blood flow, and he was rather aroused. Zelos pulled himself closer to Sheena as he began to lightly grind wit her for a second.

After a second passed, he slid his hands between her legs once more, this time running his hands on the inside of her thigh before making his way to her panties once more. He grasped them tightly, taking a second to marvel at how wet she was before sliding her panties down, where they soon joined her pants. Groaning, Zelos pressed his member up to the entrance of her slit.
Sheenas body grew hotter and she groaned with each simple touch. Then, his hand went between her legs, and things got particularly arousing. And when they were soon left around her knees like her pants, she lightly bit her bottom lip, in pleasurable anticipation with what was to come.

The biting got even harder when she felt him pressing his manhood against her pussy, wanting to keep herself from just screaming when she felt the relief of having him inside of her......finally.
Zelos ran his hands along Sheena's hips before he finally secured his hands along Sheena's hips. He let out a small moan as the tip of his member finally came into contact with Sheena's entrance. Finally, he took a deep breath and plunged inside her, burying himself to the very base all in one swift motion. Warmth rocketed through his body.

Zelos let out a slight moan as he gave Sheena a few seconds to adjust to the intrusion. He himself took a breath to brace himself for the activity that was to come.
Sheena really didn't need to adjust. While she was no slut or anything, she certainly wasn't.........untouched either. She was surprised he thrust into her fully and one go, causing her open her mouth as if to moan, only for no sound to come out. At first, at least. Then, as she continued to feel him inside of her, a long, deep moan came past her sultry lips, hands gripping the cold steel pole tightly.
((Sorry! I was dead for a while!))

Zelos groaned, giving himself a second to take his situation in. He was drowning in ectasy, Sheena's pussy exciting his cock and sending bolts of pleasure through his body. He readjusted, grabbing further down her hips. He had no desire to take things slowly, and Sheena's movements indicated she had no such intention either.

Zelos began to ram Sheena from behind, thrusting in and out of her rapidly.
With each thrust, Sheenas groans grew louder, with grunting being mixed in. Combined the the sound of skin slapping against skin, it created quite the erotic symphony. The pleasure, the sensations, the touches, the situation that caused it, Sheena liked it all, every aspect adding to her pleasure. While normally, Zelos would be her last choice to screw, that was all forgotten, for now at least. No doubt, the rest of the night would be filled with further acts of such lust, it hard to say how either one would react in the morning, when the passion had subsided, and lust filled haze had worn off.

Akward would no doubt not even begin to describe it.
Zelos let a groan as he finally adjusted his thrusts after what seemed like an eternity. He began to thrust upwards, grinding inside of her, all the while keeping his hands firmly clasped on her hips and rubbing them slightly. He watched the snowflakes trickle down and melt on their bare skin, the couple totally immune to the cold.

Zelos was totally lost in the moment. As far as he was concerned, the only thing that existed at the moment was him, Sheena, and the balcony. He gave no thought to what would happen in the morning.
As did Sheena, for the time being. She only cared about the pleasure, and her feelings for him, even if they were brought on in a heat of the moment manner. Still, it didn't stop her from saying his name with such lust and passion. Quitely though, as the inn was packed and there was nothing preventing someone from randomly coming out of their room and seeing them.

So, Sheena tried to keep herself quite, biting her bottom lip to keep in her moans and grunts. Though, while she became rather silent, her pleasure was obvious.
Zelos was oblivious to all around him, even though Sheena was being quiet, his ears were directed towards her lips, catching the occasional squeal and moan that left her lips as he dove into her. He shivered for a second before pulling one hand off of her hip and running it between her legs, rubbing her clit gently, but still intensely enough to compliment the violent motions the couple as making.

As Zelos was fully oblivious and lost within Sheena, he didn't notice the sound of nearby footsteps crunching on snow. Zelos paid no attention to a rather curious Raine, who was standing just a stone's throw away.
((Hehe, nice move.^_^ I could see Raine keeping their secret, provided they don't let it distract them from the real goal. Even though both, or at least Sheena, will adamantly insist it was a one time only thing. That, or we could add a yuri twist to the whole thing and have Raine actually have feelings for Sheena. They would make a cute couple, if you ask me.))

Sheena too, was oblivious to the lovely elf standing off to the side. Hell, with the way this whole thing felt, even if she did notice Raine watching, she may not even care. She might even enjoy her "rival" watching, as the two do tend to try and piss each other off in any way they can think of.
(I'm back! Ideally for good, circumstances allowing! And yesh. Yuri sounds very tasty! :D)

Although Raine was close by, Zelos paid no attention to her. In fact, he didn't even notice her. It was after another few moments of ramming himself into Sheena that he felt his orgasm begin to build. "Baby..." He grunted out.
((Well, let's hope so. Even now, after so long, I'm still really into this RP.^_^))

Sheena, having such a trained body, could easily feel what was building within Zelos. She herself, wasn't quite there yet. But, that wasn't a bad thing. Zelos was certainly giving her intense pleasure, but she just simply wasn't there herself yet. Though, she find herself both a bit apprehensive at the thought of Zelos of all people cumming inside of her, but also a fair bit turned on. There was just..........something about giving herself over to him entirely like this that was such a turn on.

Still, her own enjoyment was made obvious as her moans grew with his. Her hand rose to rest on his, pretty well holding him there, and non verbally telling him that she wanted his seed inside of her.
Zelos let out another grunt as her hand touched his. That was all he needed to lose control. From the depths of his shaft, he could feel an intense pleasure welling up. He shuddered for a second as he grabbed Sheena's hips and gave her another trust, while bringing his hand across her clit one last time. He let his seed loose clean inside her, continuing to make light thrusts all the while.
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