What the heart wants~me and shinyka


Jan 11, 2009
"So pretty and serene......." thought the young female Ninja, Sheena Fujibayashi as she stood out on the observation deck of the Flanoir in, just watching the snow drop, canvasing the ground in a layer of white sparkles. The site helped to put her at ease. Still, she was obviously very anxious about tomorrows plan. They would be going to Derris Kharlan to stop Mithos and save their planet. She knew this plan was full of danger and that there was a real possibility that not all of them would make it back alive. She had become so close to everyone during their time together. They had become important friends of hers. She couldn't bare to loose anyone, not even pervy little Zelos that gave her headaches constantly.

So, here she was, standing out in the cold, watching the snow fall, trying to relax, but not really being able to. She couldn't to sleep and figured she might not get any sleep at all tonight. As far as she knew, everyone else was asleep, so she couldn't share her feelings and fears with anyone at the moment. It was hard keeping that bottled up inside. All these thoughts of the possiblity of losing her friends was getting her near to tears, but she managed to hold them in. That's how she was. Always trying to put on a strong face to hide her real feelings of weakness and insecurities. She wanted relief from wearing that constant mask.
Zelos Wilder sighed to himself once more before brushing a lock of his curly red hair out of his face. He sighed again, taking a second to watch his breath turn to vapor in the cold air of Flanior, before finally shaking his head slightly and continuing his aimless walk along one of Flannel's many semi-lit streets. He was not entirely sure why he did so, but saw no reason to question it, opting to instead follow his little tradition of solitude in times of tension. It helped him calm down, and had since become a small tradition of his.

He didn't want to think about the next day. It was certain that the events of such wouldn't pass without death, and despite the fact that he resented Mithos and his twisted ideals, Zelos could not force his blood cold enough to seriously consider the option of killing Mithos, even though everything he had since experienced told him that avoiding such encounter would be like trying to stop the sun from setting, or pulling the two worlds back together on his own.

It was not long before Zelos found himself at the base of the large staircase that ascended back to their inn. With another cloudy and chilled breath, Zelos began to ascend, each step seeming to take eternity for him. His thoughts drifted to Sheena, a fellow Tethe'allan like him, one of the few people he knew of his age.

With one last chilled breath, Zelos let out a pant of relief as he saw the large wood and stone building pull into view, partially illuminated from the several metal lanterns burning along the deck railing. Zelos squinted for a second, sure he could see someone leaning against the deck.

"That's crazy", he thought to himself, taking a small ironic chuckle at the next thought that crossed his mind. "What kind of idiot would be out in this cold anyway?"


Raine Sage awoke with a short breath. She took a second to draw in her surroundings, her half-elven eyes allowing for better sight in her dark room before breathing a short breath of relief, secured with the knowledge that for at least tonight, she and the others were safe. She lay still for a few seconds, attempting to fall once again into the inky black abyss of her sleep, yet found herself unable to do so.

With a grunt, she quietly rose to her feet, taking care to not wake Genis or Collette, her room mates for the night. Upon taking a second to confirm the two children were still asleep, she let out a small satisfied breath before exiting the room, her insulated orange robe doing little to replace the warmth that her bed had provided.

Shaking her head to herself, Raine headed to the door of the inn, slipping out quietly, as to ensure that none of her companions would be awoke by her midnight excursion. With a slight spring in her step, she exited the inn, wondering if any shops would be open at this time of night.

(Wheee! Long intro post!)
Sheena was too lost in thought to notice Zelos approaching the inn from below. Though, coincidentally when he mentioned an idiot out in the cold, Sheena sneezed.

"Huh? I know I don't have a cold......" she said to herself, rubbing the underside of her nose with her index finger. She just sighed and shrugged her shoulders, not really putting much thought into why she sneezed, or the little tale of people sneezing when someone talked about them. Even though the small bodily function snapped her back to reality for a moment, she failed to notice that Zelos or Raine was up and about. She just wrapped her arms around her waist and looked back out over the cold, snowy night. For a moment, she toyed with the idea of taking a walk, but dismissed the idea as she didn't yet know the streets very well and did not wish to get herself lost on a cold night such as this. That would be the last thing she needed, getting lost and having Zelos undoubtedly tease her about it.

At the thought, she actually cracked a small smile and chuckled. Sure, he was annoying, perverted and not really what she'd call dependable, but.......he was entertaining and good for a laugh or two.
Zelos let out a small laugh upon hearing the distinctive voice of Sheena. Finally talking to another person after his pacing in solitude seemed to snap his troubled mood away, and he felt himself relaxing for the first time in a good few hours. With his usual happy-go-lucky smile on his face, he approached Sheena, taking a spot on the railing next to her. With a bit of a sincere smile, he turned to face her, shooting her a quick look before resuming a seemingly purposeful stare into the dark world that lay beyond the balcony.

"Well of course it's you", He chuckled out in his usual mocking tone. "Your brain clearly isn't in your head, and you're the only one with enough 'insulation' to keep nice and toasty out here" he mocked, making yet another joking reference to her bust.

Of course, he knew, she would probably be slapping him soon.
At first, Sheena actually did react in her normal way to his perverted comment. She just closed her eyes. Though, after a few moments passed, a smile creapt across her face and her hand reared up, before coming down in a quick smack upside the back of his head.

"Next time, I push you over the railing." said Sheena, opening one eye to look over at him, a suprising smile still on her face. While it still annoyed her, she was actually glad Zelos came around. Soon after, the smile faded back to her solemn look.

"Tomorrows the big day, huh?" she said, opening both eyes and putting her hands on the railing, leaning forward a bit.
Zelos let out a small whimper when her hand came into contact with his head, causing him to whiplash forward for a second before catching his balance. He fought the urge to burst out laughing, but did end up producing a smile, which he flashed at Sheena for a second.

After turning away from her again, and resuming his pondering, Zelos couldn't help but feel happy for her company. Even though neither of them had any idea what lay in store for them tomorrow, he couldn't help but feel caught up in the moment now, wanting to instead spend time basking in the friendly, humorous glow of this one moment.

With a sigh, Zelos slumped a bit, still keeping the majority of his weight on the rail. At Sheena's question, he snapped out of his pondering, and turned to face her, his smile fading to a slight frown.

"Yeah", he said weakly, indicating he had no desire for the dreaded future to finally come around. "For all we know, this could very well be our last night alive", he said, feeling disheartened at the thought.
"Yea......." Sheena sadly replied. She wasn't afraid for her own life. Frankly, she was more worries about everyone else. Hell, even the pervert next to her.

".........But don't expect me to shed any tears if you kick the bucket." she suddenly added, another smile creeping across her face. His playful attitude was starting to rub off a bit on her. The sudden coment came from her actually being the one trying to lighten the mood now.

"Certainly would make showering less stressful since I wouldn't have to constantly make sure you're not trying to sneek a peek." she added, chuckling lightly.
Zelos choked out a bit of a laugh at Sheena's comment, shaking his head in both humor and amazement at what she said. Finally, he composed himself, yet saw no need to hide his joking and laid-back demeanor. After all, it was just as much as part of him as Sheena's amazing and bounteous chest was a part of her.

"Come on Sheena sweetie, do you really think something as trivial as death is going to keep me away from you and your hot body?" He laughed, aware of the sudden release in tension in the mood.
"Christ..........then you'd be a groping ghost. Able to go through walls, unable to be seen.......it would just make things worse." Sheena replied, groaning in joke annoyance.

"Then again, I do have some tags that work against spirits." she added, pulling one out and holding it between her index and middle finger.

"Here, hold this and jump off. Then, we can test and see how well they work." she jokingly told him. She was indeed having fun. Even though it was with the last person she'd expect, she was having fun and all the worries that had plagued her mind were temporarily gone.
Zelos laughed, feeling the weight of tomorrow's tension lifted off of his shoulders. It was great being with Sheena, particularly at a time like this, when they didn't even know if they would ever be having such a conversation in the future. He chuckled again, marveling at how despite their mocking, a stranger could mistake them for lovers.

"Alright sweetie, just provided you're there to break my fall", he returned, taking the card from her hand and hoisting himself onto the balcony.

"Or you could just stand still and break my fall anyway", he laughed.
((I'm only on for this one post. So.........night.^_^))

Sheena was quite surprised that he took the card. She was certainly not expecting it. He wouldn't really jump off..........would he? This was Zelos they were talking about. Honestly, if he jumped off simply to break his leg and try to weasel her into taking care of him.........she wouldn't be surprised in the latest.

"Hmph, see if I care...." Sheena replied, crossing her arms and looking away. Though, she left something out. She didn't mention what she didn't care if he would do. She could have just simply made a mistake. Or, it could be something much more. Something that she herself didn't even realize. Mistake or not, such a simple thing, unbeknownst to the pair, was the beginning of something that would change their lives forever.
Zelos closed his eyes for a second, allowing the chilling breeze to cover his outstretched body, and many flakes of snow to land on him. However, despite his seemingly careless demeanor, he made sure to keep his balance. The last thing he wanted was to break his legs the night before such an important day. Yet, at the same time, he considered jumping after all, just to show Sheena he would.

With a sigh, he opened his eyes again and dropped his arms, allowing them to hang at his sides, tensed, but still loose. Zelos shook his head for a second and sighed again, this time looking down at Sheena. "Sheena, Honey, do you really hate me that much?", he asked, still using a slightly mocking tone, as he was sure that even though she did often slap him around and the like, they had been traveling together for far too long for her to actually wish death upon him. Relationships aside, he was also a valuable group member, something that Sheena couldn't deny at all.
"Oh, well.......hate's a little too strong a word. I don't hate you and I don't seriously dislike you. I just.....uh......." Sheena replied, unable to form her true opinion of him into words during this current situation. Though, she stopped trying when she was suddenly hit with the realization of a certain word he had said.

"I am not your honey......" she added, crossing her arms and looking away once more with a 'hmph". Her cheeks also just so happened to be tinted with a light shade of red. It could possibly just be the cold starting to effect her body, or it could be an unintentional clue to what she was on the verge of saying a moment ago.
"Awww", Zelos said at her last comment, still using his slight mocking voice. His smile still remained a slight upward grin, but he was getting a little more serious. He tested his weight for a second, ensuring that he wouldn't fall off unless he planned on it, before leaning forward a bit. It seemed to him that Sheena was blushing slightly, making it a bit more apparent that she was feeling what he was; both confusion and love.

With a wordless smile, Zelos shifted his weight again and lifted his arms, as if he was about to take a freefall. "Well then, Sheena, honey" He began to say, his eyes closed and upwards, completing his smile. "See you at the bottom", he said, before leaning backwards and allowing himself to fall off the edge of the railing.
Sheena only saw it out the corner of her eye, but it was enough for her to suddenly spring towards him and grab onto him. He was heavier than she expected, but she had a good hold. Though, she ended up bent over the railing, hugging his legs with her face against his waist.......a little too close to another area for comfort. She wedged her feet against the railing and floor and just jerked back with all her strength. It succeeded in getting him back up, but the momentum also knocked her flat on her butt.......with him on top of her.

For a few silent moments, she just looked up into his eyes.

"You stupid jerk......" she said with watery eyes before her arms went up and around his neck, pulling him down a bit whilst raising her head till their lips met, kissing softly.

((So......I hope I didn't disappoint with the big moment.
The next few seconds all played out like a blur to Zelos. Although he had his eyes closed, the sound that Sheena made as soon as he dropped indicated she was running for him, a detail that reassured him to no end at all. Just as he began to feel the expected weightlessness of falling, he felt her arms grab hold of him, and felt himself relax.

The next thing he knew, Zelos was being pulled forward, then falling. Finally, it occur ed to him he had hit something. Something soft. He opened his eyes, and to his relief, but not surprise, he was laying on top of Sheena, as she had broken his fall towards her off the balcony.

The kiss was perhaps what made the moment most memorable. He would have admitted to being slightly shocked when she first kissed him, but that shock soon faded away and was replaced with bliss, and Zelos found himself returning her kiss, his eyes closed.
The soft, gentle kiss continued on for a while, till Sheena slowly pulled away, letting her head rest on the wooden floor of the deck. She kept her eyes close a bit, letting it all sink in, before finally opening again. She still had the beginning of tears in her eyes, but tears of relief that his annoying ass wasn't hurt.

"Don't you ever do that again......" she told him, smiling then chuckling lightly, her arms still around his neck. After that, he had little time to answer as she pressed her lips against his once again. This time, it was full of fire and restrained passion that she had no doubt kept hidden for him for some time.
Zelos licked his lips when Sheena pulled away, savoring her taste for a few seconds more before opening his eyes again, looking at her not jokingly like he did before, but sincerely this time around. He remained silent, unsure of what to say in the nest few seconds, before reaching up his hands and drying away the tiny forming droplet in her eyes.

He felt that small sense of shock return when she kissed him a second time. He could feel the fire in her action, a fire burning of passion and restrained love. He closed his eyes then, and returned the favor, letting loose the passion he had long since had for her, yet kept concealed through perversion and mocking.
They continued exchanging their fiery love for one another through their passionate kissing on the cold, dark deck of the inn. As the kiss lingered on, Sheena hands moved from around his neck and then found themselves on Sheena own body. Specifically, tugging at the fabric belt keeping her upper garment closed. Obviously, kissing wasn't all Sheena wanted to show her feeling through. She may just be lost in the moment, but she wanted to be with Zelos, in every intimate sense of the word.
Zelos could feel Sheena moving, but didn't open his eyes until a few instances later. The sight of her fumbling with her sash only made him kiss her harder, their lips still locked in a fiery and passionate embrace. He moved his hands to behind her neck, pulling her to him as she had done just a heartbeat earlier. While he didn't help her with the removal of sash, he didn't object either, opting to let her take her course as desired.
Sheena managed to return the kiss with equal passion and fire, whilst still tugging at her sash. It only took a few more moments before she had it undone, and her upper garment open. No sooner had she done that, did her hands reach her body again to work on removing the rest, but she suddenly stopped.

"Please, take me to your room.........to your bed......." she whispered, running a hand through his long red hair. She knew there was no turning back from this. Things would forever be different between them from now on. But.........she was fine with that. It's what she wanted. She had always been conflicted with her feelings towards him. He annoyed her to no end and pissed her off alot, but he still had his good qualities, which she thought she might have been attracted to. Now, she was certainly positive that she had fallen for him.
Zelos continued his passionate embrace around Sheena up until she managed to part her trimmed sash from the rest of her already revealing clothing. With a pant, he pulled his lips slightly away from hers, a tiny strand of saliva still remaining linking the two, and her ponderous taste still fresh on his lips. He licked them slightly, embracing the flavor.

At her request, he could feel his pulse quicken. He purred slightly when she ran her soft and delicate hands through his red hair, which very much resembled a mane. He pecked her quickly, before taking only a second to decide his answer. "Ok, Sheena dearest", he responded, using an actually sincere suffix for the first time in quite a while. He too, was past the point of no return.
"Dearest?" Sheena questioned, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. She snorted lightly, as she struggled not to laugh. She knew he really meant it and he was just being nice, but even in this situation, hearing Zelos refer to her as dearest was odd and rather funny.

"A little on the corny side, but I appreciate it." she added, laughing lightly before just looking up at him.

"Well, are you going to carry me or at least help me up, or shall I strip right here and we can do it out in the snow? I'm fine with all, as they lead to the same conclusion." said Sheena, her arms going around his neck. Sure, the last option was risky and could lead to them being caught by the others or perhaps townspeople out for a nightly stroll. But, the risk of it added a certain amount of danger that made it all the more hotter and exciting.
Zelos shook his head and let out once of his trademark sighs at Sheena's snort. He shook his head for a second, wordlessly, acting mockingly disappointment, with a slight twinge of sincere letdown. Quickly, he regained his composure before addressing her. "Damn", he said without any real verbal weight at all. "I act like a pervert and you hit me, I try to act like a gentleman", he said, placing a slight emphasis on the last word, " And you can't take me seriously". He shook his head again, a light smile crossing his lips.

At Sheena's next question, however, his lighter demeanor vanished almost instantly as Zelos snapped back into the heat of the moment. He shook his head slightly before pecking her on the cheek, a light smile still bound upon his lips. "Well, that would really depend on if you want to get kinda' cold or not", he said under his breath and to her ear, lightly, but loud enough to retain weight.
Sheena let out a slight moan when he whispered his answer into her ear.

"Well then..........how about both? That is, if you have the stamina." Sheen replied in a seductive tone, with a playful smile. Yes, she was indeed somewhat challenging him. Challenging him to do the deed right here and now, in a very risky spot, then carry her to his room, where they'd likely be up for most of the night, intertwining their bodies to sooth the immense fire in both their hearts. No matter how cold it was outside, Sheena would no doubt be warm, due to her fiery desire coursing throughout her body.
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