Mx Female Light and Dark Search Thread

Feb 22, 2013
Hello there,

Haven't had a request thread for a while, so figured I'd toss one out to see who might be interested in some play here. There are two main sorts of play that I will detail, the two themes can cross paths if people are into both, or they can be played each as their own separate thing, so don't be overly upset if you're not into one of the options, feel free to choose the other! Fair warning, there will be dark themes throughout the request here, so if that isn't your bag I suggest finding another thread!

Daddy's Girl

Is this basic? Of course it is. But, basic is what makes the world go round in a lot of ways. Now one important note.. this can be biological family for sure, but it also could just be sort of a girl wanting to find a daddy due to the classic daddy issues that have come up through her life. While I don't have a set preference for exactly how things happen, I figured I could list off some kinks I enjoy and see where any potential partners kinks may align.


Grooming (occurring after site allowed age)
Large age gaps
Outfit play
Weight/Look Control
BDSM themes

Among others. Lots of kinks, but those are the ones I think that fit this the best possibly. I like to focus on the mental dynamics of a role, the feelings, the conflict, and then love remolding a persons mindset when the situation calls for it. Obviously this is very open ended, so the role could be anything from very simple to complex, depending on how we feel.

Darker Themes

This is where things get a get more dicey, so if you're squeamish you may want to stay up top with the pink frilly dresses and praise.

I love to explore the idea of modern serial killers, coming up with different modus operandi and just seeing what sort of dark webs can be weaved. It could be something along the lines of Dexter, but with the victims being females, it could be something just more casual, a straight up lust killer without much of a filter who terrorizes a small town. It can be a simple one man show serial killer, or he could wind up having a female accomplice (maybe even tying in some of the prompts from the Daddy Issues prompt above).

Kinks for this one include:

Rough Sex
Con turned Non-Con
Suicide (can go into more detail, far from required)
Multiple Characters

Lots of other things as well, but again, those are the focus areas. I'd love to discuss where these scenes could go, happy to even consider a sort of cult like environment for the serial killer play.

So, how do I play? Typically via messages here, but also can do Discord, via Servers, with OOC banter, Roleplay Channels and then sort of photo/video inspiration channels for characters or other things. I like to get to know my partners outside of play, but that isn't a requirement and certainly respect boundaries when it comes to those things.

If you'd like to discuss a play, let me know! If you want to message me with your Discord handles I can reach out on there, or we can chat in PM first to see if we fit. I also am willing to use google docs/g chat for the right partner as well.

Hope to talk to you soon.

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